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1、翻译技巧练习Tran slati on Tech niq uesPlease put the following sentences into Chinese.I. Diction 选词用字run1. The idea runs in his mind.2. The mach ine runs well.3. The street runs n orth.4. The n ews runs rapidly in the tow n.poor5. Cuba is in deed a poor coun try, but it intends to catch up.6. The water is

2、 poor in oxyge n.7. The Department of Justice was reluctant to bring poor cases into court.8. The outlook for detente is poor over the short time.9. In my poor opinion, you ve made aisJakalm10. Other media closer to the sce ne dismissed Carter as a poor loser.11. “ Poor Mexico ” , an old saying goes

3、, “ soGod, so close to the United States. ”dista nt from12. She told me that she was a poor sailor and always went to bed immediately on gett ing on the boat.develop13. This fear is that these minor clashes may develop into all-out confron tati on.14. When started out as a short story it eventually

4、developed into a full-scale no vel. no vella/no velette15. Their casual acqua intance developed over time into a lasti ng frien dship.16. The whole project developed out of an idea that I had while I was in the States.17. The gover nment is going to develop a new strategy to deal with the problem.18

5、. They ve just developed a new djg that will cure the illness if it s caught in the earliest stages.19. She s developed some very stra nge habits since she started livi ng on her own.20. The company is spending $ 650 million to developnew products.21. Large cracks have begu n to develop in the wall

6、of the house.22. This exercise is desig ned to develop the shoulder and back muscles.23. For some reas on, the last film I took did n properly.t develop24. The study showed that one in twelve women is likely to develop breast can cer.25. A good diet is essential for a child s hand developme nt.jalth

7、y growth26. There been a lot of housing development in the area.27. The world is scraping bottom in the deepest econo mic slump in a half-ce ntury.28. In this book he presents his hero with an Arab voice, and not with the usual Wester n voice.s29. Bright red costumes, with hats, shoes, and stock ing

8、s to match, are to be all the craze in the Spring. Smart wome n will have to be careful not to yaw n in the streets in case some short sighted pers on is on his way to post a letter.30. The elevator boys ooze the spit and polish of West Point cadets and in polite English remind you that you must not

9、 smoke in side their lifts.II. Correctio n1. His pare nts are dead aga inst the trip.他的双亲为了反对这次旅行 死了。2. This special flavor as a rule disappears in a honey, which is a much less watery fluid than the n ectar.这种特殊的香味在蜂蜜中通 常会消失,蜂蜜是一种比花蜜 少的多的含水流体。3. In China I had social life at all levels but privacy

10、whe n 1 chose.在中国,我除了没有自己选择 的私人生活以外,有各方面的 社交生活。4. Just think of daytime on the moon lasting n early fourtee n of our days.想想长达地球上近十四天的 月球上的白天。5. I wrote four books in the first three years, a record n ever touched before.我在头三年里写了四本书和 一篇从未与过的报道。6. He sat in the corner and wrote it down in Ion g-ha nd

11、.他坐在角洛里用普通手法一 字一字写下来。7. Roseta long boasted the lowest heart attack rate in the U.S.A.罗赛塔长期以来自吹是美国 心脏病发病率最低的地方。8. It would have bee n only courteous to kn eel at the proper time as all did, since I had voluntarily come to the Catholic church, but for all the disapproving glances, I, the stiff -necke

12、d Jew, would not kn eel.既然我来这里(天主教堂)出 于自愿,仅仅为了礼貌起见, 我本来 也应该在需要下跪的 时候和大家一起下跪,但是我 这个倔强的犹太人却由于非 难目光而不愿下跪。9. Thatcher never suggested that the transition would be easy but the econo mic shocks of her first eightee n mon ths at 10 Downing Street have been so seismic that even the stiffest upper lips are

13、aquiver.撒切尔从未表示过(经济)转 体会一帆风顺一一但她上任 后十八个月在唐宁街 10号的 经济冲击引起地震,甚至使最 僵直的上唇也在发抖。10. The operation only just succeeded and it was fortun ate that we had provided additi onal forces.(丘吉尔血战后说的话)这次 战役刚刚才取得胜利,也多亏 了我们增加了兵力。11. There are already hopes that actual tactical surprise has been attained, and we hope

14、to furnish the en emy with a successi on of surprise during the course of the f ighting.现在已经有理由认为,我们确 实达到了战术的突然,而且我 门还想在今后作战的过程中 继续给敌人以接二连三的突 然性。12. The heavily lade n infan try, though enjoying a superiority of six-to-one, simply could not keep to schedule and lost 60,000 men in one day.这支负载很重的步兵,尽

15、管享 有六比一的优势,完全不能遵 寸时间表,并且在天内损失 六万人。13. Now that factories can be moved from one country to another almost at will, a set of new economic actors has emerged who were once regarded as uni mporta nt.现在工厂几乎可以随意从一 个国家搬到另一个国家,一批 曾经被看作无足轻重的新经 济演员崭露头角。14. It draws attention to the risks of a farther这就引起了人们的注意,随着recession following a short recovery, or a proIon ged stag nati on.短期的恢复或是长时间的呆 滞,工商业还会有进一步衰落 的危险。15. No wonder the sight of it should send the memories of quite a number of the old gen eratio ns back 36 years a

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