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1、These are a new type.And those are the type you had before.Oh,here are some more.These are the very latest and the best.Just arrived.Yes,I can see those are an entirely different type.By the way,where are the handles?Oh,err.modern design,you see,no handles.No handles needed,you see. 3.What are the t

2、wo speakers talking about?A.Some products. B.Some modern houses. C.Some handles. AOur computers are down. Im afraid Im not following you.What does that mean?That means theyre not working. 4.How are the computers?A.They fail to work. B.They are working right now. C.Somebody has taken them. Hello,Tony

3、.Did you go for your interview yesterday?Hi,Lisa.Yes,I did. How did it go?All right,I think. All right?You dont sound very sure. 5.How did the woman feel about the interview?A.It seemed satisfactory. B.It was surely a success. C.It didnt seem to be satisfactory. 第二节(共5小题;听下面2段对话。每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B

4、、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。听第6段对话,回答第67题。So,Mark,youve decided to go into education.What made you decide to choose that field?I guess I just think its the right choice for me.I used to have a part-time job as a tutor and I really liked it. Thats gre

5、at.Theres just a couple of things you should probably consider.First of all,you know youre not likely to get rich teaching school,right?Yeah,I know its not a very high-paying job.Helping people learn is just really satisfying for me. 6.What does the man want to be?A.A doctor. B.A manager. C.A teache

6、r. 7.Why does the man want to have such a job?A.Because he likes the job. B.Because he can get rich. C.Because he was once a private tutor. 听第7段对话,回答第810题。What time is it,William?Uh,its 7:30.Arent you going to finish your breakfast?I dont have much time.Ive got a lot to do downtown today. If youre c

7、oming into the city,we may as well have lunch together. OK.Lets say one oclock.Ill go to the gym.I have an aerobics class until 12:15.Oh,and it will have to be someplace quick. How come?I have a hair appointment at 2:15. Oh,OK.What else are you doing today?Im meeting Maria to do some shopping at 9:3

8、0.Tough day!Well,it is my day off,you know!OK,OK.Enjoy your morning.Ill see you later. Youd better get going,too.Youre not even dressed yet. Dont worry about me.Ill get to work on time. 8.Who is going to work today?A.The woman. B.The man. C.Maria. 9.When will the two speakers meet again?A.At 1:00. B

9、.At 12:C.At 2:10.Where do they probably live?A.In the center of the city. B.Near the gym. C.Out of the city. 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。11.The club will have to close_ we can attract more members. A.if that_C.unless D.until C 提示:句意为:除非我们能吸引更多的会

10、员,否则俱乐部就要关门了。故选择unless“除非”。12.Tom had been _ for 5 years for political reasons when he was young. A.put in prison the prison C.out of prison prison D be in prison意为“被监禁;坐牢”,说明状态;be put in prison指被关进监狱,强调动作。因为句中有for 5 years所以应用D项。13.Its been a wonderful evening.Thank you very much. _. A.My

11、pleasure_ B.Im glad to hear that C.No,thanks D.Its OK A my pleasure是回答对方表示感谢的客套话,意思是“是我高兴做的事,别客气”。Im glad to hear that的意思是“听到这件事我很高兴”;No,thanks用于此是中式英语;Its OK的意思是“好”。14.Hundreds of jobs _ if the factory closes. A.lose B.will be lost C.are lost D.will lose B “失去工作”的动作应在将来,且jobs和lose存在被动关系,故选B项。15.Bob

12、 is the best student in his class.He _ a good example _ his classmates. A.makes;to B.does;for C.sets;to;to set an example to sb.意为“给某人树立榜样”,为固定搭配。16._ time goes on,people _ better housing and jobs. A.When;want B.While;need C.As;demand D.Since;ask as time goes on意为“随着时间的推移”,不能用when,while或sinc

13、e。demand相当于need,意为“需求”。17.(2006浙江宁波五模,11) Research universities have to keep up with the latest computer and scientific hardware _ price. A.not to mention addition to C.on account of D.regardless of A项意为“不用提”;B项意为“除之外”;C项意为“由于;因为”;D项意为“尽管;不管”。根据句意应选D项,表示“研究型大学必须在信息科技硬件方面跟上潮流,不管价格多高”。18.This tex

14、t_ our understanding of the importance of estuaries(港湾). A.devotes to B.offers C.provides D.contributes to 本题考查动词短语。语意为:这篇文章使我们更好地了解港湾的重要性。devotes to形式上不对,应为is devoted to;offers和provides的词义与句意不符。只有contributes to能够使句子通顺。19.George Orwell,_ was Eric Arthur,wrote many political novels and essays. A.the

