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Lesson TwelveLittle Things Are Big课文解释练习答案语法讲解历年试题文档格式.docx

1、 D. street: 尤指城市中的道路,往往一侧或两侧有高大建筑物;还可指城市小镇、 近郊可供人、车、马行走的平坦道路。 E. highway: 通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线。 F. avenue: 在美国,指城市中一侧或两侧建筑物林立的大道或马路;而在英国则常 指通住乡村大住宅、私人大庄园或两旁栽树的道路。 G. motorway: 高速公路,新词,特指为车辆快速通行而修的专线, 美语为freeway 或expressway。 H. route: 指从此处通往彼处的路线、路程等。 I. lane: 指农村或城镇的小道或小径,也指小巷。 J. pavement: 在英国,多指街

2、道两旁的人行道,而美国人常用 sidewalk 表示人行8. medium-sized adj. 中等的,中型的9.customary adj. 合乎习惯的 Custom n 10.deserted adj. 无人通行的,已无人居住的 被抛弃的11. adult adj. 成人的,大人的12. steep adj. 陡峭的 13. concrete n. & adj. 混凝土14. courteous adj. 有礼貌,客气15.courtesy n. 礼貌的,客气的16.face v. 面临,面对17. obviously adv. 明显17. Negro n. (含轻蔑之意)黑种人,黑人1

3、8.approach v. 走进,向靠近19.likely adj. 可能会,有可能 短语: be likely to 有可能20.prejudiced adj. 有成见的,有偏见的21. prejudice n. 成见,偏见22. accent n. 口音 Cf. Accident 事故23. reaction n. 反应24. misjudge v. (对)判断错误 Judge 判断25. slander n. 诽谤26. the press n. 报纸,杂志,新闻界27. hesitate v. 犹豫,踌躇 后面接不定式 E.g. Id hesitate before accepting

4、 such an offer. 我得先斟酌一下,才能决定是否接受这样的提议。 E.g. Embarrassment caused me to hesitate. 窘迫使得我(讲话)吞吞吐吐。 e.g.Dont hesitate; seize the first opportunity that comes along! 别再犹豫了,一有机会就抓住它! 28.traditional adj. 传统的29. illiterate adj. 不识文字的 literate adj 有文化的,受过教育的,30. way adv. 远为,得多31. incident n. 事件32. chauvinism

5、 n. uvinizm沙文主义 排他主义 极端的爱国主义33. unjust adj. 不公平的34.policy n. 政策,方针 Cf. Police 35. rude adj. 粗鲁的,无礼的36.racism n. 种族主义 37.divide v. 分开,分配38. fail v. 有负于 Fail to 没能,未能 39.millionth adj. 百万分之一的二、课文分析 Page 273 Para. 11.It was very late at night on the eve of Memorial Day. She got on the subway train at t

6、he 34th Street Pennsylvania Station. 在阵亡将士纪念日前夕的非常晚的晚上,她进入地铁第 34 街道宾夕法尼亚站。A. On the eve of 在.前夕B. Memorial Day 阵亡将士纪念日C. Get on 上车/上船/上火车 get off 下车 2. I am still trying to remember how she managed to push herself in with a baby on her right arm, a traveling bag in her left hand and two children, a

7、boy and a girl about three and five years old, following after her. She was a nice-looking lady in her early twenties. 我仍然努力记住她怎么设法上车,一个婴孩在她的右胳膊上, 在她的左手是一个旅行 包,两个孩子, 男孩和女孩大约三岁和五岁, 跟在她后面。她是一个好看的夫人, 大约二十岁出头。 A. Try to do sth. 设法,尽力,企图做某事 Try doing sth. 尝试做某事,试着做某事 e.g. He tried to finish the work ahea

8、d of time.他设法提前完成这件工作。 E.g. -I usually go there by train. -Why not try going by boat for a change?(MET92) -我通常乘火车去那儿。-为 什么不换乘船呢? B. Manage to = succeed in 成功做某事 C. In ones +整十数字的复数形式 表示“在某人.岁” E.g. In his thirties 在他三十几岁的时候 In her late fifties 在她近六十岁的时候 Page 273 Para. 23. At Nevins Street Station, B

