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1、 “Im terribly sorry.” Wei:a. “It doesnt matter.”b. “Never mind.”c. “Thats all right.”d. “Dont worry.”3. At a bus stop. Man: “Excuse me, do you know which bus to catch for London Road, please?Woman: “Sorry, Ive no idea.”Man: a. “It doesnt matter.”b. “Oh.”c. “Never mind.”d. “Thank you.”4. You have spe

2、nt an afternoon with your foreign teacher, Mr. Good. You have just got to go. Mr. Good: “Do drop around and visit us some time.” You:a. “Yes, of course, if Im free.”b. “I will come anytime, if you like.”c. “Thank you. I will come at 7 p.m. on Monday.”d. “Thank you, I will.”5. Joyce is talking to her

3、 friend, Brenda. Joyce: “I wonder if youd mind posting this letter for me on your way home, Brenda?Brenda: a. “Youre welcome.”b. “I dont care.”c. “I dont mind.”d. “Yes, sure.”6. In a Factory, Li, the guide, is interpreting for a group of foreign guests. When they have finished visiting one workshop,

4、 he would like the group to follow him to the next workshop. He says:a. “This way, please.”b. “Come here!c. “Follow me!d. “Move on!7. Li had something to tell the manager, Mr. Smith, so he went to his place, entering the room and said:a. “Youre not busy, I hope.”b. “Got a minute?c. “Can I have a wor

5、d with you, Mr. Smith?d. “Im terribly sorry to trouble you, Mr. Smith.”8. Suppose you are at the home of your English teacher, Mr. Savior. Mr. Savior: “We are so glad to have you with us today.” You:a. “Thank you.”b. “Im glad to be here.”c. “I want to see you long ago.”d. “Ive bothered you too much.

6、”9. Xiao Ma is an interpreter. One day a foreign visitor, Mr. Brown, talks to him.Mr. Brown: “Your English is quite fluent.”Ma: a. “Thank you. It is kind of you to say so.”b. “No, not at all.”c. “No, no, my English is poor.”d. “Oh, no. Far from that, I still have a long way to go.”10. Betty is a for

7、eign student in China. She has met Peng Fei. Betty: “I was told that you won the 100-meter race in the all-city track meet this morning. Congratulations!” Peng: a. “I could have done better if it hadnt been so cold.”b. “Just lucky.”c. “I cant say I did well this morning.”11. Which topic is more appr

8、opriate to discuss immediately after an introduction?a. Politicsb. Religionc. Marital statusd. Occupation 12. Mr. Timms has arrived for a meeting, which, unfortunately, has been cancelled.Mrs. Banks: “Im terribly sorry about not letting you know sooner, Mr. Timms, but unfortunately it was cancelled

9、at the last minutes and there simply wasnt enough time to inform everyone.” Mr. Timms: a. “Oh, dont let it worry you, Mrs. Banks. I quite understand.”b. “Oh, It doesnt matter, Mrs. Banks.”c. “Oh, thats OK, Mrs. Banks. I understand.”d. “Oh, dont worry about it, Mrs. Banks.”13. When introduced to an o

10、lder professor or to a friends parents, what would you say?a. “Hi! Glad to see you.”b. “Hello” and bow.c. “Hello, its nice to meet you”, and then shake hands.d. “How are you?14. On the way to the school cinema, Li saw Professor Blake walking to the cinema, too.a. “Good afternoon, Professor Blake!b.

11、“Are you going to the film?c. “Where are you going?d. “Youre going to the film, arent you?15. When introducing yourself to someone you dont know at a party, what would you say?a. “Hi, Im_.”b. “Hi, Id like to meet you.”c. “Maybe I introduce myself to you and at the same time I make your acquaintance.

