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1、参考译文:Definition of TranslationTranslation means the conversion of an expression from one language into another. To say it plainly, translation is an art to reproduce the exact idea of the author by means of a language different from the original. From the above definition of translation we know that

2、 the original thought of the expression must be kept as far as possible. Nothing should be added to or taken away from the original work. The duty of the translator is simply to change the vocabulary, not the thought. In translation therefore, there are first stick to such asexpresstranslation 2read

3、ily understood. In other words, the translator must the author s idea as clearly and as forcibly as he can by the medium he employs. Accuracy is to make the thought definite and exact; while expressiveness is to make the translation vivid and attractive.2.文化的交流当今的世界,既非丝绸之路时代,亦非马可.波罗时代。从上海去东京,只需两个多小

4、时,相当于从北京到杭州的时间。从中国去地球另一端的美国,也能在日历上的头一天到 这。昔日遥远的地理距离,被现代科学技术一下缩短到令人难以置信的程度。这是人类文 明进步的共同成果。不论是中国的还是外国的历史一再证明:文化需要交流。只有交流,才能相互学习,相互了解;只有交流,才能共同去促进人类智慧向着一座又一座的高峰发 展,并共同享用其成果。焦点问题1.主语的选择2.专有名词的翻译4Cultural exchangeThe world today is no longer the world of times of the Silk Road or Marco Polo. It takes on

5、1y a 1itt1e over two hours to fly from Shanghai to Tokyo, just as much time to reach Hangzhou from Beijing. From China we can reach America on the other side of the ocean on the same calender day. With the development of science and technology great distances in the past have been macle unbelievably

6、 short. This is the achievement of the progress of human civilization. The historical experiences of both China and other countries have once again proved that culture needs exchanging. Through exchange only can we learn from each other and come to know each other better. Through exchange only can w

7、e give full play to human wisdom and enjoy the common fruits of civilization.53.白蛇传脍炙人曰的传统京剧广1蛇传讲的是传自明朝的故事。白蛇精与青蛇精化作美女来到人间。白蛇精与一位书生相爱井生一子。禅师法海认为他 们的结合违反传统婚姻,伤风败俗,他气急败坏。于是他派神兵神将前来捉拿白蛇精,并 把她镇压在一座塔下面。后来,青蛇精在深山中修炼,习武多年,终于砸烂了那座塔,救 出白蛇精。至此,白蛇精与丈夫、儿子又得团聚。在白剧中,蛇被赋予了崇高的人性。文化负载词语的翻译6The White Snake The White

8、Snake, one of the most popular traditional Beijing operas, is based on a story handed down from Ming Dynasty 1368-1644. White Snake Spirit and Green Snake Spirit metamorphosed themselves into two beautiful girls and ventured into the human world. Wh i te Snake fell in love with a young scholar and g

9、ave birth to a son. Fahai, a Buddhist monk, regarded their union as a violation of the conventions regarding marriage as an example of moral degeneration. Much enraged, he sent officers and soldiers from the heaven, who captured White Snake, and using magical powers he himse1f incarcerated her under

10、neath a pagoda. For many years afterwards, Green Snakehid herself in deep mountains and gave herself rigorous spiritual and martial arts training. In the encl she succeeded in toppling the pagoda and rescued her mistress. Now Whi te Snake 7was reuni ted wi th her husband and son.The snake in the ope

11、ra is endowed withthe noble character of human nature .84.乡间风俗大自然对人的恩赐,无论贫富,-律平等。所以人们对于大自然,全都一致并深深地依 赖着。尤其在乡间,上千年来人们一直以不变的生活方式生活着。种植庄稼和葡萄,酿酒 和饮酒,喂牛和挤奶,锄草和栽花;在周末去教堂祈祷,做礼拜;在节日到广场拉琴、跳 舞、唱歌;往日的01园依旧是今日的温馨家园。这样,每个地方都有自己的传说,风俗也 就衍传了下来。谓语的选择9译文1.Nature endows all people with her bounty on an equal basis, w

12、hether they are rich or poor. Therefore, al 1 people alike are dependent on Nature equally profoundly. This is particularly true of rural people, who have lived an unchanged life for thousands of years in the country. They grow crops and grapes; they make wine and brew beer and drink them; they rais

13、e cattle and milk cows; they weed gardens and plant flowers. At weekends, they go to church to say their prayers or conduct religious services. During holidays, they go to open squares, where they play musical instruments, dance to music and sing songs. Fields and gardens in the past continue to be

14、their sweet homeland. Thus, each place has had its own legends and developed its own customs, which pass down from generation to generation.10译文2.The bounty of nature is equal to everyone, rich or poor, and therefore all men are strong!y attached to her. This is particulary true in the rural areas,

15、where people have kept the same lifestyle for a millennium or so. They plant crops and grapevines, brew wine to drink, feed cows to milk, and weed the gardens to grow flowers. They go to church at weekends, and they meet in the square on hoiidays, playing the violin, singing and dancing. The age-old

16、 landremains the same as their family hearth. Each place boasts its folklore and thereby social customs go down.115.在人际关系问题上我们不要太浪漫主义。人是很有趣的,往往在接触一个人时首先 看到的都是她或他的优点。这一点颇像是在餐馆用餐的经验。开始吃头盘或冷碟的时候, 印象很好。吃头两个主菜时,也是赞不绝匚I。愈吃愈趋于冷静,吃完了这顿宴席,缺点就 都找出来了。于是转喜为怒,转赞美为责备挑剔,转首肯为摇头。这是因为,第一,开始 吃的时候你正出于饥饿状态,而饿了吃糠添加蜜,饱了吃蜜

