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1、请问贵姓大名。(不认识客人时用)Im sorry, sir. Our hotel rooms are all booked at this moment. We have no vacancy.对不起,先生。我们已经客满,没有空房间。Dont mention it. My pleasure.请不要客气,我乐意效劳。Have a good rest, sir.先生,请好好休息。Good morning, sir. Can I be of service to you? 早安,先生。 我可否为你效劳?A moment, please. I will be with you as soon as p

2、ossible.请稍等片刻。我将尽快帮你办。Can I have your name and room number, please?请告诉我您的名字及房间号码?Here is your bill, sir.先生,这是您的帐单。Please wait a moment while I calculate your bill.请稍等片刻,我立刻就把您的帐单结算出来。We accept the following credit cards,madam.小姐,我们接受以下几种信用卡。Please sign here, sir.先生,请在这签上你的名字。We hope you will come st

3、ay with us again.希望你再光临我们酒店。Would you please exchange us dollars for RMB. please?麻烦你替我将美圆兑成人民币好吗?The rates of exchange are on the board, sir.先生,请参考告示牌的外币兑换价。Im sorry but We do not exchange Hong Kong dollars into Japanese yen.对不起,我们不能将港币换成日元。Please could I see your passport or other identification, m

4、adam?小姐,请出示你的护照或其它身份证明文件。Be sure to keep it. 请好好保存。 Please check it. 请点一下。第二章 前台接待Have you a reservation?您预定过了吗?2.The bellman will show you the way to the banquet hall.行李员将领您去宴会厅4.Would you please complete this registration form?请填写这张登记表5.Could you sign your name.please?请签上您的姓名6.May I see your passp

5、ort please?请出示您的护照7.May I know your name and room mumber?请告诉我您的名字与房间号码。8.May I have your passport or ID Card please?请出示您的护照或身份证。9.How would you like to make payment,By credit Card or By Cash?请问您想用现金付款还是用信用卡付款?10.Can I have your credit card imprint?请出示您的信用卡,我们需要用它来压卡。(?)11.Would you please pay 1000as

6、 deposit? We will return the balance to you when you check out.请您付1000元押金,我们将在您退房时将余额退还您12.Here is your room key。这是您的房间钥匙13.Your room number is 246 on the second floor.您的房间在二楼的246房。14.Here is your key card这是您的房卡15.Ill get the bellman to take your luggage up.我会叫行李生帮您把行李送到房间16.The bellman here will ta

7、ke your luggage and show you the way.这里的行李生会为您提行李,并为您带路17.Well extend the reservation for you .我们可以为您延长预订18.Are you checking out today?您今天可以结帐吗?19.Would you like to check out now?您今天要退房吗?20.Please pay at the cashiers desk over there请到那边帐台付款21.If theres anything you need, just ring reception.如果您需要什么,

8、就打电话给服务台。22.Because of the bad weather, the swimming pool wont be open today.因为天气不好,今天游泳池不开放。23.The phone number of our hotel is 68718888.我们酒店的电话号码是68718888.24.Please dial 9 before you dial the number.拔号码前请先拔9.Unit one Making a Reservation/Advance Reservation第一章 预订Key Sentences例句1. Good morning/even

9、ing. Reservation. May I help you?早上好/晚上好,这里是.酒店客房预订部,请问需要什么帮忙吗?2. What can I do for you?我能为您帮什么忙吗?3. Hold on line, please. Could you please hold on?请稍等(电话中) 请稍等,好吗?4. Could you wait a minute, please?请稍等,好吗?5. Are you with a company?您是公司预订吗?6. May I know you departure date?请问您的离店日期是哪天?7. How long wil

10、l you stay with us?请问您住几天?8. How many people are there in your party?您们一共几个人?9. That will be four nights.四个晚上。10. May I know the arrival date, please?请问哪天入住?11. Is it just for tonight?请问只住今天一晚吗?12. When do you check in?请问您什么时候入住?13. Would you like a single room or a double room?请问你想订单人间还是双人间?14. Wha

11、t kind of room would you like/prefer?请问您喜欢什么样的房间?15. Would you please tell me your full name, please?请问您的全名是?16. And your address, please?请问您的地址?17. May I know you telephone number, Mr Smith?史密斯先生,请问您的电话号码是?May I know your company name and how would you like to settle your payment?请问您的公司全称及付款方式?How

