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1、Its an orange.O-R-A-N-G-E.Orange.Its a quilt.Q-U-I-L-T. Quilt.Its a ruler.R-U-L-E-R. Ruler.2请学生观看动画,一起操练目标语。Play the flash. Ask students to make conversations in pairs.Make conversations in pairs.两人一组练习对话。Its a jacket.Spell it please.J-A-C-K-E-T. Jacket.Whats this in English?Spell it please.学中活动一目标语

2、的学习和词汇复习:1)Spell it, please.K-E-Y.2)Words learned in Section A教材Section B中的1a、1b在听、说、读、写的训练中,复习学过的词汇,学习、掌握新的目标语。3布置1a的听力任务。Ask students to listen and practice the conversation in pairs.Listen and practice.听,练习对话。4播放1b听力音频,要求学生给所列单词排序。Play the tape and ask students to number the words.核对答案。Check the

3、answers.1. key2. quilt3. ruler4. penListen and number.听,排序。学中活动二词汇复习和目标语言的综合训练5要求学生观察2a图片,写出知道的英文单词。Ask students to finish2a.E.g. map, jacket, orange, ruler, pen, map, table, window, pillow, bed 建议在这个活动中多给学生一些时间,让学生写出尽量多的单词。老师可在黑板上写下一些没有在课本中出现的、学生不会拼的单词。Look and write the words.看图片,写出单词。E.g. map, ja

4、cket, orange, ruler, pen,table, window, pillow, bed 6要求学生先观看动画,再谈论2a中的物品。Ask students to watch the flash and talk about the things in Its a map M-A-P.要求学生口头拼出单词后,还要把该单词写出来。Ask and answer questions.进行对话练习。Write the words they talk about.写出物品的英文单词。7请学生看视频Whats this in English?然后说出视频中的物品名称。Ask students

5、 to watch the video and say the names of the things.Watch the video and say the names of the things.看视频,然后说出视频中的物品名称。学中活动三复习字母AR,学习元音字母A,E,I,O在单词中的的发音规律。教材Section B中的3a、3b、Activity 4在听、读、写实践活动中,熟练掌握字母A到R的写法和读法以及学习元音字母A,E, I, O在单词中的发音规律。学生行为8布置3a的听力任务。让学生听录音,圈出他们所听到的字母。Ask students to listen to the t

6、ape and circle the letters they hear.Listen and circle.听录音,圈出听到的字母。JDKPAHQEN9播放动画核对答案,再要求学生按顺序读圈出的字母。Askstudentsto check the answers and read the circled letters.Check the answers and read the circled letters.核对答案,读出字母。 10布置3b的任务。Ask students to finish the task in3b.Fill in the missing letters.填出缺少的

7、字母。ABCFGILMNORabcdefghijklmnopqr11要求学生看动画并核对答案。Ask students to watch the flash and check the answers.12请学生用升调朗读字母A到R。Ask students to read the letters from A to R together withrising tone.Read the letters from A to R together with用升调齐读字母A到R。13请学生用降调朗读字母A到R。Ask students to read the letters together wi

8、thfalling tone.在这个部分朗读字母,目的是让学生巩固字母发音。教师要注意纠正学生不准确的发音。Readthe letters from A to R together with用降调齐读字母A到R。14布置Activity 4听力任务,并让学生跟读字母和单词。Play the tape. Ask students to listen and repeat.Listen and repeat.听,跟读。15请一名学生分别朗读元音字母A,E,I,O的发音示例。每读完一个字母或者单词,其他同学跟读。提醒学生注意发音规律。Ask one student to read the lette

9、rs and words and others to follow.One student reads the letters and words and others follow.一名学生读,其他学生跟读。A J KDateGraceB C D E GeveninghifineOKFrankthanksjacketmapHelenpenquiltorange16请学生用升调朗读元音字母A,O的字母及其发音示例。Ask students to read the letters and words together withRead the letters and words together

10、 withrising tone.用升调齐读元音字母及其发音示例。17请学生用降调再读一遍。Ask students to read together again withfalling tone.Read the letters and words together with falling tone.用降调齐读元音字母及其发音示例。18补充一个字母游戏“Wheres ABC?”Ask students to play the game.这个游戏很有意思,学生都会喜欢做,但有的字母不一定找得到,教师要给予学生一定的提示,直到找到所有字母为止。其中还有没有学过的即R以后的字母,同样也要鼓励学生

11、找出来。Play the flash game.做游戏。学后活动学习效果评价:复习本单元内容。一、写出字母Aa到Rr。Key: AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRr二、听写单词。what, is, this, in, English, a, an, it, map,orange, jacket, key, pen, ruler, spell, please三、写出本单元的目标语。 K-E-Y.在口语的练习中,巩固本单元知识,提高口语表达能力。19播放音频,要求学生学唱26字母歌。Ask students to listen and sing.Listen a

12、nd sing.听,跟唱。20播放动画。要求学生结对练习目标语。Ask students to make conversations in pairs.A: Whats this in English?B: Its a / an Spell it, please.结对练习对话。21利用PPT中的图片,请学生用本单元的功能句结对编对话。Ask students to look at the pictures and make conversations in pairs using the target language in this unit.Look at the pictures and make conversations in pairs.看图,编对话。Whats this?O-R-A-N-G-E.22请几对学生到教室前面表演对话。Ask several pairs to present their conversations in front of the class.Listen and learn.倾听,学习。

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