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1、ll keep your feet dry.拿着这个穿着脚不容易湿 If you make it out alive, give me a call.如果你活着回来给我打个电&;hearts;话&My numbers inside the boots.我的号&码就在靴子里 Thanks.谢谢 Hello? 你好? Is there anybody here? 这儿有人吗? Guess not! 大概没有! Two years he walks the earth.两年来他行走在这片土地上 No phone, no pool, no pets, 没有电&没有泳池没有宠物 no cigarette

2、s.没有香烟 Ultimate freedom.无拘无束 An e_tremist.An aesthetic voyager 一个极端主义者一个追逐美的旅人 whose home is the road.脚下的路就是他的家 Hey, listen, old man.Now, dont psychoanalyze me, all right? 嘿听着老头不要对我做精神分&析&好吗? Shut up.Im taking you out to where were going.闭嘴我正带你去目的地呢 Where you going? 你们去哪里? I told you.Were going nowh

3、ere! 我告诉你我们哪里也不去! So now, after two rambling years es the final and greatest adventure.现在在两年的流浪之后最后也是最大的冒险来临了 The climactic battle to kill 消灭虚伪的存在 the false being within 胜利实现灵魂革命 and victoriously conclude the spiritual revolution.的终极一役 No longer to be poisoned by civilization, he flees, 不再受俗世文明毒蚀他遁世

4、而逸 and walks alone upon the land to bee 独自行走在陆上 lost in the wild.隐没在荒野中 hard work and manifold contributions to our munity during their time here, 他们在校期间勤奋努力做出了多方面的贡献 we salute you and offer all of you 我们向你们致敬并致与你们 one more round of applause and congratulations.再一次掌声与祝贺 Nina Lynn Lockwynn.尼娜·

5、琳恩&洛克维恩 Vanessa Denise Lowery.瓦内萨&丹尼斯&洛维里 Christopher Johnson McCandless.克里斯多夫&强森&麦坎得勒斯 Regina Victoria McNabb.瑞吉娜&维多利亚&麦克奈布 I see them standing at the formal gates of their colleges.我能看见他们毕业时站在校门的模样 I see my father strolling out under the ochre sandstone arch, 我看见父亲徘徊在赭色的砂岩拱门下 the red tiles glintin

6、g like bent plates of blood behind his head.在他脑后闪烁的红色瓷砖就像弯曲的血板 I see my mother with a few light books at her hip, 我看见母亲拿着几本书依在臀边 standing at the pillar made of tiny bricks.站在小砖砌成的柱子旁with the wrought-iron gates 身后的铸铁大门依然敞开 still open behind her, its sword-tips black in the May air.门上的剑尖在五月的天空划出一道黑色 T

7、hey are about to graduate.他们即将毕业 They are about to get married.他们即将结婚They are kids.They are dumb.他们是孩子涉世未深 All they know is they are innocent,他们只知道彼此纯洁无辜they would never hurt anybody.绝不会伤害任何人 I want to go up to them and say, &Stop, dont do it.我想上前对他们说停不要这么做 Shes the wrong woman, hes the wrong man.她不

8、是适合你的女人他不是适合你的男人 You are going to do things you cannot imagine you would ever do.你们会做出一些你们意想不到的事 You are going to do bad things to children.你们会对孩子造成伤害 You are going to suffer in ways you never heard of.你们会经受不曾听闻的痛苦 You are going to want to die.你们会痛不欲生 I want to go up to them there in the late May su

9、nlight and say it.我想在五月末的阳光下走上前告诉他们 But I dont do it.I want to live.但是我没这么做说了也就没有我的出现了 I take them up like the male and female paper dolls,我想拿起他俩像两个纸人and bang them together 然后把他俩狠狠撞在一起 at the hips like chips of flint, as if to strike sparks from them.I say, 让他们像撞火石一样撞出火花然后说 Do what you are going to

10、do and I will tell about it.你们想怎么做就怎么做吧我会告诉你们结果的 Here they are, Walt.Okay? 他们来了 Who wrote that? 谁写的? Well, could have been either one of us, couldnt it? 应该是我们中的一人是不是? Why is he letting Carine drive his car? 为什么让卡琳开车? Theres a lot of great poems in here.书里有很多好诗 I have to speak to her about it.我必须和她谈谈

