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1、vt.吸收 absorb water/chemicals; absorb oneself in sth 沉浸于 be absorbed in sth/doing 沉浸于某事abstractvt.提炼 abs- = ab-; n.摘要; adj.抽象的abstract some mineral out of the ore从矿石中提炼矿物 tractor 拖拉机 -tract 拖,拉; extract vt.拔出extract a tooth 拔牙distract vt.转移; contract vi.挤压,压缩,收缩; protract vt.延长absurdadj.荒谬的,荒唐的,荒诞的ab

2、undantadj.大量的abusevt.滥用;虐待 n.滥用,虐待; abuse ones power/authorityabuse ones wife 虐待; abuse captives 虐待俘虏; drug abuse 吸毒 child abuse 虐待儿童academicadj.专业的,学术的; academic custume 学位服academy 专业院校(方向); a military academy 军事院校college 专科院校;学院(英)=school; institute 研究院school 大学下属学院(美); law/bussiness school法/商学院;u

3、niversity 综合大学 universe 宇宙;academic degree 学位; academic term 专业术语academic freedom 学术自由; academic discussion 学术探讨acceleratev.加速=speed up; slow down减速; to accelerate ones car 提速accessn.进入,途径u; -cess,-ceed= go,move;vt. 1.接通(电脑等); 取数; 存取; 2.得到, 了解; 3.接近, 进入, 使用have access to doing有做sth的途径,方法可以得到,可以获得Stu

4、dent should have access to excellent books.学生应该读到优秀的书籍.exceed vt.超出.范围go out of/beyond; exceed the speed limit 超速exceed ones expectations超出预期excess n.过多,过度 an excess of; an excess of praise/criticismexcessive adj.过多的,极端的,额外;proceed vi.继续proceed to sth; proceed to ones master degreeprocess n.进程,过程; i

5、n process of 在做sth过程当中precede v.在前面,领先于; in the preceding paragraph 在前面一段precedent n.前例,先例; concede v.让步,妥协; concession n.妥协succeed 成功succeed in; 继承succeed to; succeed/fail in 成功/失败success n.成功; succession n.继承,系列 a succession ofsuccessive adj.系列的,连续不断的; successful adj.成功的recede vi.退回,衰退; recession

6、衰退economic recessionacclaimn./v.欢呼; claim 声称; proclaim 宣布= declare; proclaim peace/ warreclaim vt.要求归还,要求收回; reclaim sth backaccommodate1.容纳=contain(物); 2.给sb提供居所(人);3.使适应adapt/ condition/ adjust/ accommodate/ condition oneself/sth to调节自己以适应; be apt to do 易于;往往commode n.无斗橱,衣柜;commodity n.商品;commodi

7、ous adj.宽敞的accompanyvt.陪伴 accompany sb to sp; company 1公司2伙伴;Two is company;three is none. 两人成伴,三人不欢accordvt.授予n.一致; cord n.细绳,细线;accord/award/grant/give sb sth 授予某人某物 in accord with sb和保持一致; in accordance with = according to 根据 with one accord adv.一致; of ones own accord 自愿的,自发的accomplishvt.完成,达到,实现

8、; complete;accomplish ones purpose; sense of accomplishment 成就accountn.帐目 accountant 会计师; count v.数1.takeinto account 考虑到= consider;2.account for a.占(比例)b.解释;There is no accounting for tastes. 爱好是不需要解释的3.on this/that account 因为原因; on no account 决不accumulatevt.(逐渐)积累; -cumul 累积,积累; cumulative 累积的,积累的

9、accumulate riches/a fortuneaccusevt.指责,指控; curse 咒骂,诅咒;accuse sb of sth= charge sb with sth 指控某人某事; charge for 收费;sue sb for sth 起诉; prosecute sb for sth 起诉(超纲)accustomedadj.习惯了的; custom 风俗,习俗; used to do 过去常常do sthbe accustomed to doing= be used to doing习惯于do;achievevt.取得; ache 疼痛; achieve ones pur

10、pose; achievement 成就headache, backache, toothache; No ache, no achievement.accomplish 完成,实现 complete; accomplish ones purpose accomplishment 成就attain a.vt.实现,完成,取得; b. vi.达到,到达attain (to)(答案)attain ones purpose attainment 造诣;attain (to) the mountain top 到达山顶;attain (to) manhood 进入成年期; attain (to) pe

