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15年 职称英语考试 理工B 阅读理解2567英汉对译Word格式文档下载.docx

1、科学家已经构建了几个模型来预测这一时间,有些模型认为这一时间在2020年或更晚。其中最著名的预测模型之一是赫伯特模型。赫伯特模型认为世界石油产量呈钟形曲线,与此相关的概念是“石油峰值”。这一术语指的是世界石油产量达到峰值的那一刻,之后将呈现无法逆转的下降趋势。The Hubbert model accurately精确的 predicted that oil production would peak in the United States in 1970. The model has since gained in获得 popularity受大众欢迎 and has been used t

2、o forecast oil production worldwide赫伯特模型精确地预测到美国石油产量于1970年达到峰值。这一模型从此受到欢迎,已经用于预测世界石油生产。However, recent studies show that the model is insufficient to account for5 more complex复杂的 oil production cycles周期 of some countriesThose cycles can be heavily influenced by受影响 technology changes, politics, and o

3、ther factors因素, the scientists say.但是,最近研究表明,这一模型不足以解释某些国家更加复杂的石油生产周期。科学家称,这些生产周期受到技术变化、政策和其他因素的很大影响。The new study describes表明 development of a new version版本 of the Hubbert model that provides提供 a more realistic实际 and accurate准确 oil production forecastUsing the new model, the scientists evaluated评估t

4、he oil production trends趋势 of 47 major oil-producing countries, which supply most of the worlds conventional crude oil6 They estimated估计 that worldwide conventional crude oil production will peak in 2014, years earlier than anticipated预期. The scientists also showed that the worlds oil reserves7 are

5、being reduced at a rate of 2.1 percent a year. The new model could help inform报告 energy-related decisions and public policy 政策debate辩论, they suggest. 最近研究描述了赫伯特模型的新版本,提供了更加实际、更加准确的石油生产预测。科学家使用新模型评估了47个主要产油国家的石油生产趋势,这47个国家是世界常规原油的主要提供者。科学家预计全球常规原油产量将于2014年达到峰值,比之前预计的要早很多年。科学家还指出,世界石油储量正在以2.1%的速度逐年减少,

6、他们认为新模型会帮助做出与能源相关的决定,帮助进行国家政策辩论。词汇:Conserve v 保护,保存crude oil原油spark v闪耀;激发;鼓舞curve n曲线irreversible adj不可逆的,不可改变的insufficient adj.不充分的,不足的注释:1ACS Energy & Fuels:ACS是American Chemical Society(美国化学学会)的缩写。该学会成立于l876年,现已成为世界最大的科技协会。多年来,ACS一直致力于为全球化学研究机构、企业及个人提供高品质的文献资讯及服务。ACS出版的期刊有34种,这些期刊在化学领域中是被引用次数最多的

7、化学期刊,EnergyFuels即是其中一本。2the Hubbert model:赫伯特模型是美国地质学家MKing Hubbert于1956年创建的,这是一个随时间增长的模型,Hubbert将其引入油气田开发,经推导使其成为一个可以预测油气田累积产量、瞬时产量、年产量和可采储量等多项开发指标的多功能预测模型。3a bell shaped curve:钟形曲线4that of peak oil:that指代concept。5account for:说明,解释6conventional crude oil:常规原油7oil reserves:石油储量。通常使用复数形式reserves。练习:1

8、Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word sparked appearing in paragraph 2?Aflashed闪亮 Bstimulated刺激 Cchanged Dended 引发2The term术语 a bell shaped curve曲线 appearing in paragraph 2 indicates表明 that global oil production willAtake the shape of a flat curveBkeep growing Ckeep decliningDstar

9、t to decline下降 after global oil production peaks3Which of the following is NOT true of the Hubbert model?AIt successfully predicted that oil production peaked in the USin l970BIt has been used to predict oil production in many countriesCIt is insufficient to explain oil production cycles in some cou

10、ntriesDIt provides a very realistic and accurate oil production4What is the major achievement成就of the new study mentioned提及 in the last paragraph?AIt predicts global oil production will peak in 2014BIt predicts oil production will decline in 47 countriesCIt confirms确认 further the effectiveness of th

