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1、二一二年五月Explore the Development of the Haojing College from Diversified Education Abstract This paper mainly makes a study about diversified education and its application. Through learning, analysis and summarizing the diversified education, we understand more about its purpose and significance grasp

2、the law of its development, at the same time, combine with the development of the Haojing College closely. From this point, the Haojing Colleges education mode, management mode, student activities must become more diversified. Focused on the style of teaching , teaching content , using more flexible

3、 method to study and unifying more education models are contributed to the development of Haojing College .and meet the needs of this papers subject that it not only satisfy the needs of social development with irrigating the economic development and the improvement of the science and technology, bu

4、t for the comprehensive sustainable development services. Key words: diversified education, Haojing College of Shaanxi University of Science & Technology,education, Economic development 从多元化教育观镐京学院的发展摘 要通过对多元化教育进行分析,归纳和总结,了解多元化教育及其目地和意义,把握其发展规律,联系到镐京学院的发展中,使镐京学院教学模式,管理模式,学生活动更加多元化。具体主要在学院的教学方式,教学内容,

5、管理实践上进行多样性研究,将多元化教育统一于镐京学院的教育模式中,致力于镐京学院的发展和镐京人能够符合课题中提出的人才及社会需求问题既满足市场竞争中个人所学技能对社会之所需,充分发挥了个人的主观能动性,又满足了镐京教育对于的整体教育不仅体现在发展经济和提高科学技术,而且为全面可持续的发展服务。关键词:多元化教育,镐京学院,教育,经济发展目 录1 绪论 11.1多元化定义 11.2多元化教育 11.2.1多元化教育的概念 11.2.2 多元化教育的内容 11.2.3 多元化教育的意义 11.2.4 多元化教育的案例分析 31.3多元化教育的必要性 41.4 多元化教育理念与镐京学院实际情况的结合

6、 41.4.1 镐京学院简介 41.4.2 镐京学院办学理念 41.4.3 镐京学院特色 52 多元化教育的历史和应用 62.1 多元化教育的历史背景 63 多元化教育的评定 83.1 多元化教育的优缺点 83.2 多元化教育的体系理论 113.2.1 教学方法的多元化体系 123.2.2教学内容的多元化体系 123.2.3 教学评价的多元化体系 123.2.4 教学主体的多元化体系 134 镐京学院的办学现状分析 144.1 思想观念及认识问题 144.2 教学管理模式 144.3 镐京学院教学管理模式的成果 154.4 镐京学院管理模式中存在的问题 165 镐京学院多元化体制中的发展策略

7、185.1 加强管理模式“严格管理”与“理性管理”的结合 185.2 进一步完善由“专业型人才”向“国际型人才”的转变 195.3 进一步扩大“走出去战略” 20结 语 21致 谢 22参 考 文 献 24毕业设计说明书(论文)缩写 25毕业设计说明书(论文)缩写译文 321 绪论大学生作为一个思想活跃、个性多样的社会群体,其思想状况呈现出显著的多元化的特征。当前大学生思想政治教育面临着许多新情况、新问题、新挑战。严峻的挑战提醒我们,高校正成为各种思想文化相互激荡的前沿,这使当代大学生思想政治教育面临着新的挑战。加强和改进思想政治工作,注重人文关怀和心理疏导,用正确方式处理人际关系,是当前大学


9、广义的教育指的是,凡是有目的地增进人的知识技能,影响人的思想品德、增强人的体质的活动。不论是有组织或是无组织的、系统的或是零碎的,都是教育。狭义的教育指的是,专门组织的教育,包括全日制、半日制、业余以及函授、刊授、电视、广播等学校的教育。它根据社会的现实和未来的需要,遵循年轻一代身心发展的规律,有目的、有计划、有组织地引导受教育者获取知识技能、陶冶思想品德、发展智力和体力的一种教育活动。多元化教学是指根据特定的教学思想、教学目标运用多种教学形式、教学方法和教学手段组成的多样化的教学。1.2.2 多元化教育的内容近些年关于素质教育的文章铺天盖地。关于素质教育以下观点应该是有广泛认同的:素质教育是

