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1、How much is the shirt?A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9. 15.1. Where did this conversation most probably tae place?A.In a restaurant. B.In a shop. C.In a vegetable maret.2. What did the man do last night?A. He went to visit a friend.B. I le went to say goodbye to his friend at the airport.C. He went to anothe

2、r city with his friend3.What can we learn about the man?A.He enjoys using e-mails.B.He often receives letters from friends.C.He never writes letters to his friends.4. What time does the net plane to Iondon leave?A. At 1000. B.At 1100. C.At 1200.5. What is the mans problem?A.He isnt filing well. B. H

3、e is caught in bad weather. C. He feels very cold 第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出雌选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话或独白后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下 小题。每段对话或独白仅读一遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. What is the man going to do?A.Buy some stamps. B.Have his car fied C.Buy some drugs.7. Where will th

4、e woman go?A.The department store. B.The stamp maret. C.The drugstore.8.When will the speaers meet?A. An hour later. B. Half an hour later. C. An hour and a half later.听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What is the special offer?A. If you buy now, you get a free ticet for one year.B.If you buy one ticet, you get an

5、other one for free.C. If you buy two round-trip ticets,one is free.10. How much does a ticet for an 11-year-old child cost?A. It is one third of the regular price.B. It is half of the regular price.C. It is free.11. When will the family leave for Los Angeles?A. This Friday morning. B.This weeend. C.

6、 Net wee.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Where is the man maing the telephone call now?A. In the hospital. B.At his home. C. In Dr Carters office.13. Why does the man want to see Dr Carter?A. He was hit by a ladder. B. He broe his leg. C. He hurt his foot.14. What does the woman tell the man to do in the end?A

7、. Come to the office right away.B. Wait for Dr Carter at home.C. Tae off the paint can himself.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What are the people in the house doing?A. Dancing a ballet. B. Having a party. C. Singing songs.16. What do we now about Cariol?A. She is the womans sister.B. She is sitting on the cha

8、ir.C. She has short blac hair.17. How does the woman now Bob?A. He has just been introduced to her.B. They have met at a party before.C. She has taen lessons from him.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What can we learn about the radio station?A. It is on Montana at Seventh Street in Santa Monica.B. It broadcast

9、s an advertisement for a coffee shop.C. It is open twenty-four hours a day.19. What will the weather be lie in the afternoon?A. Cloudy.B.Rainy. C.Fine.20.What can we learn about Santa Monica Beach?A. It is a good place for surfing.B. It is a good place for paring cars.C.It is a good place for swimmi

10、ng.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题每小题2分,满分30分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AUnsolved Mysteries About Planet Earth Mystery 1 : Where did all the water come from? Water covers 70 percent of Earths surface and earns it the nicname “the blue planet”. And where did it come from? The most popular scient

11、ific theory states that the H2() arrived in the form of several violent asteroids (小打星filled with ice. Another suggests that the water actually has been around since Earths formatioa However it happened, though, it certainly wored out well for Earths life forms. Mystery 2 : What about all the oygen?

12、 Another thing is the planet s oygen. Tiny creatures released oygen as a waste product, filling the atmosphere with it After that, the level of oygen in Earths atmosphere went wildly up and down until it finally calmed down around 540 million years ago. Since then, its remained at about the breathab

13、le level we eperience today. But what caused it to be suddenly steady? Mystery 3: What caused the Cambrian (寒武纪)Eplosion? The Cambrian Eplosion refers to the eplosion of comple life that occurred on the Earth about 540 million years ago. Before then,life had consisted mostly of bacteria. But at the

14、beginning of the Cambrian period, comple creatures began developing at a rate never before seen* Suddenly life forms had brains eyes, and bones. Most creatures alive today can trace their blood bac to the Cambrian period Mystery 4: Will we ever be able to predict earthquaes? We still havent been abl

15、e to come up with a way to accurately predict earthquaes. We can certainly try, but our current technology cannot predict them eactly. We now that earthquaes start when rocs crac underground and send earthquae waves toward the sur- face,but we havent figured out why that happens,or how to predict it