11、 Sit down.你坐着吧 E_cuse me.Im going to get my son.对不起我要去迎接我儿子 He just graduated today from Emory College.他刚从埃默里大学毕业 Ill get it.Ill get it.我来吧我来吧 Chris, hi! Weve been waiting and waiting.克里斯嗨!我们等好久了 You scared me half to death jumping up there on that stage like that.你刚那样跳到台上把我吓了个半死 Hi, Dad.Congratulat

12、ions, Son.嗨爸爸恭喜你儿子 This is a big step.Thank you, Dad.这是重大的一步啊谢谢你爸爸 All right.好吧 Youre not supposed to be driving in Georgia.你不应该在乔治亚州开车 Why? I have my permit.为什么?我有驾照 Cause its against the law for a learners permit 因为拿新手驾照在其它州开车 to drive in another state from ones home state.Thats why.是违法的这就是原因 I di

13、dnt know that.I thought 我不知道啊我以为 that if I was with a legal driver that itd be okay.有一个合法的司机在一起就可以了 Well, lets.好我们.Are they going to continue?No.他们还一直这样吗?不会 I guess everybodys celebrating today.我猜今天每个人都在庆祝 Theyre going to stay in the bar, right?Thats right.他们只会待在吧台那里对吗?是的 My grades are good enough,

14、I think, to get into Harvard Law.我的成绩很好我觉得足以进哈佛法学院了 Chris, thats wonderful.克里斯太棒了 That is a big deal.这可是件大事 How much do you have left in the college fund? 你的大学基金还剩多少? E_actly $24,500.68.确切地说是 24500.68 美元 Well, thats specific.真够精确的了 I had to go to the bank this morning, Mom.我上午去了趟银行妈妈 Your mother and

15、 I will be glad to contribute the balance for Harvard.你妈和我很高兴再支援点钱供你上哈佛 Thats right.对 Ive got to figure out what Im going to do.我要想一下我要做什么 Ive got a lot of things to pack and organize here first.我还有很多东西要先打包整理 Your father and I, we want to make a present to you.你&爸&和我想送你份礼物 We want to get you out of

16、that junker.我们想让你摆脱那个垃圾 What junker? 什么垃圾? That.那个 We want to buy you a new car.Thats right.我们想给你买&辆新车对 A new car? 新车? Why would I want a new car? 为什么我要新车? Datsun runs great.达特桑运行良好 Do you think I want some fancy boat? 你们以为我想要那些招摇过市的东西? Are you worried what the neighbors might think? 你们是在担心邻居们怎么想吗?

17、Well, we werent gonna get you a brand new Cadillac, Chris.行了我们又不打算给你买&凯迪拉克克里斯 We just want to get you a nice new car thats safe to drive.我们只是想给你一辆完好的新车开起来安全一些 And you never know when that thing out there just might blow up.那辆破玩意儿随时可能会爆&炸& Blow up.Blow up? Are you guys crazy? Its a great car.爆&爆&?你们疯

18、了吗?那是辆好车 I dont need a new car.I dont want a new car.我不需要一辆新车我不想要一辆新车 I dont want anything.Okay.我什么都不想要好的 These things, things, things, things.Okay.这东西那东西这东西好吧 Everything has to be difficult.Thank you.任何事都会是麻烦谢谢 Thank you.Maybe thats not what he means.谢谢也许他不是这个意思 Maybe he just wants his old car.Its

19、not such a big deal.也许他只是想保留自己的旧车这没什么关系 Thank you.I just dont want anything.谢谢我只是不想要什么东西 Chris measured himself and those around him 克里斯以一种异常严苛的道德准则 by a fiercely rigorous moral code.审视自己和身边的一切 Bye, Chris! 再见克里斯! He risked what could have been a relentlessly lonely path 他冒险踏上一条残酷孤独的道路 but found pany

