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1、对比【2017 下】5.The island measures about 30 miles 20 miles.A.byB.withC.toD.upon6. we are successful, we can be sure that we did our best.A.Provided thatB.If onlyC.If or notD.Whether or not7.-Will you be able to go swimming with us?- .A.Im afraid notB.Im afraidC.Im not afraidD.Im not afraid so8. is the

2、custom, the investigators carried out a painstaking search of the debris after the air crash.A.WhatB.AsC.WhichD.That9.There are different words for paternal grandmother (nainai) and maternal grandmother (waipo) in Chinese, but in English the word “grandmother” is generally used in both cases, which

3、suggests that .A.equal importance is given to maternal and paternal grandparents in ChinaB.equal importance is given to maternal and paternal grandparents in BritainC.language may influence peoples ways of thinking to a large extentD.people of different languages categorize things in different ways1

4、0.Which of the following is employed by a speaker who addresses senior people as “the elderly” rather than “the old”?A.Social dialect.B.Taboo.C.Lingua franca.D.Euphemism.11.By asking the question, “Can you list your favorite food in English?”, the teacher is using the technique of

5、nitoringC.promptingD.recasting12.If a teacher wants to check how much students have learned at the end of a term, he/ she would give them a( n) .A.diagnostic testB.placement testC.proficiency testD.achievement test13.What learning style does Xiao Li exhibit if she tries to understand every single wo

6、rd when listening to a passage?A.Field-dependence.B.Intolerance of ambiguity.C.Risk-taking.D.Field-independence.14.If a teacher asks students to put jumbled sentences in order in a reading class, he/ she intends to develop their ability of .A.word-guessing through contextB.summarizing the main ideaC

7、.understanding textual coherenceD.scanning for detailed information15.When a teacher says “What do you mean by that?”, he/ she is asking the student for .A.repetitionB.suggestionC.introductionD.clarification16.When a teacher says “Youd better talk in a more polite way when speaking to the elderly”,

8、he/ she is drawing the students attention to the of language use.A.fluencyB.complexityC.accuracyD.appropriacy17.Which of the following is a display question?A.What part of speech is “immense”?B.How would you comment on this report?C.Why do you think Hemingway is a good writer?D.What do you think of

9、the characters in this novel?18.Which of the following represents a contextualized way of practicing “How often”?A.Make some sentences with “How often”.B.Use “How often” and the words given to make a sentence.C.I go shopping twice a week. How often do you go shopping?D.Please change the statement in

10、to a question with “How often”.19.Which of the following are controlled activities in an English class?A.Reporting, role-play and games.B.Reading aloud, dictation and translation.C.Role-play, problem solving and discussion.D.Information exchange, narration and interview.20.The is designed according

11、to the morphological and syntactic aspects of a language.A.structural syllabusB.situational syllabusC.skill-based syllabusD.content-based syllabus15.According to the affective-filter hypothesis, is NOT an affectivefactor influencing language learning.(2018 下)A.attitudeB.motivationC.interestD.intelli

12、gence20.Which of the following is based on the communicative view of language?(2018 下)A.Structural syllabus.B.Skill-based syllabus.C.Genre-based syllabus.D.Functional-notional syllabus.二、简答题(本大题 1 小题,20 分)根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。31.简述小组活动(group work)在英语教学中的两个作用(8 分),并提出有效实施小组活动的三条建议(12 分)三、教学情境分析题(本大题 1

13、小题,30 分) 根据题目要求完成下列任务,用中文作答。32.下面是某教师一节课导入环节的教学实录,单元话题为 Animals in danger。T: Hi, Class! Lets look at these pictures! Can you tell us what animals they are?Ss: Elephants!/ Tigers!/ Monkeys!/ Dolphins! Lets see what these animals can do. Can elephants swim? T: Can tigers swim? Yes. What animals do you

14、 like best? S1. S1: Pandas. Why do you like them?S1: Because they are cute. Great! Anyone else? Do you like tigers? S2. S2: Why?S2: Because they are brave. Can you tell us where they live? In the zoo./ In the forest./ In the cage. Look!( pointing to the tigers in the cage) Why are they sad? 四、教学设计题(

15、本大题 1 小题,40 分)根据提供的信息和语言素材设计教学方案,用英文作答。33.设计任务:阅读下面的学生信息和语言素材,设计 20 分钟的阅读教学方案。教案没有固定格式,但须包含下列要点:Teaching objectivesTeaching contentsKey and difficult pointsMajor steps and time allocationActivities and justifications教学时间:20 分钟学生概况:某城镇普通中学八年级(初中二年级)学生,班级人数 40 人。多数学生已经达到义务教育英语课程标准(2011 年版)三级水平。学生课堂参与积

