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1、重、难 点1.掌握每个单元的词汇和句型。2.能在实际生活中运用达到学以致用的目的。措 施1.从视、听、说入手,注重听说训练,着重培养学生的语感和初步用英语进行简单日常交流的能力。2.通过听、说、读、写、唱、游、演、画等活动激发学生的英语学习兴趣,帮助学生养成良好的学习习惯,发展自主学习的能力。3.采用“早渗透”和“重积累”的方法,把旧知和新知相结合,以旧带新,温故知新,逐步推广,不断积累。教 研专 题小学英语口语作业设计的研究教 学 进 度 表周次日期教 学 内 容相关活动备注19.1-9.2Unit1 The kings new clothes29.6-9.1139.14-9.18Unit2

2、 What a day!49.21-9.2559.28-9.30Unit 3 Holiday fun610.1-10.7National Day Holiday710.8-10.10810.12-10.16Unit4 Then and now910.19-10.231010.26-10.30Project 1 A Holiday album1111.2-11.6Middle term test1211.9-11.13Unit5 Signs1311.16-11.201411.23-11.27Unit6 Keep our city clean1511.30-12.41612.7-12.11Unit

3、7 Protect the Earth1712.14-12.181812.21-12.25Unit8 Chinese New Year1912.28-12.31201.4-1.8Project 2 Reuse and recycle211.11-1.15221.18-1.22Final test教 案 检 查 记 载日 期检 查 情 况 记 录检 查 者签字(盖章)单元计划及复习计划表第 一 单元教学目标知识目标:1.四会单词:laugh,wear,say,tell,start,little,next,turn,child 2.三会单词:magic, clever, foolish, thro

4、ugh, each, sentence,quick, think, hard, turn into, long long ago3.语音:字母组合ar在单词中的读音 /a: / 能力目标:1.能用英语一般过去式的陈述句讲述故事。2.能掌握be动词和规则动词的过去式及其读音。情感目标:了解更多的英语童话故事,激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情,使学生在学习中建立自信,提高学生参与语言活动的积极性。重难点教学重点句型:一般过去式的陈述句 词汇:laugh, wear, start, quick, next, turn 语音:字母ar在单词中的发音教学难点be动词和规则动词的过去式及其读音教

5、学内容及课时安排第一课时:Story time, 第二课时:Fun time, Grammar time第三课时:Cartoon time, Culture time第四课时:Sound time, Checkout time & Ticking time第五-六课时:Test 1教案审核课题:Unit1The Kings new clothes课时安排:第一课时教学内容:Story time教学目标:1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词laugh, wear, say, tell, start, little, next, turn, child. 2. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:magi

6、c, clever, foolish, through, each, sentence, quick, think, hard, turn into, long long ago.3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型: Long long ago, there was a king. The King was happy. He liked new clothes. Two men visited the king.教学重、难点:1一般过去式的陈述句。2Be 动词和规则动词的过去式及其读音。教学准备:录音机,课文光盘,故事挂图授课时间:课前设计:Step 1 Warming up 1. Gree

7、tings2. Free talkWhats your hobby? What did you do yesterday?Step 2 Presentation and practice1. T gives todays topic through free talk and write the title on the blackboard. T: Guess, what did I do last night? I will give you some letters to help you?(T ask Ss to guess what did she do last night, wr

8、ite down the answer one letters by letters on the blackboard. BB: I read a story-The kings new clothes.)2. T draws a table on the blackboard. Ss talk in groups about “What do you know about the story?”3. T shows the pictures of the story to help Ss get more information. New teaching: point at, laugh

9、, shout(May include: was, liked, visited, showed, walked, were, looked, shouted, pointed, laughed) T show the pictures refer to these words, Ss choose the right one and try to read them, T check their pronunciation.4. Ss say and T write down the information in the table5. T asks Ss to talk in groups

10、 about “What do you want to know about the story?” T write down in the table. Or T gives her questions: Who gives the new clothes to the king? What do you think of the kings new clothes? What do you think of the king?6. Watch the story and check the information in the column of Know7. Open the books

11、, read after Ss, and try to answer the question in the column “Want to know” New teaching: clever, foolish,(May include:T show the pictures refer to these words, Ss choose the right one and try to read them, T check their pronunciation. (T ask each Student to read one sentence.)8. Read and judge. (T

12、rue or false.)Step 3 Consolidation1. Ss read the story in groups, talk about it and fill in the table “What did they learn from the story? ” T makes an example: There arent any new clothes.2. Ss show their “Learned” in groups.3. Finish the exercise “Read and write”4. PPT show the pictures and “Write

