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1、A thesissubmitted in partial fulfilmentof the requirements for the junior yearto the School of Foreign LanguagesNorthwest University of Politics & LawNovember 28, 2011 Alexander the Greats Sexual OrientationAbstract: With the revival of homosexual, Alexander the Great comes into peoples mind again.

2、He, the king of Macedonia, was a great conquer that the world have ever seen. He extended his realm to Europe, Africa and Far East. But what impressed us most was his relationship with Hephaestion. It confused people why a king like him tended to show more interests toward male. This paper attempts

3、to reveal the truth that he was gay by analyzing the culture of ancient Greece, the influences from his parents and other political factor.Key words: ancient Greece, boys love, politics, homosexual, education.摘要:随着同性恋文化的复兴,亚历山大大帝再一次的进入人们的视野。亚历山大是马其顿帝国的伟大国王,是举世瞩目前所未有的征服者。他统治的马其顿帝国领土延伸至欧、亚、非。但是他给人留下最深

4、刻的影响却是作为一名同性恋者及传说中与赫菲提斯昂矢志不渝的爱情。人们不明白作为一个伟大的帝王,亚历山大为什么会被同行所吸引。本文试图通过对古希腊文化、亚历山大大帝的父母及政治等因素的分析来解密亚历山大的性倾向。关键字:古希腊、同性之爱、政治、同性恋、教育。 Outline Thesis Statement: Alexander the Great is a homosexual.I. Introduction A. The difference between the homosexual and the bisexual. B Sexual orientation of Alexander

5、the Great. Reasons of his sexual orientation A. His two marriages B. Culture of ancient Greece. 1. Social status 2. Education 3. Boys love C. Influences from his parents and their marriage D. His career and homosexuality in army. Conclusion. Introduction Homosexuality, as a kind of sexual orientatio

6、n, is a sexual tendency that people are sexually attracted by those of their own gender. Homosexual refers to people who prefer the person of their own gender to the opposite as their sexual partner. (Li 10) As peculiar phenomena, homosexuality has a long history. And it exists in different corners

7、of the world as well as different form of society in the long history. No matter it is American or Kenya. No matter it is a well-developed industrial country or a barbaric tribe. Where there is a person, there is homosexual. The proper noun for homo has changed, too. From the discriminatory homosexu

8、ality to gay (for the male homo) and lesbian (for the female). From gay and lesbian to a modern queer. About four thousand years ago, in ancient Egypt, the Egyptian treat the sex between males as a holy thing. According to the tale, sex between god Horus and god Seth actually happened. In the palace

9、, every man kept a intimate female friend. The same occurred to the ancient India. Maya, One of the three civilization in Latin America, recorded the phenomena of homosexuality in youth. We can find the resource about homosexuality everywhere. It never stopped. But it did not they goes well all the

10、time. It has had difficulties all the way even today, but it also had its prime time. Alexander the Great, the great king of Macedonia was the representative of this time. Alexander the Great and Hephaestion was intimate friend since they were very young. They kept devoting to each other throughout

11、their lives. Homosexuals clung to their views without any grounds that Alexander was absolutely a gay. Others claimed that Alexander was bisexual as most ancient Greek was. Others insisted that Alexander was homosexual without offering a proof. Here the author holds the opinion that he was gay. Ther

12、e are some factors which made the author credit it deeply. A. Alexander the Gretas marriagesAlthough Alexander the Great married two ladies, both are for political peace or his conquer. He loved neither of them. When Alexander the Great invaded the Persia Empire, the Backrooms, under Bess us, resist

13、ed stoutly, but were subdued finally in 328. Roxanne, a daughter of Baron Oxcarts who held territory of Bess us, was offered Alexander by her father. Alexander chose to make very public display of his union with Roxanne. It seems quite a splendid ceremony. But actually its a political marriage. To s

14、tart with, after subjugating the country, Alexander the Great wanted to continue conquering and exploring the unknown world in the Far East. If unnecessary, a long time stay in a certain place never came to his mind. So he was in want of a man who is capable of maintaining the peace and stability of

15、 the local when he was not here. And at the same time he needs a ruler who was willing to provide foods, clothes and troops for the armies if needed. Thus after Baron showed him his loyalty, Alexander accepted it with pleasure. To show his sincerity, Alexander married Barons daughter. Whats more imp

