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1、(1)(教材P29)Public transport ought to be convenient.公共交通应该是方便的。(2)Wheat is transported from the farms to the mills.把小麦从农场运到面粉厂。(3)Five basic modes of transportation are water transport,rail transport,truck transport,air transport and pipeline transport.五种基本的运输方式是水路运输、铁路运输、汽车运输、航空运输和管道运输。归纳拓展(1)transpo

2、rt n.U交通运输系统;air/water/ocean/rail transport 空运/水运/海运/铁路运输transport .(from .) to .把(从)运到(2)transportation n.运输易混辨析transport/traffic(1)transport作“交通”讲时,指交通运输系统、运输工具。(2)traffic作“交通”讲时,指路上的行人、车马,着重指数量的多少。故“交通拥挤,交通中断”中的“交通”都用traffic。即时跟踪用transport,traffic填空(1)We ran out of gas right in the middle of the

3、main street and blocked traffic.(2)My husband is using my car,so I have no means of transport.2.otherwise(1)(教材P31)Otherwise,you may hurt yourself.否则,你可能会伤着你自己。(2)He is slow,but otherwise he is a good worker.他虽慢,但在其他方面却是个好工人。(3)He thinks otherwise.他的想法不同。otherwise adv.否则,不然;在其他方面;以不同的方式otherwise用作连接

4、副词讲时,还可表示虚拟条件,这时,其后的句子使用虚拟语气。可以与or互换。(1)They liked the apartment,otherwise they wouldnt have stayed so long.他们(一定)喜欢这个公寓,不然他们不会待这么久。(2)Thanks for your directions to the house;we wouldnt have found it .A.nowhere B.howeverC.otherwise D.instead答案C解析句意为: 感谢你告诉我们怎么去那栋房子;要不然那时我们可找不到的。由后句情态动词完成否定式wouldnt h

5、ave found可知是对过去发生情况的一种反面虚拟。otherwise要不然,因此C选项正确。nowhere没什么地方;however然而;instead代替, 均不符合题意。e up with(1)(教材P27)When you have finished,try to come up with two more events for each category.当你完成后,每一种类尽量再提出两个项目。(2)I hope you can come up with a good solution to the problem.我希望你能想出一个解决问题的好办法。(3)He came acro

6、ss a cat in the park.他在公园里遇到一只猫。(4)The bill came to 30.账单金额总计30美元。come up with想出/提出 主意、计划、回答等 come about发生come across 偶然 遇见/发现come up被提出;出现;发芽come out出来;长出;出版;结果是come to共计;达成;苏醒when it comes to.当谈到(1)In fact,when it comes to the art of war,ants have no equal.(2015安徽)实际上,谈到战争的艺术,蚂蚁无可匹敌。(2)His new alb

7、um came out last year.他的新专辑去年出版了。(3)How is Dennis getting along with his work?Well,he could always a new idea for increasing sales.A.come up with B.come aboutC.get away with D.get up答案A 丹尼斯工作如何?很好,他总能想出利于销售的新主意。come up with想出,提出(主意、计划等),符合句意。2.“get过去分词”类短语(1)(教材P29)That sounds like a great idea,but

8、Ill have to take a shower and get dressed.那听起来是个好主意,但我得洗澡,穿衣服(2)Small talk even helps people get hired.(2015闲聊,甚至帮助人们获得工作。(3)The food got burnt.食物被烧焦了。get dressed穿衣服是“get过去分词”短语。此类常见的短语有:get burnt烧伤 get paid得到报酬get married结婚 get injured/hurt受伤get infected感染 get separated分离get damaged毁掉 get broken坏掉g

9、et repaired修理 get changed换衣服get drunk喝醉(1)His leg got broken in the football match.在足球比赛中,他的腿折了。(2)In China,most workers get paid by the month.在中国,大部分工人按月领工资。(3)To avoid on how to use the word, youd better refer to a get confused B.getting get confusing D.getting confusi

10、ng答案B解析动词avoid后需跟动词ing形式,同时系动词get 后要跟过去分词,因此答案选B。1.状语从句的省略(1)(教材P29)When choosing a city to host the Olympics,there are certain things we need to consider.当我们选择一个主办奥运会的城市时,必须要考虑某些事情。(2)If (you are) accepted for the job,youll be informed soon.(2015北京)如果你被录用做这份工作的话,你将会很快接到通知。(3)Although (he was) a far

