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1、 Firstly, an increasingly short supply of oil in the world is the fundamental cause. According to statistics from the British firm BP, the world has been demanding more oil than can be produced since 1981; and the case is still the same today. Currently, oil production in most countries has already

2、or will soon go down - leaving less of a surplus to use - but at the same time, demand keeps increasing. The supply remains tight and prices keep soaring despite OPECs decision to increase crude oil production by 500,000 barrels per day as of Nov. 1. With little price elasticity from both demand and

3、 supply, any trivial event will send prices skyrocketing. Secondly, short-term speculations on oil futures by large amounts of funding also drive prices up. A Citi report in May 2006 mentioned that U.S. commodity markets hold an average speculation volume of over 120 billion US dollars each month, c

4、hiefly coming from natural gas (30.3 billion dollars) and crude oil (30.1 billion dollars). The numerous speculation deals have a massive impact on oil futures prices considering the leverage effect of futures margin deals. With excessive liquidity worldwide, funds behind oil futures speculations wi

5、ll remain the same. Thirdly, the U.S. governments pursuit of a weak dollar policy in recent years has also contributed, to a certain degree, to the hike in oil prices. Almost all oil deals worldwide are priced in US dollars; and the dollars devaluation puts on the pressure for higher oil prices. To

6、maintain an income and purchasing power, raising prices has become a major strategy of OPEC members. According to studies, when the dollar devalues by 1 percent, it causes an oil price hike of the same degree. In addition, technical, meteorological and political elements also affect prices. It shoul

7、d be noted that although nominal oil prices hit one peak after another, actual prices still remained below historical records; and have a relatively limited impact on the world economy. It appears that the present world economic aggregate is much bigger than that during the oil crisis in the 1970s;

8、but now countries are much stronger in their ability to macro-regulate. Developed countries, in particular, use energies less crazily. Therefore, high oil prices now have a much smaller impact on the world economy than in the past.注:红色字体为2008/2009学年第1学期期末试卷的blank;绿色字体为2009/2010学年的blank;蓝色字体为重复blank。

9、原文链接:2008/2009Part Section BThe easiest among the rich Islamic societies to study is Saudi Arabia. One single statistic is most telling in detailing the failure of Saudi society to grow - despite being the largest producer of crude oil in the world, Saudi Arabia actually imports most of its fuel, eg

10、 diesel and refined products such as lubricants. The failure of industry is in essence a failure of capitalism. In most countries where wealth is concentrated in the hands of a few - such as the robber barons period of US history in the early 20th century or todays Russia - a functioning financial s

11、ystem helped to intermediate risks.This is not possible in strict Islamic societies as the religion bans usury, thus disallowing the flow of capital to the people needing it the most, ie, young entrepreneurs. Faced with uneconomic returns at home, most Middle Eastern rulers deposit their money at hi

12、gher rates with European banks. A second failure in Saudi society is the absence of appropriate education for restless youth. Religious education, rather than grounding in modern sciences, remains the norm. Thus while the production of muezzins is guaranteed, hiring a petroleum engineer can be trick

13、y. In turn, this causes an excessive reliance on infidel immigrants, which in turn creates a multi-tier society, focusing much of the anger of locals on the wrong targets - the people who take their jobs, rather than the ones in government and religious schools who actually caused the situation to e

14、merge. Religious education also produces famously insular people. A US magazines poll of Arab youth found that very few had heard of the Apollo moon landings, and indeed all of them dismissed such feats as US propaganda. The notion that human beings could land on the moon would appear far-fetched to

15、 anyone who holds the satellite as a celestial object rather than an astronomical oddity. The rule of irony with which I started this article holds true here - in the Dark Ages for Europe, it was Islamic societies that led the world in the adoption and spread of science and technology. While they ca

16、nnot claim to have invented much, as credit goes to the Chinese and Indian civilizations, they certainly used inventions to their advantage well before the Europeans caught on.原文链接Part: Reading ComprehensionPassage OneMost people think of lions as strictly African beasts,but only because theyve been

