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1、 禁忌Asking age of a lady is a big no-no in the United States. 在美国,问一位女士的年龄是一件绝对禁忌的事情。pee-pee: 尿尿。Hector, no, no, you cant pee-pee there. 赫克特,不,不,你不可以在那里尿尿.pooh-pooh: 蔑视,发呸呸声。He pooh-poohed the idea. 他对那条建议嗤之以鼻。pretty-pretty: 打扮俗气的so-so: 马马虎虎,不好不坏的wee-wee:Its time to go wee-wee. (跟小孩子说)该尿尿了。win-win: 双

2、赢We are trying to establish a win-win relationship. 我们努力建立一种双赢的关系。Free trade is not always a win-win situation. 自由贸易并非总是双赢局面。第二类:元音重叠argle-bargle: 讨价还价All argle-bargling suggested it was at the end of the fair. 而这一片讨价还价的嘈杂声说明集市已近尾音。back-pack: 双肩背包。It is necessary to take a back-pack while hiking. 旅行

3、时有必要背双肩背包。boogie-woogie: n. v. 布吉伍吉舞Lets do boogie-woogie. 让我们一起跳布吉舞吧。box and cox: adj. adv 轮流交替In order to make good use of the cars, taxi- drivers work in box and cox arrangement. 为了更好地利用汽车,出租车司机采用轮流上班的方式做生意。cell-yell: 用手机大声说话。Cell-yell is a bad manner. 用手机大声说话是陋习。chock-a-block: adj with sth/sb. 塞

4、满,挤满The town centre was chock-a-block with traffic. 市中心被车辆塞得水泄不通。claptrap: 应景的,讨好的言语或行为Dont believe that political claptrap. 不要相信政客说的应景话。cookbook: 食谱fuddy-duddy: 守旧的人,唠叨的人Stop being a fuddy-duddy any more! 不要再唠唠叨叨了!Professor Jones is an old fuddy-duddy. 琼斯教授是一个老古董。hanky-panky: 阴谋诡计Dont play hanky-pa

5、nky with your friends.harum-scarum: 冒失,鲁莽The mistakes are caused by my harum-scarum. 那些错误是我的粗心造成的。hasty-tasty: 速食,煎饼屋heebie-jeebies: 战栗,神经过敏Being alone in the dark gives me the heebie-jeebies. 我独自待在黑暗处就感到惊慌。helter-skelter: adv. 慌张When rain suddenly came, the pedestrians ran helter-skelter. 突然下雨,行人慌张

6、逃窜。herky-jerky: 不平稳的,颠簸的The video in your camcorder has a herky-jerky picture.你摄像机里的视频画面抖动。hi-fi: 高保真音响higgledy-piggledy: a. adv. 乱七八糟Everything was heaped higgledy-piggledy on the luggage racks. 所有的东西都乱七八糟地堆放在行李架上。hobnob: 对酌,亲密交往/交谈Tom and his friends used to hobnob in the bar. 汤姆常和朋友在酒吧里欢饮。hocus-p

7、ocus: n. 变戏法,哄骗Its all hocus-pocus. 这都是骗人的。He was hocus-pocussed. 他被骗了。hodgepodge (hotchpotch): 大杂烩hoity-toity: 傲慢The hoity-toity girl walked by holding her Prada bag with her nose in the air. 那个高傲的女孩拿着Prada包,鼻子翘得老高地走着。hokey-pokey: 戏法,花招holus-bolus : 一古脑儿Existing economic system was taken over holus

8、-bolus. 现存的经济制度被一古脑儿全盘接收了过来。hot-pot: 火锅hotsy-totsy: 极好的,呱呱叫的Everything is hotsy-totsy now. 眼下一切都好极了。hubble-bubble: 沸腾声,泡泡Hubble-bubble bath. 泡泡澡。Hubbub: n. 喧哗;骚动Some people are not used to the hubbub of the city. huff and puff: n. 虚张声势;咆哮Ill never huff and puff while waiting for you to put on your m

9、akeup. 等你化妆时我绝不会嚷嚷。hugger-mugger: 秘密地They did it all hugger-mugger. 他们秘密地做了这一切。humdrum: 单调的I pity those who lead a humdrum life year in year out. 我可怜那些长年过着单调生活的人。humpty-dumpty: 矮胖,粗短Hes a humpty-dumpty. 他是个矮胖子。hurly-burly: n. 喧闹。The market in the morning is usually filled with hurly-burly. 早市通常熙熙攘攘。

10、hurry-scurry: vi慌乱,匆忙All this work made me hurry-scurry. 这么多工作让我手忙脚乱。itsy-bitsy (itty-bitty): 极小的Sure, there are itsy-bitsy technical problems to sort out, but the idea is cool enough. 当然,这里有个小小的技术问题需要解决,但这个想法是够酷的。jop-hop: 频繁跳槽(者)。You want to job-hop? 你想跳槽?Dont be a jop-hop! 别当频繁跳槽者!loosey-goosey: 松

