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1、 (请停止作答,等待提示翻到下一页)第二部分:英文字母排序 时间25个人心得:先把26个字母写一排在纸上,容易找规律些。可惜做到一半采用此法。题信大至是:aabbcc 选下一个为d。当然有的不这么简单,有时跳了好多个,也有向前或向后跳着的规律。所以先把26个字母写一排在纸上,容易找归率些。第三部分:数学题时间35繁琐的数学,最好不用计算器(只用了两次计算器),大致估算就可,这样节约时间可惜还是没做完。IBM在印度的笔试题1The values of shares (in Rs).of A, B and C from January to June are as follows.Month A

2、B CJanuary 30 60 80February 35 65 85March 45 75 65April 40 75 82May 55 75 85June 50 75 80i) During this period which share has undergone maximum fluctuation?ii) In which month it is possible to buy B and C selling A?iii) In which month the share values are very low?iv) By purchasing one share of A a

3、nd 4 each of B and C in the beginning of the period, when should these be sold to get maximum profit?2In a computer institute 9 languages can be taught. The module is of 6 months duration and of the six languages only one can be taught each month. In addition to that BASIC is always taught and shoul

4、d be in first month itself• WORD PERFECT is to be taught in the preceding week of WORD STAR. FORTRAN can not be taught until COBAL is taught prior to that BINO, FIFO can never be taught in single modulelanguages are BASIC, WORD STAR, WORD PERFECT, FORTRAN, COBAL, BINO, FIFO, LOTUS, Ci) If word

5、 star is in 3rd month , what could be in 6th month.ii) If COBAL is in the 2nd month and BINO in 6th month. FORTRAN will be taught in which month.3. In a class, except 18 all are above 50 years.15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there?(a) 30(b) 33(c) 36(d) none of these.4. A square pla

6、te of some size is cut at four corners. Equal squares of the same size are cut and is formed as open box. If this open box carries 128 ml of oil. What is the size of the side of the plate?(a) 17(b) 14(c) 13(d) None of these5. In a square, all the mid points are joined. The inner square is shaded. If

7、 the area of the square is A, what is the area of the shaded area?6. Two questions on basic angles i.e given a circle, a few chords or diameter is drawn etc.7. A person has Rs 100/- in his pocket, he can as 25 pencils or 15 books. He kept 15% of the money for travelling expenses and purchased 5 penc

8、ils. So how many books he can purchase with the remaining money.8. If a car starts from A towards B with some velocity. Due to some problem in the engine after travelling 30km, the car goes with 4/5 th of its actual velocity. The car reaches B 45 min later to the actual time. If the car engine fails

9、 ofter travelling 45km, the car reaches the destination B 36min late to the actual time, What is the initial velocity of car and what is the distance between A and B in km?这是IBM试题第三部分(刚在水木清华BBS上找到的)1.有3台复印机(copier),平均每台每周工作42小时,每台每周最少工作35? 问一台复印机每周最多会工作多少小时? 42*3 - 35*2 562.在一个长11 meters,宽6 meters的房

10、间里,铺上10 centimeters厚的水泥?要多少水泥? 11*6*0.16.6 cubic meters3.某公司有两座办公楼,一天,第一座楼20的复印机和第二座楼40的复印进行维护,如果第一座楼拥有公司60的复印机,问这天在维护的复印机是多 20% * 60% + 40% * (1 - 60%) = 28%4.要在一个接待室(reception room)里铺瓷砖,接待室的长18 meters,宽12,同时要修一条从大厅(hall)到楼梯(stair way)的通道(不铺瓷砖)占地50meters,允许铺设时有35%的浪费(wastage),1平方米瓷砖的价格是10美元,问大约(app

11、roximately)要花多少钱? (18 * 12 - 50) * 135% * 10 = 2,2005.某公司要做一个车辆更新,有2种车型,一种是X(忘了,用X代替),一种是van,新X每liter油走20公里,新van每liter油走15公里,旧X每liter油走15公里,旧van每liter油走12公里。现在要开15000公里,其中有60由van来承担,问更新后将节省多少油? (15000 * 60% / 12 + 15000 * 40% / 15) - (15000 * 60% / 15 + 15000 * 40%/ 20) = 2506.有2个行政打字员(administrativ

