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1、A. women and men B. on the table C a clever boy D. an ugly man8.Arbitrariness of language was first discussed by .DA. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Firth D. Saussure9.Which pair of words is NOT a minimal pair 最小对立体? BA. cat / bat B. put / but C. jig / pig D. sit/ bit10.Which function is the major role of L

2、anguage?A. In formative B. I nteTpersonal C.Performative D. Emotive11.If two sounds are in complementary distribution 互补分布,they are of the same phoneme.BA. symbols B. allophones C. phones D. signs12.Which branch of study cannot be included in the scope of Linguistic? DA. syntax E. Pragmatics C Phone

3、tics D. Anthropology13.Atom is a word of origin.A. Latin B. Greek C Chomsky D. Spanish14.The distinction of langue and parole is made by .DA.Hall B. Sapir C Chomsky D. Saussure15. are bound morphemes because they cannot be usedas separate words. CA. Roots B. Stems C Affixes D. Compounds16. is the st

4、udy of the relationship between symbols andtheir interprete匚 CA. Syntax B. Semantic C. Pragmatics D.Sociolinguistic17. is the defining properties of units like nouns (number,gender, case, etc) and verbs (tense, aspect, voice, etc). CA. Parts of speeches B. word classes C. Categories D. Functions of

5、words18.The noun “tear,and the verb “tear are BA. homophones B. homographs C. complete homonyms D. allophones19.The function of language is one of the most powerfuluses of language because it is so crucial 重要的、in changing the emotional status of an audience for or against someone or something. AA. p

6、erformative B. phatic C. recreational D. emotive20.The term may be defined as a way of referring to theapproach which studies language changes over various periods of time and at various historical stages CA. synchronic linguistic B. comparative linguisticC. diachronic linguistic D historical compar

7、ative linguistics21. examines how meaning is encoded in a language. AA. Semantic B. Syntax C. Pragmatics D. Morphology22.Saussure distinguishes the linguistic competence of the speakeras DA. parole B. language C system D. langue23.This fundamental distinction between competence andperformance is dis

8、cussed by AA. Chomsky B. Saussure C. Bloomfield D.Austin24.An affix can be added to certain type of to form a newword. C/DA. infix B. affix C. stem D. word25.In a sentence, which of the following is usually NOT stressed?A. Nouns B. Verbs C. Prepositions D. Adj.26.The maxim of requires that a partici

9、pant contributionbe relevant to the conversation. DA.quantity B. quality C manner D. relation27.The relationship between “meat,and “meet” is DA.synonymy B. antonymy C polysemy D. homonymy28.That there is no direct link between language and the real worldis the view of concerning the study of meaning

10、. B语义三角A.naming B. conceptualist C contextualist D. behaviorist29.What are the dual structures of language?A. Sounds and letters 语音和词了匚 B. Sounds and meaningsC. Letters and meanings D. Sounds and symbols30.Where are the vocal cords 声带?A.In the mouthB.In the nasal cavityC.Above the tongueD.Inside the

11、 larynx 喉咙31.Which of the following statements about language is NOT true? D/BA.Language is a means of verbal communication.B.Language is some arbitrary symbolsC.The language system is unique to human beings.D.Language is yet to be understood.32. studies the sound system in a certain language. BA. P

12、honetics B. Phonology C Semantics D.Syntax33 is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationshipbetween expression and content. CA. Root B. Allomorph C. Morpheme D. Word34.A speaker actual utterance in Chomskys terminology is called .DA. deep structure B. linguistic universalsC universal gramm

13、ar D. surface stmcture35.A word with several meanings is called word. AA. a polysemous B. a synonymous C. an abnormal D. a multiple36.The study of how sounds are put together and used to conveymeaning in communication is BA. general linguistic B. phonology C. semantics D. morphology37.Leech divided

14、meanings into types.A. 4 B. 5 C.6 D. 73 & English has managed to widen her vocabulary by borrowing words from other language except .A. French B. Korean C. Latin D. Greek39.Distinctive features 辨咅特质 are used to describe AA. phones B. phonology C. allophones D.phonemes40.The English word “untouchable

