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David Cameron s Speech at Beida University ChinaWord格式.docx

1、No longer can people talk about the global economywithout including the country that has grown on average ten per cent a year for three decades.No longer can we talk about tradewithout the country that is now the worlds largest exporter and third largest importerAnd no longer can we debate energy se

2、curity or climate changewithout the country that is one of the worlds biggest consumer of energy.China is on course to reclaim, later this century, its position as the worlds biggest economythe position it has held for 18 of the last 20 centuries.and an achievement of which the Chinese people are ju

3、stly proud.Put simply: China has re-emerged as a great global power.Threat or OpportunityNow people can react to this in one of two ways.They can see Chinas rise as a threator they can see it as an opportunity.They can protect their markets from Chinaor open their markets to China. They can try and

4、shut China outor welcome China in, to a new place at the top table of global affairs.There has been a change of Government in Britain and a change of Prime Minister.But on this vital point there is absolute continuity between my government and the Governments of Tony Blair and Gordon Brown.We want a

5、 strong relationship with China. Strong on trade. Strong on investment. Strong on dialogue.I made that clear as Leader of the Opposition when I visited Beijing and Chongqing three years ago.And I repeat it as Prime Minister here in Chinas capital today.In the argument about how to react to the rise

6、of ChinaI say its an opportunity.I choose engagement not disengagement.Dialogue not stand-off.Mutual benefit, not zero-sum game.Partnership not protectionism.Britain is the country that argues most passionately for globalisation and free trade.Free trade is in our DNA.And we want trade with China. A

7、s much of it as we can get.Thats why I have with me on this visit one of the biggest and most high-powered delegations a British Prime Minister has ever led to China.Just think about some of the prizes that the rise of China could help to bring within our grasp.Strong, and sustainable growth for the

8、 global economy.Vital progress on the Doha trade round which could add $170 billion to the global economy.A real chance to get back on track towards a legally binding deal on emissionsUnprecedented progress in tackling poverty.China has lifted 500 million people out of poverty in just thirty years.A

9、lthough there is still a long way to go thats more people lifted out of poverty than at any time in human history.You can see the results right across this enormous country.When I worked in Hong Kong briefly in 1985, Shenzhen was barely more than a small town, surrounded by paddy fields and waterway

10、s.Today it is a city larger than London. It makes most of the worlds iPods and one in ten of its mobile phones.And there are other benefits too in tackling the worlds most intractable problems.I welcome the fact, for example, that more than 900 Chinese doctors now work in African countries and that

11、in Uganda it is a Chinese pharmaceutical firm that is introducing a new anti-malarial drug.So I want to make the positive casefor the world to see Chinas rise as an opportunity not a threat.But China needs to help us to make that argumentto demonstrate that as your economy grows, so do our shared in

12、terests, and our shared responsibilities.We share an interest in Chinas integration into the world economy, which is essential for Chinas development.If we are to maintain Europes openness to China, we must be able to show that China is open to Europe.So we share an interest in an international syst

13、em governed by rules and norms.We share an interest in effective cooperative governance, including for the world economy.We share an interest in fighting protectionismand in a co-ordinated rebalancing between surplus and deficit countries.These interests, those responsibilities are both economic and

14、 political.Let me take each in turn.Economic ResponsibilitiesFirst, economic responsibilities.Lets get straight to the point.The world economy has begun to grow again after the crisis. But that growth is very uneven. Led by China, Asia and other emerging markets are growing quickly. But in much of t

15、he advanced world growth is slow and fragile and unemployment stubbornly high.We should not be surprised at this. The crisis has damaged many advanced economies and weakened their financial sectors. They face major structural and fiscal adjustments to rebalance their economies. This is true of my ow

16、n country. We know what steps we need to take to restore the public finances and rebalance our economy towards greater saving and investment and greater exports. And we have begun to take them.But for the world economy to be able to grow strongly again and to grow without creating the dangerous econ

17、omic and financial instabilities that led to the crisis, we need more than just adjustment in the advanced world. The truth is that some countries with current account surpluses have been saving too muchwhile others like mine with deficits have been saving too little.And the result has been a danger

18、ous tidal wave of money going from one side of the globe to the other.We need a more balanced pattern of global demand and supply, a more balanced pattern of global saving and investment. Now sometimes when you hear people talk about economic imbalances, it can seem as though countries that are succ

19、essful at exporting are being blamed for their success.Thats absolutely not the case.We all share an interest and a responsibility to co-operate to secure strong and balanced global growth.There is no greater illustration of this than what happened to China as the western banking system collapsedChi

20、nese exports fell 12 per centgrowth dropped to its lowest point in more than a decadeand some 20 million jobs were lost in the Chinese export sector.Changes in the structure of our economies will take time.What is important is that the major economies of the world have a shared vision of the path of

21、 this change: what actions countries should avoid; what actions countries need to take and, crucially, over what period it should happen. This is why the G20 and the meeting in Seoul is so important. Together we can agree a common approach. We can commit to the necessary actions.We can agree that we

22、 will hold each other to account.And just as China played a leading role at the G20 in helping to avert a global depressionso it can lead now.I know from my discussions with Premier Wen how committed China is to actions to rebalance its economy. China is already talking about moving towards increase

23、d domestic consumptionbetter healthcare and welfare more consumer goods as its middle class growsand in time introducing greater market flexibility into its exchange rate. This can not be completed overnightbut it must happen.Lets be clear about the risks if it does notabout what is at stake for Chi

24、na and for the UK countries that depend on an open global economy. At the worst point of the crisis, we averted protectionism.But at a time of slow growth and high unemployment in many countries those pressures will rise again.already you can see them.Countries will increasingly be tempted to try to

25、 maximise their own growth and their own employment, at the expense of others. Globalisation the force that has been so powerful in driving development and bringing huge numbers into the world economy could go into reverse.If we follow that path we will all lose out.The West would lose for sure. But

26、 so too would China.For the last two decades, trade has been a very positive factor in Chinas re-emergence on the world stage.It has driven amazing growthand raised the living standards of millions.Trade has helped stitch back Chinas network of relations with countries across the world.We need to ma

27、ke sure that it does not turn into a negative factor.Just as the West wants greater access to Chinese marketsso China wants greater access to Western marketsand it wants market economy status in the EU too.I had very constructive talks with Premier Wen on exactly this issue yesterday.I will make the

28、 case for China to get market economy status in the EUbut China needs to help, by showing that it is committed to becoming more open, as it becomes more prosperous.And we need to work together to do more to protect intellectual property rightsbecause this will give more businesses confidence to come

29、 and invest in China. UK companies are uniquely placed to support Chinas demand for more high value goods for its consumers. Our Pavilion at the World Expo in Shanghai which won the Gold Award for the best Pavilion design was a showcase for so many of Britains strengthsfrom advanced engineering to educationfrom great brands to great pharmaceutical businessesfrom low carbon to financial services to the creative industries.In all these areas and

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