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1、道德经Daode Jing (Tao Te Ching)身法八要Eight Principles of Postures太极拳解Explanation of Taijiquan太极拳论On Taijiquan太极拳使用法Application Methods of Taijiquan太极拳释义The Revealing of Essential Taijiquan太极拳术The Art of Taijiquan太极拳体用全书Essence and Applications of Taijiquan太极拳运动Taijiquan Sports 太极拳正宗Authentic Taijiquan太极图

2、说Explanations of Taiji Diagram武术Martial Arts 杨式太极拳基础教程Basic Course of Yang Style Taijiquan周身大用论Using Every Part of the Body周易(或易经)Zhouyi;The Book of Changs, Yi or I Ching28式杨式太极拳28-form Yang Style Taijiquan八门劲the power of eight directions必修课程a required course 掤、捋、挤、按、採、挒、肘、靠、进、退、顾、盼、定Peng (warding o

3、ff), Lv (rolling back), Ji (pressing), An (pushing), Cai (pulling down), Lie (splitting), Zhou (elbowing), Kao (body stroke), Jin (advancing), Tui (retreating), Gu (shifting left), Pan (shifting right) and Ding (central equilibrium)不丢不顶no releasing and resisting directly不解之谜mystery不偏不倚impartiality缠丝

4、 twining沉肩坠肘lowering the shoulders and elbows沉着heavy and steady撑掌unfolding palm成语之都Hometown of Chinese Idioms抽丝taking out the thread丹田Dantian (pubic region)弹簧力springy force导引术guidance道Tao;Dao道法自然Taoism following the nature敌进我退,敌驻我扰,敌 疲我打,敌退我追retreating as the enemy advances, disturbing as the enemy

5、camps, attacking as the enemy fatigues, advancing as the enemy retreats第五代传人fifth-generation successor 顶头悬suspending the head and relaxing the neck懂劲comprehending force动与静motion and stillness动中寓静stillness with motion动作action动作招式招术movement/action对立统一the unity of opposites 对立与统一contradition and unfica

6、tion;unity of the opposites耳提面命whispering into disciples ears and talking face to face发劲discharging force法道修身self-cultivation with Tao法道治国state-governing by Tao反者道之动,弱者道之用The application of Dao is using mildness rather than violence, softness rather than hardness非圆即弧either circle or arc刚柔相济combining

7、 hardness with softness根于脚,主宰于腰,行于手指rooting with feet, leading with waist, and moving with fingers弓步n.bow stance; v.lunge forward功夫Gongfu; Kungfu;fighting art;fighting skills攻防 attack and defense; offense and defense攻防搏击offensive and defensive fighting贯串之意Yi of permeating国术馆National Martial Arts Gym

8、s含胸拔背contracting the chest and lengthening the back合中有开closing with opening后发制人striking only after being struck呼、发、伸、进、起、仰、往、出、放、打、击、刚、动、实、开、升、上、左breathing out, attacking, extending, advancing, raising, facing upward, going, sending, releasing, hitting,striking, hardness, moving, solidness, opening,

9、 lifting, ascending,turning left呼与吸breathing out and breathing in化劲dispersing force技击术art of attack and defense节节贯串joints coordinating借力打力transforming the coming force to attack the opponent劲整integrating force经络 Jingluo (main and collateral channels)经络中通行的气 Qi (air) in Jingluo 精神mind静中寓动motion with

10、/in stillness卷(蓄)与放storing and discharging开胯屈膝separating the thighs and bending the knees开与合opening and closing开中有合opening with closing快与慢rapidness and slowness老子学说Laozis Doctrines砺练品格morality training练劲building up power练巧mastering techniques练顺smoothing out the frame螺旋volution螺旋缠绕spiral enwinding落点(

11、劲点)attacking points (positions)门规戒条doctrines, regulations and restrictions内不动,外不发no internal Yi (mind), no external movements内劲Neijin (inner power)内劲潜换inner power exchanging内气Neiqi (inner air)内外皆修internal and external cultivation内外统一uniting mind with body偏心距eccentric distance平和安静,谦和大度,博爱真诚,感恩包容gentl

12、eness and peace, modesty and generosity, love and sincerity, gratitude and tolerance平心静气calming mind气沉丹田Qi Chen Dantian (storing qi in the pubic region)气敛Storing Qi (spirit;air)牵一发而动全身a slight move in one part may affect the whole situation乾坤Qiankun (heaven and earth, the universe)强身健体body building