16、.21. What was created later by creatures on the Earth?A.Water. B.Oygen. C. Bacteria. D. Ice.22. Which of the following tals about the Earths advanced species?A. Mystery 1. B. Mystery 2. C. Mystery 3. D. Mystery 4.23. What do we now about Mystery 4?A. It is the oldest mystery of the four.B. It will b

17、e solved in the near future.C. It is the most difficult to solve of the four.D. It is a matter that has etremely practical significance.B In many films,when the owner is in trouble, his or her beloved dog would run home to see help without fail. Yet, while this image has become an unforgettable part

18、 of our pop cul- ture,few people new that the same sort of response applied to service dogs. Once a blind man fell flat on his face, which was awful but finally harmless. His service dog,however, was trained to get an adult if the owner had a seiure (癒痫),and it was sure this was a seiure. However, w

19、hile the dog did what it was taught, the woman it found was merely annoyed but not alarmed. Thanfully* the dogs owner was not in the situation of a medical emergency. However, the eperience inspired him to share this information on social media,“If a service dog without a person approaches you, it m

20、eans the person is down and in need of help,” the owner eplained “Dont get scared, dont get annoyed, follow the dog! If the first person doesnt cooperate, it moves on. ” Referring to the accident, a TV presenter ased a dog trainer, Olivia, some basic questions about service dog etiquette (规矩),includ

21、ing how humans should react if an unaccompanied service dog should approach them. “What the/re going to do is tae their nose and gently push your leg,” the trainer e plained, specifically noting that service dogs are not usually trained to jump or bar, “If you see a dog in vest without a person atta

22、ched to it, follow it. ” When ased if one should say something to indicate theyVe prepared to follow the dog, Olivia said theres no clear command. “The spoen language is not going to be a secret password,” she said. “You can say, What? or Where? or just start waling wherever the dog leads. ” Olivia

23、concluded the TV show by adding that those who rely on service dogs CAn train their companion to move along to someone else,should the first person they come upon react negatively to the dogs request. Doing so could finally save the owners life.24. What do we now about service dogs?A. They cant unde

24、rstand others spoen language.B. They are seldom nown by most people.C. They often mae people annoyedD.They only eist in the pop culture.25. In the owners emergency, a service dog will generall .A. as the nearby person for helpB. run home for help from familiesC. jump or bar to draw humans noticeD. s

25、tay beside the owner until he or she recovers26. How should people react to a separate service dog?A.Tae it to the nearest police station.B. Communicate with it through commands.C. eep it home until finding its owner.D. Follow it to anywhere it leads.27.What is the author s purpose of sharing the st

26、ory?A. To encourage everyone to help disabled people.B. To introduce a tal show about service dogs.C. To spread nowledge of dealing with service dogs.D.To teach how to train service dogs well.C A child s early years of language development are important for the basics of school readi- growth. In a r

27、ecent study, Perry and a team of fellowness, such as literacy (读写)sills and social and emotional University of Miami Assistant Professor of Psychology Lynn researchers who eamined child speech communications over the course of a year found that children benefit from conversations with their peers (同

28、龄人)and their teachers. The study eamined how language use and development in 2-and 3-yearold children was influenced by what they heard from their teachers and their peers. “Previous research on language development looed mostly at the role of parent-child communication within a home setting or a la

29、b environment, which means were missing a big part of a childs everyday life-the classroom,” said Perry. “We now that parent language is important for childrens development and their academic achievement, but we dont have much research on what happens in the indergarten or preschool setting. ” Using

30、 a device (设备) called a language Environment Analysis (LENA) recorder, Perry collected hundreds of hours of audio recordings. Children wore the LENA recorder once a wee. LENA then assessed whether the recorded audio was speech or not, andwhether the speech came from the child wearing the recorder or

31、 from an adult or another child taling to them. After studying the audio data, Perry found that the speech children heard from other children was positively related to their own language use, meaning children who heard the most from their peers learn more new words and vocalie more during the course of the year. Addi- tionally,there was a positive association between a teacher taling and childrens language us

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