16、ortant was that Alexander needed a successor. Like the feudal society in ancient China, an empire without a son was always in danger; for his rule was menaced by other royal members and other countries which try to invade the country when the king is out of Palace or he is seriously sick. So its bet

17、ter to have someone in the family stay in the palace to keep political peace. Those are what his first marriage for. Stature the Second was the daughter of Stature the First and Darius the Third of Persia, after his fathers defeat at the battle of Issus, Stateira and her mother were treated very wel

18、l. Stateria became Alexanders second wife at the Susa wedding in 324BC. Its another political marriage. First and foremost, years ago before Darius failed completely, he tempted to persuade Alexander to stop the war and propose to form a strong ally by offering his daughter Stateira.( Huf, 98-10) Bu

19、t Alexander refused the offer. Now he married Stateira, apparently, its a policy adjustment. In his lifespan, he never kept an intimate or romantic relationship with a female. So we can safely draw a conclusion that he did not love women at all.B. Culture of ancient Greece Macedonia was a country in

20、 the north of the ancient Greek, thus it was deeply influenced by the culture of the well-developed country. Aristotle, a very knowledgeable scholar in Greece, was invited to Macedonia to teach the prince, Alexander the Great, and his noble friends. And in the rest of their lives they were affected

21、by what Aristotle had taught them. Man is absolutely different from women and superior to them. In ancient Greece, women and men were completely separated from each other. To be a woman meant to stay at home quietly and sacrifice her life for the whole family silently. Neither political rights nor s

22、ocial activities belonged to them. While the male possessed quiet a lot; theatre, gymnasium, wine party were stages especially for the males, female dancers and whores are allowed to enter those place only for entertaining. Here they showed their talents, fought for their political rights, sang song

23、s and drank wine without a limit. Apparently, for men, women were nothing but the mother of their children and the keeper of their houses. They were only part of their husbands property. Silence and no appearance in public were viewed by men as the most appreciate virtue of a woman. In 431 B.C, in a

24、 funeral ceremony for a soldier Pericles gave a warning to women: for a woman, the most respected virtue is to be mentioned by man as less as possible. No matter praising or criticizing. Which means, women are completely drove out of the society which men rules. On the other hand, men have requireme

25、nt for their own. Namely, man cannot addict themselves to the relationship with woman. And one should better reduce their appointments with woman as possible as one could. To Greek, woman is a symbol of the restless lust since reason is never a part of woman. The intemperate sex, to a man, is very d

26、angerous. For sex would lead the loss of abstinence and bravery of a man, which are very precious characters of a man. Between man and woman is not the product of it. Until Middle Age the games between the noble knights and exalted ladies showed us the shadow of modern love. Education in ancient Gre

27、ece paid more attention to boys. Boys were valued for their minds, held to be especially capable of intellect. On the contrary, girls were considered capable of only of chitchat and unworthy of educating. Thus the intellectual development of most girls was neglected, while the right up bring of boys

28、 was given the highest importance. Obviously, this kind of education led to the huge spiritual gap between women and men. Thus, theres nothing between a man and a woman but flirtation. Conversely men can have a reasonable conversation; they can be guide, friend and companion. As a result they spent

29、plenty of time and were friendlier than friends should be. The typical homosexual love in Greece was love between man and a boy. The Greece male was expected not only for marry and raise children but also to be available for friendship and homosexual affairs with worthy youth. The man was called era

30、stes(lover) and the adolescent youth was called eromenos(beloved). Its a shame if a boy cant win the love of an adult; its also true if a man cant cause a boys attention. The erastes and the eromenos maintained both the relationship of teacher-student and lover. (Huf, 78) Also, the homosexuality pre

31、vailed in ancient Athens. According to the record, Patricia Beard, a politician in Athens, was a legend. When seventeen or eighteen, he became the tallest and the most handsome boy in Athens. Wherever he went, he was followed by plenty of men who treating him as a beautiful lady, and flirting with h

32、im, courting to him. He was extremely good at acting as a slut, making fun of his sweethearts, embarrassing them when flirting. When he was in good mood or he thought there might have some benefits, he would give them a little Bounty. Thus he became the teenagers idol in Athens.(Hunter,19-20)In his famous book Symposiu

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