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看Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季8集Word格式.docx

1、联盟membership:会员美国正义联盟荣誉会员卡吗? (由超人、猫女等多名超级动画英雄组成的为世界正义和公平而战的联盟)s been in every wallet Ive owned since I was five.own:拥有我从5岁起就一直保持卡不离钱包了。Why?为什么?It says Keep this on your person at all times.on your person:随身带at all times:一直这上面说任何时候都要随身携带。s right here under Batmans signature.Batman:蝙蝠侠signature:签名就在这儿

2、,蝙蝠侠签名的下面。-Raj:.and this is Leonard and Sheldons apartment.这里是Leonard和Sheldon的公寓。-Howard:Guess whose parents just got broadband.broadband:宽带猜猜谁的父母刚装了宽带。Leonard, may I present, live from New Delhi,present:介绍live:现场的New Delhi:新德里(印度首都)Leonard请允许我引见来自新德里的现场直播,Dr. and Mrs. V. M. Koothrappali.V.M.Koothra

3、ppali博士及其夫人。Hi!嗨!-Rajs father: Tilt up the camera up!Tilt:倾斜camera:摄像头把摄像头往上抬!Im looking at his crotch.crotch:胯部我正看着他的裤裆呢。Sorry, Papa.对不起爸爸。 Oh, thats much better. Hi.这样好多了,嗨。And over here is Sheldon.这边就是Sheldon。He lives with Leonard.他和Leonard住一起。-Rajs mother:Oh, thats nice.哦,真不错。Like Haroon and Tan

4、vir.就像Haroon和Tanvir。No, no. Not like Haroon and Tanvir.不,不,不像Haroon和Tanvir。Such sweet young men.多么可爱的一对年轻人。They just adopted the cutest little Punjabi baby.adopt:收养他们刚领养了个超可爱的旁遮普小孩。No, were not like Haroon and Tanvir.不,我们不像Haroon和Tanvir。 So, are you boys academics like our son?academics:学术性的,专业学者你们和

5、我儿子一样都是学术派吗?-Leonard and Sheldon:Yes.是的。 And your parents are comfortable with your limited earning potential?comfortable:使人舒服的limited:有限的earning:收入potential:潜力你们父母对你们有限的赚钱能力满意吗?Oh, yes 满意。Not at all.一点儿也不满意。Papa, please. Dont start.爸爸求你别说这个了。 It was just a question.只是问问而已。Hes so sensitive.sensitive

6、:敏感的他真敏感。Okay, thats my life. Thats my friends.好了,这就是我的生活和我的朋友。Good to see you. Say good-bye.很高兴见到你,说再见吧。Bye-Bye.拜拜。 Wait!等等,等等!Before you go, we have good news.在走之前我还有个好消息。Put the computer down and gather your puter:电脑gather:聚集把电脑放下让你的朋友们都过来。What is it, Papa?什么事?爸. friends.朋友们。Is it just me, or doe

7、s web chatting with your clothes on seem a little pointless?web:网络chatting:聊天pointless:无意义的是不是只有我觉得穿着衣服视频极其无趣?Rajesh, do you remember Lalita Gupta?Rajesh你还记得Lalita Gupta吗?The little fat girl that used to kick me in the samosas and call me untouchable?untouchable:贱民【samosas:印度三角饼,这里引申为要害部位】那个老踢我要害还骂我

8、是贱民的小胖妞?Yes. Well, now shes a dental student at USC,dental:牙科的【USC:university of south California的缩写,南加州大学】对,她现在是南加州大学口腔专业的学生,so we gave her your contact联系我们把你的联系方式给她了。Why did you do that?你们为什么要那样做? Youre 26 years old, Rajesh.你都26岁了Rajesh。We want grandchildren.grandchildren:孙子我们

9、想抱孙子了。But, Papa, Im not supposed.但是,爸爸我不能.Lalitas parents approved the match.approve:赞成,同意match:婚姻Lalita的父母也同意这门婚事。 If you decide on a spring wedding,如果你们决定春天结婚,we can avoid monsoon season.avoid:避开monsoon:(印度等地的)雨季正好可以错开雨季。A spring wedding?!春天结婚?s up to you, dear. We dont want to meddle.up to:取决于med

10、dle:干涉这由你决定,亲爱的我们不想插手。If you dont want to meddle, then why are you meddling?如果你们不想插手为什么你们还在插手?If I may, your parents probably dont consider this meddling.consider:认为容我说一句,你父母可能不觉得他们在插手,While arranged marriages are no longer the norm,arranged marriages:包办婚姻norm:标准,规范虽然包办婚姻已不再是一种制度,Indian parents cont

11、inue to have a greater-than-average involvement in their childrens love lives.continue:继续average:普通的 involvement:参与,插手印度父母对子女的爱情生活仍旧进行过多的干涉。Why are you telling me about my own culture?你干吗要给我解释我自己的文化?You seemed confused.confused:迷乱的你看上去挺迷茫的。Sorry, Mummy, Papa, but with all due respect, I really.with

12、all due respect:恕我直言due:应有的respect:尊重对不起爸爸妈妈,恕我直言,我真的.m sorry, darling. We have to go.对不起亲爱的,我们得下了。Doogie Howser is on.天才小医生开始了 (1989-1993首播的美剧)Grandma!奶奶!s Doogie Time!该看天才小医生了!Bye-bye!拜拜!-Rajs father:I dont believe it.我真不敢相信。Neither do I.我也不信。Doogie Howsers been off the air for like 20 t

