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1、13. huge department store大型百货公司*huge= very big14. spicy food辣的食物15. in Asia在亚洲16. great cities= big cities大城市17. which city哪个城市18. by plane=by air; 乘飞机by ship=by sea; 乘船by train/ ferry 乘火车 / 渡轮19. Thats right. 对的。* That sall right. 没关系,不要紧。20. two days and a half = two and a half dayS两天半21. like vis

2、iting those places 喜欢参观那些地方like/ love/ enjoy/ doing Sth.would like to do Sth.22. in Tokyo 在东京II. 词性转换1. Japan (n.)日本 一 Japanese ( a./n.日本的,日语,日本人a Japanese, some JapaneseMy uncle met some Japanese visitors yesterday. They came fromJapan.China (n.)中国 -Chinese (a./n.) 中国的,汉语,中国人a Chinese, a lot of Chi

3、neseChina is a great nation with millions of clever and braveChinese.2. Thailand (n.) 泰国 一 *Thai (a./n ) 泰国的,泰语,泰国人That Thai restaurant is looking for a good fromThailand.3. exhibition (n.) 展览会,展览 一 *exhibit (v.)The ShanghaiExhibition Centre is on Yanan Road.4. build (v.) 建造 - building (n.) 建筑物 -* b

4、uilder (n.) 建筑工Thousands ofbuilders have worked hard tobuild such a wonderful building.5. tourist (n.)游客一tour (n.)旅游Those tourists are welcomed by local tour agency.6. information (Uncountable noun)* a piece of information some informationSam and Andy are looking for someinformation about forests.II

5、I. 语言点 / 句型1. south-eas(t 东南), north-eas(t 东北) south-west (西南), north-west (西北) 这些斜方向方位词与中文表述相反。2. east of在(范围外面的)的东面in the east of在(范围内)的东面. eg. Tokyo is east of Shanghai. Shanghai is in the east of China.Beijing is north of Shanghai. It is also in the north of China.3. the capital of China 中国的首都of

6、的两种含义(a) of表示“的”the capital of China/ the map of my school/ the picture of meof表示”在之中”(后用复数)on e/some/ma ny /all/none of the Beijing is the capital of China and it is also one of the great cities in Asia.4. Thatright那是对的Thatall right 没关系You are right你是对的All right 好吧eg. A: Tokyo is the capit

7、al of Japan B: Thatright./ You are right.A: I am sorry. B: That all right. Please ope n the door-B: All right.6:关于“半个的表达法”half an hour (半 小时)one hour and a half (一个半小时)an hour and a halfone and a half hours 注意复数)两天半 two days and a halftwo and a half it takes about two and a half hours to fl

8、y from Shanghai to Beijing.7. by air = by plane 乘飞机: by sea = by ship 乘船eg. Tomorrow I will travel to Beijing by air,. 注意同意表达go/travel/get to by =take a/an to eg. He goes to school by car.He takes a car to school.8 how, how far, how long 的特殊疑问句 how far - “多远”问距离It is about 1,400 kilometers. How far

9、is it?-It takes sb time to do sth-si nee +时刻点或从句-for +段时间-不带not的until eg. 1. It takes me about 2 hours to get there.How long does it take to get there?2. I have lived here since last year.How long have you lived here?3. I have lived here for 2 years.4. I did my homework un til mid-ni ght.How long di

10、d you do your homework?*5. (I won go to bed until I finish my homework.) When will you go to bed?9 more tha n 超过=overeg. There are more tha n 12 milli on people in Sha nghai. There are over 12 milli on people in Sha nghai.10. 15 million 一千五百万millions of数以百万eg. More than 70 million people visited Sha

11、nghai Expo and millions of them visited Chi na Pavili on.11 like/love/enjoy 后跟动词 ing People in Tokyo enjoy eati ng sushi. like/love doing sth = like/love to do sth12 there be句型表示某地方或者某时间有eg. There are 15 millio n people in Beiji ng. There will be much rain n ext month 注意there be句型的各种时态 There was/wer

12、e 过去时) There will be/ is going to be (将来时)There have/has been (完成时)eg. There have been a lot of people in Shanghai already and there will be more in the future.13. These are all great cities in Asia.all “(三者以上)所有” , 放在 be 动词后,行为动词前。eg. Tokyo, Bangkok and Beijing all come from Asia and they are all m

13、y favourite citiesUnit 2 At the airportI 词组 :1. arrive at the airport 到达机场2. arrive in Los Angeles 到达洛杉矶3. arrive home / here / there 到家/ 这儿 / 那儿4. a silk scarf 一条丝巾 = several silk scarves 几条丝巾5. plenty of space 大量的空间6. departure time 起飞时间 arrival time 抵达时间7. one and a half hours=one/an hour and a h

14、alf 一个半小时8. before one oclock 一点之前9. have to do sth. 不得不做某事10. drive somebody to some place 开车送某人去某地11. leave A 离开 A 地 / leave for B 出发去 B 地leave A for B 离开 A 地去 B 地12. over there 在那里13. a boarding card 一张登机牌14. a name tag 一张姓名牌15. write down 写下16. live in Los Angeles 住在洛杉矶17. enough space 足够的空间18.

15、big enough 足够的大19. too many sweets 太多的糖果20. too much meat 太多的肉21. one and a half hours = one hour and a half 一个半小时22. buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. 为某人买某物II. 词性转换:1. fly v.飞,飞行flight n.航班e.g. Next mon th, they will fly to the USA. Their Flight No. is MU6789.2. depart v.离开,出发 departure n.离开,启程e.g.

