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1、G. interfere H. potential I. problematic J. sufficient K. wagesWork, Volunteer . . Graduate!I have some good news and some bad news. First, the bad news: just having good grades may not be _1_ to get you your high school diploma. Thats because students are required to complete 90 days of practical t

2、raining and 60 hours of volunteering in order to graduate. Now, the good news: the new requirements are going to give you a head start in _2_ with the real world after your school days are over.Much like Mark Twains famous quote:“ I have never let my schooling _3_ with my education, the Ministry of

3、Education feels there are valuable and necessary lessons to be learned outside of the classroom, such as the responsibilities required in a workplace and of a good _4_. Practical training will provide a _5_safe place to fail and help you build the capability to fix mistakes as you would in your futu

4、re jobs.The ministrys changes, however, may be somewhat _6_. Students are already overwhelmed (压垮) with schoolwork, so where will they find the time? Many Western companies offer internship(实习) and summer jobs to high school students. They see it as part of their corporate responsibility and its als

5、o a good way for them to identify _7_employees. But Chinese companies offer fewer internships and summer jobs, and their programs are not well-developed. Students may just end up sitting around all day. Worse yet, there are some companies which do hire students but just to _8_ their labor. There are

6、 stories of vocational school students who spend long hours on an assembly line and are paid low _9_ Not much tolearn there except how to be _10_ , bored and broke.Hopefully, your practical experience will be better and you will learn useful lessons. The most important of which is, as one businessma

7、n said, “In the workplace,you have to get an A- plus all the time being just good enough just isnt good enough. (2)A. accepted B. applying C. awareness D. connections E. critical F. definedG. distinct H. identify I. success J. profitable K. similaritiesIncrease Your “CQ” IQCQ stands for cultural int

8、elligence and ifs becoming more important in the workplace with each passing year.“With the changes in demographics (人口统计数据)and with the customers we serve, its more important to have that cultural intelligence or cultural_1_, which allows you to adapt behavior in light of cultural differences, says

9、 Murray A. Mann, a leadership coach in Chicago.Studies have shown that companies with a more varied workforce have higher _2_ rates than those of high performing problem solvers. Experts say knowing how to engage with each other is _3_.“With _4_ positive outcomes being associated with culturally dif

10、ferent teams, its very important to improve communication and sensitivity in the workplace,” says Sharon Schweitzer,a cross-cultural expert in Austin, Texas.Before you can understand another culture, you must understand your own. Once you understand the culture that has _5_ your world, you see the v

11、alue of culture. Then you can start learning about others and develop professional relationships with a variety of individuals, regardless of cultural differences.The following are the tips from Schweitzer for building cultural sensitivity:1. Spend time with a variety of co-workers. Create a team at

12、mosphere by avoiding office(小集团)and encouraging varied _6_Frequent interactions and the building of acommunity will help you and your colleagues feel comfortable and _7_,regardless of background.2. Understand the various forms of communication. Nonverbal communication styles can vary by culture and

13、include the definition of personal space. _8_differences and respect them.3. Focus on the _9_. Dont get hung up on the differences. Regardless of home country, human beings share a common desire to relate.4. Promote awareness to intelligence. Man says that cultural intelligence combines cultural kno

14、wledge, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills to achieve improved business results in any cross-cultural situation.“ Cultural intelligence is about _10_strategies, in the moment, with co-workers and clients, he says. 、(3)A. academic B. boundaries G. explore C. achieve D. collectively E. dr

15、amatically F. equal G. explore H. moral I. justice J. promoting K. shrinkingA Letter to Our DaughterDear Max,Your mother and I dont yet have the words to describe the hope you give us for the future. Your new life is full of promise, and we hope you will be happy and healthy so you can _1_ it fully.