17、 killed off almost everywhere else. Ten thousand years ago lions spanned vast sections of the globe. Now lions hold only a small fraction of their former habitat,and Asiatic lions,a subspecies that spit from African lions perhaps 100000 years ago,hang on to an almost impossibly small slice of their

18、former territory.India is the proud steward of these 300 or so lions,which live primarily in a 560-square-mile sanctuary(保护区). It took me a year and a half to get a permit to explore the entire Gir Forestand no time at all to see why these lions became symbols of royalty and greatness. A tiger will

19、hide in the forest unseen,but a lion stands its ground,curious and unafraidlionhearted. Though they told me in subtle ways when I got too close,Girs lions allowed me unique glimpses into their lives during my three months in the forest. Its odd to think that they are threatened by extinction;Gir has

20、 as many lions as it can holdtoo many,in fact. With territory in short supply,lions move about near the boundary of the forest and even leave it altogether,often clashing with people. Thats one reason India is creating a second sanctuary. There are other pressing reasons:outbreaks of disease or natu

21、ral disasters. In 1994 a serious disease killed more than a third of Africas Serengeti lionsa thousand animalsa fate that could easily happen to Girs cats. These lions are especially vulnerable to disease because they descend from as few as a dozen individuals.“If you do a DNA test,Asiatic lions act

22、ually look like identical twins.”says Stephen OBrien,a geneticist(基因学家)who has studied them. Yet the dangers are hidden,and you wouldnt suspect them by watching these lords of the forest. The lions display vitality,and no small measure of charm.Though the gentle intimacy of play vanishes when its ti

23、me to eat,meals in Gir are not necessarily frantic affairs. For a mother and her baby lion sharing a deer,or a young male eating an antelope(羚羊),theres no need to fight for a cut of the kill. The animals they hunt for food are generally smaller in Gir than those in Africa,and hunting groups tend to

24、be smaller as well.1. In the first paragraph,the author tells us that Asiatic lions .A. have killed off other lions B. have descended from African lions C. used to span vast sections of the globeD. have lost their habitat2. What impressed the author most when he went to watch the lions in the Gir Fo

25、rest?A. Their friendliness. B. Their size.C. Their intimacy. D. Their vitality.3. What does the sentence“.meals in Gir are not necessarily frantic affair”mean?A. The lions do not show intimacy among them any more.B. The lions may not deed to fight for food.C. Food is not readily available in that re

26、gion.D. Meals can be obtained only with great effort.4. The lions in the Gir Forest are especially vulnerable to disease because .A. they have descended from a dozen or so ancestors B. they are smaller than the African lionsC. they do not have enough to eatD. they are physically weaker than the Afri

27、can lions5. One of the reasons why India is creating a secondary sanctuary for the Asiatic lions is thatA. the present sanctuary is not large enoughB. scientists want to do more research on them C. they have killed many people D. the forest is shrinking in size大多数人认为狮子绝对是非洲猛兽,但这仅仅因为其他地方的狮子几乎都被杀光了。一万



30、。狮子展示了活力,也展示了非常的魅力。尽管玩耍中所表现出的温顺的亲近行为在进食时消失了,但是,格森林中的进食肯定不是疯狂的行为。对于一只母狮子和她的孩子分享一只鹿,或是与一只年轻的雄狮分享一只羚羊,它们没有必要为了分食猎物而争斗。格森林中狮子当做食物而捕食的动物一般比非洲狮子捕食的动物小,狩猎的群体也更小。1. 【正确答案】B【考点类型】细节判断 【解析过程】在文章第1段,作者告诉我们亚洲狮子 。A. 已经杀死了其他的狮子 B. 来自于非洲狮子C. 过去横跨了大半个地球 D. 已经丢掉了他们的栖息地线索:文章的第1段提到“a subspecies that spit from African lions perhaps 100000 years ago”,表明选项B是正确答案。选项C和原文的内容“Ten thousand years ago lions spanned vast sections of the globe”不符合,原文说的是狮子不是亚洲狮子。选项D和原文第1段的内容不符合“Now lions hold only a small fraction

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