9、rooklyn, I saw her preparing to get off at the next station-Atlantic Avenue-which happened to be the place where I had to get off. 在布鲁克林Nevins 街站,我看见她准备下车,大西洋大道也是我必须下车的地方。 A. See sb. Doing sth. 看见某人正在做某事 B. Happen to 正好,碰巧 e.g.We happen to hold the same view. 我们两人的想法不谋而合。 E.g. I happen to have the o

10、fficial statistics with me. 我碰巧身边有官方的统计数字。 e.g.Do you happen to remember their sale term? 您可记得他们的售货条件吗? 4. Just as it was a problem for her to get on, it was going to be a problem for her to get off the train with two small children to be taken care of, a baby on her right arm, and a medium-sized ba

11、g in her left hand. 她有两个小孩要照看,右手抱着个婴儿,左手还拿着个不大不小的提包,上车不 容易,下车同样也不容易。 A (just) as 正如.一样 B with two children to be taken care of (with) a baby on her right arm (with) a medium-sized bag in her left hand With 复合结构 表示伴随情况。 C. A baby to be taken care of 不定式的被动形式,baby 被take care of Page 274 Para. 3 5. And

12、 there I was, also preparing to get off at the Atlantic Avenue, with nothing to take care of-not even the customary book under my arm. 瞧,我就在那儿,我也准备在大西洋大街站下车,手里什么也没拿,就连我一般都 要夹在胳膊下的书也没带。 A .当here, there, out, in, up, down等副词放在句首时, 句子需全倒 装: 全倒装是指主语和谓语完全交换位置,而且时态也不用改变,也不 用加助动词。 There goes the bell! 铃响了!

13、 There lived an old man. Here comes the bus.注意: 在这种情况下倒装仅限于不及物动词或be动词, 像go, come, rush 等。 主语如果是代词时不需倒装如Away he went. 他走远了。 2、方位副词作状语在句首,这类动词往往是不及物动词作谓语。 如: In front of the house stopped a police car. Nearby were two canoes in which they had come to the island. Under the tree sat a boy. Page 274 Para

14、. 46. As the train was entering the Atlantic Avenue station, some white man stood up from his seat and helped her out, placing the children on the long, deserted platform. 当地铁进入大西洋大街站, 某个白人从他的位子上站起帮助她, 把孩子放在长长 的没有人的站台上。 A. Some white man : some -a certain 某个 B help sb. Out 帮助某人解脱. C. Deserted platfo

15、rm 无人占用的平台,月台 7. There were only two adults on the long platform some time after midnight on the evening of last Memorial Day. 上一个阵亡将士纪念日前夕午夜后的一段时间里,只有两个成年人在这个长长的站 台上。 A. Some time 一段时间 Sometime adv 过去或者将来的某人时间 E.g. I will go to Shanghai sometime next week. Page 274 Para. 58.I could see the steep, l

16、ong concrete stairs going down to the Long Island Railroad or up into the street. 我能察觉陡峭、长长的混凝土台阶向下通向另一个地铁站,向上通向街道。 A. Down to the Long Island Railroad 向下 Up into the street 向上 9.Should I offer my help as the American white man had done? Should I take care of the girl and the boy, take them by their

17、 hands until they were out of the station? A. offer sth. to sb. 给提供 主动做某事 我是否也应该如同美国白人那样提供我的帮助?我是否应该去照看那两个孩子,拉着 他们的手直到他们走出地铁站之外? Page 247 Para. 610. Puerto Ricans are a courteous people. And here I was-a Puerto Rican- hours past midnight, faced with two white children and a white lady with a baby on

18、 her right arm and a bag on her left hand, obviously needing somebody to help them, at least until they went up the long concrete stairs. 波多黎各人是一个非常有礼貌的民族。 我是一个波多黎各人。午夜过后, 一个提箱, 两个白人孩子和一个白人妇女与一个婴孩在她的胳膊上非常需要别人帮助她, 至少 帮她直到走出长长的地铁。 A a courteous people 一个很有礼貌的民族 people 这里指民族, B midnight : twelve oclock