12、e typist),A的速度是B的1 1/4 times,现在要打72页文件,问快的那个人打了多少页? 72* 5/9 = 407.有一个呼叫中心,星期二的calls比星期一的1/2还多1/3,星期一和星期二的calls的和是120,问星期二的calls是多少? 488.有一个软件公司,1/2的人是系统分析员,2/5的人是软件工程师,有1/4的人两者都是,问有多少人两者都不是? 1 - 1/2 - 2/5 + 1/4 0.359.有一个crate要做等比例(proportionally)的缩放,为了能够便于运输(shipment),crate的尺度(dimension)是72,96,48,如果

13、缩放到三个尺度的和是200,问最长的那个尺度要缩多少? 96 * (1 - 200 / 216) = 64 / 9 = 7.110. 有一个矩形,长是宽的1 1/3 times,如果把每边增加1,面积将增加85,问长是多少?11.有一个printer,一小时能打12,000页,早上8:30开始打印,中途被打断2次,每次5分钟,13:15打完,问总共打了多少页? 55,00012 就是很著名的杀狗问题(嘿嘿) 有50户人,每户人都有一条狗。但是有狗生病了。 这50户人可以通过自己的窗户观察别人家的狗,但是看不见自己的狗是不是有病(也就是只能通过观察别人的狗来判断自己的狗)。而且一旦发现自己的狗有

14、病,枪杀之。 第一天没有枪声。 第二天也没有枪声。 第三天劈劈啪啪一阵枪声。 问有多少条狗死于这次大屠杀(也就是有多少病狗了)?13 有四个人过桥。一个要1分钟,一个要2分钟,一个要5分钟,还有一个要10分钟。 桥一次只能过两个人。因为天黑了,过桥必须要手电筒,但是只有一杆。那么如何让这4个人在17分钟内过河?14. 已知两个数字为130之间的数字,甲知道两数之和,乙知道两数之积,甲问乙:“你知道是哪两个数吗?”乙说:“不知道”。乙问甲:”甲说:“也不知道”。于是,乙说:“那我知道了”,随后甲也说:“那我也知道了”,这两个数是什么?有人算出是1和4,或者4和7网上找到一个答案大家看一下吧:答案

15、:允许两数重复的情况下答案为x=1, y=4; 甲知道和A=x+y=5, 乙知道积B=x*y=4不允许两数重复的情况下有两种答案答案1: 为x=1, y=6; 甲知道和A=x+y=7, 乙知道积B=x*y=6答案2: 为x=1, y=8; 甲知道和A=x+y=9, 乙知道积B=x*y=8解:设这两个数为x,y.甲知道两数之和 A=x+y;乙知道两数之积 B=x*y;该题分两种情况允许重复,有(1 = x = y = 30);不允许重复,有(1 y 当不允许重复, 即(1 1)由题设条件:乙不知道答案 B=x*y 解不唯一 B=x*y 为非质数又 x y B k*k (其中kN)结论(推论1):

16、B=x*y 非质数且 B k*k (其中kN)即:B (6,8,10,12,14,15,18,20.)证明过程略2)由题设条件:甲不知道答案 A=x+y 解不唯一 A = 5;分两种情况A=5,A=6时x,y有双解A=7 时x,y有三重及三重以上解假设 A=x+y=5则有双解x1=1,y1=4;x2=2,y2=3代入公式B=x*y:B1=x1*y1=1*4=4; (不满足推论1,舍去)B2=x2*y2=2*3=6;得到唯一解x=2,y=3即甲知道答案与题设条件:“甲不知道答案”相矛盾故假设不成立, A=x+y5假设 A=x+y=6x1=1,y1=5;x2=2,y2=4B1=x1*y1=1*5=

