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Unit 1 Past and present教学案Word文件下载.docx

1、) 2、To develop students abillassify whaave learned.(培养对所学知识分类能力。 教学重点、难点: 1、词汇 past 过去;往事现在 light rail 轻轨 ferry 渡船 tram 有轨电车 since 自以bowl 在碗里 an hour ago 一小时前 play with 和玩 peak tram 观光缆车 2、句型: Have youd? Ive just eaI dont want to play with you a时安排:1课时 教学过程设计:Warm-up Give studugaHobo found no food.E

2、ddie has ea- Hobo was angry.- Eddie was ang2. Quabout pictuWhat did Eddie do? Why did he do so? Tanswquestions。Listen and repeat Lalk between Hobo and Eddask studlisten and repeat .finally audaWeluRevise as many words as possible about tra2.Readxt of Part A and expand to creaLal exand talk about the

3、 usefulvandddavelAsk studwaansport unduAudlook aline in Part B . Tellwaal教学反思:8 B Unit 1第二课 学习关于香港历史上的一些变化。Leaanges in Hong Kong. 1.To recogquusedviews. 2.To recognize extended answquTgeneral meaningle and context. 过程和体验: Can you sag about Hong kong? Have you been to Hong Kong? What dw abouHong Kong

4、? 情感、态度和价值观: abillassify whaave learned.(培养学生对所学知识分类能力。 actually 实际上 block 街区 marry 结婚 dentist 牙医 stall 货摊,摊位 temple 寺庙 closing 关闭,结束 land 着陆 safely 安全的 open 未围着的,开阔的 a bit 有点儿 lonely 孤独的,寂寞的 an exchanged studHong Kong usedact live in a blget married move ouadulay cards andake off a bit lonel2、句型: H

5、ow long have you knowwloon Walled City? In fact, I was band have knowI was young. We lived together until 1960 when I got married. Has the place changed a lot? Twas an old aItavace andgardIt has bdifficulld friend时安排:Audents whaw abouwloon WalledAsk studd information abouwloon WalledlibraIbefore cla

6、2. Talk about the idea of changes . Ask students what has changedlivReadview and ask studllow alongbooks. Ask studunderline any words they do not understand andguaningwhole contexTell studad the passage. Encouragask quand clarify any misunderstandingDivide the clawo groups. Have one group read the p

7、allie andgroup read the paDongGame Ask studview eaairs about howHong Kong has changedwhen 150 years of Bule ended and Hong Kong was returneda. 教学反思:8 B Unit 1第三课 1.Tgeneral meaningle and context. 2.To predict meaningwordxTo idue or false stabasedadings passage. 过程和体验: Revise reading Part A. Do exerc

8、ise Part A-D. 1.词汇ually 实际上 block 街区 an exchanged studHong Kong usedact live in a blget married move ouadulay cards andake off a bit lonel2.句型: Twas an old aItavace andgardIt has bdifficulld friends. 课时安排:1课时 1.Review some words. 2.Tell the studading passagd the words listed in Part Bxt. Then tell s

9、tuddo the exwithougading passagask studlete Part B by matching words wdand writinglblaanswers as a quiz . Read the dandom order and students have to sawordxplaxt of Palllling Sandy abouview wDongDivide the claairs . Ask studake turns reading the staandg ware true or falview answers as a class. Ask s

10、tudgive the line numbassage wation can be found . Aable studalse staAsk studadversaPart C2wn. Then studdwordassage and complAsk studle-plaleted conversaxplaxt in Part D . Ask studlusing the wordbox. Studaletedwith a pa0.homework and al activRadinglete workbook ex教学反思:8 B Unit 1第四课 1.To develop an un

11、derstanding2.To use suitable adjectivxt to exve and negative meanings d paadingTalk abou情感、态度和价值观: 1.词汇lete 完整的, incomplete 不完整的 unhealthy 不健康的 unkind 不友好的 lucky 幸运的 unlucky 不幸运的 unpleasant 使人不愉快的,讨厌的 impolite 不礼貌的项目,课题, 工程 interview 采访,会见 write an articlwloon walled2.句型: 1.ReviewAsk studgivxamples

