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A Report on EC TranslationWord格式.docx

1、在该报告中,译者用尤金奈达的功能翻译理论作为主要理论支撑,同时结合自身的翻译实践经验,采用了多种翻译技巧。希望该报告为此类文本的翻译提供借鉴意义。关键词:翻译实践报告;小说翻译;功能对等理论AbstractThis is a translation report of prose. Wells is an outstanding novelist in modern times. He is graduated from the Royal Academy of sciences. At University of London, You Cannot Be Too Careful is th

2、e real thing. It is the classic of Wells, through reading of the book, it has great educational significance on the author, and has a major guiding significance on the authors outlook on life. Moreover, this book has a strong local flavor, but also more exercise my understanding of the background of

3、 the article. The main content of this report is divided into four parts: Chapter One is the background of this report, including origin, significance, research situation and structure. Chapter Two is the background of the source text, including the writer, main content and analysis of source text.

4、Chapter Three is the translation process, which includes preparations before translation, analysis of translation difficulties, the introduction of Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory and its application. Chapter Four is conclusion, including enlightenments and lessons learned from the whole process

5、 of completing this report. In this report, Nidas Functional Equivalence Theory is the main theoretical support. Meanwhile, various translation skills are used by the author with translation experience. It is hoped that this report can provide a reference for future translation of similar prose. Key

6、 words: translation report; prose translation; the Functional Equivalence Theory1.Background of translation Report1.1Source of reportsHerbert George Wells was born in Kent in September 21, 1866 August 13, 1946 Bromley, died in London at the age of eighty. Wells was a far-reaching and prestigious soc

7、ial activist, novelist, sociologist, historian and scientist in the early twentieth Century. Wellss creative talent is in many ways, he has published one hundred and ten books, published more than 500 articles, besides novels, is also involved in various fields of social science, history, etc. Howev

8、er, Wellss most outstanding achievement came from his science fiction. Bernard Bergonzi also believes that the more entertaining scientific legends of Wells in nineteenth Century represent his highest achievement.Wellss literary creation began at the end of the nineteenth Century, and was even more

9、famous in the early twentieth Century. His creation can be roughly divided into three stages according to the category of his works. The first stage is from the beginning of the creation until 1900, works in science fiction; the second stage is from 1900 to 1910, this period mainly social satire, fu

10、lly embodies his realistic tendency after 1910; for the third stage, the work is often called the explanation of the novels. It is necessary for anyone to discuss English novels, and it is necessary to mention his contribution. In the field of science fiction, Wells is not only the founder of Britis

11、h science fiction, but also a great master of science fiction with great world influence. As American science fiction writer James Gen said, he is the real originator of modern science fiction. Walter Alan, a famous British literary commentator, has highly praised him in his English novel.1.2Signifi

12、cance of the Report For the translators personally, the translation of social survey reports is a new attempt. Usually contact more than prose, novels, etc. often expository contact style, to contact this article on the rigorous participatory action research articles in the beginning, because the re

13、search methods in this paper relates to education and analysis, statistical principle and methods, the use of statistical methods to explain problems is deficiency of the translator usually learn and use, so the translator in the beginning almost impossible to start. Through this translation practic

14、e, the translator not only adds a lot of knowledge about participatory action research, but also explores the characteristics of the translation of social survey report, which is a new breakthrough in the practice of self translation.1.3Research status of the ReportRefer to China HowNet literature,

15、the translator found Wells in the west of gradually prosperous, the British scholar Frank Mc Connell in Wells science fiction (The Science Fiction of H.G. Wells, Oxford University Press, 1981) Wells research on western book are introduced, the book relates to Wells the research mainly focuses on thr

16、ee aspects:First, the study of Wellss life and his creation. If the United States Wells researcher J.R. Hammonds The World of H.G. Wells (1970), The Interview Memoirs of H.G. Wells (1980), The Guide of H.G. Wells:The Guide Book of Fiction, Legend and Short StoryThe Uncollected Fiction (1984), H.G. W

