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1、 考试方式 姓名 学号 指导教师2012 年 12 月 25 日Differences between Chinese and Western Courtesy Expressions AbstractWith the development of our countrys economy, international exchange and cooperation becomes more frequent. The process of communication in which people in different cultural backgrounds are engaged

2、is Intercultural Communication. And language is the most basic and important media to intercultural communication. Therefore, as a foreign language learner we should fully understand the culture of the language. It is unquestionable that the relationship between language and culture is very close. L

3、anguage is the carrier of culture. The process of learning a foreign language is also the process of understanding this countrys culture. The degree of mastering this countrys cultural background knowledge influences directly ones capability of using the language. It is the premise of using the lang

4、uage properly. This paper talks about the relationship between language and culture. Then it reveals differences between the Chinese and Western cultures by analyzing the differences of everyday expressions between the Chinese and Westerners. It clarifies that language learning means culture learnin

5、g and emphasizes the importance of paying attention to this cultural difference. It also recommends several ways to learn the culture background of English countries.Key words: culture,life , communion, language摘 要 随着我国社会经济的发展,国际间的交流与合作日益密切,不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程就是跨文化交际。而语言便是进行跨文化交际最基本、也是最重要的媒介。本论文试图回答的研究问

6、题是:注重中西方文化差异的重要性,我们将采用从语言与文化的关系和生活文化比较入手的方法,总结归纳注重中西方文化差异的,并针对这些原因增强我们对西方文化的了解,改善因生活文化的差异而带来的误解。 本文以中西文化的生活作为研究,分析中西生活之间的不同,尝试运用对比的手法,以证明中西文化的差异存在很大的差异。作者希望通过本次研究, 可以有助于不同文化背景的人从事交际的过程障碍,从而提高我国社会经济的发展,国际间的交流与合作。关键词:文化,生活习惯,交流,语言Differences between Chinese and Western Courtesy Expressions1 Introducti

7、on1.1 Privacy conflicChinas concept of privacy has been relatively weak, and that the individual should be vested in the collective, with the stress unity, fraternity, mutual concern, therefore often very willing to understand other peoples mixed, the other side is also willing to frankly. And the o

8、nly way to show how care about each other when the other side real friends to view. Westerners, by contrast, they are very focus on privacy, and emphasize personal space, a strong sense of personal, not too many others to mention their own affairs, even more reluctant to let others interfere. Even m

9、ore are close friends, they would talk Enough is enough. Therefore, in both Chinese and Western on the issue of privacy often conflicts, such as: Chinas first meeting will often asked each others age, marital status, children, occupation, income and even in the eyes of the Chinese people is an act o

10、f courtesy, but in the West think that the eyes of these issues a violation of their privacy. 1.2 The conflict of timeWestern concept of time is very, very cherish their time in life tend to advance on the time made careful arrangements and plans, and develop a good habit of flying time. In the West

11、, to visit someone, prior notice or agreement, and indicate the purpose of visit, time and place, the business will be conducted after. Chinas people are more accustomed to the time of the countries in the use of time is very arbitrary, as Westerners generally not as strict accordance with the plan,

12、 sometimes even met with others may be just a temporary decision or early half only hours, flying in the punctuality extent, the less stringent, a few minutes late is very common situation. And the reason is a pretext for the sale, any traffic jam ah, what is happening at home from the provisional b

13、ody can not ah, and so on. This area vary greatly with Westerners, Westerners are often able to meet this, it is difficult to accept. However, the Chinese people have taken for granted, do not feel there is any inappropriate.1.3 The conflict of courtesyChina has always been a more traditional areas

14、of the country. China also has been modest attention in communication with the people, emphasizes Belcher own statue, see this as a virtue, which is a rich Chinese cultural heritage, courtesy phenomenon. We commend the people, we tend to a self-criticism to show modest and polite. This is particular

15、ly prominent in the name, such as on their own to others will be introduced his wife: This is Jianna! My son will be Quanzi and said that he is I and so on. But others call it is a light put words: your fathers parents are Liantang, and the other is the son of the son, and so on. Them to as a courte

