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八上第九单元讲义 2Word文件下载.docx

1、掌握第九单元重难点和易错点教学重点和难点各种单词的相近词义辨析,常用的词语搭配,一般过去式参考教材 教学内容。1基础知识回顾1.单词2.短语2重难点1.Whos that? 那人是谁? 用来询问对方是谁,一般很少这样用,不符合礼仪习惯,一般这样的,我们用that/it回来,而不用she/he,. -Whos that? - Mr Green, our English teacher.2.She is a great Chinese ping-pong player. great的讲解:1)伟大的,大的 a great man 伟人 a great picture 名画2)重大的,非常的 a g

2、reat decision 重大的决定 3)在口语中意为“妙,好”等于wonderful Thats great.4) 用于地名,事件名称等。 the Great wall 长城 the Great Hall of the people 人民大会堂 辨析: great,big和large 都有大的意思。great 大,伟大,常用于抽象,精神上的大;big 大,指容积,体积大;large 大,指面积大。3.When was she born? 她是什么时候出生的? be born 意为“出生,出世”为被动语态,born是动词bear的过去分词。一般用过去时态,特殊情况可以用将来时,即will b

3、e born. Another baby will be born next month.4.hiccupping world record 打嗝的世界记录1)world records 世界记录2)record n. 记录,记载 打破记录 record v.记载,记录 The programme was recorded.5.When did he start hiccupping? 你什么时候开始打嗝的?1)start 出发 起程 We must start early.2) start 开始 着手 start work 着手工作 辨析: start与begin 两者都有“开始”的意思st

4、art 动作性较强,着重于开始或着手这一点,带有“突然开始”的意思Lets start to do it at once.begin 指开始某一行动或进程。 The meeting will begin at 8:00.以下几种情况下只能用start,不能用begin.表示“创办”,“开设”。He started a new shop last year.表示“机器开动”。 Can you start the car?表示“出发”“动身”. We must start early.6.When did he stop hiccupping? 他什么时候停止打嗝的? stop doing sth

5、. 停止做某事 停下来去做某事7.You are never too young to start doing things. 你永远不要因为太年轻就不去做一些事情。8.And Ronaldo,the great Brazilian soccer player, his national team when he was seventeen.而杰出的巴西足球运动员罗纳尔多,17岁时就为国家对效力了。when: 从属连词,引导时间状语从句,意为“当的时候”Please call me when you arrive. when与while1)when既可以引导一个连续动作,也可以引导一个短暂动作

6、,可用于主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作发生。The train had left when we arrived at the time.2)while 引导的动作必须是持续性的,强调某一段时间内,主从句动作同时发生,相当于during the time.My mother was washing clothes while I was watching TV.9.When did she become a movie star?她是什么时候成为一名电影明星的、。become: 成为,变得,变成。 是系动词用法,后面+形容词或名词作表语。 become,get,turn和grow

7、become强调状态变化,通常用于过去时或完成时。 He a teacher two years ago.get 表示短时间情况的变化,如天气,身体,情绪等。 The news her down.turn 常指改变性质,状况,颜色等,其表语名词前不用冠词。Spring is here.The trees green.grow 侧重逐渐变化。She said she old.10.learn to ride a bicycle.learn 学会,学习。 learn a foreign language 学一门外语1)learn to do sth.意为“学着做某事”,表示模仿,实践的学习过程,尤

8、指从不会到会。 learn to swim learn sth. by heart 背诵2)learn from 向某人学习,从某处获得知识。3)3)learn of 意为“听说,了解到”He learned of the news yesterday. learn和studylearn 强调结果,侧重从不会到学会。study 强调学习的动作,侧重“研究,钻研”.study 作名词,意为“学习,书房”I have three hundred English words.He is the maths problem study time a big We should Lei Feng.13.