13、he air:停止广播天才小医生20多年没在电视上播过了。Actually, I read somewhere实际上,我在书上读到过that its one of the most popular programs in India.popular:流行programs:节目那是印度最受欢迎的节目之一。It might speak to a cultural aspirationspeak to:提醒aspiration:强烈的愿望这说不定能解释父母为何渴望to have ones children enter the medical profession.enter:进入medical:医学

14、profession:职业,行业培养子女从事医疗行业了。I bet youre打赌我猜你是对的。I bet they love Scrubs.我猜他们肯定爱看实习医生风云 (2001年首播的医务喜剧)。Whats not to love?干嘛不爱呢?Excuse me! Hello?打扰一下!哈喽?My parents are trying to marry me off to a total stranger.marry:结婚total:完全stranger:陌生人我爸妈要让我娶一个陌生人。What am I going to do?我该怎么办?I suggest yo

15、u go through with it.go through with:完成,将进行到底我建议你把结婚进行到底。What?什么?Romantic love as the basis for marriage has only existed since the 19th century.Romantic:浪漫的basis:基础marriage:婚姻existed:存在人们从19世纪开始才把浪漫爱情作为婚姻的基础。Up until then,在那之前,arranged marriages were the norm,标准,行为模式一直实行包办婚姻制度,and it served society

16、 quite well.society:社会它同样能很好的服务于社会。s the entire premise of Fiddler on the Roof.entire:全部的premise:前提Fiddler:提琴手Roof:屋顶这就是屋顶上的提琴手的大背景。m not a big fan of musicals, but I love that狂热爱好者musicals:音乐剧show:演出我虽然不喜欢音乐剧但爱看那一部。Me too.我也是。Of course, it speaks to me culturally.当然,它的文化差异深深打动了我。Understan

17、dable, but theres a universality to that story which transcends ethnicity.Understandable:可理解的universality:普遍性,广泛性transcends:超出,超越ethnicity:种族划分可以理解但故事里还有一种超越种族划分的普遍共通性。Lets not forget its got some really catchy tunes.catchy(曲调,歌曲)容易记住的 tune:曲调别忘了还有那些动听的旋律。Oh, absolutely.毫无疑问。Okay, I know what Im goi

18、ng to do.好,我知道该怎么办了。怎么办?Find new friends.去找些新朋友。So who wants to rent Fiddler?rent:租用提琴手谁想租提琴手来看?No need, we have the special edition.special:特别edition:版本不用租我们有特别珍藏版。Well, maybe we are like Haroon and Tanvir.可能我们确实像Haroon和Tanvir。Dr. Sheldon Cooper.我是Sheldon Cooper博士。Yeah, I need to cancel my membersh

19、ip to the planetarium.cancel:取消会员planetarium:天文馆我想取消我天文馆的会员资格。Well, Im sorry, too,是这样,我也很遗憾,but theres just no room for you in my wallet.但我钱包里没有贵馆的容身之地。I understand, but it was between you and the Museum of Natural History,Museum:博物馆Natural:自然的History:历史我明白,但我必须在贵馆和自然博物馆中作出选择,and frankly, you dont h

20、ave dinosaurs.frankly:坦率地说dinosaurs:恐龙坦白的说你那里并没有恐龙。ll miss you, too. Bye-bye.我也会想你的,拜拜。Okay, I know youre texting about me and Id really like you to stop.text:编辑文本我知道你在发短信和别人一起嘲笑我,我很希望你能停止。Oh, dear, I am rightly and truly screwed.rightly:肯定的truly:真正的screwed:用螺丝拧紧的,这里引申为遭遇蹂躏天哪,我会死的很惨很难看。Hey, I though

21、t you were finding new friends.嘿,我以为你去交新朋友了。ve got some feelers out.feelers:试探器,探针我已经全面撒网了。In the meantime, listen to this.In the meantime:同时在等鱼的同时听听这个。-Lalita:Hi, Rajesh. This is Lalita Gupta.嗨,Rajesh。我是Lalita Gupta。Uh, your mother gave my mother your phone number to give to me.你妈把你的号码给了我妈让她给我。So,

22、Im calling you and, uh, call me back. Bye.所以我就打你电话了,给我回话。拜。Can you believe how pushy she is?pushy:有进取心的你们能相信她居然这么主动吗?So dont call her.那就别给她打。If I dont call her,如果我不给她打,I wont hear the end of it from my parents.我爸妈会唠叨个没完。So call her.那就给她打。How can I call her? You know I cant talk to women.我怎么给她打?你知道我没

23、法和女人说话。m done. Anybody else?我不管了,还有谁想管?Give me the phone.把电话给我。Just give it to me.给我就行了。What are you doing?你在干什么?t worry. Youll thank me.别担心,你会感谢我的。( with East Indian accent): Hello, Lalita?(操着东印度的口音) :喂Lalita吗?Raj Koothrappali here.我是Raj Koothrappali。Yes, it is good to talk to you, too.我也很高兴和你聊天。So

24、 what are you wearing?那么你穿了什么衣服?Oh, not important.哦那并不重要。Uh, so, anyhow, when would you like to meet?那么好,你想什么时候见面?Friday works for me!我星期五没问题!ll call you with a time and place.我会再打电话确定时间和地点。But in the meantime, keep it real, babe.但与此同时保持联系,宝贝儿。You may now thank me.你现在可以谢我了。For what? Making me sound

25、like a Simpsons character?【Simpsons:辛普森(姓氏),这里指一部动画片辛普森一家】character:人物谢什么?让我听上去像辛普森一家 里的人物?(美国一部动画片)Fine. Next time make your own约会对象好吧,下次你自己约女孩吧。I didnt want to make this one!我连这个都不想约!Look on the bright side,Look on the bright side:对事物持乐观态度 bright side:光明的一面往好的方面想想,she might turn out to be a nice, beautiful girl.tur

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