11、rfection 臻于完美acknowledgevt.承认; knowledge 知识; acknowledge doing;admit doing/to doing (被迫)承认;confess doing/to doing (罪行的)承认,忏悔acquaintvt.结识,使熟悉,使了解; acquaint oneself with sb/sth= be acquainted with sb/sth = be familiar with sb/sth 了解.acquaintance n.u熟悉,了解c熟人;have a bowing/nodding acquaintance with sb

12、和sb点头之交make an/the acquaintance of sb; make a friend of sb;make a fool of sb 愚弄sb; make a habit of doing 养成一个习惯acquirevt.(通过努力)获得 -quire 追求acquire a degree/language(褒义)inquire 询问,调查; require 需要,要求; get (最泛的)得到obtain (通过某种具体的方式)得到obtain a wallet/lessonsecure adj.安全的 vt.确保得到 ; secure a ticketactualadj

13、.实际的; the actual head of the firm; actually adv.实际上= in fact;act vi.行动,表演; action n.行动,行为; active adj.积极的,主动的activity n.行为,活跃; actor/actress n.演员,女演员react v.反应react to reaction n.反应;counteract vt.反作用于,抵消; counteract poison 解毒counteraction n.counter n.柜台 counter-相反的,对应的counterpart n.对应的角色; countersig

14、n n.口令,暗号counterfeit n.假钞,赝品 -feit 钱; adj.假冒的,伪造的vt.假冒,伪造forfeit 罚金; counter-clockwise 逆时针的;transact v.交易; transaction n.交易acuteadj.1急性的2敏锐的3强烈的; acute disease 反义词:chronic; acute sense of smell; 3.acute painadaptvt.使适应= adjust/accommodate/condition使适应apt 1.(人)聪明的,敏捷的= clever; apt to d

15、o有做sth的趋势adapt oneself to (只能接人,侧重结果)adopt sth 采纳,接受adopt sbs advice;adopt sb 领养 adopt an orphan; an adopted son 养子adoptive parents 养父母; opt/option/optional 选择additionaladj.增加的,额外的= extraaddressv.发表演讲,做演讲; vt.称呼address sb as; n.地址(不重要); dress 衣服address to sb at a meeting 在会上发言adequateadj.1令人满意的satis

16、fying; 2.足够的(质量)an adequate husband 令人满意的老公; an adequate salary 足够的薪水equal adj.平等的,等同的; sufficient adj.足够的 enough(数量)insufficient= deficient 不足的;proficient n.adj.擅长(的),精通(的); be proficient/skilled/expert at/inample adj.大量的,丰富的; abundant adj.大量的,丰富的adherevi.粘附,坚持 adhere to 坚持; adhere to the original

17、plan坚持原计划stick to=adhere to ; cling to a.指人-(固执)坚持b.粘在上insist on 坚持(主张); persist in doing sth 坚持继续dopersevere in doing (坚韧不拔的)继续做; severe 严酷的adjustvt.调整,调节(可接人,可接物,侧重过程) ; adjust a microscope/telescopeadjust oneself to 调整自己以适应; adjust sth to just adj.正直的,公正的,合理的; a just judge;a just sentence 公正的判决;

18、a just claim 合理的要求;justice n.公正,正义,合理administervt.管理; minister n.部长,大臣; administration n.管理MBA=Master of Business Administrationadmirevt.钦佩,羡慕; envy vt.忌妒 envy sbs good luck; appreciate 欣赏admitv.1承认admit doing/to doing (被迫)承认; 2.允许进入 -mit=go;admission n.允许 an admission test 入学考试=entrance testacknowl

19、edge doing; confess doing/to doing (罪行的)承认,忏悔permit sb to do 允许transmit a disease 传播疾病; transmit televised signals 传送电视信号submit to sb= surrender to= give way to= give in to 屈服于sb;omit 1遗漏,忽略2省略(故意的);emit vt.发射= send out; emit light 发光adolescentn.青少年; scent 香水,香味adoptvt.采纳,收养 -opt 选择; adopt sbs advic