12、”d. “Hi, Im _. Do you know many people here?Part Two Case Analysis (50%)Directions:Based on the reading Confusion, write a letter to Wu Yings best friend at home, write an essay with 400-500 words, explaining Wu Yings present feelings and giving the friend some suggestions about how she can support

13、Wu Ying while she is going through this difficult time.Confusion Wu Ying, an English major studying at a university in US, starts out confidently. She knows that her language skills are better than those of most Chinese studying abroad. At first everything is fine, but gradually she discovers that p

14、rofessors do not always present material in an organized way nor do they always speak clearly. Some are from other countries and speak English with a foreign accent; some talk into their chests; and others talk so fast that she cannot keep up. They expect her to read a whole book every week for each

15、 class! Several of her courses require her to write term papers longer than her graduation thesis. The library is so big and complex and lists so many resources on the assigned topics that she wonders how she will manage to do the necessary research. Wu Ying finds she cannot understand the group con

16、versations of her native speaking classmates. They use a lot of slang, make jokes she does not understand, and convey much of their meaning with subtle gestures she cannot decode. Some treat her kindly but like an incapable child; others expect her to know everything and feel and do as they do. The

17、way they talk about “partying” frightens her. They sometimes invite her to join in their social activities, but she has neither the time nor the money to participate. In the meantime she gets letters from her family and friends at home, expressing their pride and confidence in her. Her parents tell

18、her to work hard and take care of her health. She is already studying more hours a day than anyone she knows. Fresh fruits and vegetables are so expensive and the food in the dining hall is so unappetizing. Why dont they have street sellers here? She would like to cut costs by cooking for herself, b

19、ut the local convenience store does not sell vegetables and it takes too long to get to the supermarket by bus. She is starting to doubt her ability and the wisdom of her decision to attend graduate school abroad. Ying writes to her parents, but what she tells them is not what she really feels.Part

20、Three Reading Comprehension (20%)Read the following passage and answer the questions.The English, as a race, are very different from all other nationalities, including their closest neighbours, the French, Belgians and Dutch. It is claimed that living on an island separated from the rest of Europe h

21、as much to do with it. Whatever the reasons, it may be fairly stated that the Englishman has developed many attitudes and habits which distinguish him from other nationalities.Broadly speaking, the Englishman is a quiet, shy, reserved person who is fully relaxed only among people he knows well. In t

22、he presence of strangers or foreigners he often seems restrained, even embarrassed. You have only to witness a city train any morning or evening to see the truth of this. Serious-looking businessmen and women sit reading their newspapers or having a light sleep in a corner; no one speaks. In fact, t

23、o do so would seem most unusual. An Englishman, pretending to be giving advice to overseas visitors, once suggested, “On entering a railway carriage shake hands with all the passengers.” Needless to say, he was not being serious. There is an unwritten but clearly understood code of behaviour which,

24、if broken, makes the person immediately suspect.In many parts of the world it is quite normal to show openly extremes of enthusiasm, emotion, excitement, etc. the Englishman is somewhat different. Of course, an Englishman feels no less deeply than any other nationality, but he tends to display his f

25、eelings far less. This is reflected in his use of language. Imagine a man commenting on the great beauty of a young girl. Whereas a more emotional man might describe her as “an excellent jewel”, “extremely beautiful”, “precious”, the English man will flatly state “Um, shes all right.” An Englishman

26、who has seen a highly successful and enjoyable film recommends it to a friend by commenting, “Its not bad, you know,” or on seeing very unusual scenery he might convey his pleasure by saying, “Nice, yes, very nice.” The overseas visitor must not be disappointed by this apparent lack of interest and

27、involvement; he must realize that “all right”, “not bad” and “nice”, very often have the sense of “first-class”, “excellent”, “beautiful”. This special use of language, particularly common in England, is known as restrained statement.Questions:1. What is your general impression of English people?2.

28、What similarities and differences do you see in English people and Chinese people?跨文化交际自测试题第二套 考试方式:Part One Multiple Choice1. Jack phones Xiao Songs office. Jack: “Hello, Id like to speak to Song Hua, please.” Song: a. “Im Song Hua.”b. “This is Song Hua speaking.”c. “This is me.”d. “Its me here.”2.

29、 Youve just been asked out to dinner but you dont want to go with the person who invited you. You might say: a. “I dont think so. I already have plans.”b. “No, I really dont enjoy being with you.”c. “Im dieting so I mustnt go out to eat.”d. “Thanks a lot but Im busy tonight.”3. Mr. Greens secretary, Pat Kent, went to the airport to me

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