9、I saw her play when I was eight. 我8岁时看过她的表演。see为感官动词,此处跟复合宾语,即宾语+宾语补足语,其作宾补的不定式要省略to,表示“看见某人做某事”。see sb. do sth.和see sb. doing sth.see sb. do sth. 看见某人经常做某事或做某事的全过程。I saw Jim go out.see sb. doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事。He saw a small boy in the corner.与see类似的动词还有find,hear,feel,notice等,宾补为现在分词用法和see一样。I hear

10、d a girl singing in the room.14.Li Yundi,a well-known Chinese pianist,always loved music,中国著名的钢琴家李云迪一直热衷于音乐。1).well-known adj.有名的,出名的 =famous be famous for 以而著名(=be well-know for)famous 和well-known famous 含有“天下皆知,全国闻名”的意思,语气较强。well-known 常用于口语,指小有名气,语气较轻。2)pianist n. 钢琴家piano n.钢琴 play the piano 弹钢琴

11、注意: 演奏某种乐器,用play. 乐器名词前要加定冠词the. play the violin play the drum 打鼓 球类,棋类名词前不加the 15.He began to learn the accordion at the age of four,and he started to learn the piano when he was seven. 他4岁时开始学习手风琴,7岁时开始学钢琴。 at the age of “在(某人)岁时,后跟年龄数,相当于when 引导的时间状语从句 At the age of 12,Edison started writing his

12、own newspaper.= ,Edison started writing his own newspaper.16. In October 2000,Li Yundi took part in the 14th Chopin International Piano Competition in Poland. 在2000年10月,李云迪参加了在波兰举行的第14届肖邦国际钢琴大赛。17.He was also the first Chinese pianist in the 70-year history of the competition to win this prize.他也是在该

13、项比赛的70年历史中第一个获此殊荣的中国钢琴家。1)also adv. 也,而且。还。 His wife is also French. not onlybut also: 不但而且 (注意:就近原则)The boy can speak Chinese, English.那个男孩不但会说汉语,而且会说英语。2)句中70-year 是用连字符连接的复合形容词,复合形容词的构成方法为“基数词+ 单数名词+ 形容词,这种形式中的量词要用单数形式,只能做前置定语。 他是一个14岁的男孩。18.Is the person a man or a woman? 这个人是男的还是女的?1)person“人”,

14、指“一个人”时,man或woman比person更常用。指很多人时,people比persons更常用。除了用于公务或非特指某一个人以外,person还有轻蔑之意,着重指“个别人”people作“人”“人们”讲时,它总是以单数形式表示复数概念,也可以说many/lots of people.three hundred people,但不可以说a/one people. the people指“人民”或特指“人们”。另外,people当“民族”讲的时候,有单复数之分。 表示一个民族,peoples表示许多国家或地区的“不同民族”。We study for the people. There ar

15、e 56 in 有时作“男人”的总称,有时作“人类”“人”讲,其前一般不加冠词。a man可指“一个人”,也可以指“一个男人”“男子汉”。2)这是个选择疑问句,句中2个并列成分用or连接。选择疑问句的答语不能用yes或no来回答,而是用事实回答。-Whose bag is this,Sarahs Vivians? -Its Sarahs.19.Is he alive?他还活着吗?20.What can I do to become famous? 我怎么做才能出名?to become famous 是动词不定式作目的状语。 动词不定式作目的状语时,可以放句尾,为了强调目的也

16、可以放句首。They are woking late to finish the work on time. He came here to see me.21.He stopped playing football because of his sore back. 由于背痛他停止了踢足球。because of意为“由于”后面+名词,代词。because 和because ofbecause作连词,用于引导原因状语从句或作why开头问句的答语,其直接原因。because of 为复合介词词组,后+名词,代词。He is absent today he is ill.He stayed in

17、hospital his illness.22.major in 主修。 major的名词词义为“主修课程,专业课,少校”也可以作形容词,意为“主要的,重要的,主修的”Her is French. 他的专业是法语。 He is a major in the US army. 他是美国陆军少校。This is a major road. 这是一条主要街道。23. the Number One womens singles player in the ITTF.国际乒乓球联合会女子单打一号选手。1)无生命的东西的名词所有格一般用of构成的短语来表达。 The leg of the desk is

18、broken.桌子的腿坏了。2)两个人共有一个人或物时,只需要一名词后用所有格。I found my book in Lily and Lucys room. The woman is Jim and Toms mother.3)表示两人各自所拥有的东西时,两个名词分别用所有格。Jons and Jacks mothers are both teachers.24.unit9的语法:一般过去时。三考点分析1. alive, lively, living 用法alive adj. 活着的,在世的;有活力的,有生气的,充满活力的。 alive, living 和 livelyalive:常作表语,

