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B2Franklins Starring Role小乌龟学美语文本Word格式.docx

1、Oooo.哦。Yeah!是啊!Dont give up George!别放弃啊,乔治!Go George, go!冲啊,乔治,冲啊!When George got through with that dragon, it could barely toast a marshmallow.当乔治打败那巨龙后,巨龙几乎连一块果汁软糖都烤不焦了。It flew away as fast as its wings could carry it.它飞快地扑闪着翅膀飞跑。Right over the mountains.飞到了山的那边。The kings gave George a huge reward

2、 of gold coins!国王给了乔治大量的金币作为奖赏。And everyone in the valley lived happily ever after.山谷里的人们从此以后过上了幸福的生活。The end.故事结束。Great story, Franklin!这故事太棒了,富兰克林!耶!That was good.真不错。I liked that.我喜欢。Bravo.秒啊。Youre a really good actor, Franklin!你真是个出色的演员,富兰克林!I bet youll get a big part in the spring play!我打赌你会扮演一

3、个重要的角色,在春季演出里。You think so?你这么想?Last time I had stage fright, but this time I wont be worried at all!上次我有点怯场,不过这次我根本不担心!Well, well soon find out what parts were getting.嗯,我们很快就会发现自己的角色是什么了。Cmon!走吧!I hope I get the starring role!我希望我能扮演明星角色!I wanna play the witch!我想扮演巫婆!Hope I get it!希望我能得到这个角色!The k

4、ing get to eat国王能吃I cant wait我等不及了。Id like to play the tallest character.我想扮演个儿最高的角色。Welcome back class.同学们,欢迎回到教室。Now, I know youre all anxious to find out your parts in the spring play现在,我知道大家都很急切的想知道你们的角色,在春季演出中。So I wont keep you in suspense.所以,我向大家揭晓这个悬念。Now lets see: Sleeping Beauty will be pl

5、ayed by Badger.我们来看看:睡美人将有小獾来扮演。Huh, Me?呃,我?Theres only one Badger in this class.可只是一有小獾哦,在这个班里。The role of the Prince will be played by fox.王子的角色有狐狸来扮演。The Prince!王子!Great!太棒了!Do I get to use a sword?我是不是得用剑?Yes, and you wake Sleeping Beauty from her enchanted sleep with a kiss.是的,而且你要唤醒睡美人,从她被施了魔法

6、的梦中,用一个吻。A kiss?一个吻?In front of everybody?当这大家的面?Bear, will be our king.小熊,将扮演国王。Yahoo!太好了!我是国王!Goose will be the Queen.小鹅扮演王后。Beaver will be the Wicked Witch.海狸扮演邪恶的巫婆。Ill cast an evil spell on all of you!我会在你们每个人身上都施咒!Raccoon and Skunk are the Noblesand Rabbit and Snail will be the Kings Guards海狸和

7、臭釉扮演贵族兔子和蜗牛扮演国王的侍卫The Kings Guards!国王的侍卫!Yey!Oh boy!哦,天哪!What about me Mr. Owl?那我呢,猫头鹰老师?我扮演什么呢?Dont worry Franklin.别担心,富兰克林。I havent forgotten you.我没把你忘了。You have an important part to play.你需要担任很重要的工作。Youll be our Stage Manager.你是舞台监督。What part is that?那是什么角色?Its not a part on stage, but its a very

8、, very important job.它不是舞台上的角色,不过是非常非常重要的工作。You will be in charge of the props, the lights, and running the curtains.你要负责道具、灯光以及幕布的开合。On thats great Mr. Owl.哦这很好,猫头鹰老师.Alright then. We will start rehearsals tomorrow.好了,那么我们明天就开始排练了.Im going to wear cape and ride a horse!我要穿一件披风, 还要骑马!Im going to wea

9、r a cape too, AND carry a magic wand!我也要披一件披风,另外要拿一根魔棒!Ill be the actor wearing a crown!我要戴王冠!And Ill be wearing amour.我要身穿盔甲.Neat, huh?很酷吧, 是吗?I wear amour 我一直就身着盔甲啊.Franklin does too.富兰克林也是.Dont you Franklin?对不对,富兰克林?Huh?. what?呃?.什么?Our shells theyre like armour.咱们和壳看起来像盔甲.Oh, yeah.哦,是啊.I guess s

10、o.我想是吧.And this lucky turtle gets to run curtains.而这只幸运的小乌龟要负责幕布的开合.我可不幸运.You guys are the lucky ones,你们才幸运呢.You get to be on stage.你们会在舞台上表演.Um I know, lets all go to the pond for a swim!嗯.知道了. 咱们去池塘里游泳吧!好的!Good idea!好主意!Yeah, lets go swimming!是啊,咱们去游泳!我不想游泳.Im going home.我回家了.Do you want to play a

11、t your house instead?你想在你家里玩儿吗?Not really.不太想。Ill see you tomorrow.明天见。Oh Sam, today was terrible.哦,山姆,今天糟糕透了。I was the only one in the class who didnt get a part in the play.我是班里唯一的不扮演角色的人。 Mr.Owl must think Im not good enough actor.猫头鹰老师一定觉得我不是一个好演员。Franklin!富兰克林!Time for dinner!该吃晚饭了!Oh no!哦,不!Ho

