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1、小学六年级英语上册Unit3教案小学六年级英语上册Unit3教案 小学六年级英语上册Unit3教案6A Unit 3 It as there 一、教学要求1、四会单词和词组:as, ere, exited,ent , ag, glasses, bile phne,ust n。2、四会句型: heres ur? Its next t/in frnt fninbeteen the It isnt there n It as there a ent aghere are ur? There next t /in frnt f/in/n/beteen the The arent there n The

2、 ere there a ent ag3、三会单词和词组: aera,exiting, fil, grund,earphne, diar, rll, reeber, sprts da,running rae, D alan,erent=ere nt 4、三会日常交际用语: It is the Sprts Da Let e seean l have the,please? an u pi the up fr e,please?、了解字母组合ear和ere在单词中的读音6、会唱歌曲heres diar?二、单元教材分析本单元主要围绕“寻找物品”这个话题展开教学,同时给学生介绍了动词be的过去式as

3、,ere。本单元安排的教学情景贴近学生的生活,从运动会入手,引出寻找物品这一话题,语言的交际性和实用性均较强。教师在教学时,应先从学生会说的语言材料开始,在比较自然真实的情景中过渡到新句型,同时要注意利用身边的资引导学生开展生动活泼的交际活动,在此基础上学习并引导学生进行拓展表演。Unit 3 (第一时)一、教学内容B L read and learn ≈ L and sa二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇:as, ent, ag, ere, a bile phne, glasses 能正确地听、说、读词汇:a D alan, rll, fil, earphne, diar2、能

4、正确地听、说、读、写句型: heres ur?Its n/in/near/behind/under It isnt there n It as there a enthere are ur? There n/in/near/behind/under The arent there n The ere there a ent ag3、 能正确根据图片提供的情景进行描述。三、教学重点1、 掌握本单元四会单词和句型。四、教学难点1、 引导学生正确理解 be动词的过去式,并会用相关句型表达和谈论。五、教学准备1、 教具准备 a 有关单词的实物或图片。 b 录音机和磁带。2、板书准备:写好题和日期。六、

5、教学过程A Free tal and revisin1 Tal freel ith se students 2 Listen and fll the rdersT: Tae ut ur rubber ,please Put it n ur penil bx here is ur rubber?Ss: (边做动作边说) Its n penil bx变换多种位置如: under, behind, near, in B Presentatin and pratie1 T: Tda ell learn a ne unit- Unit 3 It as there! First Let e sh u a

6、pht f three girls h an u see in the pht? This little girl is Ga un Shes Su ang and Su Hais usin根据三个女孩的年龄变化呈现:as, ag, ere T: Ga un as fur five ears ag ( 板书生词:as, ag )H ld is she n? Ss: She is nine n T: Su ang and Su Hai ere six five ears ag ( 板书生词:ere )H ld are the n?Ss: N the are elevenT: Tda Ga un

7、is visiting Su Hai and Su ang Su Hai is shing her the things in their sitting-r hats in their sitting-r? Letsg and have a l2Learn the ne rds f Part B T: ( sh the students a bile phne) L, this is a bile phne Its bile phne Ss: ( Read and spell the rd after the teaher) T: (As se questins)hats this in E

8、nglish?here is bile phne n?D u have a bile phne?hat lur is ur fathers bile phne? 用同样的方法学习操练其它单词。3Listen and read Part B 4L and guess hat it is分别出示六种物品,但只能看到部分,要求猜出是什么。 Presentatin and pratie1 以变魔术的方式呈现:It isnt there n It as there a ent ag 用实物操练,如:(把 D alan放在桌上)T: an u see a D alan?Ss: es, I anT: her

9、e is the D alan?Ss: Its n the desT: lse ur ees, please (将东西移走) L, it isnt there nSs:(引导学生说出)It as there a ent ag2 变换实物和位置进行师生、生生操练。3 Pratise in pairs 同桌利用图片交流。(P2)4 用以上步骤呈现并操练复数句型:The arent there n The ere there a ent agPratise in pairs 同桌利用图片交流。(P26)D nslidatin1 Pla and at T: Exuse e, heres ur bile

10、 phne?S1: Its beside bT: lse ur ees , please ne, t, three, fur, five L, it isnt there nS1: It as there a ent agT: es, but here is it n? an u find it?S1: Is it in ur des?T: N, it isntS1: Is it under b?T: Srr, u are rng L, its in hand教师示范两例后,学生同桌表演对话。2 L, reeber and saT: ( 利用实物) here is the diar ?S: I

11、ts beside the earphnesT: here is it n? S: Its in the bagT: es, the diar as beside the earphnes a ent ag, but its in the bag n教师将B部分所学的单词实物放入书包,学生说出:The as/ere a ent ag, but its/there nE Her1 Read and p the ne rds (Part B)2 As and anser ( Part ) ( 选几幅图做为书面练习)3 Previe Part A Listen, read and sa七、板书设计

12、Unit 3 It as there!ag 以前 heres the D alan?as (is 和a的过去式) Its n the desere (are的过去式) Its isnt there n It as there a ent ag here are the earphnes? The are beside the des The arent there n The ere there a ent ag八、教后记Unit 3 (第二时)一、教学内容A Listen, read and sa二、教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写词汇: exited,ust n2、能正确地听、说、读词汇

13、:grund, Sprts Da, running rae, exiting。3、能正确地听、说、读、写句型:here as/ere a ent ag/ust n?It as/ere 4、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语三会句型:It is Sprts Da an I have the, please? an u pi the up fr e, please?、能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。6、能运用本所学语言谈论如何寻找东西。三、教学重点1、能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。四、教学难点1、能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上,运用本语言谈论如何

14、寻找东西。五、教学准备1、教具准备A单词、句型卡片。B多媒体2、板书准备:预先写好题 Unit 3 It as there!六、教学过程A Free tal and revisin1 Tal ith se students: H an das are there in a ee?hat are the?hat da is it tda?hat da as it esterda?hat date is it tda?hat date as it esterda?2 Revie the ne rds and se sentenes:T: ( Sh the a D alan)hats this in

15、 English? an u spell it? here is it ? ( Put it n the des) Students tr t spell the ne rds and anser the questinsT: Lets pla a gae n Bs and girls, please lse ur ees ( Put the D alan in the des) N pen ur ees, the D alan as n the des a ent ag here is it n? Pla the gae “Hide and see” ith the studentsT: an u anser questins:here as ? here ere? (板书出示)here is it n? here

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