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1、 Caroline must have left since your train arrived so late. Eiline: To my surprise, I found her waiting for me at the station. Nancy: A What a pity B How kind C Good for her D No kidding4、Janny: Well, it is time for boarding. Robcrt: A Nice to meet you B Have a nice party C I hope you will soon feel

2、better D I wish you a pleasant journey5、Yvonne: You have a nice big room. Frank: A Its not so big as you see it BI I hope so IC I dont know what to say D Im glad you like it6、Interviewer: Let me repeat. How would you describe your personality? John: A Yes, I got you this time B I missed your questio

3、n just nowC Id better ask you D I want to bother you with7、Student: a few questions on the subject of solar energy. Teacher: Ok, go ahead. A I guess I can ask you B Id like to ask you C Id better ask you D I want to bother you with8、Johnnason: This has been very interesting. Ill discuss your plan wi

4、th my boss. Cathy: A Thank you for your time B I dont know what to do C Great. The pleasure is mine D That sounds fine with me9、Tom: Lets go picnic this Saturday. Susan:t you think its still a bit chilly at this time of year? Tom: A No wonder B Cheer up C Up to you D Come on10、Vivian: .? Roger: Yes,

5、 our family moved in here only a few days ago. Vivian: Welcome to the neighborhood. IA Do you need any help B Are you here for holiday C Are you new here D What are you doing here11、Max: Do you mind waiting outside for a moment? Steve: A Not at all B Yes, please C I guess So D I sure do12、Speaker: T

6、hank you all for your attention. Host: Professor Cohen, . Speaker: Sure. A wed like to thank you anyway. B I wish you a safe trip hack. C would you like to take some questions? D could you expand on it?13、Adam: Im very sorry for stepping on your foot. Bob: . Its very crowded on the train. A Thats ri

7、ght B Dont worry C I m fine D Take it easy14、Ted: Im thinking of keeping a dog, and I wonder if you have any particular policy about animals? House owner:A Yes, dogs will be out of the questionB Yes, I like dogsC No, dogs are not good petsD No l our policy is not particular15、Chark: Would you like t

8、o have tea with us? Clara: No, thank you. . Chark: You must come again. A I wish I can B I must be going C Ive had enough D Im all rightPart II Reading Comprehension (40 points) There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them ther

9、e are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET.Passage OneWhen the terrorist attack on September 11th caused people to flee the building, Avremel Zelmanowitz risked his own chance of escape by staying behind with his friend and colleague, Ed Beyea,

10、 who was Confined to a wheelchair due to a paralysis (瘫痪). Both men lost their lives, but the stray of Avremels love and devotion to his friend conveys a life-giving message to all.Avremel never married, and he shared a house with his brother and his family. He was a loving uncle to his brothers chi

11、ldren; and he was devoted to caring for his aging parents. He was a family man in every sense of the word. At the same time, he had his own life, his varied interests, and a job and friends.When the tragedy occurred, Avremel was age 55, and his friend, Ed Beyea, was age 42. Ed became disabled after

12、a diving accident at age 22, but he managed to work 14 years at Blue Cross since his injury Both he and Avremel were program analysts who worked on the 27th floor of World Trade Center.They both loved books and music, and they both served as the special uncle of their respective families. Like Avrem

13、el, Ed had no children of his own, but he was a father figure to his two nephews after their father died.On the morning of September 11, Ed wanted to wait until he could be securely carried down by several rescue workers, as it was dangerous for someone with his disability to be moved. Avremel would

14、nt allow his friend to wait alone when everyone else was fleeing the building, and he stayed with him.In the days that followed, the media learned about Awemels selfless act, and the story began to spread. President Bush, in his national prayer address to the American people, referred to Avremels ac

15、t as one of the many outstanding acts of sacrifice that were demonstrated by Americans during this crisis. 16、What happened to Avremel and Ed during the 9 . 11 terrorist attack? A Avremel rescued Ed at tile cost of his life. B Both Avremel and Ed gave up their chance of escape. C Avremel stayed with

16、 Ed and both lost their lives. D Both Avremel and Ed were finally rescued. 17、What were the similarities between the two men? A Both of them loved hooks and music. B Both of them were in their 50s. C Both of them were disabled. D Both lived with their brothers families. 18、Which of the following sta

17、tements is true according to the passage? A Avremel took care of Eds life after work. B Avremel liked diving when he was young. C Ed treated his nephews as his own children. D Ed became disabled after a driving accident. 19、Why did Avremel choose to stay when others were fleeing the building? A Beca

18、use he expected the rescuers to help him. B Because he tried to carry Ed downstairs. C Because he thought it was safer to stay inside. D Because he didnt want to leave Ed behind. 20、The word address in the last paragraph means . A solution B speech C information D titlePassage TwoWhat youve always h

19、eard? Were eating way too much salt. The average American gets about 3.4 grams of sodium every day, far more than the upper limit of 2. 3 grams recommended by the USDA. The Institute of Medicine estimates that reducing sodium intake (摄取量) nationwide could prevent 100,000 deaths every year. The headl

20、ines now? Its time to get tough. The New York City health department recently kicked off a national effort to cut the amount of salt in packaged and restaurant food by 25% over five years. 80% of the salt in the average persons diet comes from those sources, not from the sahshaker (盐瓶).But wait! The

21、 benefits of salt reduction are surprisingly mruky. At least 13 studies have tried to find out what happens to people who choose to eat salty or not-so-salty food-and the results have pointed in eve3 direction. Sonre studies suggest that cutting salt protects the heart; others suggest that intense s

22、alt reduction can actually increase heart problems. Whats needed,Dr. Michael Alderman says, is a randomized (随机的) , controlled trial, in which people are put on different diets and followed for years. Its the only way to get a reliable answer, but its never been done.So what should you do? Go easy o

23、n processed foods and eat more produce. Those changes will improve your diet in a variety of ways and cut the amount of sodium you consume. If your blood pressure is high, work with your doctor to control it with drugs and lifestyle changes. If your blood pressure is healthy? At this point, theres n

24、o convincing reason for you to count every grain.21、It is stated in Paragraph 1 that our sodium intake A is within the healthy rangeB is a bit over the upper limit C is far beyond what is necessary D is well below the lower limit22、The main sources of salt in our diet areA home-made food and package

25、d foodB restaurant food and saltshakersC home-made food and saltshakersD restaurant food and packaged food 23、What does the word murky (Para. 3) probably mean? A Unclear B Significant C Obvious D Exaggerated 24、What does Dr. Michael Alderman say about a randonfized, controlled trial? A It has been s

26、uccessfully conducted B It should be carded out. C It is already under way. D It is too late to try it. 25、As stated in the last paragraph, people with normal blood pressure A should consider a change of their lifestyle B have every reason to be careful about sodium C will not be affected by the amo

27、unt of sodium taken D do not have to take sodium too seriouslyPassage ThreeThere is a tale that straw is the worst material from which to build a house, particularly if you are a pig with a hungry wolf around. So the cards were stacked against Warren Brush when local officials learned that he had se

28、veral buildings made of straw bales ( 大捆 ) on his land.They have tried to fine him a lot. But the case is still unresolved. The problem is that Californias building codes make no provision for the use of straw. And Mr Brush has many defenders-among them several university scientists and David Eisenberg, the chairman of the United States Green Building Councils code connnittee. They would like to see the prejudice against straw houses eliminated, for straw is, in many ways, an ideal building material.It is, for one thing, a great insulator (绝缘体). That keeps down the

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