12、w am I going to tell Mom and Dad?我该怎么告诉爸爸妈妈啊?And how was your day, Franklin?今天怎么样啊,富兰克林?Okay I guess.还凑合。Has Mr. Owl stared rehearsals for sleeping Beauty?猫头鹰老师开始排练睡美人了吗?、We start tomorrow.我们明天开始。Oh, thatll be fun!哦,那真有趣!What part did you get?你扮演什么?Uhm Its a surprise.嗯 这是个惊喜。A surprise.一个惊喜?Hmmm.嗯!B

13、ut dont I have to make a costume for you?不过我不耍要给你做戏服吗?No, I dont need a costume.不用,我不用戏服。Well, well be looking forward to finding out your secret part.好吧,我们都期待着看到你的秘密角色。Absolutely.没错。You were wonderful in the Christmas play.你演得好极了,在上次的圣诞节演出中。Could I have the Nobles step back to make way for the king

14、我想让贵族往后站站给国王让条路.thats perfect.很好。And now our majestic king steps forward to centre stage.现在,伟大的国王往前走到舞台中央。To celebrate the birth of the Princess, we为了庆祝公主的出生,我们Uh we we shall呃我们我们要We shall throw a grand party and invite everyone in the entire kingdom.我们要举办一个盛大的晚会,邀请每一个王国里的人.Uh Oh yeah, I remember.呃哦

15、,是的, 我记起来了.Well throw a big party, and invite everybody in the kingdom.我们要举办一个盛大的晚会,邀请每一个王国里的每一个人.Oh, I know all the lines哦,我记得所有的台词.Why didnt Mr. Mol pick me?为什么猫头鹰老师不选我?Im sure I wont be receiving an invitation to their little party.我肯定不会被邀请参加小晚会的。But Ill still give a present to the princess.不过我会送

16、一份礼物给公主的。A present that shell never forget,一份她永远都不会忘记的礼物。End of act one.第一幕结束。Dim lights.灯光变暗。Close curtains.拉开幕布。I cast my big spell in the next act Franklin, so Ill need my sparkle-下一幕我会施咒,富兰克林,所以我需要火花Your sparkle dust is on the prop table.你的火花尘粉在道具桌上。I filled it at lunch.我午饭的时候填满的。Thanks, Frankli

17、n.谢谢,富兰克林。Aw which sword is mine?啊哪把剑是我的?I keep forgetting.我总是忘记的.I put a piece of red tape on the handle on your.我把一块红纸带贴在你的剑柄上了.Oh thanks, Franklin.哦,谢谢,富兰克林。Youre welcome.不客气.Well done class.排练的不错,同学们.I dare say our audience will think theyre watching professional actors!我敢说肯定所有的观众都会觉得他们在观看职业演员表演

18、!Awww啊没有人会为我鼓掌的.Awww no啊,不,Theyre not going to see me any better from the front row.他们还是不能看我表演,即使他们坐在第一排.I should have told them I dont have a part.我真该告诉他们我没有角色.Look!看!Franklin is the Stage Manager!富兰克林是舞台监督!Yes!是啊!这个工作很重要!No wonder he was keeping it a secret!怪不得他想保密呢!Evil witch!邪恶的女巫!You dont scare

19、 me!你不会吓倒我的!Hello, young prince!你好,年轻的王子!Stand back!往后站!Im warning you!我警告你!Foolish youth!你这个愚蠢的年轻人!Do you think you can succeed where all other have failed?你以为你能成功吗? 别人都失败了!No!不会的!The princess!公主!How beautiful she is!她可真漂亮啊!Go on!继续!Thanks you kind prince, for saving us from this terrible spell!谢谢你

20、,善良的王子,谢谢你把我们从可怕的咒语中解救出来!Hooray for the Prince!为王子欢呼! Um um 嗯嗯Hooray!万岁!Hooraaayyy!Oh my!哦,天哪!Hang on, Snail!抓住了,蜗牛!Whoa!哇!Yay for Franklin!为富兰克林喝彩!Way to go, Franklin!干得好,富兰克林!Good job!干得不错!Yay!真棒!Thanks for helping me when I forgot that line again, Franklin.富兰克林,谢谢你提醒我,在我又忘了那句台词的时候.No problem, Bea

21、r.别客气,小熊.And thanks for handing me my sword.也谢谢你把剑给我.I guess I was nervous and forgot about the red tape.我想我是太紧张了.忘了红纸带的事儿了.I remembered, Fox.我还记得,狐狸.In a line everyone!大家站成一排!Back out for your bows!鞠躬谢幕!And Franklin!还有你,富兰克林!干得真好!You know, thats why I made you Stage Manager!知道吗,这就是我为什么会让你当舞台监督的原因!B

22、ecause I knew you were quick- thinking!因为我知道你思维敏捷!I thought I was backstage because I wasnt good enough for a part!我还以为我被安排幕后工作是因为我不够出色,不能扮演角色呢!Goodness me, no!天哪,不是这样的!After the wonderful job you did in the lead last time, I just wanted to give someone else a chance!你有过那么出色的表演,在上次的演出中演主角,我只是想给其他人一些

23、机会.Oh!哦!Just because youre not on stage doesnt mean youre not important!你不在舞台上并不意味着你不重要啊!Why, this play couldnt have happened at all without a stage Manager!而且这台戏根本就演出不了,如果没有舞台监督.Wow! Really?是吗?And an excellent Stage Manager you were.而你是个非常出色的舞台监督,你做到了Thanks, Mr. Owl.谢谢你,猫头鹰老师!Come on Franklin!来吧,富兰克林!Yeah, hurry up.是啊,快点.Where?去哪儿?You have to take your bow too!你也得去鞠躬谢幕啊!Come on!来吧!Bravo Franklin!太棒了,富兰克林!干得好!

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