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1、Presentation1、复习巩固单词grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother, sister。(1)老师可以拿出自己的全家福,用“Whos ?Hes/Shes 引出。(2)可以通过Guessing game的游戏让学生猜。如:This is my mothers mother.Whos she?等。(3)让学生拿出自己的全家福相互来介绍一下自己的家人。2、教授人体部位单词an eye, a head, an ear, a nose, a mouth, hair.(1)通过Guessing game的游戏,如用英语介绍自己的形象,让学

2、生猜。She is short. Shes little fat. She is your English teacher. Who is she? (2)用I have来引出head、hair等。 (3)扩展词组:big eyes,long ears, big nose, big mouth, yellow hair等。出示课前准备的一些有特点的图片如动物的图片:兔子(眼睛和耳朵)、大象(鼻子)、狮子(嘴巴)等;以及具有特色的人物图片。3、教授句型“Whos with?(1)由Free talk引出。(2)通过富有特色的人物图片进行提问。(3)利用教室内的人物进行集体问答练习。Ask and

3、 answer1、出示挂图,让学生明确图意。2、Practice in pairs.让学生口头操练。3、指名到前面表达。课堂检测:1. Your fathers mother is your _.2. Your mothers father is your_.3. Your grandfathers son(儿子) is your _.4. Your grandmothers daughter(女儿) is your_.作业布置: 熟练听读P16单词,并抄写三遍。根据P17写四个对话。用“Whoswith?Hes/Shes造三个句子。第二课时1、能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型Is that y

4、our ? Which one? The one in the2、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Nice to meet you.3、能正确理解和掌握对话内容,并能用正确的语音、语调朗读并表演对话。4、能运用所学句型编演对话,通过合作表演培养团结协作的精神,增进师生间的情感交流。1、师生间进行free talk, 练习学过的句型。2、通过游戏的方式复习四会单词或让学生拿着全家福做自我介绍。句型教学1、由Whos that.?引出Which one?和The one in the.建议多准备写图片让学生进行口头练习。The one in the_cap/blouse/T-shirt等。(同时复

5、习以前所学的有关衣服类和颜色类单词)2、Look and say(教师可以让学生操练P18句型)Step3:Read and say1出示A部分插图,学生先自己观察图画,明白图意。2学生听录音。3Listen and repeat.4Read after the tape.5Practice in pairs.6多种朗读形式练读。(师生之间,男女之间,各排之间等,利用竞赛的形式激发学生的朗读兴趣。)7角色表演。从栏中找出与栏相对应的句子。 ( )1、Good evening. A. Nice to meet you,too.( )2、Whos the girl with yellow hair

6、?B. Yes, he is.()、Is that boy your brother? C. Good evening.()、Nice to meet you. D. Shes my sister. 熟练听读P14、15课文,能模仿语音语调。默写P15的单词一遍。根据课文内容,改编一个对话。 第三课时ead and act/Listen and repeat 1、能听得懂、会说和会读日常交际用语Were late for the party. Lets hurry!2、了解辅音字母组合ck在单词中的读音。3、复习本单元所学习的家庭成员和身体部位的单词。4、能比较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句

7、型和日常交际用语,并能围绕“认人”这一主题编演对话。家庭照片。、Free talk、Play a game: Whos the boy/girl? (记忆游戏:教师让学生根据教师的提示猜人,先教师提示让学生猜测,再学生提示学生猜测)3、Ask and answer: (教师出示学生的家庭照片,与学生用“Is that your ? The one in/with ” 进行对话,再让学生小组练习并问答)Read and act1出示挂图,学生仔细观察,猜故事情节。2听录音、感知对话内容。3师引导学生明白对话大意。4Listen and repeat. 5Act, practice in pair

8、s.6小组分角色朗读和表演。Listen and repeat1出示单词、句型、学生认读。2结合图、听录音、感知图意。3Listen and repeat.找出单词中共同音素。4朗读操练。5学生根据自己的语言积累,找出还有哪些含有此音素的单词。6齐读这些单词。连词成句:1、 is, your,where, brother (?) _2、we, late, are, the, for, party (.) _3、the, with, big, whos, girl, eyes(?)_ 熟练背诵nit课文,并口头翻译。完成补充习题nit。写出字母k发/k/的单词,字母ck发/k/的单词各三个。第四

9、课时1、能有表情有节奏地朗读歌谣ybrother。2、能认读并表演第一部分的对话。3、能熟练运用日常交际用语进行问答。1Greetings.2Sing a song.3Free talk.主要复习本单元的内容。A主要体现为两个重要句型。Is thatyour?The one in theWhos thewith?B通过游戏等方式巩固所学人体部位单词。Look and read1要求学生仔细看图、默读句子,理解对话的幽默之处。2. 请学生分角色朗读对话。Draw and ask1. 教师出示Li An的家庭人物关系图.2. 用所学句型Whos?Hes/Shes提问。(先教师向个别学生提问,再请一

10、名学生向其余学生提问)3. 请学生画出自己的家庭成员,然后与同学进行讨论。Step4: Say a rhyme根据提示,写出相应的单词。1. I can smell(闻) the flowers with my ( ).2. I can see you with my ( ).3. My mothers ( ) is long.4. The elephant has a big ( ).完成一课一练有关练习.有表情地表演P20的对话和My brother。第五课时Test 听力部分一、选择你所听到的内容。(听两遍)(10分)( )1、A. a new student B. a nice gir