16、Like all parents, we want you to grow up in a world better than ours today.While headlines often focus on what9s wrong, in many ways the world is getting better. Health is improving. Poverty is _2_ . Knowledge is growing. People are connecting. Technological progress in every field means your life s

17、hould be _3_ better than ours today.We will do our part to make this happen, not only because we love you, but also because we have a _4_ responsibility to all children in the next generation.We believe all lives have_5_ value, and that includes the many more people who will live in future generatio

18、ns than live today. Our society has an obligation to invest now to improve the lives of all those coming into this world, not just those already here.But right now, we dont always _6_ direct our resources at the biggest opportunities and problems your generation will face.Our hopes for your generati

19、on focus on two ideas : Advancing human potential is about pushing the_7_ on how great a human life can be_8_ equality is about making sure everyone has access to these opportunities regardless of the nation, families or circumstances they are born into.Our society must do this not only for _9_ or c

20、harity, but for the greatness of human progress.Today we are robbed of the potential so many have to offer. The only way to _10_ our full potential is to channel the talents, ideas and contributions of every person in the world.Max, we love you and feel a great responsibility to leave the world a be

21、tter place for you and all children. We wish you a life filled with the same love, hope and joy you give us. We cant wait to see what you bring to this world.Love,Mom and Dad(4) A. appeal B. booming C. budget D. business E. devoted F. graduateG. hiring H. package I. strictly J. targeting K. typicall

22、yCatering to More PeopleIn hopes of attracting Chinese travelers, some high-end hotels are making big changes such as offering new menus, Chinese-language newspapers, slippers, teakettles and even monogrammed pillows in the room.It makes sense. Chinese travelers are the fastest-growing in the world,

23、 thanks to the nations _1_economy and new policies to ease travel restrictions.Staying at luxury hotels hasnt _2_ been important for first-time Chinese tourists, who usually focus their spending on gifts and souvenirs. Some Chinese visitors get no choice in hotels because they book a _3_ tour.“Tour

24、operators have to put them in two- or one-star hotels because they are on a_4_,” said Haybina Hao, director of international development for the National TourAssociation.For that reason,managers of luxury hotels say they are _5_ “seasoned” visitors who are returning to the United States for another

25、visit and want to enjoy the facilities offered at a high- end hotel. Many of those returning visitors travel to the U. S. on _6_trips and no longer need to book cheap hotels as part of a tour group.Other businesses in the travel industry including theme park, tour bus operators and shops have begun

26、to attract Chinese tourists by _7_ translators or posting signs and booklets in Mandarin. Even some economy hotels have added extras to _8_to Chinese visitors.Now luxury hotel owners hope many Chinese visitors are ready to _9_from booking cheap hotels and visiting typical tourist attractions to enjo

27、ying the luxuries of high-end U. S. accommodations.“ We try to satisfy them as much as we can ”, said MARK Podolski,director of sales and marketing for Pacific Palms Resort. The resort has _10_an entire floor to Chinese visitors the eighth floor, a lucky number in Chinese culture.(5)A. accurate B. c

28、ontact C. denied D. grounds E. guilty F. initialG. misinformation H. perfectly I. typically J. titled K. conclusionsMisleading Headlines Can Leave Lasting ImpressionsTwo years ago,with fears of Ebola(埃博拉)on the rise, an article called “Ebola in the Air? A Nightmare That Could Happen” was published.

29、The headline suggested that the Ebolavirus, which only spreads through _1_ with bodily fluids (体液) , might be passed on through a cough or a sneeze. However, medical experts in the actual article _2_ the idea that Ebola would change its mode of transmission, calling it “unproved by any evidence. On

30、these_3_, the headline might well have read: ”Ebola in the Air? No Need to Worry. ”This was not the only report _4_ of writing misleading headlines on the topic of Ebola, or anything else for that matter. The practice is often seen as victimless or irrelevant providing that readers understand the ar

31、ticle itself and form their own _5_. To some extent,thats true.But a new study shows that the _6_impressions formed from a headline can have a measurable influence on a persons thoughts and intentions,even if that person reads enough of the similar article to recognize the headlines faults.Ullrich Ecker, a psychologist at th

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