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备战浙江新高考英语考点一遍过考点20 完形填空之记叙文及答案解析Word格式文档下载.docx


2、,它的句意往往为全文提供中心信息。所以应充分重视首句的指示作用,利用它为解题找到一个突破口,据此拓展思维,争取开局胜利。2.利用语境,揣摩心态。高考完形填空题逐渐摒弃语法分析,朝着深层化和语境化的方面挖掘,因此考生只有借助上下文乃至全文语境启示或限定,揣摩作者的心情,以及他对各个角色、各个事件的态度。在答题过程中,除了对关联用语的把握外,还要把握语气、动作等的描写。3. 瞻前顾后 在完形填空的解题过程中,从空格前面的相关语句中寻找解题依据的方法通常被称为瞻前法;所谓顾后,是指在做完形填空时参考空后的有关信息来解题。4.理清线索,把握方向。记叙文一般按事件发展顺序叙述,有时用倒叙。答题时,通过理

3、清人物间的关系,把握人物各自所做的事情,从而把握细节,找准作者的记叙方向,正确理解文章。【解题技巧】 1. 读透首句,掌握主旨重视首句,明确短文话题,了解篇章结构,预测全文内容。绝大多数记叙文的作者都会用一句话点明人物的姓名、身份或事件发生的时间、地点,然后再逐渐深入介绍事件的发生、发展,最后得出结论,所以读透句首对学生了解全文至关重要,这就是我们理解文章内在联系的突破口。2. 跳空速读全文,掌握中心速读全文要求一气呵成,跳过空格,快速阅读,领会大意,把握中心。重点了解记叙文的要素,如:时间、地点、人物和事件等,从整体上把握文章的叙述顺序和结构主线。3. 身临其境,故事重构采取换位思考的方式,

4、假设自己就是故事的主人公,在此情此景下,模拟故事的情景,体会人物的心情,推理故事的发展,体验作者的心情以及观点和态度等,这样才能对故事或事件有一个贴切的把握,才能选出符合语境的选项。同时要注意文化背景知识和生活常识。4. 关注末段,注意感想最后一段通常是作者的有感而发、心理体验或经验教训等。要注意结合语境选用合适的形容词、副词、动词或名词等。5. 浏览全文,复查核定根据记叙文的线索,考生一定要进行回查,仔细推敲,校正全文,使故事恢复原貌。检查要点是:(1)语意是否前后一致;(2)上下文是否通顺连贯,内容是否完整;(3)所选词汇是否符合语法、句法结构;(4)文化背景和生活常识是否合理。题组一(高

5、考真题)Cloze 1(2018新课标卷II)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Two weeks earlier, my son, Ben, had got in touch. Hed moved to England with his mum when he was three and it had been 13 years since Id 41 seen him. So imagine my 42 when he emailed me saying he wanted to come to visit me.I was 43 !

6、I arrived early at Byron Bay where we were supposed to 44 . The bay was 45 in sunshine, and there was a group of kayakers around 150m off the shore. Getting a little 46 , I realized one kayak(皮划艇) was in 47 . Somethings not 48 ! I took off my T-shirt and 49 into the water. I saw there were two instr

7、uctors on board and a man lying across the middle. He was 50 violently. Linking arms with one of the instructors. I helped 51 the young man out of the water. He was unconscious and as I looked at his face, something 52 to me. Those brown eyes were very 53 . Whats his name? I asked the instructor. Be

8、n, he replied, and immediately I 54 . That stranger was my son!The instructors called for an ambulance. 55 , after a brief stay in hospital, Ben was well enough to be allowed to 56 and later the family met up for dinner. We chatted about everything and then Ben 57 to me. I just want to say thank you

9、, he said. You 58 my life!I still cant believe what a 59 it was. Im just so glad I was there 60 to help my son.41. A. also B. often C. even D. last42. A. delight B. relief C. anger D. worry43. A. scared B. shocked C. thrilled D. ashamed44. A. talk B. stay C. meet D. settle45. A. bathed B. clean C. d

10、eep D. formed46. A. faster B. closer C. heavier D. wiser47. A. trouble B. advance C. question D. battle48. A. real B. right C. fair D. fit49. A. stared B. sank C. dived D. fell50. A. arguing B. fighting C. shouting D. shaking51. A. lead B. persuade C. carry D. keep52. A. happened B. occurred C. appl

11、ied D. appealed53. A. sharp B. pleasant C. attractive D. familiar54. A. agreed B. hesitated C. doubted D. knew55. A. Fortunately B. Frankly C. Sadly D. Suddenly56. A. return B. relax C. speak D. leave57. A. joked B. turned C. listened D. pointed58. A. created B. honored C. saved D. guided59. A. coin

12、cidence B. change C. pity D. pain60. A. on board B. in time C. for sure D. on purposeCloze 2(2018新课标卷III)When most of us get a text message on our cell phone from an unknown person, we usually say sorry, 41 number! and move on. But when Dennis Williams 42 a text that clearly wasnt intended for him,

13、he did something 43 . On March 19, Dennis got a group text 44 him that a couple he didnt know were at the hospital, waiting for the 45 of a baby. Congratulations! But I think someone was mistaken, Dennis 46 . The baby was born and update texts were 47 quickly from the overjoyed grandmother, Teresa.