15、real name B.what his real name C.his real name D.whose real name 考查定语从句。whose引导定语从句,并在从句中作定语。20.(2006全国高考,9) It was not until she got home _ Jennifer realized she had lost her keys. A.when B.that C.where D.before 该题为强调句型,强调了句子的时间状语not until she got home。21._on-going division between English-speaking

16、 Canadians and French-speaking Canadians is _ major concern of the country. A.The;/ B.The;a C.An;the D.An;/ 第一个空表示特指;第二个空是国家所关注的主要问题之一,是泛指。22._ all the shortcomings you mentioned,he is a man to be depended on. A.In spite B.Although C.Though D.Despite although和though为从属连词,后面接句子;in spite使用时后加of;despit

17、e为介词,表示“尽管;虽然”。23.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever;_,he could neither eat nor sleep. a result B.after all C.anyway D.otherwise A项意为“因此;结果”;B项意为“毕竟;终究”;C项意为“不管怎样;无论如何”;D项意为“否则;要不然的话”。根据句意应选A项,表示“病得很厉害,因此既不能吃也不能睡”。24.She thought I was talking about her daughter,_,in fact,I was

18、talking about my daughter. A.whom B.whereC.which D.while 语境“in fact,I was talking about my daughter”表示转折。while除了表示时间外,还可以表示转折对比,意思是“而”。25.I would appreciate _very much if you could give me some suggestions. A.this B.that 该题考查it作形式宾语的情况。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、

19、C、D)中,选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。When I was 16 years old,I made my first visit to the United States.It wasnt the first time I had been 26.Like most English children I learned French 27 school and I had often been to France,so I 28 speaking a foreign language to people who didnt understand 29.But when I went to A

20、merica I was really looking forward to 30 a nice easy holiday without any 31 problems. 32 wrong I was!The misunderstanding began at the airport.I was looking for a 33 telephone to give my American friend Danny a 34 and tell her that I had arrived.A friendly old man saw me looking lost and asked 35 h

21、e could help me.“Yes,”I said,“I want to give my friend a ring.” “Well,thats 36,” he exclaimed.“Are you getting 37?But arent you a bit 38?” “Who is talking about marriage?” I replied.“I 39want to give my friend a ring to tell her Ive arrived.Can you tell me 40 theres a phone box?” “Oh!” he said,“ther

22、es a phone downstairs.” When at last we 41 meet up,Danny explained the misunderstandings to me.“Dont worry,” she said to me.“I had so many 42 at first.There are lots of words which the Americans 43 differently in meaning from us British.Youll soon get used to 44 funny things they say.Most of the 45

23、British and American people understand each other!” 26.A.out B.away C.outside D.abroad 由上文“My first visit to the United States”提示应选D项,be abroad意为“在国外”。27.A.from B.during D.after at school 是固定搭配,意为“上学;求学”。28.A.get used to B.was used to C.used to D.used get used to与be used to均为“习惯于做某事”,后接动名词。A项时态

24、不对。29.A.English B.French C.Russian D.Latin 根据上文“I had often been to France”判断,此处为understand French,而不是别的语种。30.A.buying D.receiving having a nice easy holiday意为“过一个轻松愉快的假期”。31.A.time B.humanC.language 根据上下文,此处应填language。without any language problems意思是“没有语言问题”。32.A.Too B.What

25、 aC.What D.How 在感叹句中,修饰形容词只能用感叹副词how。 B.popularC.public D.good 这里意思应是“公用电话”,故为public telephone。34.A.letter D.information give sb. a ring是动词短语,意为“给某人打电话”(为英国用法),也可理解为“给某人一个(订婚)戒指”。35.A.that B.ifC.where D.when 四个选项的连接词都可以引导宾语从句,但if此处作“是否”讲,符合句意。36.A.well B.overC.nice D.ring 口语th

26、ats nice意为“太好了”。 marry be married C.marrying D.married 系表结构get married意为“结婚”。Are you getting married?意思是“你要结婚吗?”38.A.small B.littleC.old D.young 此句意思是“但是你结婚不是太年轻了点吗?39.A.very B.justC.just now 四个选项的副词,只有填入just才符合句意。40.A.where which C.over there D.that 根据句意和语法结构,此处须用一个表示地点的连接副词wh

27、ere,引导宾语从句。41.A.did C.could D.had 填助动词did,强调谓语动词,用以加强语气。42.A.trouble B.difficulties C.things many之后须跟可数名词,此句讲的是起初运用语言的困难。43.A.write B.speakC.use 根据句意,此处为“使用;运用”的意思。44.A.every B.these C.some D.all the 根据上下文,此处意思应是“所有这些可笑的事情”。45.A.chance B.situation C.condition D.time 此处意为“在大多数时间里”,四个选项中只有D项表示时间。第三部分:阅读理解

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