11、e Hubbert modelDIt discovers a new trend of Worldwide oil production5Who develop the new version of the Hubbert model?AAmerican scientistsBKuwaiti scientistsCBritish scientistsDScientists of 47 major oil-producing countries答案与题解:1B spark一词做及物动词使用时有发动、激发的意思,在此意为stimulated,即引发,这个句子的意思是:全球石油消费的快速增长已引发了

12、对石油峰值预测的兴趣。2D此句接下来的句子中所提到的a related concept即是与a bell shaped curve相关的概念,也就是说,接下来的这个句子对a bell shaped curve做了解释,即世界石油生产达到最大峰值后将下降。3D 文章的第三段告诉我们,Hubbert预测模型精确地预测到美国石油生产于1970年将达到峰值。这一模型自受到公认后,已用于预测世界石油生产。第四段说,这一模型对于某些国家更加复杂的石油生产周期而言,其计算尚不充分。这些生产周期受到技术的改变、政策和其他因素的很大影响。所以,A、B和C都是对Hubbert模型的正确说明。4A选项8、C和D所述

13、内容均未在文章中提到。最后一段告诉我们,科学家使用新的模型评估了47个主要的产油国家的石油生产趋势,并预计全球常规原油生产到2014年将达最高峰值。所以,A是答案。5B 短文第一段的第一个句子提供了答案。第五篇 Late-Night Drinking Coffee lovers beware. Having a quick “pick-me-up” cup of coffee1 late in the day will play havoc with2 your sleep. As well as being a stimulant, caffeine interrupts打乱 the flo

14、w流量 of melatonin, the brain脑 hormone that sends people into a sleep. 咖啡爱好者注意了。在深夜喝一杯快速提神的咖啡会严重影响你的睡眠,跟兴奋剂一样,咖啡因会扰乱褪黑激素的自由流动,这种褪黑激素是大脑里促人睡眠的一种荷尔蒙。Melatonin levels normally正常的 start to rise about two hours before bedtime. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before falling again3. “Its the neurohor

15、mone that controls控制 our sleep and tells our body when to sleep and when to wake,” says Maurice Ohayon of the Stanford Sleep Epidemiology Research Center at Stanford University in California. But researchers in Israel have found that caffeinated coffee halves the bodys levels of this sleep hormone.在

16、上床睡觉前约2小时的时候褪黑激素含量开始上升,在凌晨2点到4点达到昀高值,然后再次下降。加州斯坦福大学斯坦福睡眠流行病学研究中心的MauriceOhayon说:“控制我们睡眠的是神经激素,它告诉我们的身体什么时候睡觉,什么时候醒来。”而以色列的研究人员们发现含咖啡因的咖啡使这种睡眼荷尔蒙浓度降至一半。 Lotan Shilo and a team at the Sapir Medical Center in Tel Aviv University found that six volunteers志愿者 slept less well after a cup of caffeinated co

17、ffee than after drinking the same amount数量 of decal. On average平均, subjects slept 336 minutes per night after drinking caffeinated coffee, compared with 与比较415 minutes after decal. They also took half an hour to drop off4 twice as long as usual and jigged around5 in bed twice as much. LotanShilo和Tel

18、Aviv大学“Sapir医学中心”的一组人员,在给六位志愿者做试验时发现,他们在饮了咖啡因的咖啡后比饮了脱咖啡因的咖啡后睡眼质量要差。平均来说,在喝了含咖啡因的咖啡后每晚睡眠时间为336分钟,而喝了脱咖啡因的咖啡后则睡415分钟。同时他们得花半个小时入睡,是通常情况的两倍,另外,他们在床上辗转次数也要长一倍。In the second phase阶段 of the experiment实验, the researchers woke the volunteers every three hours and asked them to give a urine sample样品, Shilo m

19、easured测量 concentrations浓度 of a breakdown分解 product of melatonin. The results结果 suggest表明 that melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers were half those in decaf drinkers. In a paper accepted for publication in Sleep Medicine, the researchers suggest6 that caffeine blocks阻止 production of the enz

