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1、 conversation, two parts which the first contains a discussion on the social conditions of England and the second described an ideal communist society, Utopia.Utopia is a pun meaning both good place and “no place”Edmund Spencer(c.1552-99),Court poet, “the Poets Poet”The Shepherds Calendar1579The Fae

2、rie Queene1580Amoretti1594Faerie Queene :dedicated to Queen Elizabeth ISpecial verse form that consists of eight iambic hexameter followed by a ninth line of six iambic feet, with the rhyme scheme ababbcbcc, This form has since been called the Spenserian Stanza.Christophor Marlowe(1564-1593)The Jew

3、of Malta Tamburlaine the Great Doctor Faustus(or The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus)The Passionate Shepherd to His LoveCharacteristics of His Drama: the praise of individuality freed from the restraints medieval dogmas and law, and the conviction of the boundless possibility of human efforts in

4、conquering the universe. Mans reason and power is everything. This is the progressive side of the young bourgeois ideal. It has played its part in pushing human society a step forward. However, the heroes in Marlowes plays are merely individualist, Their individualistic ambition often brings ruins t

5、o the world and to themselves.Comments on the author: Marlowe was the greatest of pioneers of English drama. He reformed the English drama and perfected the language and verse of dramatic works. It is Marlowe who first made Blank Verse the principal instrument of English drama.Willam Shakespeare(156

6、4-1616)38 play, 2 narrative poems: Venus, the Rape of Lucrece, 154 sonnet1st period up to 1594: one of experimentationThe Comedy of Errors, The Taming of the Shrew, Loves Labors LostComedy: Romeo and Juliet 2nd period (1594-1600): style became highly individualized.Plays: King John, Richard II, Henr

7、y IV, and Henry VComedies: The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Nighs Dream, As you like it, Twelfth Night, The Merry Wives of Windsor.3rd period 1601-1607, the peak of his creationMajor Works: Hamlet, King Lear, Macbeth, Othello, Measure for Measure, Alls Well That Ends Well4th period 1608-1613, pri

8、ncipal romantic tragicomedies. Cymbeline, Tempest , Winters Tale, (They reflects a change in fashion in the drama of the periodFour great tragedies:Evil and the corruption of mans heart by evil.Hamlet: fighting against the outside evil;Othello: an outward evil causes a mans fall;King Lear: mans mist

9、akes set free the evils;Macbeth: an outward evil destroys a hero.Four great comedies:The Merchant in VeniceTwelfth NightAs You Like ItA Midsummer Nights Dream.Francis Bacon(1561-1626)The philosophical works:The Advancement of Learning The New InstrumentLiterary works(Essays)Of Studies,Of TruthOf Wis

10、domWriting Style of Bacons Essays:Having a literary style peculiar to their own, they are noted for heir clearness, brevity and force of expression.Three prominent qualities: directness, terseness(精炼), forcefulness17世纪John Milton(1608-1674)(the Puritan)The greatest English poet after ShakespeareWork

11、s:Home period(1644-1649):L AllegroLycidas ComusPolitical Period(1649-1660):Political periodAreopagiticaEikonoklastesDefense for the English PeopleBlind period(1660-1674):Paradise Lost Paradise RegainedSamsonSonnet: On his blindnessEpics: 1. Paradise Lost2. Paradise Regained3. Samson AgonistsThree Ma

12、jor Western Poetry:Paradise Lost, Homers Epic, Divina CommediaParadise LostSource: the Old Testament of the Bible 12- book epic in blank verse, iambic pentameter without end rhymeStyle: grand, dignified, lofty and melodic the heroic revolt against Gods authority Image of Satan:Real hero of the poem,

13、 firmer than the rest of the angels, invicible heart, remains superior in nobility and welcomes his defeat and his torments as a glory, a liberty and a joy. Spirit questioning the authority of God, Milton makes Satan as his own mouthpieceMiltons Literature Importance:1. Greatest English revolutionar

14、y poet f the 17th century2. Wrote the greatest epic in English Literature3. Master of the blank verse(first used blank verse in non-dramatic works)4. Great stylist, famous for his grand styleJohn Bunyan(1628-1688)(the Puritan)Grace Abounding The Life and Death of Mr. BadmanThe Holy WarThe Pilgrims P