16、Our parents will depart tomorrow morning. The departure time is 9.00 a.m.3. pass v.通过passenger n.乘客;旅客e.g. You cantpass. Stop, please!All passe ngers must obey the rules.4. trolley n.手推车(复)trolleys5. arrive v.至U达 arrival n.至U达e.g. The arrivel time is 3.00 p.m. , so they woarrive at 1.00 p.m.III. 语言点

17、/句型*1.Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike have lived in Los Angeles for six years .1 现在完成时:sb. have/ has + p.p(动词的过去分词)Sb. have/ has not WP (否定句) Have/ Has sb. Vp.p.(一般疑问句)2 have been to去过,到过 (已回)have been in住在 (+时间段)have gone to 去,至U (未回)e.g. I have bee n to America before.我以前去过美国。She has bee n in Lon don for

18、 2 years.她已经住在伦敦两年。Where is Mary? She has gone to the library. Mary匡哪?她已经去图书馆了。3 They have already done a lot of thi ngs.Tom has n read that book yet.Have you checked your passport yet?already”意为“已经”,用于现在完成时肯定句用于否定句和疑问句yet”意为“还,已经,仍”,4 V.p.p.动词的过去分词:get got got put putput dodid donebring brought bro

19、ught buybought bought live lived livedwrite wrote writte n packpackedpacked2. Mrs Wang and Gran dma are going to Los An gels , the USA, this Sun day to see Aunt Judy and Uncle Mike.本例中使用了现在进行时表示“将来”的含义。这样的动词常常是: go, come,leave, move etc.e.g. I am leav ing now.我要离开了。The bus is coming. Hurry!公交来了,快点。*

20、3.Grandma has bought Aunt Judy pienty of T-shirts and several silk scarves . buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb.e.g.原句可以表述为: Grandma has bought pienty of T-shirts and several silkscarves for Aunt Judy.4. However, they have not packed their suitcases yet.however:可用于句首,句中,句末,前后常用“,”隔开,语气比but弱 but:用于句中e.g.

21、 She was ill, however, she still went to work.She was ill ,but she still went to work.5. What time does your pla ne leave for Los An geles tomorrow?leave sp.离开某地leave for sp.出发去某地e.g. They will leave Sha nghai.他们将离开上海。They will leave for Tokyo.他们将出发去东京。Module 1 Unit 31端午节the Drago n Boat Festival18一

22、只甜粽子a sweet rice dumpli ng2跳进河里jumped into a river19有肉的咸粽子salty rice dumpli ngs with meat3国家处于危险 中the country was in dan ger20没有豆的甜粽子sweet rice dumpli ngswithout bea ns4在每年的那天 纪念他remember him on that day every year21我们最喜欢的粽 子our favourite ricedumpli ngs5他的工作是给 皇帝建议。His job was to give advice to the

23、king.22你想吃点粽子吗?Would you like some rice dumpli ngs6举行龙舟比赛have drago n boat races23好的,请。Yes, please.7吃粽子eat rice dumpli ngs24不用,谢谢。No, tha nks.8那年农历五月 初五the fifth day of the fifth lunar month of that year25我宁愿吃一片披 萨1 rather have a piece of pizza.9一个粽子a rice dumpli ng26一些布丁some puddi ngs10战争失败lose a b

24、attle27一片饼干a piece of biscuits11采纳他的意见take his advice28一些三明治some san dwiches12新皇帝不听他 的the new kind did no t liste n to him29给你的外国朋友 写一封电子邮件write an e-mail to your foreign friend13出生在大约两 千年前was/were born about twothousa nd years ago30告诉你一些关 于的事情tell you someth ing about14为什么人们要 庆祝它?why do people cele

25、brate it?31我爱拍照I love tak ing photos15以下是这个节 日的故事heres the story of the festival32拍一些 的照片take some photos of 16知道关于端午 节的情况know something about theDrago n Boat Festival33我将会送给你一止匕 I will send you some17一只咸粽子a salty rice dumpli ng34两种粽子two kinds of rice dumpli ngs语法重点:1. 一般过去时:a.概念:表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态。 b常

26、用的时间状语:yesterday, last week/year,in the past,ago, in 2005, just now c.结构:主语+动词的过去式+e.g. He watched TV yesterday evening.d.动词过去式的构成: 规则变化:一般情况下在动词词尾直接加 -ed.以不发音的e结尾的动词直接加-d.否定: He didn watch TV yesterday evening.1)2)3)4)以辅音字母加y结尾的动词,去y变i+ed; 以重读闭音节结尾, 再加-ed.e.g. jump jumped;e.g. love lovede.g. study

27、studiede.g.参见教材且词尾只有一个辅音字母的动词,双写最后一个辅音字母,stop stoppedP103celebratev.庆祝*celebrati onn.(be) born出生bear生Alice was born in London in 2005.countryn.国家;乡下coun tryside郊外,郊野advice劝告;忠告advise劝告,忠告,建议sadadj.悲伤的 sadly adv.悲伤地sadness n.伤心,难过die死;死亡dead adj.死的deathn. 死亡lateradv.以后;后来late adj.迟的/ adv.迟,晚5 minu teslater 5分钟以后The boy was 5 minu tes lateJ.迟到了 5分钟lose(lost, lost)输掉lost失去的,迷失的不规则变化:2.词性转换e.g. I found my lost pen at last.最后我找到了我丢失的钢笔。win(won, won)赢得winne

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