20、yme that drives melatonin production. 在实验的第二阶段,研究人员每三个小时便叫醒一次志愿者,并叫他们提供尿样。Shilo检验了他们褪黑激素分解产物的浓度,结果显示,咖啡因摄入者体内的褪黑激素是非咖啡因摄入人者的一半。在睡眼医学刊物上发表的文章中.研究人员暗示说,褪黑激素的生成由酶促成,而咖啡因阻止了酶的生成。Because it can take many hours to eliminate清除 caffeine from the body, Ohayon recommends建议 that coffee lovers switch转换 to decaf

21、 after lunch. 因为要花许多小时的时间才能将身体中的咖啡因除去,Ohayon建议咖啡爱好者应在午后换喝脱咖啡因的咖啡。词汇: beware /bi5wZE/v.当心:小心 enzyme /5enzaIm/n.酶 caffeinated adj.含咖啡因的;加入咖啡因的 caffeine /5kAfi:n/n.咖啡因 stimulant /5stimjulEnt/n.兴奋剂 melatonin /7melE5tEunin/n.退黑激素 halve /hB:v/v.二等分;减半 hormone /5hC:mEun/n.荷尔蒙,激素 decaf n.脱咖啡因咖啡 neurohormone

22、 /njuErEu5hC:mEun/n. 神经激素urine /5juErin/n.尿 注释:1. have a quick “pick-me-up” cup of coffee:喝一杯快速提神的咖啡。 pick-me-up意为“提神饮料”,这里用作定语。2. play havoc with:干扰;造成严重破坏。例如 : The noise of engines can play terrible havoc with a drivers nerves.发动机的嘈杂噪声能严重扰乱驾驶员的神经。3. Levels then peak between 2 am and 4 am, before f

23、alling again:褪黑激素的浓度在凌晨 2点和 4点之间达到最高值,然后再次下降。 before在此处可以译为“然后”。4. drop off:睡着。 He dropped off in the armchair.他在扶手椅上睡着了。5. jig around:辗转反侧。 jig意为“急动,蹦蹦跳跳”。例如: Stop jigging about, Billy, and just stand still for a moment.别到处乱蹦,比利,稳稳地站一会儿。6. suggest:在这里不作“建议”解,它的意思是“间接地表明 ;暗示”。 Im not suggesting that

24、 the accident was your fault.我并不是说那事故是你的错。练习:1. The author mentions提到 “pick-me-up” to indicate指出 that A melatonin levels need to be raised. B neurohormone can wake us up. C coffee is a stimulant. D decaf is a caffeinated coffee. 2. Which of the following tells us how caffeine affects影响 sleep?A Caffe

25、ine blocks production of the enzyme that stops melatonin production. B Caffeine interrupts打断 the flow流量 of the hormone that prevents预防 people from sleeping. C Caffeine halves the bodys levels of sleep hormone.D Caffeine stays in the body for many hours. 3. What does paragraph 3 mainly discuss? A Dif

26、ferent effects of caffeinated coffee and decaf on sleep. B Different findings of Lotan Shilo and a team about caffeine. C The fact that the subjects slept 415 minutes per night after drinking decaf. D The proof证据 that the subjects took half an hour to fall asleep. 4. What does the experiment实验 menti

27、oned in paragraph 4 prove?A There are more enzymes in decaf drinkers urine sample. B There are more melatonin concentrations in caffeine drinkers urine sample. C Decaf drinkers produce less melatonin. D Caffeine drinkers produce less sleep hormone. 5. The author of this passage probably agrees that

28、A coffee lovers sleep less than those who do not drink coffee. B we should not drink coffee after supper. C people sleep more soundly完全 at midnight than at 3 am. D if we feel sleepy at night, we should go to bed immediately.答案与题解 :1. C pick-me-up指提神饮料,也就是一种剌激物,在这篇文章里具体指咖啡。所以,答案应选 C。2. C 第二段的第三个句子谈到,“控制我们睡眠的是神经激素”,而这一段的最后一个句子也告诉

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