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1、1We can walk along the River Thames. Youll be able to see2Maybe, the typical3Graffiti isll be able to see lots of places of historical interest., 2Maybe, the typical British phone booths or the red buses., 3Graffiti is part of Londons street culture!二、填空,概述英国电视发展史。Television broadcasting started in

2、the United Kingdom in 1936 as a public service(free of advertising). In 1953 the Conservative Government introduced a bill to (make arrangements for)commercial television. This was opposed very strongly by the (Labor and Liberal)Parties, but the bill was passed and commercial television flourishes.

3、Now there is a collection of(free and subscription)services over a variety of distribution media, through which there are over 480 channels for consumers as well as(on-demand content). In the United Kingdom and(the Crown Dependencies), any household watching or recording live television transmission

4、s as they are being broadcast (terrestrial, satellite, cable, or Internet) is required to hold a(television license). Since April 1, 2010 the(annual license fee)has been 145.50 for color and 49.00 for(black and white). On October 24, 2012, all television broadcasts in the United Kingdom were in a di

5、gital format.三、英译汉。1.Graffiti painting is traditionally a daredevil pursuit.涂鸦传统上是一个冒险的追求。2.But over the past decade, graffiti has all but disappeared from Britains cities.但在过去十年中,涂鸦几乎从英国的城市中消失了。3. The most obvious reason for the decline in tagging and train-painting is better policing.乱涂乱画和在火车上涂鸦的事

6、件减少的最明显原因是监控更得力了。4. The Internet means that painters can win far more attention by posting pictures online than they can by breaking into a railway yard.互联网意味着画家把图片贴在网上可以比闯入铁路站场作画会赢得更多的关注。5. It has become something to do on a Sunday afternoon a slightly healthier alternative to sitting and watching

7、football.这已经成为周日下午必做之事比坐着看足球稍微更利于健康的替代选择。四、访谈:并记录相关内容。1How many people are there in your family?There are threemy father, my mother and me. I havent got any brothers or sisters.2Do your family members often watch TV? How many hours do they spend watching TV every day on average?We dont like watching

8、 TV very much. We just watch the news most of the time, about 2 hours a day.3What kind of TV programs do your family members like to watch?National and international news.4Do your family members often watch TV together?Less time spent watching TV together because of work.五、写作:电视对家庭关系的影响。1Do you thin

9、k that the impact of television on family relationship is positive or negative? Or both?2List two or three reasons to prove that the impact is positive or negative.3What are your suggestions to make the family relationship healthier?Many people think that TV cant teach you anything and most TV progr

10、ams are just silly. True, there are a lot of shows that are anything but good. But if you watch, you will find that TV is still a powerful educational tool. With the emergence of the public TV in our country we now have more helpings of food for the mind. Take the travelogue the world we live in it

11、provides us not only with vicarious travel experience but also with the histories and cultures of various nations. S pec live, what they wear and how they talk even though I cant afford to travel to those countries. My family often sit together to watch a program and discuss it afterward. Sometimes

12、my parents ask us what we would do in a similar situation and this gives us the opportunity to rethink.We should not forget that TV can be an excellent teacher. In this era of mass media we believe that TV, if guided into the right channel, can really fire our imagination and contribute to family co

13、hesion.Unit 2 City or Country一、根据对话内容,回答以下问题。1.Where does Zhang Hua live these days?Zhang Hua lives in the countryside.2.What has made Zhang Hua move to the country?Hes got fed up with the tension of city life.3.What does Zhang Hua plan to do in the future?He may become a farmer.二、再听一遍上述对话的录音,判断下面的表

14、述是否正确。1.The newspaper says we should sort trash. ()2.Many communities have not already done that. ()3.Trash is trash not only when everything is mixed together.(4.It is high time for us to sort out the trash.()5.People should be informed about how to do that in the first place.()三、根据对话内容,回答以下问题。6.Di

15、d Molly agree to sort trash? Why?Yes. She always hates people mixing all trash together.7.What are the benefits of sorting trash?If trash is sorted. it will be transferred to factories instead of the disposal plant. With trash separated. pollution caused by incineration can be avoided.8.How can we m

16、ake trash useful to us?By separating and recycling. trash can be useful to us.9.What is Peters concern about sorting trash?He worries that some people may have no idea how to sort trash.四、根据短文大意判断正误。1.The author has lived in the countryside for more than a decade, and he / she loves living there.()2

