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1、 :etsAgreeing with a suggestion: Thats good.Subject-verb agreement: The (eyes) are3. VocabularyKey words: red, blue, yellow, white, black, orange, green, purple, brown - pencil, bag, ruler, pencil-box, crayon, hatWords in context: sun, sea, cloud, tree, desk, funny, puppet, parts, now, new4. Phonics

2、: Pronunciation represented by: -“a” as in “cat”-“b” as in “bus”-“c” as in “car”-“d” as in “dog”-“a-e” as in “name”5. Learning outcomesPupils will be able to:(1) Use some common colour words in talking about colours;(2) Ask about the colour of an object: What colour is ?(3) Tell the colour of an obj

3、ect:Its The nose is The eyes are (4) Ask Yes/No questions about others favourite colours: Do you like ?(5) Give short answers to Yes / No questions about ones favourite colour:Yes, I do. No, I dont.(6) Ask about possession: Do you have?(7) State possession: I have(8) Use colour words in noun phrases

4、: a red pen, a yellow ship, etc.(9) State their favourite colour: I like(10) Sound out words containing “a” , “b”, “c”, “d”, and “a-e”.Unit 1 I like red1. Learning objective Pupils will learn how to ask and answer about colours, and how to state their favourite colours. They will also learn to sugge

5、st an activity.2. Learning and teaching focus:(1) new words: go to, idea, colour, red, great, like, yellow, blue, white(2) new patterns: Good idea. Lets go to play. I like red. What colour is it? Its red. I have a kite. 3. Design of the blackboard: Unit 1 Colour What colour is it? Its (red). 单词 和图片4

6、. Steps:(1) Preparation:Song: Do you have a little plane? Free talk and lead into the lesson: I have a kite (Use all the transport and go over the sounds of the colours.)(2) Presentation:Presenting the dialogue:Ask pupils to look at the picture on page 2. Invite pupils to recall the names of the two

7、 children (Janet and Xiaoling).Tell pupils that Janet and Xiaoling want to go out to play.Draw pupils attention to the kite in the picture, and present the word kite.Use the kite to present the word red. For example, talk to the pupils, “Look at the kite. What colour is it? Its red.”Motivate interes

8、t in the listening by asking: Does Xiaoling like the colour red?Play the recording all the way through.Play the recording, pausing after every speech bubble for pupils to repeat in chorus , and to clarify meaning if necessary.Presenting the vocabulary itemsLead-in: This is a kite. Lets look at some

9、other things / objects / toys.Ask pupils to look at the 4 pictures on the right of page 3. Present the name of each object, e.g. This is (a car). What is this? Its a (car).For further practice, you could point at the objects ramdomly for pupils to name them. Present the colour words, making use of t

10、he printed colours at the top of page 2 and page 3. You could begin by saying, “This is a car. What colour is it? Lets learn some colour words.”Go through the colour words with the pupils one by one, inviting them to repeat after you.Point to a colour randomly, and ask pupils to name the colour.(3)

11、PracticePractice the dialogue by substituting the 4 objects (car, plane, ball, boat) and colour words (yellow, blue, white, red) for kite and red in the dialogue. (4) Development: Finish the exercises in the Fun With Langusge. Go further with the pictures and the objects.(5) Homework and end the les

12、son.教学反思:词汇教学和颜色、交通工具、家具、文具都是学生很熟悉的话题,而且对于词汇学习有了一定的 学习经验,所以课堂上学生表现还是很好。我由小歌曲激发学生的学习兴趣是很有利的策略,还有,我的课文先整体呈现-分部解决-整体操练的教学步骤显示出很好课堂节奏的掌握,学生学得很带劲。取得比较好的教学效果。Unit 1 Fun With Language Do you have ? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. I like red. I have a 4. Steps:(1) Preparation: revisioin: Ask and answer: What colour

13、 is the car? Its red. Chant: Lets go. OK! Lets go to play! Great! I like the white plane. Act out the dialogue: Involve the children: sing the song(2) Listen and colour. Revise the names of the objects in the listening task. You could go through the pictures in sequence, and ask pupils. Use the new

