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1、湖南株洲市中考英语真题专题汇编及详细标准答案翻译翻译一填空题(共1小题)1(2011株洲)第二节 英汉互译 阅读下面的短文,将划线部分的句子译成汉语或英语Rich or poor,young or old,we all have problems(70)我们应该学会怎样处理问题We should learn how to deal with our problemsHere are some waysFirstly,we should learn to forget(71)Sometimes we are/have been/get/become/feel/angry with our fri

2、ends/Something we may be mad at our friends有时我们会生朋友的气Good friendships may be lostSometimes children have disagreements and decide not to talk to each other(72)然而,这种情况通常不会持续很久However,this usually does not last for longThis is an important lesson for us:we can solve a problem by learning to forgetSeco

3、ndly,we should regard problems as challengesMany students often complain about school(73)They have too much work/homework (to do)他们有太多的作业要做They think the rules are too strictEducation is an important part of our developmentAs young people,it is our duty to try our best to deal with each challenge wi

4、th the help of our teachersDont worry about our problems(74)让我们面对挑战Lets face the challenges【解答】70我们应该学会怎样处理问题We should learn how to deal with our problems注意deal with 处理71Sometimes we are/have been/get/become/feel/angry with our friends/Something we may be mad at our friends注意生某人的气用angry with sb72然而,

5、这种情况通常不会持续很久注意last表示持续,并不能翻译成最后;for long意为时间很久73They have too much work/homework (to do)注意too much用来修饰后边的名词,much too修饰形容词或副词74让我们面对挑战注意face表示面对,不是身体部位二阅读理解(共7小题)2(2018株洲)In our daily life, much plastic package is used just once and then thrown away According to a new study from the University of Cal

6、ifornia, 9% of this is recycled, 12% is burnt and 79% goes to landfill And because most plastic doesnt biodegrade, once its in the ground, it stays there (1)The study also shows that eight million tons of plastic waste are pouring into the sea every year Scientists have calculated the total amount o

7、f plastic ever made: 8.3 billion tons Thats as heavy as one billion elephants And almost all of it has been made in the last 65 years (2)每个人都应该参与拯救地球 Protecting the environment is protecting ourselves If the environment is taken good care of, we can have clean water and green mountains (3)绿水青山或是金山银山

8、 What can we do as students? Just say no to singleuse plastics like straws, cups and bags Many people love to drink from a straw or use plastic to carry things, but they are really bad for the environment (4)Bring your own chopsticks if youre planning to eat outside It can be hard to remember Just p

9、ut a pair of chopsticks in your bag before you leave home You know youre going to need some water to get you through your day So carry a bottle(or a cup) with you (5)That will help you avoid plastic bottles(1)这个研究也表明每年有800万吨的塑料废物被倒进海里(2)Everyone should take part in saving the earth(3)Clean water and

10、 green mountains are ,mountains of gold and silver/ There are no place like clear water and green mountains/ Clear water and green mountains are invaluable assets(4)如果你打算在外面吃饭,带上你自己的筷子(5)那可以帮助你避免使用塑料瓶【解答】1这个研究也表明每年有800万吨的塑料废物被倒进海里这是一个宾语从句,The study also shows这个研究也表明,是主句,后面是从句, eight million tons of

11、800万吨,句子翻译题故答案为:这个研究也表明每年有800万吨的塑料废物被倒进海里2Everyone should take part in saving the earth句子翻译题根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时,此处也应该是一般现在时,should应该,take part in 参加,后跟动名词故答案为:Everyone should take part in saving the earth3Clean water and green mountains are ,mountains of gold and silver/ There are no place like clear wa

12、ter and green mountains/ Clear water and green mountains are invaluable assets句子翻译题根据上下文可知用的是一般现在时,此处也应该是一般现在时,Clean water and green mountains 绿水青山,mountains of gold and silver金山银山或者引伸一下,强调绿水青山的重要性故答案为:Clean water and green mountains are ,mountains of gold and silver/ There are no place like clear w

13、ater and green mountains/ Clear water and green mountains are invaluable assets4如果你打算在外面吃饭,带上你自己的筷子句子翻译题这是if引导的条件状语从句,如果Bring your own chopsticks带上你自己的筷子 故答案为:如果你打算在外面吃饭,带上你自已的筷子5那可以帮助你避免使用塑料瓶句子翻译题avoid 避免,plastic bottles塑料瓶故答案为:那可以帮助你避免使用塑料瓶3(2017株洲)How to realize your dream?Start by asking yoursel

14、f what makes you happy(61)Think about all the things that make you feel excited and happy in the past You should think what you want,not what you should be doingCreate a personal mission statement(任务说明)Mission statements arent just for big companies 62任务说明解释对你来说什么是重要的和你将去向何方Write down your past succ

15、ess,the contributions you want to make to the world,and your shortterm and longterm goalsReexamine your past goalsTry to forget the feelings of shame and regretYou are entering a new chapter of your lifeIt is important to examine your past experiences so that you dont repeat them,63But its also important to know your advantages in the past so that you can make them work for you in the futureWrite down your dream as a goalTake a look at every thing you have doneyour happiness list,mission statement and experiences from the pastNow begin to set up a simple and dear goal from

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