13、 time”, Ss try to retell the storyStep4 Assignment Read the text fluently. 2. Try to recite the text.二次备课:板书设计:Unit 1 The kings new clothesI read a story-The kings new clothes.KnowWant to knowLearnedWho gives the new clothes to the king?There arent any new clothes.课后反思:第二课时Grammar time, Fun time1. 学

14、生能够理解一般过去时及动词过去式的用法。2. 学生能理解Fun time的故事内容,并能熟练朗读并表演。3. 学生能理解并熟练运用was&were及动词+ed的规则形式。板书准备:写好课题、单词句型卡片; PPTStep 1 Free talk and greetingT: Good morning, boys and girls.S: Good morning, Miss Chen. How are you?S1: Im What day is it today? Its Whats the weather like today?Step 2 Revision1. Retell and ta

15、lk about “Cartoon time” together. (Long, long ago, there was . He likesOne day, two men)1) T: 出示Grammar time S: 根据提示,复述课文。2)请个别学生复述课文(讲故事)Step 3 Say and act1. Talk about the picture. What can you see in the picture?S1:I can seeS2: I can see Who are they?S3: They are What are they talking about?S4: T

16、hey are talking about 2. Discuss the sentences on the book in pairs.1)同桌讨论课本图片,完成书上省略部分所缺内容。2)Check answers.3. Read the dialogue together.1) Read after the teacher.2) Read together.3) Read in pairs. 4. Say and act in pairs.5. T: Ask some groups to act the dialogues. Step 4 Grammar time 1. 讲解一般过去时定义及

17、结构。2. 帮助学生归纳+ed的方法和发音。3. Presentation1) Read and say. 2) Read and write. Step 5 Assignment1. 完成课课练 Unit1 2. 学会使用一般过去时句型,并造句。Unit 1 The Kings new clothes第三课时Culture time& Cartoon time 1. 能正确 阅读并理解Cartoon time 的内容并会表演2. 在前两课时的基础上会正确使用一般过去时。3. 理解Culture time的内容1. 阅读并理解Cartoon time 的内容并会表演2. 在前两课时的基础上会正

18、确使用一般过去时3. 了解更多的中西服饰。教学光盘,PPT,课前预习材料Step 1 Warm up 1. Greetings:Good morning/ afternoon, boys and girls. Nice to see you.2. Free talk: Well, last two lessons, we have learnt the story named - ( 学生说)The Kings new clothes. Do you like the story? At this lesson, well go on learning.( 出示课题)Last two less

19、ons, you have finished the paragraphs so well. Do you still remember them ? What are they? Now lets talk.1. You can try to say more about the aspects or you can also talk about something else.(请几个学生回答)2. when we talk about the past, we can use the past tense (PPT出示中英文the past tense一般过去式时)In the past

20、 tense sentences, what should we pay attention to?(可以让学生用中文回答,动词要用过去式)3. 给出一些动词原形,学生说出其过去式。也可以让学生说出一些另外的动词及其过去式(男女生PK,看谁说的多并正确)4.(简单介绍对比)By the way, when we talk about the present, what tense should we use ?Step 3 Cartoon time1. Just now, we played a game. Do you like playing games ?Look, who are th

21、ey ?(出示人物图片Miss Fox and her students )Yes ,Miss Fox and her students are playing a game too. What game is it?Lets watch. What did Miss Fox say ? Why did Miss Fox say that ? What did her students do and say ?Lets say after the computer.Good, Can you read the story now ? Can you read well ? Now ,lets

22、read in roles, pay attention to their pronounciations and tones .2. Well done. This time its your show time. Lets act the story in six, Miss Fox, Sam, Willy, Billy,Bobby and the narrator, please pay attention to their tones and actions. Step 4 Consolidation1.Sam ,Billy and Willy can do very well, bu

23、t Bobby cant. Lets help him make a good sentence. OK?If its your turn, what will you say ? Whats the next ?小组为单位继续玩游戏,小组PK. 2.Great.You did good jobs .I like your stories. I hope you can make more sentences and read better stories after class.Step5 Culture time1. After the game, what did Miss Fox an

24、d her students do ?What did they learn ? They learnt something about clothing.First, look at some pictures. What are they ?Which country are they from ?2. 引出cowboy形象,学习This is an American cowboy. Hes wearing jeans .3. This is a Scottish man. Hes wearing a kilt .( 理解Scottish)4.What clothing can repre

25、sent China ? Cheong-sam.引出旗袍图片,出示更多旗袍图片3. What else do you know about the clothing in China and western countries ?Talk in groups . Let some students say more.6. Now, clothing have been mixture in different countries. We can enjoy different clothing we like Step 6 Homework1.Act out the story in Cartoon time 2.Play a new game like the game in Cartoon time .3.完成课课练上相应内容二次备

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