17、也不甜。第二,你初到一个餐 馆,开始举筷时有新鲜感,新盖的茅房三天香,这也可以叫做“陌生化效应”吧。语篇的衔接和连贯12heads instead of nodding. Why? This you are very hungry; for a hungry man, for a man who is full, even honey have just arrived at a restaurant, you begin to eat with the help ofOn the issue of interpersonal relations we must not be too roma

18、ntic. Human beings are very interesting in that when they get into contact with someone, they tend to see first of all his or her strong points. This much resembles our experience of dining in a restaurant. When we start to eat the first dish or the appetizer, we are very positively impressed. When

19、we continue to eat the first two main courses, we pour our praise on them ( we praise them profusely/ we are full of praise for them). Yet as we continue to eat more and more dishes, we become less and less enthusiastic. And when we are through with the dinner (feast), we have found out all the defe

20、cts. Therefore, we become angry instead of being happy; we start to blame and find faults instead of proceeding with praises; we shake our is because: first when you begin eating, chaff 13tastes sweeter than honey, while does not taste sweet. Secondly, when you you possess a new and curious feeling

21、as chopsticks. This can be called effect caused by something strange to you II , as the Chinese saying goes, Even a new thatched outhouse which has just been put up does not seem to give off a stink for three days. II 146.和平和发展是当今也界的两大主题。维护也界和平,加强友好合作,促进共同发展 是各国人民的共同愿望。当今,贫困、失业、难民、犯罪、人口膨胀、环境恶化、毒品泛 滥

22、、恐怖主义等问题仍然严峻,影响着全球的稳定和发展。中国同西方国家虽然国情不 同,但在一系列重大国际问题上具有广泛一致的利益。我对中国同西方各国关系的改善与 发展感到高兴。抽象名词的选择15Peace and development are the two main themes of the world today.Maintaining global peace, enhancing friendship and cooperation and promoling common development are the common desire of all peoples. At pres

23、ent, worldwide stability and development are threatened by such serious problems as poverty,environmental their national interests on a wide improvement andunemployment, refugee flows, crimes, population explosion, degradation, drug abuse and terrorism. Though different in condi tions, China and wes

24、tern countries share broad common range of major international issues. I am happy to see the expansion of China, s relations with them.167.座长桥文I金圣华1翻译就像一座桥,桥两端,气候悬殊,风光迥异。两端之间,原隔着险峻的山 谷,湍急的溪流。两旁的人,各忙各的,世代相传,分别发展出一套不同的习俗风尚以及 语言文化来。【2】有一天,这不同文化习俗的人,忽然想起要跟对岸打个招呼。怎么办?要渡过峡 谷,不得不起一座桥,谁来起桥?3终于来了,一群傻里傻气的志愿者。

25、【4】问他们:“你们可知道,干这份工作,必须吃得起苦,干劲十足?”他们点点头,充满信心地说:“我们有的是干劲,我们也不怕吃苦。【5】再问道:“这份差事,待遇并不好,17赶起工来,日以继夜。说老实话,你们可 知道付出的劳力与报酬并不相符? ”答道:“我们不是想发财。【6】再追问:“难道不知道从来没有人是干这一行而发达的吗? ”做这一行必须默默 耕耘,若想抱着沽名钓誉的心,还是趁早别干。桥造好了,人在桥上踏,没有人会为你们 立纪念碑的。又答道:“我们不是想出名”。【7】最后只有叹道:“既不为名也不为利,可别怪大家没提醒你们,这工作可得小心 经营,起桥最要紧的是两端根基扎得实,起石桥得一块块石头砌;

26、砌木桥得一块块木头 搭;哪怕是座绳桥也马虎不得,须-根根绳子打结,不然人一上桥就摔下深涧,怎么还到 得了对岸?8桥还是建了,一座座、一条条。知识在传递,文化在交流。可是有谁想起建桥 人?18A Long BridgeTranslation is like a bridge with a very different climate and landscape at either end of it. Under the bridge, there 1ies a valley between steep mountains with a rapid stream flowing through

27、it. Before the bridge is bui1t, people on either side of the valley have for generations made no contact with those on the other. Hence, there have developed two different customs and habits, and two different languages and cultures.One day, people of the two sides, each with a different culture and

28、 custom, suddenly desire to communicate wi th each other. What can they do? A bridge of course has to be built in order to cross the valley. But who is to build it?At last, a group of people naively offer themselves for the job.Someone asks them, Don t you know you 11 have to go about this job earne

29、stly Wand fear no hardship? IIThey nod their heads and answer with confidence, We re full of drive and not afraid of hardship. IIThe questioner says again, This profession you re joining pays badly. And often you even have to work round the clock. Frankly, you won t be fairly rewarded according to y

30、our laborThey answer, We don t want to get rich.putting up a monument to you. IIThey answer again, We don t care for fame. IIThe questioner concludes with a sigh, 20Ok, so you seek neither fame nor wealth. But mind you , you have to be very carefu1 in doing this job. A so1id foundation must be laid

31、at each end of the bridge. A stone bridge is built with block after block of stone. A wooden bridge is built with piece after piece of wood. Even the building of a rope bridge requires great care. Each rope has to be tied tightly lest the foot passengers should fal1 into the ravine, to say nothing of reaching the opposite side. IIBridges are being bui11 one after another. Knowledge spreads and culCures interflow. But who thinks of the bridge builders?Tr. By Zhang Peiji218,气象台想说

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