14、In her 48 , she didnt seem to realize that she was 49 the babys photos with a complete stranger. Well, I dont 50 you all but I will get there to take pictures with the baby, replied Dennis before asking which room the new 51 were in. Much to the familys surprise, Dennis stuck to his 52 ! He turned u

15、p at the hospital 53 gifts for the new mother Lindsey and her baby boy. Lindseys husband was totally 54 by the unexpected visit. I dont think we would have randomly invited him over but we 55 it and the gifts. Teresa 56 a photo of the chance meeting on a social networking website 57 by the touching

16、words: What a 58 this young man was to our family! He was so 59 and kind to do this. The post has since gained the 60 of social media users all over the world, receiving more than 184,000 shares and 61,500 likes in just three days.41. A. unlucky B. secret C. new D. wrong42. A. received B. translated

17、 C. copied D. printed43. A. reasonable B. special C. necessary D. practical 44. A. convincing B. reminding C. informing D. warning 45. A. wake-up B. recovery C. growth D. arrival46. A. responded B. interrupted C. predicted D. repeated47. A. coming in B. setting out C. passing down D. moving around48

18、. A. opinion B. anxiety C. excitement D. effort49. A. comparing B. exchanging C. discussing D. sharing50. A. accept B. know C. believe D. bother51. A. parents B. doctors C. patients D. visitors52. A. dream B. promise C. agenda D. principle53. A. bearing B. collecting C. opening D. making54. A. disco

19、uraged B. relaxed C. astonished D. defeated55. A. admit B. need C. appreciate D. expect 56. A. found B. selected C. developed D. posted 57. A. confirmed B. simplified C. clarified D. accompanied58. A. pity B. blessing C. relief D. problem59. A. smart B. calm C. sweet D. fair60. A. sympathy B. attent

20、ion C. control D. trustCloze 3(2017新课标卷I)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life, college sets the stage for that exploration. I myself went through this 41 process and found something that has changed my 42 at college for the better: I discovered ASL A

21、merican Sign Language(美式手语).I never felt an urge to 43 any sign language before. My entire family is hearing, and so are all my friends. The 44 languages were enough in all my interactions(交往). Little did I know that I would discover my 45 for ASL.The 46 began during my first week at college. I watc

22、hed as the ASL Club 47 their translation of a song. Both the hand movements and the very 48 of communicating without speaking 49 me. What I saw was completely unlike anything I had experienced in the 50 . This newness just left me _51_ more.After that, feeling the need to 52 further, I decided to dr

23、op in on one of ASL clubs meetings. I only learned how to 53 the alphabet that day. Yet instead of being discouraged by my 54 progress, I was excited. I then made it a point to 55 those meetings and learn all I could.The following term, I 56 an ASL class. The professor was deaf and any talking was 5

24、7 . I soon realized that the silence was not unpleasant. 58 , if there had been any talking, it would have 59 us to learn less. Now, I appreciate the silence and the 60 way of communication it opens.41. A. searching B. planning C. natural D. formal42. A. progress B. experience C. major D. opinion43.

25、 A. choose B. read C. learn D. create44. A. official B. foreign C. body D. spoken45. A. love B. concern C. goal D. request46. A. meeting B. trip C. story D. task47. A. recorded B. performed C. recited D. discussed48. A. idea B. amount C. dream D. reason49. A. disturbed B. supported C. embarrassed D.

26、 attracted50. A. end B. past C. course D. distance51. A. showing B. acting C. saying D. wanting52. A. exercise B. explore C. express D. explain53. A. print B. write C. sign D. count54. A. slow B. steady C. normal D. obvious55. A. chair B. sponsor C. attend D. organize56. A. missed B. passed C. gave

27、up D. registered for57. A. prohibited B. welcomed C. ignored D. repeated58. A. Lastly B. Thus C. Instead D. However59. A. required B. caused C. allowed D. expected60. A. easy B. popular C. quick D. newCloze 4(2017新课标II)In1973, I was teaching elementary school. Each day, 27 kids 41 The Thinking Laboratory. That was the 42 students voted for after deciding that Room 104 was too 43 .Freddy was an average 44 , but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情). He would 45 the loudest over fun and be the saddest over a

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