17、5;B2=x2*y2=2*4=8;得到唯一解x=2,y=4即甲知道答案故假设不成立, A=x+y6当A=7时 x,y的解至少存在两种满足推论1的解B1=x1*y1=2*(A-2)B2=x2*y2=3*(A-3) 符合条件结论(推论2):A = 73)由题设条件:乙说“那我知道了”乙通过已知条件B=x*y及推论(1)(2)可以得出唯一解A=x+y,A B=x*y,B (6,8,10,12,14,15,16,18,20.)1 = 30x,y存在唯一解当 B=6 时:有两组解x1=1, y1=6x2=2, y2=3 ( x2+y2=2+3=5 7不合题意,舍去)得到唯一解 x=1, y=6当 B=8

18、 时:x1=1, y1=8x2=2, y2=4 ( x2+y2=2+4=6 8 时:容易证明均为多重解结论:当B=6时有唯一解 x=1, y=6当B=8时有唯一解 x=1, y=84)由题设条件:甲说“那我也知道了”甲通过已知条件A=x+y及推论(3)可以得出唯一解综上所述,原题所求有两组解:x2=1, y2=8当x=y时,有(1 同理可得唯一解 x=1, y=4Aptitude Paper : IBM1. In 1978, a kg of paper was sold at Rs25/-. If the paper rate increases at 1.5% more than the i

19、nflation rate which is 6.5% a year, then what wil be the cost of a kg of paper after 2 years?(a) 29.12(b) 29.72? 30.12(d) 32.65(e) none of these2. In A,B,C are having some marbles with each of them.A has given B and C the same number of marbles each of them already have.Then, B gave C and A the same

20、 number of marbles they already have.Then C gave A and B the same number of marbles they already have.At the end A,B,and C have equal number of marbles.(i) If x,y,z are the marbles initially with A,B,C respectively.Then the number of marbles B have at the end(a) 2(x-y-z)(b) 4(x-y-z) 2(3y-x-z)(d) x +

21、 y-zAns. ?(ii) If the total number of marbles are 72, then the number of marbles withA at thestarting(a) 20(b) 30 32(d) 39Ans. (d)3. If a car starts from A towards B with some velocity.Due to some problem in the engine after travelling 30km, the car goes with 4/5 th of its actual velocity The car re

22、aches B 45 min later to the actual time.If the car engine fails ofter travelling 45km, the car reaches the destination B 36min late to the actual time What is the initial velocity of car and what is the distance between A andB in km?Ans. 20 & 130. 25 & 1054. A person has Rs 100/- in his pocket, he c

23、an as 25 pencils or 15 books.He kept 15% of the money for travelling expenses and purchased 5 pencils.So how many books he can purchase with the remaining money.5. Ten questions on chief : tribe : governer : stateepaulette : shoulder : tiara : headguttural : throat : gastric : stomachi

24、nept : clever : languid : activeknife : butcher :hammer : carpenter :7. In a computer institute 9 languages can be taught.The module is of 6 months duration and of the six languages only one can be taught each month .In addition to that BASIC is always taught and should be in first month itselfWORD

25、PERFECT is to be taught in the preceeding week of WORD STAR.FORTRAN can not be taught until COBAL is taught prior to thatBINO, FIFO can never be taught in single modulelanguages are BASIC, WORD STAR, WORD PERFECT, FORTRAN, COBAL, BINO, FIFO, LOTUS, Cii) If COBAL is in the 2nd month and BINO in 6th m

26、onth. FORTRAN will betaught inwhich month.8. In a class, except 18 all are above 50 years.15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there 369. A square plate of some size is cut at four corners. Equal squares of thesame size are cut and is formed as open box.If this open box carries 128 ml o

27、f oil. What is the size of the side of the plate? 1310. In a square, all the mid points are joined. The inner square is shaded.If the area of the square is A, what is the area of the shaded area?11. Two questions on basic angles i.e given a circle, a few chords or diameter is drawn etc.12. If the follwoing statements are given(a,b)= (a+b)/2/(a,b)= a/b*(a,b)= abIf a=1, b=2 then findi) /(a,(a,b),*(a,b)ii) */(a,(*(a,b)13. If the follwoing statements are given(x#y) = x + y- xy(x*y) = (x + y)/2i) Find the values of x, y will satisfy this equ

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