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1、已得到整个科技界或本行业科技人员公认的缩略词语,才可用于题名中,否则不要轻易使用。 引言 摘要的定义为:“以提供文献内容梗概为目的, 不加评论和补充解释, 简明、确切地记叙文献重要内容的短文”。由于大多数检索系统只收录论文的摘要部分,或其数据库中只有摘要部分免费提供, 并且有些读者只阅读摘要而不读全文或常根据摘要来判断是否需要阅读全文, 因此摘要的清楚表达十分重要。好的英文摘要对于增加论文的被检索和引用机会、吸引读者、扩大影响起着不可忽视的作用。 1 摘要的类型与基本内容 1.1 摘要的类型 根据内容的不同, 摘要可分为以下三大类:报道性摘要、指示性摘要和报道-指示性摘要。(1)报道性摘要(i

2、nformative abstract):也称信息型摘要或资料性摘要。其特点是全面、简要地概括论文的目的、方法、主要数据和结论。通常, 这种摘要可部分地取代阅读全文。(2)指示性摘要 (indicative abstract):也称为说明性摘要、描述性摘要(descriptive abstract)或论点摘要(topic abstract)。一般只用二、三句话概括论文的主题, 而不涉及论据和结论, 多用于综述、会议报告等。此类摘要可用于帮助读者决定是否需要阅读全文。(3)报道-指示性摘要(informative-indicative abstract):以报道性摘要的形式表述一次文献中信息价值

3、较高的部分, 以指示性摘要的形式表述其余部分。传统的摘要多为一段式, 在内容上大致包括引言(Introduction)、材料与方法(Materials and Methods)、结果(Results)和讨论(Discussion)等主要方面, 即IMRAD(Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion)结构的写作模式。1980年代出现了另一种摘要文体, 即“结构式摘要”(structured abstract), 它是报道性摘要的结构化表达,强调论文摘要应含有较多的信息量。结构式摘要与传统摘要的差别在于,前者便于读者了解论文的内容, 行文中用醒目的

4、字体(黑体、全部大写或斜体等)直接标出目的、方法、结果和结论等标题。1. 2 摘要的基本结构和内容 摘要本质上是一篇高度浓缩的论文, 所以其构成与论文主体的IMRAD结构是对应的。摘要应包括以下内容梗概:(1) 目的:研究工作的前提、目的和任务, 所涉及的主题范围;(2) 方法:所用的理论、条件、材料、手段、装备、程序等;(3) 结果:观察、实验的结果、 数据、性能等;(4) 结果的分析、比较、评价、应用, 提出的问题, 今后的课题, 假设、启发、建议、预测等;(5) 其它:不属于研究、研制、调查的主要目的, 但具有重要的信息价值。 一般地说, 报道性摘要中(2)、(3)、(4)应相对详细,

5、(1)和(5)则相对简略。指示性摘要则相反。注意摘要与前言的区别,有关背景资料(background information)放前言中1 基本特性2 时态3 语态4 语法修辞5 一个典型示例6 化学常用句式1 基本特性 独立短文:独立性 The first studies by Shuford et al. (Polym Eng Sci 1976,16,25) of the effect of draw ratio on the piezoelectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) films concluded that the effe

6、ct of molecular orientation due to draw prior to film polarization was to increase greatly the piezoelectric response. Compare the results, according to the equations (1), (2), (3), (4), defining inhibition type is competitive one. EI的文摘长度一般不超过150 words,或1500字母。 美国物理学会Style Manual, 不超过500个单词。以一般现在时为

7、主,也使用一般过去时和现在完成时说法一:从理论上讲:一般现在时 通过科学实验取得的研究结果、结论,揭示自然界的客观规律一般过去时 在一定范围内所观察到的自然现象的规律性认识,这种认识也许有一定的局限性现在完成时 表明过程的延续性,虽某事件(或过程)发生在过去,但强调对现实所产生的影响 以一般现在时为主,也使用一般过去时和现在完成时说法二: EI 数据库建议: 用过去时态叙述作者工作; 用现在时态叙述作者结论。说法三论文是通过科学实验揭示客观真理。所取得的结果,无论是过去,还是现在或将耒都是如此。故常用现在时表达。过去时“表达一件过去发生过的事,而且现在已经完结了。”如文中指出发生的日期和时间是