12、would you like to guarantee your reservation?请问您的担保方式是?May I take your credit card number or Guarantee letter for the guarantee?请提供您的信用卡号码或担保信给我做为担保。18. We have a single available for those dates.我们还有一些单人间可以接受预订在那个时间段。19. Its all right for the next week.下个星期没有问题。20. We do have a vacancy for those da

13、tes.那段时间我们可以接受预订21. Yes, you can have a room on Saturday.是的,星期六您可以订到房间。22. Im afraid we wont be able to guarantee you a room after the 16th. We usually have high occupancies in the peak seasons.恐怕十六号后我们不能保证有房间提供给您,那段时间是我们的入住高峰期。23. Im sorry, but were fully booked for single rooms. Would you like to

14、have a double one?很抱歉我们的单人间已经订满了,给您订双人间怎么样?24. Im sorry, but the hotel is full on that date.很抱歉,那天我们酒店的客房已经住满了。25. Im sorry, we dont have any room available for that week.很抱歉,我们那周的预订已经全满了。26. Service isnt included in the room rate.服务费不包含在房费里27. Above rate is subject 15% service expense.以上报价需另付15%服务费

15、28. We offer 10% discount for group reservation, sir.先生,团队预订可以打九折。29. Mr.smith,let me repeat your reservation to ensure it is correct. you will arrive before。史密斯先生,我跟你确认一下你的预订内容:你的抵达日期是。前台接待处规范用语 上午好,欢迎光临/欢迎光临XXX酒店。Good morning, Welcome to XXX Hotel. 下午好,先生,非常高兴再次见到您。Good morning, Mr. . Nice to meet

16、 you again!请问您有预订吗?Have you make reservation?请问您订房人的姓名/请问您谁帮您做的预订?Please tell me who make the reservation for you?是的,您订了两间豪华房,住两晚。Yes, you have made a reservation of two deluxe rooms for two nights. 请您出示护照 Please give me your passport. 您的房价是人民币500元 Your room rate is RMB¥500 请在这这里签名。Please sign here.

17、 请问您怎么样付押金。How would you like to pay the deposit?退房时间是中午十二时,如果您想延迟至下午六时前退房,另加半天房费,六时后退房,将加收一天房费。Check out time is 12:00 noon. A half day charge of your rate will be added for extended check out time before 6:00pm, and a full day charge after 6:00pm. 祝您在这里过得愉快。Wish you enjoy your stay with us. 先生,请问您

18、有没有用小酒吧的饮品或小食呢?Mr. , did you take drinks or snacks from the mini-bar?这是帐单,总额是,请您检查一下。Here is the bill, the total amount is . Please check it/have a look at it. 欢迎您下次光临,祝您一路平安/旅途愉快!Hope to see you again soon and wish a nice flight/trip. 请把押金收据给我。Please give the deposit receipt. 请问您怎样付款呢?How would you

19、 like to pay the bill?希望很快可以再见到您。Wish to see you again soon.Enjoy your stay with us.希望您在我们这里住的愉快。 先生,对不起,让您久等了。May I know your name, please?(不认识客人时用) Im sorry, sir. Our hotel rooms are all booked at this moment. We have no vacancy.对不起,先生。Im sorry but We do not exchange Hong Kong dollars into Japanes

20、e yen.对不起,我们不能将港币换成日元。小姐,请出示你的护照或其它身份证明文件1请原谅,我想知道如果您觉得账单不对,为什么当时没有提出疑问?为什么您还会在账单上签名确认?Im sorry, but could you let me know why you didnt tell us and sign the bill if you think it is wrong at that time?2对不起,是我们的工作出现了失误,这项收费我们会为您取消。Sorry, it is our mistake. We will deduct this charge. 3对不起,按酒店规定没有押金单我

21、们不能退您余款,但如果您真的把押金单丢了,我们需要您提供一份收条证明您本人已将余款取回。Sorry, according to the rule of our hotel without the receipt of deposit we can not refund your balance, but if you really lost the receipt of deposit, we need you provide a receipt to prove that you have got the balance back. 4我们的账单格式是在电脑中设定好的,您要的那种我们提供不了。The form of our bill is set up by the computer, we couldnt provide you the bill of that form.

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