16、sy, a courtesy, others under their own forever. In particular, by praise or recognition, the Chinese people always like this sentence:Where where your winning! When not afraid! On the contrary, the Western countries have no such cultural practices, when they are praised, the Association is pleased t

17、o say Thank you acceptance of other peoples praise. Initial contact with the Chinese people may also think that this is a narcissism what? Westerners call expression and the Chinese seem to the contrary, the more intimate relationship, the more accustomed am having its name. Traveled around the Unit

18、ed States in the Family album USA, the grandson Robbie see Grandpa, called the Voice of Grandpa, Grandpa immediately corrected to Call me Malcolm appears briefly Duida, yet they Jiesunlia to narrow the gap between the many. In the eyes of Chinese people, this is kind of great disrespect is absolutel

19、y not the. The difference between Chinese and Western cultures, we believe that the West is too self-confident, without modesty, and when Westerners have heard that the Chinese people to deny others their own tribute or hear their denial of their own achievements, even when their criticism of worthl

20、ess , would be very surprised that the Chinese people dishonest.2. Differences in Value Concept and Moral Criteria2.1 IntroductionIndividual sense of honor and modest, westerners worship individual striving, especially proud of personal achievements, and never concealing self-confidence, sense of ho

21、nor as well as ecstasy of success.2.2 Individual Freedom VS Harmonious CooperationWesterners treasure the individual freedom, doing thing in their own wish, behaving alone, not subject to restriction.Except teamwork sounds better than collectivism. Take the most American sport of all, football. Ever

22、yone has an extremely specialized role that they fill. We invented the assembly line, you know?American entertainment is also seperate and ics. a designated writer, penciller, inker, colorist, all specialised to work together as a pared to Asians, take Japan.Their comics. have an artist who does the

23、 writing/penciling/inking and sometimes coloring. He has assistants which are like appressed who learn from him. None is specialized to a particular role.America is full of collectives, everybody wants to belong.2.3 Pioneering Spirit VS Medium WayWest culture encourages people to develop the innovat

24、ion, doing something outstanding or never done.Western culture is adventurous and exploration based. Westerners like to discover new things, invention and expand outwards. For instance, bungee jumping is considered adventurous and common in western culture, but you will probably find no-one doing su

25、ch a thing in China. Western culture is based on science, which attempts to resolve people and natures relationship.2.4 Self-center VS SacrificeWesterners self-center consciousness and the independent consciousness are very strong, mainly displays in: (1) self- responsibility. In the law of the jung

26、le society, surviving and the survival quality all are decided by ones ability, therefore, each one all must strive, and place the personal interest in first place (2) careless about others, or helping other people, never inquiring about other peoples matter. (3) as a result of the above two, it is

27、frequently embarrassing in helping others or accepting others help in the West. Because, ones accepting help only proved to be incompetence, and helping others would be considered interfering others privacy.This is true, esp. in western society where the individualism was always valued and a persona

28、l creativity and freedom was emphasized, and work was based on individual performance. These are values systems highly priced in western society, but not much in eastern society where work was not based on individual performance but on whether the whole company (the mass) is doing well (collectivism

29、), how you relate to people (humanism), how you respect your elders etc.3Differences in Social Cernaon3.1 IntroductionCultural differences on politeness between western and Chinese can be found in many aspects of daily communication, including addressing, greeting and parting, compliments, apologies

30、, thanks, etc. In the following, we will look at some cultural different between China and western.3.2 Greeting and PartingWhen people meet acquaintances or friends, people usually greet each other. The purpose of greeting is to establish or maintain social contact. So formulaic expressions are ofte

31、n used, but such formulaic expressions often causes conflict because of the great cultural differences between Chinese and native English speakers. In English, people often employ the following expressions to greet each other “Good morning/evening/afternoon. “Fine day, isnt it? ”How is everything go

32、ing?”Have you eaten yet?” What are you going to do?” Where have you been?”etc. Westerners treat them as real question. While in Chinese, we always say “你吃了吗(Did you eat)?”“你上哪里去(Where are you going)?”“你干什么去(Why do you going there)?”to show our consideration. Parting may be divided into two steps. Before the final prating, there is usual a leav

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