8、写文章之前,必须用过去时,例:This was first known in 1930.许多论文,虽然是作者过去做的工作和得到的结论,然而这些工作和结论并不是达到“完结了”的阶段,而是还会有人,也可能是作者本人,继续研究下去,从而产生进一步的改进和完善。从这一角度出发,可以用现在完成时来描述已做过的工作,以表达这种延续性。例:Man has not yet discovered an effective cure for the common cold.(人类至今尚未发现一种有效治疗感冒的方法。)句中隐含着估计一段时间后也不会发现,但是将耒能否会有,尚有待事实来说明。(参见:周春晖编著. 科技

9、英语写作. 北京:化学工业出版社,2003) 摘要所采用的时态应因情况而定,力求表达自然、妥当。写作中可大致遵循以下原则。介绍背景资料 如果句子的内容是不受时间影响的普遍事实, 应使用现在式;如果句子的内容是对某种研究趋势的概述, 则使用现在完成式。 如: The authors review risk and protective factors for drug abuse, assess a number of approaches for drug abuse prevention potential with high-risk groups, and make recommenda

10、tions for research and practice. Previous research has confirmed four dimensions of temperament: . 叙述研究目的或主要研究活动 如采用“论文导向”, 多使用现在式(如:This paper presents); 如采用“研究导向”, 则使用过去式(如:This study investigated). This article summarizes research on self-initiated and professionally facilitated change of addicti

11、ve behaviors using the key transtheoretical constructs of stages and processes of change. We investigated whether captopril could reduce morbidity and mortality in patients with left ventricular dysfunction after a myocardial infarction. 概述实验程序、方法和主要结果 通常用现在式。 We describe a new molecular approach to

12、 analyzing the genetic diversity of complex microbial populations. Our results indicate that p21 may be a universal inhibitor of cyclin kinases. 叙述结论或建议 可使用现在式、臆测动词或may, should, could等助动词。 We suggest that climate instability in the early part of the last interglacial may have delayed the melting of

13、the Saalean ice sheets in America and Eurasia, perhaps accounting for this discrepancy. 其它举例 一般现在时及其被动语态 PET films uniaxially drawn in hot water are studied by means of conventional DSC and modulated DSC (MDSC). Variations of Tg with the water content and with the drawing are discussed in terms of t

14、he structure in these materials. The increments of Cp at Tg are also interpreted using a three phases model.一般过去时及其被动语态An analysis of the cure kinetics of several different formulations composed of bifunctional epoxy resins and aromatic diamines was performed. All kinetic parameters of the curing re

15、action were calculated and reported. Dynamic and isothermal DSC yielded different results. An explanation was offered in terms of different curing mechanism which prevail under different curing conditions. A mechanism scheme was proposed to account for various possible reactions during cure.现在完成时及其被

16、动语态The partial molar enthalpies of mixing of NaHSO4 and KHSO4 have been measured at 528K by dropping samples of pure compounds into molten mixtures of NaHSO4 and KHSO4 in Calvet calorimeter. From these values the molar enthalpy of mixing has been deduced.The phase diagram of this system has been con

17、firmed by conductometric and thermal analysis methods. By an optimization method the excess entropy of the liquid mixtures was also calculated. 应理解为上述时态是撰写摘要时常用的几种时态,有时很难区分它们在含义上的严格差异。 这只是从语法功能的角度将其概念化,实际写作英文摘要时,这几种时态并非完全不可互易。 3 语态 目前,英文摘要仍以被动语态具多,这种语态“可以在主语部分集中较多的信息,起到信息前置,语义鲜明突出的效果。 主动语态也偶有出现,并有增长

18、的趋势,认为“主动语态表达的语句文字清晰、简捷明快,表现力强,动作的执行者和动作的承受者一目了然,往往那给人一种干净利落、泾渭分明的感觉。主动语态举例We report rheological data on anionic polyelectrolyte solutions of variable chain length and concentration, We have studied the dehydration under atmospheric pressure for ,NiNa4(PO3)6H2O ,between 25 and 700 by thermal analyse