11、mer,now he is a famous director.尽管他曾是个农民,现在却是位著名的导演。(4)As (he was) young,he learned how to ride a bike.他小时候就学会了骑自行车。教材原句使用了when引导的时间状语从句,从句里省略了主语we 和连系动词are。状语从句的省略需要同时具备下列两个条件:(1)主句和从句的主语一致,或从句主语为it;(2)从句中的主要动词是be的某种形式时,从句中的主语和be动词常可省略。(1)Whenever (she is) free,she often goes shopping.她一有空就去逛商店。(2)

12、He wont go there with us unless (he is) invited.除非受到邀请,否则他不会和我们一起去那里。(3)The teacher told us to remain silent unless be asked B.askedC.being asked asked老师告诉我们要保持沉默,除非被问到。这里是unless引导的条件状语从句,原句应是unless we were asked,主句和从句主语一致,从句中包含助动词be,主语和be动词可省略。这里省略了we were。2.过去分词作定语(1)(教材P29)The chosen

13、city should also have plenty of good hotels and must have an international airport nearby.被选择的城市还应该有许多好宾馆,而且在附近必须有国际机场。(2)He is a teacher loved by his students.他是个很受学生爱戴的老师。(3)We needed many more qualified workers.我们需要更多的合格的工人。(4)They decided to change the material used.他们决定更换使用的材料。教材原句中chosen在句中作前置

14、定语。过去分词作定语的具体用法:(1)过去分词作定语,在语态上,表被动;在时间上,表示动作已经发生或完成,与它所修饰的名词有逻辑(意义)上的动宾关系。即所修饰的名词或代词是过去分词动作的承受者。(2)过去分词作定语表示动作在谓语动作之前发生,已经完成并具有被动意义。有时也不表示时间性。(3)作定语的过去分词一般由及物动词变来,因为只有及物动词才有被动意义。不及物动词的过去分词一般只作前置定语,它不表示被动意义,只强调动作已完成。不能放在名词后作定语。(1)Is there anything unsolved?还有没解决的问题吗?(2)My friend is a returned studen

15、t.我的朋友是个归国的留学生。(3)In art criticism,you must assume the artist has a secret message within the work.(2016江苏,28) hide B.hiddenC.hiding D.being hidden解析考查非谓语动词。句意为:在艺术评论中,你得假设艺术家藏了一个秘密信息在作品中。句中message与hide是被动关系,故要用过去分词作后置定语。3.动名词/动词不定式作主语(1)(教材P31)Reading a book on winter swimming will also be help

16、ful.读关于冬泳的书也是很有帮助的。(2)To read the text is helpful for you to remember the new words in it.读这篇课文对你记住文中的生词是有帮助的。(3)It is no use seeking to make peace between the two countries.试图使两国议和是没有用的。教材原句中的Reading a book on winter swimming是动名词短语作主语。(1)动名词和动词不定式都可作主语。动名词作主语表示抽象概念;动词不定式作主语表示具体的某一行为。(2)动名词也可在It is

17、no use doing sth./It is a waste of time doing sth.等结构中作主语。注意:动词不定式、动名词作主语时谓语动词常用单数。(1)Saying is one thing,doing is another.说是一回事,做是另一回事。(2) the difference between the two research findings will be one of the worst mistakes you make.(2015安徽,27)A.Ignore B.IgnoringC.Ignored D.Having ignored忽视这两个研究结果的不同

18、将是你犯的最严重的错误之一。从will be one of the worst mistakes you make来看,will的前面部分是主语,因此用v.ing短语作主语。这里表达一般情况,因此不用完成式。.单词拼写1.Jenny helped me with my study.Otherwise(否则) I couldnt have passed the exam.2.Babies who were born in America have become citizens(公民) of the United States.3.All the goods will be transporte

19、d(运输) by train and delivered to every part of the country.4.Ill put the kettle(壶) on and make some tea.5.He takes off his coat to reveal a bright red vest(背心).选词填空1.Looking forward to the future, we hope to expand our overseas branches.2.Public transport provides a cheap way to get around in Beijing