19、 at night 午夜十二点 C. faced with 面对,面临 D. A white lady with a baby on her right hand and a bag on her left hand With 复合结构 ,表示伴随情况。 有时候 with 也可以省略 e.g.He ran away, gun in hand. 他手里端着枪跑了 e.g. She read the letter, tears in her eyes. 她含着泪读着这封信。 Page 274 Para. 711. But how could I, a Negro and Puerto Rican,

20、 approach this white lady, who very likely might be prejudiced against Negroes and anybody with a foreign accents, in a deserted subway station very late at night? 但我怎么能够做呢,作为一个黑人并且是波多黎各人, 在夜里接近这个白人妇女, 在一 个无人烟的地铁站里?也许非常可能这个妇女对黑人和操着外国口音 的人都有偏见。 A. A Negro and Puerto Rican 既是一个黑人,又是一位波多黎各人 B approach

21、接近,靠近 C. Very likely 很可能 非常可能 D. Be prejudiced 有偏见 Page 274 Para. 812. What would she say? What would be the first reaction of this white American woman perhaps coming from a small town with a bag, two children and a baby on her right arm? 她会说什么?这名或许来自一个小镇,提着一个箱子,两个孩子和一个婴孩在她的 右胳膊上的白人美国妇女第一反应是什么? 13.

22、 Would she say: Yes, of course, you may help me. Or would she think bad things perhaps? What would I do if she screamed as I went towards her to offer my help? 她是否会说: 是, 当然, 你可以帮助我。或许她所想的更糟? 如果我走上前去帮助 她,她尖叫起来我应该怎么办呢? Page 275 Para. 9 14.Was I misjudging her? So many slanders are written every day in

23、 the daily press against the Negroes and Puerto Ricans. 我是否错判她了?许多诽谤被每天写在每日新闻来针对黑人和波多黎各人。 A misjudge 误判 B daily press 每日新闻 15.I hesitated for a long, long minute. The traditional good manners that the most illiterate Puerto Rican passes on from father to son were struggling inside me. 我犹豫了一长会。即使是一个文

24、盲的波多黎各人也会从父亲那里继承到这种礼貌。 A hesitate 徘徊,犹豫 B minute = time C manners = courtesy 礼貌 manner 单数 方式 复数-礼貌 D pass on 传递,传授 E. Struggle 斗争,挣扎,奋斗 E.g. Only after a bitter struggle was the aim achieved. 这个目的只有经过艰苦的斗争才能达到。 e.g.After a long struggle, we bested them. 经过长期的斗争,我们终于击败了他们。 e.g.Lets join hands and str

25、uggle together. 咱们携起手来共同斗争。 16. Here I was , way past midnight, face to face with a situation that could very well become an incident of prejudice and chauvinism caused by the unjust policy of our society today. 瞧,现在午夜已过多时,我面临的形势会酿成一种种族偏见及种族沙文主义的事件, 其根源是现实社会不合理的政策。 A. Here I was 瞧(我就在那里) 引起人们的注意 B w

26、ay adv : to a great degree or by a great distance; very much 大大地,远远地 E.g. These exam results are way above average.这些考试成绩远高于平均水平 e.g.American compassion also stretches way beyond our borders. 美国人的同情心同时也远远地超越了我们自己的国界。 C. Become an incident of prejudice and chauvinism 成为偏见和种族沙文主义的事件 D. Unjust 不公平的,不合理

27、的 Page 275 Para. 10 17. It was a long minute. I passed on by her as if I saw nothing. As if I didnt see that she needed help. 这一分钟过的很慢。我从她身边径直走了过去,好像什么也没有看见。好像我没有看 到她需要帮助。A. Pass on = move on 往前走 cf. passes on from father to son 这里的 pass on把.从.传递到.B by 在.旁边C. As if (though) 似乎,好像 此处是虚拟语气 18

28、. Like a rude animal walking on two legs, I just moved on, half running along the long subway platform, leaving the children and the woman alone. 像一个两条腿走路,不懂礼貌的动物,我只是往前走着,半跑着走过了这长长的地铁 站台,留下了孩子和那位妇女。 A. Leave . Alone .让一个人呆着;撇下一个人 e.g.:They leave their daughter alone in the house on weekdays. 平时他们把女儿独自留在家中。 19.I took the steps of the long concrete stairs in twos until I reached the street above and the cold air hit my w

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