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1、t we would still be using cannon guns today. So although we may march past for the last time today we are also marching forward to the future. In our new regiment we will find new friends and new challenges. Perhaps now is a time to consider just why we joined the forces and why we continue to serve

2、 our country. That word country sums it all up I think. Whatever badges we wear we are all united in one armed force with the aim of defending our nation. We are all individual bricks in the wall that keeps our democracy safe. We serve the cause of peace wherever we are sent to serve. So although to

3、day I am sad, I am also glad. I am glad that we are being given the opportunity to prove ourselves in the future as we have proven ourselves in the past. I know that wherever you go or whatever you do you will serve as you have always served with loyalty, professionalism and true hearts. (If applica

4、ble) May God bless you all. Today we are saying a final farewell To the regiment in which we took pride Where we served together over the years Should to shoulder, side by side. What the future holds I cannot tell But one thing I do know for sure Is that your heads youll still hold high Serving at h

5、ome or on tour. Id like to offer my thanks to you Youve served me well and though I rue The disbanding of the regiment we held dear The future beckons and to me it is clear That youll always be what youve been for me The best troops of all in the military. 宴会致辞 After Dinner Cab Drivers Speech and Po

6、em This speech is suitable for a cab driver who is speaking at an annual dinner party. All of us have seen the movie where the detective jumps in a cab and says Follow that car. Tonight, however, the forces of law and order will have to jump on bicycles because all the cab drivers are here and they

7、are certainly not for hire. Tonight is a night to switch off our meters and to relax and enjoy ourselves with our friends. We wont be talking about fares or the dangers we face in our work because tonight is a night for fun. That definitely means a night for telling stories about the people we carry

8、 in our cabs. There can be no doubt about it, all human life is there at one time or another. We have drunks singing Show me the way to go home. There are lawyers who have to be there on time to sign on the dotted line. Then there are the patients who are going to hospitals and the happier ones who

9、are going home. We have tourists who are doing the sights and who expect us to give potted histories on the Statue of Liberty and cab drivers have to be philosophical because much as they would like to they cant do anything about traffic jams. So its either a question of high blood pressure or just

10、sitting back and going with the flow. If everyone really has a book in them I reckon cab drivers have a whole series of them and they would all be best sellers. After all, they have all the ingredients needed. There is drama, romance and danger in the back seat Tonight we are catching up with our fr

11、iends and, hopefully, making few new ones. We are dining in style which makes a change from takeaways. We deserve it. In fact, when you think of the unsociable hours we work and the dangers we face I think we deserve more than a night out. I think we all deserve a world cruise. The only cruising mos

12、t of us will do is around the city, So we had better make the most of tonight. If you feel like singing, feel free. If you want to dance on the table, dont let us stop you. If you feel like painting the town red, be our guest. Tonight is your night and its up to you to make sure it is a night to end

13、 all nights and we dont even mind if you want to have a drink or two. Being the law abiding citizens we are weve arranged for a bus home. So tonight let us raise our glasses in a toast to the folk who keep the city moving, The Cab drivers of (Name of place). Today weve gathered together To have a go

14、od time and a chat To speak of the people weve met on the job To discuss this and, of course, that. Were dressed in our very best tonight And our spirits theyre very high No counting out change for us tonight Or gazing way up at the sky As we sit in the traffic it seems for hours Muttering just what

15、 we think of the powers Who allow this bedlam day after day But tonight, Forget it is what I say re gathered together so lets have fun And leave, till tomorrow, those guys on the run. Motivational speech - Cut the clutter Motivational speech - Cut the clutter- get organised This speech is suitable f

16、or motivating an audience to get their lives in order and get rid of the clutter that prevents this. It is suitable for any speaker to give either to students or to a general audience. It could also be used by a member of a group such as Toastmasters. For many of us the clutter in our lives is like

17、white noise. It surrounds us, invading our personal space. There is no escape. Every room in the house is the same and we have let it overwhelm us. We need to be better organised. We think enviably of those few very efficient people we know. Somehow they manage to fit in everything. How they do and

18、still seem happy and sane is a mystery to us. We are rushed off our feet and late for appointments. We forget to pay bills and take back library books. We are constantly late with assignments and have to forgo pleasurable activities to keep up. Life, it seems, to a great many people, is a constant s

19、tate of chaos. The bizarre thing is this state of being is not in the least bit enjoyable or relaxing. Yet becoming that other organised person seems an insurmountable task. We do not know where to begin We even laugh at the premise that there is a connection between organisation and happiness. Cyni

20、cally, we write off those who are well organised as lacking something better do with their lives. They are clearly trying to compensate for the lack of something else. Yet when we visit their house or perhaps see their office desk there is something that nags at us. Privately, we wish things could b

21、e that simple and clear. The truth is, our own rattled, exhausted and distracted state is the proof. It is a direct result of the disorganisation and chaos in our life. There is a direct link between organisation and productivity. There is a connection too between the clutter of our lives and all th

22、e goals we want to achieve. Freeing ourselves from clutter will have an immediate effect on our lives. We will feel calmer and more relaxed. We will know where everything is. We will find ourselves being more productive. We will be more effective in the things that we do. We will feel more creative

23、and spontaneous. There will be an increase in our vitality and at the same time we will feel calmer and more ordered. There is no doubt of the very real direct link that exists between the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves. If one is out of balance, the rest suffer. Most

24、 of the things we can readily change are the physical ones in front of us. That means the clutter that we have allowed to build up around us. It overflows in our desks, places of work and in our wardrobes, kitchens and living spaces. It stuffs up our closets but our bedrooms and places of relaxation

25、. It overflows out into the yard, clogs up our passageways and follows a trail down the basement and garage. We need to free ourselves. This stuff has to go. Many of us can see the benefit here. We can appreciate the logic and the reasoning. Yet we still persist in thinking that there is some fundam

26、ental chemistry that separates us from the super beings who manage to live, exist and even flourish in clean, tidy and ordered spaces. The truth is there is no difference and you can be that person. We simply need to let go of all that stuff. We know the logic we understand the science, but still we

27、 put off starting. There is an aspect of us that says, This might come in handy some day. We really need to get a grip. Deep down, this has no basis in reality. It is nothing more than a deep seated insecurity This is just a feeble excuse not to get started. We need to understand that insecurity for what it is. These people are closely related to the sentimentalists. They hang onto

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