10、多元化的教育。多元化,包括教学内容的多元化、教学方式的多元化、教育手段的多元化。随后我们会逐一说明。1.2.3 多元化教育的意义多元化教学法在教学中的作用主要体现在以下几方面: (1)有利于营造良好的语言环境中国学生学习英语最感到缺乏的就是语言环境,加之教学方法和手段的落后,许多学生感到英语学习枯燥无味,从而失去兴趣,产生畏难情绪,导致整体英语水平不高。正如李岚清副总理指出的那样“很多学生经过八年或十二年的外语学习,然而大多数学生却不能熟练地阅读外文章原版书籍,尤其听不懂,讲不出,难以与外国人直接交流.营造良好的语言环境,能使学生尽可能多地接触英语。有利于增强学生的语感,有利于学生水平的提高。

11、 (2)有利于调动学生的非智力因素,使学生注意力集中,学到的知识易巩固。不论采用何种教学方法,都要注意调动学生的积极性和主动性。在语言学习中,兴趣、注意力、心理因素等非智力因素也起着非常重要的作用。非智力因素是语言学习者在学习语言过程中不可缺少的补充。教师在教学中应充分调动学生潜在的非智力因素。多元化教学正是运用了将视、听、说融为一体的这一手段,充分利用学生在学习中的这些非智力因素,把学生注意力,兴趣引导到学习对象上,进而使学生对学习对象获得深刻,完整的理解,并易于巩固。 (3)有利于使学生获得感性材料,把理论与实际联系起来多元化教学法的基本要求是要使学生有看到、听到、甚至摸到的学习对象1 绪

12、论,充分调动学生运用各种感官去充分感知学习的对象。英语,作为一门语言学习,更需要学生利用口、耳、眼、脑全方位地感知学习对象。美国应用语言学家克拉申(SKr ashen,1981;1982;1985)在他的第二语言学习习得理论中提出了“输入假说”(Input Hypothesis)论。克拉申认为,习得是在可理解的语言输入(Comprehensible Input)的基础上形成的;输入之所以能够被理解,是因为有语境(Context)的帮助。由此,我们可以看出,在第二语言习得的问题上,克拉申强调的是外部语言环境。从语言和认知的发展关系来看,人的语言器官和大脑的发达程度给人类学习语言提供了生理基础,而


14、、事物联系起来,以帮助学生形成正确的、深刻的概念。综上所述,多元化教学法在英语教学中起着非常重要的作用。本文仅从交际英语教学法,自由英语教学法、背诵教学法三个方面谈了我个人粗浅的认识。还有很多问题,有待和致力于英语教学的同行们共同探讨。我相信,在改革开放、经济迅猛发展的今天,英语走向普及将不再是一句空话,但对于我们教育工作者,任重而道远。相信通过我们的共同努力,定能看到中国的英语教育的春天。1.2.4 多元化教育的案例分析众所周知,英语是我国各类学校的一门重要的基础学科,与计算机一样被列为培养21世纪人才必须掌握的基础技能。其目的在于培养学生用英语交流信息的能力。其能力体现在中学英语教学大纲规

15、定的:培养学生具有较强的阅读能力,一定的听、说、写能力。对于把英语当作第二语言学习的中国学生来说,要培养“用英语交流信息的能力”,关键是课堂教学。因此,我们要尽力为学生营造一个融视、听、说于一体的语言环境,而营造这个环境的有效教学手段就是运用多元化的教学方法。 (1)交际英语教学法新编教材英语教学对教者提出了更高的要求,就是使用交际教学法,注重语言的交际功能,强调在大量的交际活动中学习英语,听说在先,读写跟上。运用这种教学法教学,学生学习兴趣浓厚,课堂气氛活跃,一改以往学生愿读不愿讲,能写不能说的状况。以交际英语教学法训练方式之一即景反应训练为例。在实际交际活动中,随时都会出现意料之外的情况,