20、 in the characters of the books he loved 却在他钟爱的书籍中找到同路知己 from writers like Tolstoy, Jack London and Thoreau.他喜爱托尔斯泰杰克&伦敦和梭罗 He could summon their words to suit any occasion, 他可以在任何情况下引用出适合的文句 and he often would.他也经常会这么做 I forgot to ask what e hed have picked for his graduation dinner, 我忘了问他在毕业晚宴上引用了

21、什么 but I had a good idea of who the primary target would be.但是我知道最有可能是谁的话 It was inevitable that Chris would break away.克里斯出走是不可避免的 And when he did, he would do it with characteristic immoderation.他一旦选择出走他会按他特有的极端方式来进行 It should not be denied that being footloose has always e_hilarated us.不可否认无疆行走总是

22、让人振奋 It is associated in our minds with escape 在我们心中它意味着 from history and oppression and law and irksome obligations.忘记过去摆脱压力逃离法律与繁琐义务 Absolute freedom.绝对的自&由& And the road has always led west.道路总是向西延伸 I need a name.我需要一个名字 Toward the end of June, 将近六月末 Emory had mailed our parents Chris final grade

23、 report.埃默里大学给我的父母寄来了克里斯的最后一份成绩单 Almost all As.几乎是全 A A in Apartheid in South African Society.南非社会的种族隔离A A-minus in Contemporary African Politics and the Food Crisis in Africa.当代非洲政&治&和非洲粮食危机A 减 And on it went.Clever boy, my brother.学得不错老哥你真聪明 But by the end of July, we hadnt heard anything from him

24、 但是到了七月末我们没有一点他的消息 and my parents were being unsettled.我的父母开始坐立不安 Chris had never had a phone, 克里斯从来没有电& so they decided to drive down to Atlanta and surprise him.所以他们决定开车到亚特兰大给他一个惊喜 When they arrived at the apartment, there was a &For Rent& sign up 当他们到达他的公&寓&时只看到一个&招租&标志 and the manager said that

25、Chris had moved out at the end of May.管&理&员&说克里斯五月底就搬出去了 Oh, yes.He left two months ago.哦对他两个月前就走了 So when they got home, 所以他们回家时 I had to hand them all the letters that they had sent Chris that summer, 我不得不把他们在那个夏天寄给克里斯的信都给他们 which had been returned in a bundle.一整包的信都被退了回来 Chris had arranged for th

26、e post office to hold them until August 1st, 克里斯去通知了邮局告诉他们等到 8 月 1 日再退信 to buy himself some time.为自己争取了一些时间 Did you know about this? 你知道这事吗? He didnt say anything.他什么也没说过 I understood what he was doing.That he had spent four years 我理解他在做什么他花了四年 fulfilling the absurd and tedious duty of graduating fr

27、om college, 履行荒诞乏味的责任完成大学学业 and now he was emancipated from that world of abstraction, 现在他终于解放了离开了那个充满幻象 false security, parents and material e_cess, 脆弱不堪父母管教物欲横流的世界 the things that cut Chris off from the truth of his e_istence.离开那些阻碍他体验真实存在的东西 Hey, man.Step around.Jump in.Okay, great.伙计绕到那边上车好的太好了

28、We barely saw you there underneath that crazy hat of yours.你戴这么顶夸张的帽子我们差点没看到你 This doors a little tricky.There you go.Hop in.车门有点问题来吧进去吧 Thats Rainey.这是雷尼 Hi, Rainey.Yeah, Im Rainey.雷尼你好我叫雷尼 Im Jan.Hi.Im Ale_.我叫简我叫亚历克斯 Ale_ with the hat on.带帽子的亚历克斯 Yeah, I know.You said it, man.Yeah.对我知道你说过伙计对 So youre a leather now.你现在是个皮鞋 Im a leather? 我是个皮鞋? Yeah, a leather tr.Thats what they call the ones that hoof it, go on foot.对皮鞋流浪者现在都这样称呼徒步行走的人 Technically were rubber trs.事实上我们是轮胎流浪者 Because we have a vehicle.因为我们有辆车 You dont have to push me away.e on, please?你不必推开我别这样? Yeah, Ale_ cou

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