11、松垮垮,随随便便Yeah yeah, there are exceptions: perfectionist operations in China, loosey-goosey ones in Japan. 好吧好吧,总有例外:在中国也有追求完美的,在日本也有随随便便的。mayday: 呼救信号。Mayday! Mayday! 救命!救命!All right now, everybody, get in crash positions! 好的,现在,所有人,做好坠机姿势!mumble-jumble: 喃喃呓语。Erica is two and a half. She likes to sin

12、g and to mumble jumble. Erica两岁半了,喜欢唱歌和胡说八道。mumbo-jumbo: 繁文缛节,莫名其妙的话It isnt that complicated, but Wall Street is so full of mumbo-jumbo that its easy to get confused. 其实情况没那么复杂,只是华尔街充斥着太多的繁文缛节,所以才很容易搞得一头雾水。namby-pamby: 伤感的,娇媚的,娘娘腔的I wont have this namby-pamby nonsense about not beating people who de

13、serve it. 该打的人不打,我们不要听这些娘娘腔的废话。naysay: 拒绝、否认。She naysaid she knew about the murder. 她否认她知道那件命案。nimbly-bimbly: 灵巧敏捷The monkey jumped from tree to tree nimbly-bimbly. 那只猴子非常敏捷地从一棵树跳到另一棵树。nitty-gritty: 细节,关键s get down to the nitty-gritty. 咱们著手探讨细节吧.nitwit: 蠢人。He is a nitwit. 他是个傻瓜。okey-dokey (okay): 好!

14、没问题。Can we eat? I am starving. 能吃饭了吗?我饿了。Okey-dokey! 好吧。palsy-walsy: 亲密的The boss and that new secretary are palsy-walsy with each other. Its disgusting! 老板和那个新来的女秘书真亲密,让人恶心!payday: 发薪日pee-wee: 小人物peg-leg: 装假腿的人pell-mell: n, v, adj, ad. 乱七八糟。The defeated soldiers retreated pell-mell. 败兵仓皇退却。They all

15、pell-melled out of that mountain area. 他们都匆匆忙忙地离开山区。picnic: 野餐popsy-wopsy: 小妹妹(昵称)raggle-taggle: 杂色的,衣衫不整的A raggle-taggle beggar cleaned my windshield and then asked me for money. 一个衣衫不整的乞丐清洁了下我的汽车玻璃,然后找我要钱rat-a-tat: 叩击声,敲击声At the rat-a-tat of the knocker her heart fly into her mouth. 听到敲击者咚咚声她的心都悬起

16、来了。razzle-dazzle: 花招,混乱,狂欢Basketball fans miss Magic Johnsons razzle-dazzle in the game. 篮球迷们怀念“魔术师”约翰逊球赛中的花招。razzmatazz: 华丽堂皇,眼花缭乱The razzmatazz of the G20 summit is over. 噱头十足的G20高峰会结束了。roly-poly: 矮矮胖胖She was so round and roly-poly I used to wonder how she ever moved around. 她生得这样矮矮胖胖,我总奇怪她怎能到处走动。

17、sci-fi (science fiction): 科幻小说snack attack: 点心的诱惑snail mail:蜗牛邮件,传统邮件(非快递)super-duper: 极出色的,非常好的Ive got a super-duper new MP3. 我有一台特别好的新MP3.teensy-weensy (teenie-weenie/ teeny-weeny/ teensie-weensie): 极小的。There is a teensy weensy little problem though. 当然还有一个很小很小的问题。titbit (tidbit): 珍闻,小栏报导tootsie-w

18、ootsie (tootsy-wootsy/ tootsey-wootsey) 宝贝,心上人。Shes my tootsie-wootsie. 她是我的心上人。tutti-frutti: 什锦蜜饯,娘娘腔的男人tweedledum and tweedledee: 半斤八两。m confused too. In fact they are tweedledum and tweedledee. 我也感到困惑。事实上,他们半斤八两。voodoo: 巫毒教walkie-talkie: 步话机wi-fi: 无线上网技术willy-nilly:源自willing or not willing. adj,

19、adv. 犹豫不决的;不管是否愿意地She is willy-nilly. 她非常犹豫.They all had to take part, willy-nilly. 他们都得参加,不管是否愿意。Willy-nilly, every youth must serve in the army for three years. 每个年轻人,不管是否愿意,都得服三年兵役。wingding: 闹酒狂欢Were gonna have a little wingding at my place tonight. 我们难备今晚在我那儿举办一个狂欢晚会。第三类、辅音重叠类bric-a-brac: 小古董chi