20、e 采纳意见adopt an orphan 收养孤儿; adopted son 养子; adoptive parents 养父母advancev.前进; vt. 提出= put/ bring forward; n.前进;进步 van- 前锋,先驱;make progress/advance; advance to; advanced adj.先进的,高级的advantagen.优势 disadvantage 劣势adventuren.冒险(运动); venture n.(事业)冒险; a joint venture 合资企业advertisev.做广告; advertisement n.广告a

21、dvisableadj.明智的= sensible; advise v.建议; advice n.建议advisor n.顾问; advisory adj.顾问的advocatevt.倡导,提倡 advocate sth; vocal adj.嗓音的,发音的affectv.1感动affect/move sb; be affected by a story; 2.影响(贬义)Smoking is apt to affect ones health. 吸烟往往影响人的健康.effect n.have an effect on sb/sth;influence n. (中性) have an inf

22、luence on sbaffectionn.爱= love; win sbs affections赢得sb的爱;affectionate adj.慈祥的,恩爱的; affectionate eyes/parents/couplesaffiliatevt.附在 n.分支机构,子公司,分公司; affiliate A to B= attach A to B固定在a middle school affiliated to Renmin University人大附属中学affluentadj.富有的,富裕的; fluent adj.流利的; flu 流感live in affluent circum

23、stancesaffordv.承担的起,负担的起agencyn.代理机构 XinHua agency; a news agency;agent n.代理人 a housing agentagendan.议事日程; on the agenda根据议事日程aggravatevt加剧,加重,恶化; aggravate an illness 加重病情grave n.坟墓 adj.严重的,重大的; grave news 重大新闻aggressionn.1.进取心,上进心2.挑衅,侵略 -gress 滚动,走aggressive adj.1.有进取心的; 2.挑衅的,侵略的congress 会议,国会;

24、progress 进步; regress 退步agonyn.剧痛pain/suffering; in agony;aidv.帮助; n.帮助; come to sbs aid/rescue 来帮助/拯救sbalarmn.警报;vt.使恐慌 sound/give an alarm; an alarm clockA Fare Well to Arms 永别了武器alertvt.使警觉alienationn.疏远; alien n.外星人,外国人; adj.陌生的; alienate vt.使疏远alikeadj.(表语)adv.相同,相似; treak sb alike 同样的对待sblike v

25、t.喜欢 prep.像.一样 adj.相似的; Like father,like son.likely adj.有可能be likely to do; adv. Most likely, S+Vallegevt.宣称,认为; assume 认为(观点的提出); allege 认为(断言,宣称)assert 认为(没有证据的断言); claim 认为(声称)argue 1.主张,认为;2.(口)争执,争论; 3. 支持/反对argue for/againstappreciate 理解,欣赏,增长;感激(口)imagine 想象,翻译成认为; consider 考虑,翻译成认为我认为用: beli

26、eve; hold that.; be of the opinion that.allocatevt.分配,分发; be located in= be situated in 坐落于allowancen.零花钱,津贴,补贴; allow 允许; dress allowance;a housing allowance 住房津贴; entertainment allowance 招待费allyv.结为联盟 n.同盟国,支持者; rely vi.依赖,依靠 rely onalterv.改变(部分,程度) alter ones trousersalternate v.轮流使用; adj.轮流的alte

27、rnate kindness with severity 恩威并施alternative n.替代物,选择余地,选择方法 have no alternative but to do别无选择dovary vt.使多样化 vi.浮动 vary ones diet 使自己的饮食多样化vary from A to B; vary between A and B; variety n.多样化,多样性range v.浮动,变动n.范围,领域range from A to B ; range between A and Bmodify 改进 modify the law修订法律convert (两种事物之间

28、的)转变 convert some dollars into RMB;convert defeat into victory 转败为胜; convert criminals 改造罪犯altituden.海拔高度 attitude 态度; longitude 经度; latitude 纬度amateuradj.业余的an amateur player; professional adj.专业的amazevt.使惊异 be/feel amazed; astonish vt.使惊愕 be/feel astonishedambitiousadj.雄心壮志的,野心勃勃的; ambition n.抱负,雄心;野心a soaring ambition 凌云壮志; a modest ambition 一个中庸的志向

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