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Unit 7 Emergency Teaching plan全新版大学英语一Word格式.docx

1、4th period: while-reading( Part ); Post-reading5th period: check on students home reading (Text B);Theme-related Language Learning Tasks)Pre-reading tasks1. T asks several Ss the following questions to check if they have listened to the recorded poem:-How did the father understand courage at first?

2、(hint: to have no feat of certain things)-What did courage mean to the father after the fire? to risk ones life for other people) (5 minutes)2. 1) Before class, Ss are asked to collect stories, news reports, or pictures of courageous deeds.2) In class, Ss form groups of three or four to share what t

3、hey have collected.3) Groups discuss what qualities are necessary for a person to handle emergencies successfully and why. They may support their points by citing what they have collected.4) Speakers for several groups report their discussion results to the class.5) T reminds Ss to keep these qualit

4、ies in mind when they study the text, and see how many of them are embodies in Anthony Falzo.(25 minutes)While-reading tasks1. Predictions1) Ss read the title and the first paragraph, then answer the following questions:-Who might have uttered the exclamation “Kids on the Track”? (possible answers:

5、Kate Prichard, a railway worker, a train engineer, a neighbor, a passer-by who saw the kids on the track, etc.)-Why does the author describe how Kate carried the groceries from her car to the house? ( hint: She was so preoccupied with the task that she neglected her sons, which later caused the acci

6、dent.)-Why does the author mention a train horn, Conrail, and the lack of a fence between the Prichards yard and the railway? They foreshadowed the later accident.)-Why does the author include in the story the ages of Todd and Scott? That tells the reader they were too young to understand the import

7、ance of staying away from the railroad.) 2) T comments that the author skillfully includes in the first paragraph the above-mentioned hints of the story to be unfolded. 3) Ss read the last sentence of the story and get an idea of the importance of coherence .( see Text Analysis ) (20 minutes)2. Ss r

8、ead the instructions for Text Organization Exercise 1 to learn the three-part structure ( 5 minutes )3. T explains the language points of part and gives Ss practice. It might be important to men-tion that 14 inches equal approximately 35 cm. During the process, pay special attention to the verbs tha

9、t describe a succession of actions taken by Rich and Anthony. T may ask Ss what more general synonyms could replace those in the text. ( see Language Study ) ( 30 minutes )4. Ss do the Usage exercise and learn about the advantages of specific words over general ones.( 15 minutes )5. Ss sum up the ma

10、in idea of Part , then do Text Organization Exercise 2. They will compare their answers with each other. ( 15 minutes )6. T explains the language points in part and gives them practice. ( see Language Study ) ( 5 minutes )7. Ss sum up the main idea of Part , then some of them report their summary to

11、 the class.10.Ss re-form groups, which are the same as those in Pre-reading Activities No.2, to discuss the valuable qualities Anthony possessed. They must give examples to support their findings. ( 10 minutes )Post-reading tasks1. 1) Ss re-read the first sentence of the text, Paragraph 9-13, Paragr

12、aph 28, and answer the following questions:-Does the description of the weather have anything to do with the story? to form a contrast with the ugliness of the later accident)-Why is the small talk between Rich and Anthony relevant to the story? contrast between the relaxed mood they were in and the

13、 tense scenes to come)-How do Scott and Kates reactions to the accident compare with Anthonys ? to highlight Anthonys cool-headedness)2) T sums up by saying that sometimes a good story relies on comparison and contrast to play up the atmosphere. (see Text Analysis) (10 minutes)2. T guides Ss through

14、 some other after-text exercises. (15 minutes)3. T checks on Ss home reading ( Text B ) (2 minutes )4. Ss do Part : Theme-related Language Learning Tasks.( 1 period)5. T asks Ss to prepare the next unit:1) do the pre-reading task;2) preview Text A.(3 minutes)Text A Kids on the Track! Text Analysis A

15、 good story-writer selects details carefully. He/ She only includes those details that are vital to the theme. At first sight, some readers may wonder why the author bothers to give descriptions of the weather, of how Rich and Anthony made jokes about each other, of how after the accident Scott was

16、jumping and crying, and of how Kate had delayed calling for help. But after closer inspections they will realize that those details are there to highlight the urgency of the accident and the level-headedness of Anthony. In the first part of the story the author tells s there was no fence separating

17、the yard from the railroad. It is interesting to note that in the last paragraph, the author makes a special mention of the fact that there is now a fence separating the neighborhood from the railroad track. That provides a good example of coherence.Cultural NotesEmergency services: The emergency se

18、rvices are the public organizations whose job is to take quick action to deal with emergencies when they occur, especially the fire brigade, the police , and the ambulance service. The telephone number used in Britain for calling the police, fire or ambulance services in an emergency is 999 in Brita