13、and physical fitness窍aperture轻灵agile轻与沉lightness and heaviness全国武术锦标赛 Championship of National Martial Arts拳法boxing method拳理boxing theory拳式movement拳姿boxing posture人不犯我、我不犯人、人若犯我、我必犯人We will not attack unless we are attacked; if we are attacked, we will certainly counterattack.柔与刚softness and hardnes

14、s儒雅端庄refined and dignified散手San Shou (free sparring)上下相随the harmony between the upper and lower body舍己从人giving up ones own to accept the widely-accepted one身心双修physical and spiritual cultivation神Shen (concentration of the mind)神聚concentrating the attention神明sprirtual illumination十大文化脉系ten major regi

15、onal cultures十三势Thirteen (13) Postures收敛入骨storing in the body疏通经络activating channels四两拨千斤defeating the strong with little effort松静自然being natural, relaxed and quiet松柔缓慢soft and slow松腰圆裆relaxing the waist and separating the thighs宋明理学Neo-Confucianism太极拳Taijiquan;Tai Ji Quan;Tai Chi;Taiji boxing;Shado

16、w boxing太极拳圣地Hometown of Taijiquan太极拳小架子the small frame of Taijiquan太极图 Taiji Diagram陶冶情操molding character套路routine体育运动学sports and kinematics天地与我并生,万物与我为一。The nature lives with me in symbiosis, and everything is with me as a whole.天人合一Tian Ren He Yi (harmony between Man and Nature )听劲judging the opp

17、onents force推手Tui Shou (pushing hands)唯物辩证Dialectical Materialism尾闾Wei Lv( acupoint; tailbone) 未老先防anti-aging prevention before growing old温文尔雅gentle and elegant文化内涵cultural connotations文静自然quiet and natural文拳Wenquan (Boxing of Thoughts)文武兼修adept with pen and sword文追鸿儒,痴迷拳术 versed in polite letters

18、and obsessed with martial arts无过不及,不偏不倚no excess, no deficiency 无为而为;无为而治actionless governance doing nothing that goes against nature五阴并五阳half Yin and half Yang五趾抓地feet grasping the ground武术martial arts; wushu 物极必反Extremes Meet吸、蓄、屈、退、落、俯、来、入、收、化、引、柔、静、虚、合、降、下、右breathing in, storing, bending, retrea

19、ting, dropping, leaning, coming, entering, holding, dispersing, guiding, softness, quietness, emptiness, closing, falling,descending, turning right先天气Xiantianqi (congenital air)行云流水flowing clouds and running water形神共养cultivating both the mind and the body形神皆备spirit and appearance likeness修身养性self-cu

20、ltivation虚领顶劲erecting the head and relaxing the neck; erecting the head and neck naturally虚其心,实其腹emptying ones mind and filling ones stomach虚实Xu Shi;voidness and solidness;emptiness and solidness旋踝转腿rotating the ankles and legs旋腕转膀rotating the wrists and shoulders旋腰转脊rotating the waist and back穴acup

21、oints延年益寿keeping longer longevity;longevity prolonging养生术science of health preserving一静一动stillness and motion一开一合一着不慎全盘皆输one careless move loses the whole game以静制动coping with all motions by remaining motionless以柔克刚overcoming hardness with softness以弱胜强conquering strength with weakness以退为进retreating i

22、n order to advance以武载道incorporating cultural elements into martial arts以小力胜大力defeating the strong with little effort; conquering strength with weakness以意导动conducting movements with Yi意Yi (mind)阴阳Yin and Yang; Yin-Yang;Yin/Yang阴阳互根Yin and Yang rooting in each other阴阳相济Yin and Yang assisting each othe

23、r;Yin and Yang existing; Yin and Yang existing together阴阳学说Yin-Yang Theory用法之意Yi of directions用意using Yi 元气Yuanqi (vitality)原始道家the original Taoism原始儒家the original Confucianism圆活饱满softness and fullness圆与方circle and square沾连粘随Zhan Lian Nian Sui (touching, sticking, adhering and following)哲拳Zhequan (B

24、oxing of Philosophy)正气Zhengqi (pure air)致虚极,守静笃finding rest and peace, and feeling ease中国传统医学TCM;traditional Chinese medicine中国佛学Chinese Buddhism中国古典哲学Chinese classical philosophy中气Zhongqi (air in internal organs)中正和谐Harmony and Perfection中正之说Notion of Zhong and Zheng (Harmony and Perfection)着熟be skilled姿势posture自强不息endless and tireless;constantly strive to be stronger;make unceasing efforts to improve oneselfTHANKS !

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