15、rogress: a religious mans pilgrimage in search of salvation, and gives a truthful picture of English society religious allegoryThrough the allegory, its characters impress the reader like real person.“Vanity Fair” is a remarkable passage which is an epitome of the English society after the Restorati

16、onDeep hatred of both the king and his government Language style is chiefly plain and colloquial and quite modern in comparison with that of the writers of the Renaissance, his language is clear, vivid, natural, homely fluent, musical and powerful.John Donne(1572-1631)(the Metaphysical)“The founder

17、of Metaphysical poetry“Songs and Sonnets(love is the basic theme, he holds that the nature of love is the union of soul and body)The ElegiesThe First and Second AnniversariesHoly SonnetsDevotions upon Emergent OccasionsDonnes poetry:A wide range of secular and religious subjects, which is characteri

18、zed by the following:1 use of conceits2 complicated reasoning3 suggestions of sensual and physical loveDeath be not Proud explain the overview that people are not afraid of dying and there is no use to threaten them with death. It display the optimistic attitude to the essence of death and the new e

19、xplanation of eternity life.Meter: iambic pentameterRhyme scheme: abba abba cddc eeRhetoric devices: personification, paradoxJohn Dryden(1631-1700)(the Cavalier)“father of English Criticism”Works : All for loveAlexanders FeastAn Essay of Dramatic PoesyIn it he discusses the works of the great playwr

20、ights of Greece and Rome, the English Renaissance, and contemporary France.18世纪启蒙时期(1688-1798)(the Age of Reason)Revival of interest in the old classical works, this tendency is known as neoclassicismAn age of prose rather than of poetry1. Neo-classicism2. Sentimentalism3. Modern novel4. Pre-Romanti

21、cism5. DramaAlexander Pope (1688-1744)The early period of the 18th century has often been named after him as “The Age of Pope”The Essay on Criticism(1711) a poem written in heroic couplets outlining critical tastes and standardsThe Rape of the Lock(1714), a mock-heroic poem ridiculing the fashionabl

22、e world of his dayEssay on ManThe DunciadFeatures and LimitationA master of heroic couplet, Lacks lyrical gift, artificial and obscureJoseph Addison and Richard SteeleThe TatlerThe Spectator: Sir Roger de Coverley (country gentry), Sir Andrew Free port (Commerce), Captain Sentry (the army), and Will

23、 Honey comb (the town folks)Contribution: provide a new code of social morality for the rising bourgeoisie. Give a true picture of the social life of England in the 18th centuryEnglish essay has completely established itself as a literature genre.Modern English novel began in the 18th centuryDaniel

24、Defoe (1660-1731)A journal of the PlagueThe life and Strange Surprising Adventures of Robinson Crusoe(1719)Captain SingletonMoll FlandersColonel JacqueRobinson Crusoe: is based on the experience of Alexander Selkirk,Two partsin first person singularJonathan Swift(1667-1745)Major WorksA Tale of a Tub

25、 (1697)The Battle of the Books1698The Drapiers Letters1724Gullivers Travel 1726A Modest Proposal1729Gulliver part1: satirize the Tories and Whigs in EnglandGulliver part2: theme accused the English corrupt politics and jingoism through the kings words in Brobdingnag.Gulliver part3: The theme: satiri

26、zed the ivory-towered research work of English philosophers and projectors through description of the projects in the flying island.Gulliver Part4: the theme: What on earth is human being?(the satire is of the bitterest)Henry Fielding (1707-1754)Father of English Novel, Founder of English Realistic

27、NovelThe History of Tom Jones, a Founding: A whole gallery of 40 characters appear in the novel, which mark a great achievement in English realistic literature.Joseph AndrewsThe History of Jonathan Wild the GreatWriting Style1. Directly2. Satire3. Educational functionAchievement1. Set up the theory

28、of realism in literary creation.2. Man centralized3. Reproduce human nature faithful and accuratelySamuel Richardson(1689-1761)PamelaClarissa HarloweLawrence Sterne(1713-1768)The Life and Opinions of Tristram ShandyTobias Smollett(1721-1771)The Adventures of Roderick RandomThomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard abab(the first line rhymes with third line, and the second line rhymes with the fourth line)

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