19、in and 911 in the US.Language Study1.trunk: n .a. A covered compartment for luggage and storage, generally at the rear of an automobile.汽车尾部行李箱 b.长嘴象鼻或长虫的喙,尤指大象的可缠卷的长鼻 词性变化: trunk :adj.躯干的, 主要的, 干线的; 箱形的; 有筒管的 the trunk line of a railroad 铁路的干线 2. struggle with: have difficulty handling or coping wi

20、th She struggled with the math problem but eventually worked it out. We found the Smiths struggling with their car struck in the mud. Other phrases : struggle along挣扎 struggle back挣扎着逃跑 struggle for为.努力struggle on挣扎下去 3. locomotive. n. a) A self-propelled vehicle, usually electric or diesel-powered,

21、 for pulling or pushing freight or passenger cars on railroad tracks. 机车一种自行推进的车辆,通常用电力或内燃机作动力,用于推或拉铁轨上的货车或客车 b)A driving or pulling force; an impetus: 动力驱策力或拉力;推动力: The US could no longer serve as the locomotive for the world economy? 美国再也无力承担世界经济推动力的重任了。locomotive adj.a) of, relating to, or involv

22、ed in locomotion. 运动的四处移动的、与之相关的或参与其中的b) Serving to put into motion or propel forward: 推动的用于使运动或向前推进:It may be that the founding fathers overestimated the locomotive force of the collective and mutual self-interest? 开国功勋们可能过高地估计了集体的和相互的个人利益所能起的推动作用。accumulator locomotive电池机车battery locomotive蓄电池机车4.

23、nearby. adj.Located a short distance away; close at hand. 在附近的位于附近的;就在附近的adv. not far away.不远地She came from a nearby village. 她来自附近的一个村庄。a football match being played nearby 正在附近进行的一场足球赛build a pumping station nearby the bridge 在桥附近造一个抽水站usage: 放在所修饰的名词之后, 或用 neighboring 放在名词之前, 如:a neighboring hous

24、e, a house nearby5.gesture. n.a) A motion of the limbs or body made to express or help express thought or to emphasize speech. 手势,姿势身体或四肢的动作,以表达或帮助表达想法或强调所说的话 b) The act of moving the limbs or body as an expression of thought or emphasis. 表情动作四肢或身体表达思想或强调的动作 c) An act or a remark made as a formality

25、 or as a sign of intention or attitude: 姿态,表示作为礼节或意图、态度的标志的动作或言语: sent flowers as a gesture of sympathy 送花是出于同情的表示gesture tr. To make gestures.打手势gesture v. tr.To show, express, or direct by gestures.用手势表现、表达或指导6. echo. n.a) Repetition of a sound by reflection of sound waves from a surface. 回声因

26、表面反射声波而引起的声音重复b) The sound produced in this manner 回音以这种方式产生的声音c) A repetition or an imitation: 重复仿效 a fashion that is an echo of an earlier style仿效早期时尚的流行风潮echo a) To repeat (a sound) by the reflection of sound waves from a surface 发出回声表面反射声波而重复的声音8. steep. adj. a) Having a sharp inclination;

27、 precipitous 陡的大幅度倾斜的;陡峭的 b) At a rapid or precipitous rate: 急遽的有快速或急促的速度的: a steep rise in salaries 薪水的陡涨 c) Excessive; stiff 过分的;难以接受的: a steep price 过高的价格 d) Ambitious; difficult 有野心的;困难的: a steep undertaking 雄心勃勃的事业 useful expression: be steeped in埋头于, 专心于; 充满着; 沉浸于9. kneel. go down on the knees

28、; rest on the knees. Everyone in church knelt in prayer. 教堂里每个人都跪着祈祷。10. overhead. adj.a) Located, functioning, or originating from above 上面的,高架的位于上部的,在上方运转的或来源于上部的 b) Of or relating to the operating expenses of a business (费用等)经常的,管理的属于或关于企业运转经费的 overhead. n.a)The operating expenses of a business,

29、including the costs of rent, utilities, interior decoration, and taxes, exclusive of labor and materials. 管理费用,经常费用企业的管理费用,包括租金、设备、内部装修及缴税等的花销,但不包括工资和购买原料的费用b) The top surface in an enclosed space of a ship. 顶板密闭的船舱的顶层 c) Something, such as a light fixture, that is located above head height. 顶部装置安装在头顶的固定装置,如电灯装置overhead adv.Over or above the level of the head; high or higher up:在头顶,在上面;向上或更向上:look overhead.向上看11. signal. n.a) An indicator, such as a gesture or colored light, that s

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