15、 is composed of morphemes. BA. four B. three C. two D. five41.The process by which words are formed by putting the initialletters of several words together is called .A. compounding B. clipping C. acronymD.blending42.“The Adames Apple,is .A. a kind of apple B. related to Adam C the front part of lar

16、ynx D. on the top of larynx43.The founder of modern linguistics is DA. Chomsky B. Halliday C. Bloomfield D. Saussure44.Modem linguistics focuses on the present day language, and itwill be possible to describe language from a perspective.BA. sociological B. synchronic C. diachronic D. psychological45

17、.The four major modes of semantic change are .A.extension, narrowing, meaning shift and class shiftB.extension, generalization, elevation and degradationC.extension, narrowing, specialization and degradationD.extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation46.In the production of consonants at lea

18、st articulator areinvolved.A. one B. two C. threeD. four47.The basic unit in the study of morphology is BA. the internal structure B. morphemeC. the rules by which words are formed D. word48.The relation between “food” and “bread,is called DA. synonymy B. polysemy C. homonymy D. hyponymy49.Voiceless

19、 sounds are produced when the vocal folds are AA. closed B. apart C. totally closedD. completely open50.Which of the following is NOT a compound word?A.Pencil box B. Unreasonable C. DeadlineD. Upstairs51. involve more than one manners of articulations 发音方法.CA.Stops B. Fricatives 摩擦音 C. Affricates 破擦

20、咅 D. Laterals 侧根52.Which is not true for the vowel i ?A.High B. Unrounded C. Mid D.Front53 The sentence “ I apologize! belongs to the category of according to Searle,s speech act theory. DA. expressives B. declarations C. representative D. commissives54.General linguistics is the scientific study of

21、 CA.language of a certain individualB.the English languageC.human languages in generalD.the system of a particular language55.The distinction between vowels and consonants lies in .A.the place of articulationB.the obstruction of airstreamsC.the position of the tongueD.the shape of the lips56. studie

22、s how speech sounds are made, transmitted andreceived. AA. Phonetics B. Phonology C. Phoneme D. Phonics57. sounds are produced with the back of the tongue andthe soft palate. DA. Velar B. Palatal C. Glottal D. Alveolar58. is concerned with the study of the actual use oflanguage in communication. CA.

23、 Sociolinguistic B. Semantic C. Pragmatics D.Synchronic linguistic59.Where is the primary stress of the word “phonology”?A. pho B. no C. lo D. gy60. refers to the utterance of a sentence with determinatesense and reference. CA.Locutionary actB.Illocutinary actC.PerlocutionaryD. Speech act61. Which o

24、f the following words is built by Abbreviation?A. Smog B. FridgeD. EditC. Motel62. What is the full form of LAD?A. Language associative districtB. Languageacquisition districtC. Language associative deviceD. Languageacquisition device63.The semantic components of the word marT can be expressedas . B

25、A.十 animate, + human, + male -adultB.+animate? + human, + male, + adultC.+ animate, + human, male, adultD.+ animate, + human, male, +adult64.A (n) is the smallest unit of sound in a language, whichcan distinguish two words. CA. morpheme B. sound C. phoneme D.allophone65.Productivity is one of the fe

26、atures of language. BA. distinctive B. design C. Supra-segmentalD.pragmatics66.What is the common feature of the three sounds: b, p,m?A. Voiceless B. Voiced C. Nasal D. Bilabial 双唇音67.Which of the following items is NOT one of the grammatical categories of English pronouns?A. Gender B. Number C. Cas

27、e D. Voice68.In the word “internationalism”,which part is the root?A. inter B. nation C. alD. ism69.“voiced fiicatives voiceless / voiceless is aA. phonological rule B. syntactic rule C phrase structure rule D. functional rule70.The word pen originally meant feather used for writing withink”. Now it

28、 refers to any device used for writing with ink. This is an example of A. degradation of meaning B. broadening of meaningC. narrowing of meaning D. elevation of meaning71.The word “smog” is formed through , BA.backfbrmation B. blending C. clipping D. derivation72.In general, language acquisition refers to children developmentof their languageA. first B. second C. dialectal D.individualized73.Which of the following statements are NOT true for vowels?A.Vowels are sonorants.B.In the production of vowels, there is no

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