12、and wBb, e.g. First laLove haNoisy quDay nigBeginning end RUsual unusual Big small 2.Ask studad the list of words on page 8 and check understanding . provide ddless familiar wordTell studad Millies e-file. Explain thawords have to be changedaght meaning is conveyed. For less able studllare 10 mistaa

13、lAsk studunderlwords and wwords abovakes. Tellat all wordd can be foundlist abovludentswords as you walk around the class. Reviewd file as a claHomewRwords we learned so far. 8 B Unit 1第五课To leallingast participles of words. 2. To recogxuTo ualk about events that startedast and adTo understand adver

14、band uw过程和体验: When was Eddie born? How long has Eddie lived with Millie?情感、态度和价值观: 1.词汇ly 进来,最近 title 标题 four years agur years a fewlast Fridaa long time learn a lot abouvice Hong Kongs retua leaabout 2.句型: Eddie was born four years agddie has lived with Millur yeaThere have been many changes in Hon

15、g Kong. It has been in uThings have changed a lot ovars. 1.Review the ule paAsk studampl2.Tell students thale paused when we talk about events that happened at a dast and are nowd or no longer truxplain that we want to talk abouand the past , e.g. to talk about auaat startedast and auingll havwWrite

16、 twboard , one usingle paand one usinglived in Nanjingas lived in Nanjingxplaudents thaan also be usedwithout the adverbs which dduWugh a few more examplllustrating the dbetwaandg, I saw a film last night.( We know it was at aast.) I havany films .( We know that it waast , bud.0xplaable at the bage

17、9 and wugh a few examplWrite a list of about 510 familiar verbboard , usinglullustravle past and past participlgvesimple pastpast participle Travel TraveledTraveledawdEnjoyed WatchWatchedWatched Do DidDBe WasbDivide the claairs. Ask studgo through the table on page 10 and aable studake awith each pa

18、st participlabl0.Go ovast participle as a class. Ask studad ouwrote using the past participles. Aable studdo the extra exAsk six studad oua2.HomewFworkbook exB Unit 1第六课 1.To ualk about events that startedast and ad2.To understand adverband uw过程和体验: Have you ever been to ?I have./ No, I haven情感、态度和价

19、值观: 词汇ly, ever, servurn, already , ever, juwvu句型:. Eddie was born four years ago. 2. Eddie has lived with Millwas bddie has lived with Millur yeaHave I/you/we/they arrived? Yes,/No, you/I/we/they have/havenHas he/she/it arrived? Yes,/No, he/she/it has/hasnIm sure youll lI dont believe your family ha

20、s owned a tram for 80 years. The teacher can have a free talk wudI.Lead-g. You have knowg about Mr Dong. Could you tellg about Mr Dong? II. Pre-task Recently we have learned Uu have already known a little about Kowloon Walled City. I have never bbefore. Have you ever b?: No, I havent bT: Mr Dong was

21、 bHe has knowwas very young. He has knowa longIII. While-task Ta) Tell the students that we can use adverbwuch as already, evust, nevand yet. (板书) 2)xamples: I have julllayground. Has Millie called yet? Nasnt. I havardll(I have not got a lllie.) I have dwork already. I have never read the novel. 3)

22、Givudents several minutes to learn part B on P12. Pay adbetwadverb(教师可以从时间副词,介词的角度来进行教学) 4) Group work: each group makes fouusing dadverbTask 2 DaagDaniel and Simon are talking about the dalversation usingverbs in brackets andadverb) Givwo minul2) Ask two pairs to act it out. Iavakes, helIV. Post-ta

23、sk Pair work: Mawn conversation usingversaage 11 as a model. They can change films into books, magazines andV. Homew教学反思: 8 B Unit 1第七课 4.To ldetails about changes to Lantau Island. 2. To focus on general meaning by idgdetailures and general contexTdation obtained from listening by completing a lett

24、er. 1).词汇 change, surprised, oval, junior high school, feeling 本课时必会词组:movw block, go to Hong Kong for a holiday, be in use, be surprised by, have the same feelingl by buwn, a new bridge called the Tsing Ma Bridge, talk about changur life, take sbl, Thaur lLantau Island 2).本课时要了解的句型: 1.I am going to hear that you are going on holida2.There have been many changes in Hong KongIt has been in uIt takes about 23 minutes onlThings have changed a lot ovaWhat changes havbur life?I started high school, Ivl by buwIatting with you

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