17、ells and Modern Fiction (1988), H.G. Wells and L.K. West (1991), H.G. Wells and Short Story (1992), The Chronicle of H.G. Wells (1999), research monographs respectively from the writers life experience, marital status, and makes an objective introduction to Wells, and the the writers works were summ

18、arized.Second, the study of Wellss thought of social improvement. This research is not much, is the most representative of the Soviet Union scholar Kagarlitski J. The Life and Thought of H.G. Wells (London: Sedgwick and Jackson, 1966), the author from a socialist standpoint, criticizes the limitatio

19、ns of petty bourgeois ideology of Wells.Third, the study of the artistic features of Wellss novels. British scholar and critic Bergonzi Bernard in The Early H.G. Wells (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1961) in the book emphasizes the symbolism features in the works of Wells, said his work n

20、ot only has a vivid plot and rich image, and with allegorical overtones. In the book The Language of Fiction (Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1966), David Lodge, a contemporary British novelist and commentator, explores in detail the characteristics of Wellss novels in language arts. Robert Bloom, a Briti

21、sh critic and theorist, reassessed the artistic value of Wellss works in A Reading of The Last Novel of H.G. Wells (the 1977). It is predicted that it will attract worldwide attention in the future. Hillegas Mark R., an American literary critic, explores the anti Utopian characteristics of Wellss ea

22、rly novels in the book The Future as Nightmare: H.G. Wells and the, - 1967.The study of Wells in China started in 1980s to review Ma KeyaoWells world history ( reading , 1982 twelfth) marked. Since then, Wellss research in China has gradually flourished. To sum up, the research on Wells mainly focus

23、es on the following levels:The discussion of Wellss novel creation view. The researchers focused on the modernist factors in Wellss creation. As Zhang Yujiu in re understanding of Wellss Novels (foreign literature review, 1993 third) in an article that Wells insists on the creation principle of dive

24、rsification, he inherits the traditional British literature, the narrative framework of the novel reform, expand the field of the novel. Thinking in on Wells science fiction fiction of Wolf on modern fiction Wang Songnian Journal of Nanjing College of Posts and Telecommunications, 1999 second) throu

25、gh the analysis of the novel fiction of Wells when people wake up science fiction eclipsis, pointed out that Woolfs critique of Wells due to the fair, he thought Wells beyond the creation of realism and romanticism tradition, but also into the factors of modernism. In view of Wellss novel Yin Qiping

26、foreign literature, 2001 02) the analysis of creation debate on Henry James and Wellss novels through a text, which points out Wellss view of biases: turn the consistency of the diversity of life and art of the whole structure and the theme of the opposition up, but also affirmed the rationality: We

27、lls thought system according to the actual requirements of life at any time to break the existing rules of art.1.4Framework of the ReportThe practice report of this translation consists of four main parts. The first part introduces the background of the translation project and the characteristics of

28、 the original text. The second part is the process of translation, including the preparation before translation, the acquisition of translation items, the reading and analysis of the original text, the selection of translation strategies and methods, the auxiliary tools and the translators designate

29、d translation plan. The third part is the characteristic case analysis of translation. With representative examples, it shows the practical application of various translation strategies, including literal translation and free translation. The last part, as a summary, includes the guidance function o

30、f functional equivalence theory and communicative translation theory to translators translation articles, including the translators writing through translation practice report, which is not only more familiar with the translation process, but also has a new understanding and understanding of transla

31、tion.The translator points out the three meanings of the translation. On the basis of the current research, it attempts to prove the validity of Peter Neumarks communicative translation theory through translation practice.2.Background of the Source Text2.1 About the Author Herbert George Wells (Herbert George Wells, 1866-1946), a famous British novelist, is especially famous for the creation of science fiction. The time machine was published in 1895, and then he published many science

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