11、l C. a new boy( )2、A. at a party B. for the party C. go to the party( )3、A. your job B. your name C. your friend( )4、A. come here B. over there C. come down( )5、A. climb trees B. listen to C. welcome to二、听问句,选择正确应答。( )1、A. Hes Ben. B. Shes Miss Li. C. Hes Mr Green.( )2、A. Im a nurse. B. Yes, I am. C

12、. Thank you.( )3、A. Yes, she is . B. Yes, he is. C. Yes, it is.( )4、A.Hes my father.B.Hes my grandfather.C.Shes my sister.( )5、A. All right. B. Not at all. C. Thank you.三、听录音,完成对话。(听两遍)(9分)H: Good evening, Mike. M: evening, Helen. Welcome my party. Thank . that your ? Which ? The one the blue shirt.

13、 No, isnt. one in the white shirt is brother. that ? one? The one long . my . Wait here, Mike. Ill get you some drinks.笔试部分一、找出不同类的单词(6 分)1、( )A. manB. girlC. teacher D. boy2、()A. mother B. nurse C. brotherD. sister3、()A. whiteB. rulerC. red D. green4、()A. his B. she C. youD. he5、(B. where C. whatD.

14、 whose6、()A. isB. am C. are D. yes二、判断划线部分读音是否相同,打“”或“”。(3分) 1woman who ( ) 2jacket kite ( ) 3bus student ( ) 4cat clock ( ) 5boy toy ( ) 6 zoo zebra ( )三、翻译词组(10分)1、穿着红毛衣的女孩_ 2、一只眼睛 3、我的好朋友 4.他的爷爷_5.一名新同学_ 6.白色的短裙_ 7、Lets hurry! 8、come down 9、climb trees 10、be late for the party 四选择填空。(15分)( )1. Wh

15、os that woman over there? _ Mrs Green. A. HesB. ShesC. Its )2.This is my brother._ is a doctor.A. HeB. SheC. It )3._ ? Yes, I am.A. Is he a teacher?B. Are they teachers?C. Are you a nurse? )4.Whos the man _the green caot?A. inB. at C. with )5.Is the girl _ big eyes your sister?B.onC. with)6. _ write

16、 on the desk.A. DoB. NotC. Dont )7.Whos the man _ ?A. with big ears B. with a big earsC. in big ears )8._ the boy _ a big nose?A. Whose, with B. Whos, inC. Whos, with )9.The girl _ is my sister.A. in the redin redC. in red coat)10._isthatman?A.SheWhoC.No)11.Are you a teacher? No, _ _. A. I am B. Im

17、notC. Im)12. I can see the girl _ the tree. in B.with C. on)13. _ that girl?Shes Yang Ling.WhosB. Whose C Whats)14. Its nine oclock. Its late _ the party A. toB. for C. in ()15.He is your mothers father. Hes your . A father B:grandfather C: sister五、连词成句(5分)1.long , whos , woman , the , with , hair(?

18、,nurse,a,you,excuse,are (?3.that , is ,your , boy , brother ( ? )4.inboytreethewhois(?) 5.againdonttreesclimb(.) 六.从第栏中找出第栏中的正确应答语(10分)( )1. Nice to meet you. A.Yes. Lets hurry( )2. Were late for the party. B.Hes Mike.( )3. Whos that boy? C.Thankyou.( )4.Welcometoourschool. D.Nice to meet you,to

19、o.( )5. Areyouateacher? G.Yes,Iam. 七、句子排序(12分)A. 1、Yes. Lets hurry! 2、OK. Lets go. 3、Its six oclock. Were late for the party. 4、Excuse me, whats the time? 5、Hes in the car. 6、Wheres your brother? B.1.Which one? 2.Excuse me, is that womanyour mother? 3.The one with long hair. 4.No, she isnt. 5.Shes M

20、iss Li.Shes a teacher. 6.Who is she?八.阅读短文,1-4小题判断对错,5-7小题根据短文填空。(10分)Miss Lin is a new teacher. She is thin. She likes apples very much. She has some good friends: Nancy, Mike, Lily and Wang Dong. Theyre her students.Nancy has blue eyes and yellow hair. Mike is tall and thin. Lily likes oranges, Mi

21、ss Lin likes oranges, too. And Wang Dong is a Chinese boy, he likes watermelons.( )1、Miss Lin likes apples.( )2、Wang Dong is an English student.( )3、Miss Lin is a new student. She is thin.( )4、Wang Dong likes oranges, too.5、Nancy is the girl with _ _ and _.6、Mike is a _ boy. He is thin.7、Lily and Mi

22、ss Lin like _.听力录音稿:一、选择你所听到的内容1、A:Hello,Im a new student here.B:Welcome to our school!2、A:We are late for the party.OK.Lets hurry.3、A:Is he your friend?Yes,he is.4、A:Come down,Mike.All right.5、A:Dont climb trees again.Yes,sir.1、Whos she?2、Excuse me,are you a nurse?3、Is he your brother?4、Whos that girl?5、Welcome to our school. Good evening, Helen. Welcome to my party. Thank you . Is that boy your brother ? Which one ? The one in the blue shirt. No, he isnt. The one in the white shirt is my brother. Whos that girl ? Which one? The one with long hair . Shes my sister .

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