19、s (TG, DTA), infrared spectrometry and X-ray diffraction. We find that one component (polyimide) controls the permeability values and activation energies for helium permeation in the blends. To examine the effect of electric field on the aggregation structure of the particles, we observed light scat

20、tering of the suspension under an electric field, and found that the scattering pattern became anisotropic. We demonstrate the thermally activated nature of the-PMMA and -P(VDF-TrFE) relaxation, with activation energies of 29.3 and 13.5 kcal/mol, respectively. We refer to the lamellar thickening pro

21、cess as a type of secondary crystallization. 概括起来:作者告诉读者论述怎样的主题,可用现在时用过去时及其被动语态叙述实验方法与过程,;表示实验前业已完成的动作(过去的过去),用过去完成时。例如:The crystallized samples had been polished before they were etched in a 0.5 HF solution at a temperature of 25 for 2 s ,对实验结果可用现在时(表示客观真理)或现在完成时(已取得的阶段性成果)。关于结构式文摘据统计,目前世界上约有60的核心生

22、物医学期刊采用结构式摘要,但此种摘要不适合综述之类的文章。结构式文摘是按Objective(目的)、Methods(方法)、Results(结果)和Conclusions(结论)逐一阐述论文的梗概。在Objective项,可直接用动词不定式的一般式主动语态,如To provide, To explore, ; Methods和Results 项,可用一般过去时(有时也用现在完成时)及其被动语态;Conclusions 则用一般现在时(参见:韩仲琪,李炳汝,王庆法. 医学论文英文摘要格式及其写作问题. 编辑学报,2002,14(6):412) Objective动词不定式开头To investi

23、gate To study To explore To examine To determine To report To review 使用第一人称时,用凡指的we, the author, the authors ,不用I。如:In this paper we conclude Methods用完整的句子,以被动句和过去时态为主。Results用一般过去时陈述实验结果。Conclusions集中表达作者的学术观点。 (1) 力求简捷at a temperature of 250 to 300 at 250 to 300 at a high pressure of 2 kPa at 2 kP

24、ahas been found to increase increasedfrom the experimental results, it can be concluded that the results show(2) 能用名词作定语的不用动名词作定语,那用形容词作定语的不用名词作定语measuring accuracy measurement accuracyexperiment results experimental results (3) 可直接用名词或名词短语作定语的情况下,要少用of句型accuracy of measurement measurement accuracys

25、tructure of crystal crystal structure(4) 可用动词的情况尽量避免用动词的名词形式Measurement of thickness of plastic sheet was made Thickness of plastic sheet was measured(5) 一个名词不宜用多个前置形容词来修饰,可改用 复合词,兼用后置定语thermal oxidation apparent activation energy apparent active energy of thermo-oxidation A detailed study of the me

26、lting behavior of oriented isotactic polypropylene has been carried out using differential scanning calorimetry. The orientation in isotactic polypropylene was produced by extruding it in solid phase. At extrusion ratio (ER ) greater four, two melting peaks were observed. With increasing ER, the low

27、er temperature peak was found to shift to higher temperature. The corresponding shift in the higher temperature peak was much less. It is shown that these peaks originate in the melting of crystalline species having different degrees of crystal disorder and stereo-block character. 此例回答了如下四个问题:回答做了什么

28、? (研究工作范围) 用DSC 研究聚丙烯的熔融行为回答怎样做的? (实验要点) 固体拉伸取向回答结果如何? (主要结论) 两个熔融峰及其随拉伸比的变化回答原因何在? (结果的解释,结论) 存在不同晶体(1)研究范围 (to be)carried out performed made conducted (to be) studied investigated (to be) describeddeal withelucidated givenpresenteddevelopedemployedderivedpreparedsynthesizedmonitoreddeterminedmeasu

29、redobservedrecordedexaminedcharacterizedidentifiedtestedcalculatedproposedused to study used to establishevaluateddiscussed(2) 实验要点(to be) prepared by the reaction of with synthesized via reacting obtained via condensationby means ofby usingby the use ofusing as over a wide range of over a broad composition rangeover most of the range of over the entire rangecovered the ranges from to in the range of in the temperature range from to with a variety of

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