19、也可以做后置定语。alive不可用very修饰,要用very much 或much修饰。living 表示“活着的”,常作定语,也可以作表语,作表语时与alive相同。lively 表示“活泼的,有生气的”既可作定语,也可以作表语。He was the only person in that car accident, He must be still .We know there are no things on the moon. 我们知道月球上没有生物。 She is a girl.2. take part in, join in与 join 用法1)take part in 参加 加入

20、。指参加某一活动并在其中起作用。 Take an active part in 积极参加 2)join: 也表示参加,加入,但join 指加入某党派,团体,人群,游戏等并成为一个成员,相当于become a member of. “join+党派,团体名词”表示加入某一党派或团体。“join in+某活动”表示参加某活动,这时相当于take part inJoin sb. 表示加入到某个行列中(一起做某事)I will you later.I the school sports meeting.He the Party last year.3. 同义句牢记:1)tooto “太

21、而不能”,他虽然是肯定结构,表达的却是否定意义。She is too young to go to school. 她太小而不能上学。2)tooto可以和sothat互换。She is so young that go to school. 她太小而不能去上学。3)tooto结构可以与notenough to结构互换,但not后面的形容词是too后面的形容词的反义词。 她不够上学的年龄。4. 辨析: also,as well,too和either 四者都表示“也”aslo用于肯定句,常放在句中,位于系动词或助动词之后,实义动词之前。 John also plays the w

22、ell 用于肯定句,一般放在句末。He speaks French and English as well.too和as well一样,用于肯定句中,一般放在句末,但too也可以紧接在主语的后面,在简略答语里用于宾格之后。-I want to eat an apple. -Me too.either用于否定句中,一般放在句末,肯定句变否定句时,其中的aslo和too等要要改为either. I dont watch TV,either. He wont go, r.5. Spend, take, cost , pay, 辨析 spend 花费spend ,take,cost和pay的用法spe

23、nd的主语必须是人, 常用于以下结构:(1) spend time money on sth. 在上花费时间(金钱)。(2) spend time money (in) doing sth. 花费时间(金钱)做某事cost用法(1)cost的主语是物或某种活动, 还可以表示“值(2)sth. costs (sb.) 金钱,某物花了(某人)多少钱。(3)doing) sth. costs (sb.) 时间,某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间take 用法(1)take后面常跟双宾语, 常见用法有以下几种:(1) It takes sb. 时间to do sth. 做某事花了某人多少时间。例:It

24、 took them three years to build this road. 他们用了三年时间修完了这条路。(2)doing sth. takes sb. 时间,做某事花了某人多少时间。pay的基本用法是:(1)pay for sth. 付的钱。(2)pay for sb. 替某人付钱。(3) pay (sb.) money for sth. 付钱(给某人)买。(4)pay sb. 付钱给某人。(5)pay money back 还钱。pay off ones money还清钱。I have to the book lost. 我不得不赔丢失的书款。I have to them 20

25、pounds this room each month. 我每个月要付20英磅的房租。Dont worry!Ill you. 别担心, 我会给你付钱的。Repairing this car him the whole afternoon. 他花了一下午修车。He us every month. 他们每月给我们报酬。May I borrow 12 yuan from you? Ill next week. 你能借给我12块钱吗?下周还你。4练习1. My sister was born- the morning -June 4, 2009A. in, on B. in, in C. of, on

26、 D. on, of2.Today is Childrens Day . Its a(an) - day for him , so he got up much than-A. Unusual. Usual B. Usual, unusual C. Unusual, unusual D. Usual, usual 3.-Did you -the math match last week ?-Yes, I got frist prize .A. Join up B. Look at C. Take part in D. Watch on 4.liu ming -row a boat when h

27、e was ten . And he still now.A. Cant, cant B. Could , could C. Couldnt cant D. Couldnt . Couldnt 5. He is university student and he comes from island in English.A. An , an B. An , a C. A , an D. A, a6. - I spend two hours TV every day. What about you ? -It takds me half an hour- TV . I am very busy.jA. To watch. To watch B . To watch. WatchingC. Watching, to watch D. Watching , watching7. The Sutong Highway Bridge, a bridge, is already open to traffic.A. 32 kilometers long B. 32- kilometer- longC. 32 kilometers long D. 32- kilometers- long

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