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1、从男士话中可知,Mark已经两个多月没有女士的消息了,换言之,他们很久没有联系了,故选A)。选项B)将男士与Mark相遇的时间弄错了,是昨天,而不是两个月前;女士说她太忙了,没时间给Mark打电话,故排除C);女士没打电话是因为太忙,不是因为忘了电话号码,故排除D)。2. M: Mr. Brown asked me to tell you that hes sorry that he cant come to meet you in person. He is really too busy to make the trip. Thats OK, Im glad youve come in h

2、is place. What do we learn from the conversation?2. A) The woman is glad to meet Mr. Brown in person.B) The woman feels sorry that Mr. Brown is unable to come.C) The man is meeting the woman on behalf of Mr. Brown.D) The man is late for the trip because he is busy.C)。关键词题。本题的答题关键在于抓住男士话中的in person(亲

3、自)和女士话中的in ones place(代替某人)。从男士话中可知,Mr. Brown不能亲自来见女士,从女士话中可知,男士代替Mr. Brown来见她,选项C)中的on behalf of sb.(代表某人)与in ones place同义,故选C)。3. M: So, when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in ten minutes. We cant wait here forever. Its ten thirty already. They are supposed to be here b

4、y now. I told everybody to meet here by ten fifteen. When is the train leaving?3. A) At 10:25 B) At 10:30 C) At 10:45D) At 10:40D)。综合理解题。对话中出现了三个时间,注意题目问的是火车离开的时间。男士说火车在十分钟后离开,女士说当前时间是十点半,综合二人给出的信息可以得出火车的离开时间是十点四十分,故选D)。选项B)是当前时间,其他两个时间对话中未提及。4. W: So you finally listened to your wifes advice and ga

5、ve up smoking.M: It was my doctors advice. I was suffering from high blood pressure.4. A) The man refuses to listen to his doctors advice.B) The man is under pressure from his wife.C) The man usually follows his wifes advice.D) The man no longer smokes.女士说男士终于戒烟了,选项D)与此相符,no longer smoke相当于give up s

6、moking。从男士话中可知,他决定戒烟是听取了医生的建议,所以选项A)不对;对话中提到了blood pressure, 意思是“血压”,不是选项B)说到的“压力”,而且男士戒烟不是因为他妻子的建议,而是因为医生的警告,故排除B); 对话没有提到男士是否一贯听从妻子的建议,所以选项C)没有依据。5. W: Frank, I thought you were working in New York. I was, but Ive moved back. I just couldnt get used to living in a big city. So here I am, back in s

7、chool, taking courses for a teachers certificate. What is Frank planning to do?5. A) Become a teacher.B) Go back to school.C) Move to a big city.D) Work in New York.推理判断题。男士说他在上课以获取教师资格(take courses for a teachers certificate), 由此推断他打算成为一名教师,故选A)。从男士说到here I am, back in school可知,他已经回到了学校,所以这不是他今后的打算

8、,故排除B);男士说他过去在纽约工作,现在刚从纽约搬回来,而不是选项C)说的要搬到大城市去或选项D)说的去纽约工作。6. M: Washing dishes in the restaurant every day is really boring. Why dont you quit and delivering flowers for me? What does the woman advised the man to do?6. A) Quit delivering flowers.B) Leave his job to work for her.C) Work at a restaura

9、nt.D) Bring her flowers every day.B)。女士话中的Why not是表示建议的典型句型,她对男士的建议是让他放弃目前的工作,替自己送花,即为她工作,故选B)。送花是女士建议男士去做的工作,而不是男士目前的工作,故排除A);对话中没有提到在餐馆工作,故排除C); deliver flowers意思是“送花上门”,是一种工作,不是选项D)说的给女士献花。7. M: Can I borrow your math textbook? I lost mine on the bus. Youve asked the right person. I happened to h

10、ave an extra copy. What does the woman mean?7. A) She can find the right person to help the man.B) She picked up the book from the bus floor.C) She can help the man out.D) Shes also in need of a textbook.男士向女士借数学书,女士回答说她正好还有一本,由此推断她可以帮助男士,故选C)。女士说Youve asked the right person, 意思是“你找对人了”,而不是选项A)说的找一个

11、合适的人帮助男士;选项B)在对话中未提及;女士虽然也要用数学书,但是她额外还有一本,故排除D)。8. W: Hello. This is doctor Greys office, We are calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annual checkup tomorrow. Oh, thanks. Its a good thing youve called. I thought it was 4:15 today.8. A) The man cant come for the appointment at 4:15

12、.B) The man is glad hes got in touch with the doctor.C) The man wants to change the date of the appointment.D) The man was confused about the date of the appointment.女士打电话提醒男士别忘了他明天和医生的预约,男士回答说他原以为是今天的预约,可见男士把预约的时间弄错了,故选D)。9. W: I just cant believe this is our last year. College is going by fast. Ye