17、.Living in the country is not interesting at all.(3.The author takes a walk or drives along country roads almost every day.()4.People living in the country usually go shopping every Saturday.()5.According to the author, nobody dislikes countryside life.(五、请用短文中的词汇将语句补充完整。6.He said the press invaded

18、peoples(privacy)unfairly and unjustifiably every day.7.He(tends)the flower beds and evergreens that he has planted in the driveway.8.They expected him to(participate)in the ceremony.9.His business empire(collapses)under a massive burden of debt.10.I hope what I have written will be of(benefit)to som

19、eone else who may feel the same way.六、根据你对上文中文章的理解填空,概括文章主要内容。The author often walks around the city at night to(collect / gather)garbage, and(sorts)out it back home. He picks out the(useable)things and to create art. What other people see as garbage, he sees as(potential)art. The pieces he creates

20、are mainly animals and robot(sculpture)The process of creation is not(complex)at all. First, he tries to find some(inspiration)by playing materials he collected with different(combination)and configurations. Then something “clicks” and he has an(idea)about what he wants to create. After that, it is

21、only a matter of realizing his(vision)He is very happy because he is doing something he loves, something also meaningful and profitable.七、把下面的句子翻译成中文1.I usually have no problem filling the two bags I bring with me.通常,我装满随身带着的两个口袋没有任何问题。2.Its not art in the state I find it. Through creativity and tri

22、al-and-error, it becomes art.我发现它时,它远不是艺术。经过创造性加工和反复试验,它变成了艺术。3.The process I go through from the raw materials to a finished piece is not complex at all.我所经历的从原材料到成品的过程一点也不复杂。4.I typically do this for a few days or a week before something “clicks” and I have an idea about what I want to create.这件事我

23、通常会做上几天或一周的时间,直到突然茅塞顿开,我会弄明白我的创意所在。八、选择合适的主题句,了解备忘录的结构。A.Include the date. B.Choose a specific phrase for the subject line.C.Address the reader formally.D.Write your name in the From line.The word “memorandum”means something that should be remembered or kept in mind. To write a readable, effective m

24、emo, you should: 1.(C)a full name and title of the person to whom you are sending the memo. If you are sending a memo to the entire staff, you might write: “TO: All Employees”.2.(D)The heading needs to include who is writing and sending the memo. Your full name and job title go in this line.3.(A)Wri

25、te the complete date, spelling out the month and including the date and year. For example, write: DATE: January 5, 2015(美式)” or “DATE: 5 January, 2015 (英式)”.4.(B)The subject line gives the reader an idea of what the memo is about. Be specific but concise. For example, instead of writing, “Ants”, for

26、 the subject, be more specific by writing,“Ant Problem in the Office”.九、商务备忘录Business Memos(商务备忘录)Unlike letters, the external communications of a company, business memos are an internal form of communication and it is standard practice to save them. Their objective is to deliver information or inst

27、ructions. Their scope should be limited to a single topic so that the reader will “get the message” quickly and, if necessary, take an action.Confined to(局限于)a single topic, each interoffice, interdepartmental and companywide memo becomes part of the institutional memory of an organization. In short

28、, they speed up the daily business of doing business; they keep people who need to be kept in the know.When a business organization designs an official letterhead it often also designs an official memo sheet, complete with a company logo featured at the top of the page. Besides having a professional

29、 look and feel, preprinted memo sheets often provide specialized information fields that accommodate specific procedures for expediting(加速)in-house communications.Unit 3 Education Fairness一、阅读理解,句子内容匹配,了解教育公平状况。A.the 100th anniversary of IWDB .gender equality and womens empowerment were largely radi

30、cal ideasC. knowledge-drivenD.a positive effect on the well-being of their families, their communities and nationsE.lots of women are still trapped by poverty, discrimination, unemployment, illiteracy and violence1. International Womens Day (IWD) in 2011(A)2. One hundred years ago(B)3. The global economy(C)4. Investing in women and girls through the education sector(D)5. In many countries and societies(E)二、查词义并造句,加深对关键词的理解。Key Words:Access:入口;通道;获得某事的路径、条件。Equality in society is absolutely, and fundamentally, linked to equality in access to educa

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