20、t-chat (chat): 闲聊Can we have a little chit-chat? 能否小聊一会儿?click-clack: 咔嗒咔嗒声In China, the click-clack sounds of shuffling Mahjong are heard everywhere. 在中国,到处都能听到洗麻将的声音。The tower guards click-clacked their rifle bolts. 哨塔上的士兵“咔啦咔啦”地拉上枪栓。cling-clang: 叮当作响;铿锵声Suddenly my friend was awakened by a strang

21、e noise coming from his bedside table: a loud cling-clang, followed by a repetitive whackwhackwhack sound. 突然,我的朋友被床头桌上的怪声吵醒:先是“咣当”一声巨响,接着是一连串“啪、啪、啪”的声音。coca cola 可口可乐criss-cross: n. 十字形;adj. 纵横交错的Electric networks criss-cross the whole island. 电线网纵横交错地布满全岛。Railway is criss-cross in a dense network.

22、 铁路线纵横交错密如蛛网。All of these have shaped the criss-cross traffic network of Ningxiang County. 多条公路构成宁乡四通八达的交通网络。dilly-dally: 犹疑不决,磨磨蹭蹭The government dilly-dallied over lengthening the retirement age. 政府在延长退休年龄问题上犹豫不决。ding-dang: 叮当声The bell goes ding-dang铃儿在叮当地响drip-drop: 滴水声。I like the drip-drop of rai

23、n beating against leaves. 我喜欢雨滴敲打树叶的滴答声。ficto-facto: 半真半假的This noval is ficto-facto, based on his own life experience. 这部小说是写实性的,以他的个人生平为基础。fiddle-faddle: n. v. int. 胡扯,无聊That sounds like fiddle-faddle. 这听起来似乎很无聊。flim-flam: n. 胡言乱语,胡说八道This is mere flim-flam. 这纯粹是胡说。flip-flap (flip-flop) : 摇曳,啪嗒啪嗒So

24、mething went flip-flap at night. 有东西在黑暗中发出啪嗒啪嗒的响声。The dog fairy arrives with a flip-flap of wings. 狗狗仙子扇动着翅膀出现了。The blinds flip-flopped in the wind. 窗帘在风中摇曳。flipperty-flopperty: 放松的When taking a massage, try to be flipperty-flopperty. 按摩时要尽量放松。hip hop: n. 嘻哈文化(由快板歌、涂墙艺术、霹雳舞等构成的亚文化)Hip hop music is p

25、opular among young people. 嘻哈乐受年轻人喜爱。jiggery-pockery: underhand scheming or behavior欺诈By some legal or perhaps illegal jiggery-pokery, he could declare the election void他可以用合法或非法的欺诈手段宣布选举无效。jim-jam: 神经过敏jingle-jangle: 叮当叮当There came the jingle-jangle of metallic objects in the cart. 车里发出金属物品叮当声。The

26、bells from the chapel went jingle-jangle. 教堂的钟声叮当叮当地响。The coins in my pocket jingle-jangled. 我口袋里的硬币叮当叮当地响。King Kong: 金刚kit-kat: 半身画像knick-knack: 装饰品Most women like knick-knacks. 女人都爱小饰品。linsey-woolsey: 棉毛织品,混账话What linsey-woolsey hast thou to speak to us again? 你又要对我们讲什么乱七八糟的混帐话了?lovey-dovey: 多情的,亲

27、爱的Look at them! Theyre so lovey-dovey. 看看他们,真恩爱!Lovey-dovey,the love of yours gives me great powers! 亲爱的,你的爱给了我无穷的力量。mishmash: 混杂物Japanese is turning into a confused mishmash of languages. 日语正变成一个混乱的大杂烩。Guangzhou is a mishmash of culinary styles and flavors. 广州是个南北美食大都会。niddle-noddle: 打旽时不断点头He nidd

28、le-noddled at the 乒乓球pit-a-pat: 劈劈啪啪。Love pit-a-patted in their hearts. 爱情在他们心里渐渐产生。When they shook hands at parting her heart went pit-a-pat again. 当他们握手分别时,她的心又卜卜地跳起来。pitter-patter: 啪嗒啪嗒She pitter-pattered along the hallway. 她在路上啪嗒啪嗒地走着。The rain fell pitter-patter on the window. 雨霹霹啪啪地打在窗户上。prittle-prattle: 空谈Without money, your plan will be a prattle-prattle. 没有钱,你的计划只能说一纸空文。riff-raff: 下等人,社会渣滓Is it possible to get rid of the riff-raff of a society? 一个社会可能摆脱人渣吗?t bring any riff -raff into my house! 别把不三不四的人领到我家来!rip-rap: 乱石shil

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