14、patterns to extend the learning. What can you see? P1 makes a small dialogue and then the children write down the colour words beside the objects.(3) Ask and tick: Make 4 small dialogues with 4 chidlren and let all the children to make the survey together and then write down the answers on their boo

15、ks. Get the children to pay attention to the names.(4) Colour and say. Make dialogues with children and write down the colour words.Before children play this game, they need to do some colouring. To make it easier for pupils to understand, start by directly asking pupils to study the example dialogu

16、e in Task 4 on page 5. Conduct some initial practice on the question structure “ Do you have a red pen?”. Use the 8 coloured pictures in Task 3 on Pa ge 5. Pupils will look at each picture and ask the question.Then guide pupils to ask you those questions, demonstrating how to give a negative answer.

17、Repeat the same exchange with you asking the pupils the same question for real answer, “Do you have a ?”Pupils will give their true answers. Explain Task 4. Give pupils enough time to colour the pictures before they start the oral practice in pairs.(5)summary:1. The patterns2. The vocabulary3. Finis

18、h some exercises. 国家英语课程标准2011版正式使用,要求我们教师注重英语教学的工具性与人文性,在颜色的教学中,我留意运用各种颜色的文化去吸引学生:冷暖色、三原色、颜色的性格,颜色的含义孩子们对此非常感兴趣。Unit 2 Lets Colour it1. Learning objectives: (1) To learn more names of colours and the expression “Lets ” “Look at ” (2) To practice telling the colours of things through describing a fu

19、nny face. (3) Go over the words of parts of body, stationary and appliance. (4) Motivate and encourage the pupils to enjoy English learing. look, at, look at, brown, black, purple, orange, green, hat, crayon, funny, Lets colour the nose red. Look at the picture. (3) Some other cultural conciousness.

20、 The colours of the faces in Chinese Beijing Opera and in crowns of the western world.3. The design of the blackboard: Unit 2 Lets colour itVocabulary Look at the green hat. Lets colour the hat purple. Crayons a funny face a black desk(1) Preparation and warming up:a. Involve the kids by singing an

21、old song of Grade 1: Rainbow.b. Go over the colours by songs and rhymesc. Free talk to go over the patterns in Unit 1.(2) Presenting the main dialoguea. in the dialogue, the colour name red is learnt, while the colour name green is new.b. Have pupils look at the picture. Ask simple questions to help

22、 them understand the picture, for example, Who can you see in the picture? Who is the boy? Who is this girl? What does Janet have?c. Draw the picture that Janet is holding on the board, or use the picture on the page, to present funny face and hat.d. Use your own demonstration, or draw pupils attent

23、ion to colouring crayons that Janet and Jiamin are holding, to show that the two children want to colour the picture.e. Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the dialogue. Ask them to listen for the colours that Janet and Jiamin will choose.f. Play the recording once all the way through.g. Pl

24、ay the recording again, pausing after every sentence to check understanding and for pupils to repeat.h. Sum up by asking the two colours that Janet and Jiamin have chosen.(3) Presenting the new colour wordsa. Since the pupils have learnt green from the dialogue, you can begin with the colour green,

25、and present the other colour names in the contextual teaching.b. Say to the pupils Lets learn more colours. Then present the names of other colours. Then point to the colours randomly, and ask pupils to say the colour word.(4) Consolidation:a. teach, or revise the words hair, nose, eyes, mouth, and

26、earsb. Invite pupils to imagine that they are Janet and Jiamin. They will continue the dialogue by talking about how to colour the hair, nose, eyes, mouth, and ears, of the person in Janets picture. Note that there are no absolute right or wrong answers. Give one example to the pupils using hair. Pu

27、pils then continue the dialogue in groups or in pairs.c. Copy the colours in class.(5) Homework:(6) End the lesson: 将各种话题的内容有效组合和运用,课堂会更加高效。针对三年2班学生的两极分化比较严重的状况,我特意放缓了速度,逐个检查课本中的习题和笔记,确保全部落实,一个不落下。还有,颜色词变得难背记,一定要充分调动孩子的积极性,运用已有的知识水平,激发孩子的学习自信心。Unit 2 Fun with English1. Learning objective: To practice the colour words through a listening activity. To go further and know more about the culture in colours. To learn by doing and more activities

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