20、.3.He decided to make friends with most of the classmates in the class.4.Try to make your poster as attractive as possible.5.Although against my opinion, the old professor didnt come up with his own.完成句子1.As (she was) walking along the river bank(沿着河堤),she was singing a pop song.2.The newlybuilt sup

21、ermarket(那个新建的超市) is to be opened next month.3.The student dressed in white(穿白色衣服的) is my daughter.4.Thailand is a great place to go sightseeing(观光).5.His coming here(他的到来) added to our trouble.单项填空1.News soon that he had down around through他辞职的消息很快传开了。get around

22、传播,流传。2.The trees in the storm have been moved off the road.A.being blown down B.blown downC.blowing down blow down解析the trees与blow是被动关系,而且这一动作已经发生且在主句谓语之前,故用过去分词作后置定语。3.When first to the market,these products enjoyed great success.A.introducing B.introducedC.introduce D.being introduced解析when

23、引导的时间状语从句的主语为these products,跟主句的主语一致,从句谓语动词应用were introduced,所以主语和be动词均可省略,因此选B。4.In some parts of London,missing a bus waiting for another hour.A.means B.meanC.meant D.meaning解析动名词短语作主语,谓语动词用单数,故选A。5.Thanks for your kind help.We would have lost the game!A.therefore B.orC.otherwise D.then解析由would ha

24、ve lost看出使用了虚拟语气,otherwise意为“否则,要不然”,表示了假设的条件。所以选C。Part Grammar情态动词一、情态动词的基本用法情态动词有can (could),may (might),must,have to,shall (should),will (would),dare (dared),need (needed),ought to等。 情态动词无人称和数的变化,不能单独使用,必须与其后的动词原形构成谓语。1.can(1)(表示能力)能;会,此时可用be able to代替。can只有一般现在时和一般过去时;而be able to则有更多的时态。Can you

25、speak Spanish?你会讲西班牙语吗?Will you be able to come tomorrow?你明天能来吗?当表示“经过努力才得以做成功某事”时应用be able to,不能用can。The maths problem was hard but I was able to work it out.这道数学题虽难,但我做出来了。could表示“原来具备某种能力,现在没有这种能力了”,但was/were able to则表示过去成功地做成了某事,相当于managed to do sth./succeeded in doing sth.。I could swim all the

26、way across the lake,but I cant now.我原来能游过这个湖,但现在不能了。The fire spread through the hotel very quickly but everyone was able to get out.大火很快蔓延了整个旅馆,但是全体人员都脱离了危险。(2)(表示请求、许可)能够;可以,此时可与may互换。在疑问句中还可用could,might代替,不是过去式,只是语气更委婉。You cant park your car in this street.你不能把车停在这街上。Can I go now?Yes,you can./No,y

27、ou cant.我现在可以走了吗?是的,你可以走了。/不,你不能走。Could I use your telephone?Yes,of course you can.我可以用你的电话吗?是的,当然可以。(3)表示推测(惊讶、怀疑、不相信的态度),用于疑问句、否定句和感叹句中。Can this be true? 这个是真的吗?This cant be done by him.这不可能是他做的。can可作“有时候会”解,意思是平时或大部分时间不是这样子,只是偶尔发生的事情。Jogging can be harmful to the health.慢跑有时候会对身体健康有害。(4)(表示温和的命令)

28、请做Ill do the cooking,and you can do the washing.我来做饭,请你去洗衣服。(5)构成下列特殊句式:can not/can never.too.或cannot.enough “无论怎么也不过分;越越好;非常”。One cannot be too careful.越认真越好。I cannot thank you enough.我对你感激不尽。cannot help doing./cannot help but do./cannot but do.禁不住;不由得;不得不做。I cannot help admiring the picture whenever I look at it.无论我什么时候看到这幅画,我都会情不自禁地欣赏它。When a close friend dies,you cannot but feel sad.当一个亲密的朋友去世,你会情不自禁地感到难过。2.may(1)(表示准许、请求)可以,might比may语气更委婉。否定回答时可用cant 或mustnt,表示“不可以,禁止”。May/

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