13、ah, well have to face the real world soon. So have you figured about what you are going to do after you graduate?9. A) The man is worried about his future.B) The two speakers are seniors at college.C) The two speakers are at a loss what to do.D) The woman regrets spending her time idly.女士说这是她们在大学的最后

14、一年,男士也提到了即将毕业,并询问女士毕业后的打算,由此判断二人是大四的学生,故选B)。10. M: I had a hard time getting through this novel. I share your feeling. Who can remember the names of 35 different characters? What does the woman imply?10. A) She also found the plot difficult to follow.B) She has learned a lot from the novel.C) She us

15、ually has difficulty remembering names.D) She can recall the names of most characters in the novel.观点态度题。男士抱怨说这本小说读起来很费劲,女士回答说I share your feeling (我同意你的说法),由此可知女士也认为小说不好读,故选A)。女士只是说到了小说的难易,没有说自己的收获,故选项B)没有依据;女士用问句说:“谁能记得住小说中那么多人物的名字”,实际上是说小说中的人物太多,她无法记清,不是说她平时记人名字时有困难,故排除C);选项D)与女士的说法相反。Section B C

16、ompound Dictation.The library of Congress is Americas national library. It has millions of books and other objects. It has newspapers, (S1) _ publications as well as letters of (S2) _ interest. It also has maps, photographs, art (S3) _, movies, sound recordings and musical (S4) _. Altogether it has

17、more than 100,000,000 objects. The library of Congress is open to the public Monday through Saturday, except for public holidays. Anyone may go there and read anything in the collection. But no one is (S5) _ to take books out of the building. The library of Congress was (S6) _ in eighteenhundred. It

18、 started with eleven boxes of books in one room of the Capitol Building. By 1814, the collection had increased to about 3000 books. They were all (S7) _ that year when the Capitol was burned down during Americas war with Britain. To help rebuild the library, Congress bought the books of President Th

19、omas Jefferson. Mister Jeffersons collection included 7000 books in seven languages. (S8) _. Today, three buildings hold the librarys collection. (S9) _. It buys some of its books and gets others as gifts. It also gets materials through its copyright office. (S10) _ . This means the Library of Congr

20、ess receives almost everything that is published in the United States. S1. popularS2. historicalS3. printsS4. instruments.S5. permittedS6. established.S7. destroyed S8. In 1897 the library moved into its own building across the street from the Capitol.S9. The Library provides books and materials to

21、the US congress , and also lends books to other American libraries, government agencies, and foreign libraries.S10. Anyone who wants copyright protection for a publication in the US must send tow copies to the library.Part Reading Comprehension.Passage One. Sign has become a scientific hot button. O

22、nly in the past 20 years have specialists in language study realized that signed languages are uniquea speech of the hand. They offer a new way to probe how the brain generates and understands language, and throw new light on an old scientific controversy: whether language, complete with grammar, is

23、 something that we are born with , or whether it is a learned behavior. The current interest in sign language has roots in the pioneering work of one rebel teacher at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., the worlds only liberal arts university for deaf people.When Bill Stokoe went to Gallaudet

24、to teach English, The school enrolled him in a course in signing. But Stokoe noticed something odd: among themselves, students signed differently from his classroom teacher. Stokoe had been taught a sort of gestural code, each movement of the hands representing a word in English. At the time, Americ

25、an Sign Language (ASL) was thought to be no more than a form of pidgin English(混杂英语). But Stokoe believed the “hand talk” his students used looked richer. He wondered: Might deaf people actually have a genuine language? And could that language be unlike any other on Earth? It was 1955, when even dea

26、f people dismissed their signing as “substandard”. Stokoes idea was academic heresy(异端邪说). It is 37 years later. Stokoenow devoting his time to writing and editing books and journals and to producing video materials on ASL and the deaf cultureis having lunch at a cafe near the Gallaudet campus and e

27、xplaining how he started a revolution. For decades educators fought his idea that signed languages are natural languages like English, French and Japanese. They assumed language must be based on speech, the modulation(调节) of sound. But sign language is based on the movement of hands, the modulation

28、of space.“ What I said,” Stokoe explains, “is that language is not mouth stuffits brain stuff.”11. The study of sign language is thought to be_.A) an approach to simplifying the grammatical structure of a languageB) an attempt to clarify misunderstanding about the origin of languageC) a challenge to

29、 traditional views on the nature of languageD) A new way to look at the learning of language.12. The present growing interest in sign language was stimulated by _.A) a leading specialist in the study of liberal artsB) an English teacher in a university for the deafC) some senior experts in American Sign LanguageD) a famous scholar in the study of the human brain13. According to Stokoe, sign language is _ .A) an international languageB) an substandard languageC) an artificial languageD) a genuine lan

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