16、这就要求参与者迅速反应,即时表示赞同或反对,即时提问或表述自己的意见等。但学生常常只能背诵事先准备的话语,当对方所讲内容和自己预料不相符或中途改变时,就不知所措,难以即时作出反应,甚至感到无话可说。为克服这种情况,可把常用句抽出来,让学生作即景反应训练。例如:要求学生开动脑筋,发挥想象力,对“Today is Sunday”这句话进行即景反应。学生可能有多种多样的反应: Sunday comes before Monday so tomorrow is Monday We will go to school tomorrow. We This paper mainly makes a stud

17、y about diversified education and its application. Through learning, analysis and summarizing the diversified education, we understand more about its purpose and significance grasp the law of its development, at the same time, combine with the development of the Haojing College closely. From this po

18、int, the Haojing Colleges education mode, management mode, student activities must become more diversified. Focused on the style of teaching , teaching content , using more flexible method to study and unifying more education models are contributed to the development of Haojing College .and meet the

19、 needs of this papers subject that it not only satisfy the needs of social development with irrigating the economic development and the improvement of the science and technology, but for the comprehensive sustainable development services. Technology,education, Economic development .1 Summary of dive

20、rsified Education 1.1 All kinds of purposeful activity will face the problem that inevitably in the education background, even more and recipients are emotional experience ability, make the evaluation of education more complexity and uncertainty. The exam-oriented education outstanding selection, sc

21、reening evaluation function and malpractice already for many educators. How to solve the problems in the curriculum reform, participation plays the correct evaluation function in the curriculum reform are need positive thinking. The education of China ingrained malady - uniformity, rigid, closed; es

22、tablish a personal dignity, respect personality, freedom and discipline, responsible principle, namely the importance of individuality principle. We must control and takes the individuality principle, fundamentally rethinking education content, method, system, policy and so on in the education field

23、. 1.2 The concept of diversified educationEducation in broad sense refers to all destinations, improving knowledge, influence peoples moral character, to enhance peoples physical activities. Whether no organized or organized, system or is fragmentary, all is education. Narrow sense of education refe

24、rs the specialized organizations, including full-time, , radio and the other school education. It is based on the social reality and the future needs, follow the young generation and mental development of the law, purpose, planned and organized to guide the education to obtain knowledge and skills,

25、cultivate moral, develop inlectual and physical is an educational activity. The diversified teaching means according to the specific teaching thought, teaching goal by various forms of teaching, teaching methods and teaching means consisting of a variety of teaching. 1.3 The advantages and disadvant

26、ages of diversified education The content of education evaluate related to master knowledge and apply knowledge, critical thinking and creative thinking, social inquiry skills and practical ability, communication and cooperation, social responsibility. In order to avoid self-evaluation in , evaluati

27、on combining evaluation with self-evaluation, which ensure the accuracy of evaluation, but also train the students the spirit of mutual cooperation each other. Diversification of education , enhance self-confidence, stimulate inlectual curiosity, protection the curiosity. In favor of curriculum stan

28、dards is comprehensive; promote students academic progress and potential development. The benefit of curricular and extracurricular combination, learning, life practice and to promote students life experience, the accumulation and integration of information. It is evaluation of enthusiasm and creati

29、vity. Of course, education also extremely complexity, many factors and evaluation techniques and methods limitations, so that any kind of education evaluation methods cant be omnipotent, each method characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, scope and boundaries. In the examination-oriented” in educ

30、ation, mostly of evaluation adopt single method, or a simple quantitative method and the simple qualitative method, serious impact on education, scientific objectivity of evaluation results. Therefore, the quality education advocated various evaluation methods combined, for example the qualitative m

31、ethod and quantitative method, self-evaluation and evaluation, result evaluation and process evaluation, diagnostic evaluation, formative evaluation and summative evaluation of combined, so as to give full play to all kinds of strengths evaluation methods and expertise, and can compensate defects and shortcomings for each other , so as to make the evaluation results more objective, impartial diversified education system. In theory, I introduced the diversity of teaching methods, teaching content system of the plurality system, teaching evaluation, diversified of the main teaching syste

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