16、极性一般。语言素材:Davids HobbiesMany students have hobbies, such as reading, painting, growing vegetables and looking after animals. Some hobbies are relaxing and others are active. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.David Smith is a student, and one

17、of his hobbies is writing. During the summer of 2010, he spent four weeks at a summer camp. As well as the usual activities, such as sailing and climbing, there was a writing class. The teacher was a writer, and she asked them to talk about their lives and tell interesting stories. Then she encourag

18、ed them to write about their experiences at the camp.Back at school, David wrote a story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy, and it came out as a book in 2012. Many young people love his book, and as a result, David has become a successful young writer.David has been very lucky because his hob

19、by has brought him pleasure and success. But writing is not his only hobby. He is also interested in many other things. “I like playing volleyball too,” says David.“ I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. Maybe Ill write about my volleyball team in my future books.”试题实战-

20、初中 2(笔记)【说在课前】今天晚上讲的是2019 上半年初中的题目。全网都没有2019 年下半年的题目,所以讲 2019 年上半年的题目,这个题目难度和 2020 年下半年差不太多,也会有一些难偏怪的题目,整体的考查与以往其他年份的考查思路差不多。考点:语音知识-重音【解析】1.考查单词的重音。句意:以下哪一个单词重音的形式和其他单词是不同的。不用技巧做可以按照认识的单词一个个读出来,A 项的重音在第二个音节。B 项的重音在第二个音节。C 项的重音在第一个音节。D 项的重音在第二个音节。重音规律如下,能记的就记,双音节动词的重音通常在第二个音节,不是绝对的规律;外来词缀 ique 的重音通常

21、在第二个音节;以 ious/uous/sive 为后缀或结尾的词,重音通常在倒数第二个音节;前缀 ad/a/al 的重音通常在第二个音节。【选 C】【注意】重音规则千变万化,没办法穷尽,不建议大家记这些规律,考试考到这些单词凭着平时的积累能读出来、记下来即可。【解析】2.考查句子的重音。下列哪一个画下划线的单词是应该被强调的,有一个情境是 Julia 要给一个人回应,这个人把她错误的当成 Julian。这个情境下要强调的内容是要重读的内容。既然误认为 Julian,就不可能再去强调Julian,应该告诉这个人自己的名字是什么,所以应该强调自己的名字 Julia。【选B】语言学-形态学-构词法【

22、解析】3.题干 UNESCO 的全称是 United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization(联合国教科文组织),对应 A 项,acronym 叫做首字母缩略词法。B 项是混成法。C 项是截断词,也是一种缩写,把长的单词变成短的单词,可以截单词的前部分、中间、尾部分,构成的词叫截断词,比如 telephone 可以变成 phone,earthquake 截断可以变成新单词 quake。D 项是新创词,是新来的词,与发明法相似,但还要细分,新创词是在原有单词基础之上,形成新的词或形成新的意思,比如没有互联网之前 mou

23、se 的意思是“老鼠”,有了互联网mouse 产生了“鼠标”这个新的意义。【选 A】【解析】八种构词法: 1.复合法。2.派生法。3.发明法:由于新事物的出现产生新的单词,比如以前没有柯达这个东西, 后来有了柯达之后,就给它命名为 Kodak;之前没有喝过可口可乐,可口可乐产生了,就给它命名为 Coke(可口可乐)了。所以新创词和发明法还是有区别的。4.混成法:将单词的前一部分和另一个单词的后一部分捏合在一起,形成新的单词。比如 somke+fogsmog(烟雾)。5.首字母连写法:比如 CIA。6.首字母缩略法:单词来源于每一个单词的首字母大写捏合到一起。比如APEC。7.借词法。8.逆构词

24、法:比如 editor。1.构字法学了两种缩略的情况,都是将首字母提出来,形成新的单词,即首字母缩略法和首字母连写法,区别就看在一个新单词读音的时候,是把每个读音单独的读,还是形成新单词去读。比如 UNESCO 的读音是/junesko/,是按照一个新的完整的单词读的,所以叫做首字母缩略法。2.逆构词法和截断法的区别:(1)截断法要么把词去头或去尾。比如 telephone 把真的词缀 tele 去掉变成phone。(2)逆构词法:本身先出现的单词是 editor,去掉一个想象的词缀 or,形成一个新的词 edit,应该先有长的词,再有短的词,所以不是截断。语法-词法-固定搭配【解析】4.考查

25、介词,2019 年和往前的几年考查的比较频繁,参考的书籍比较少,自己可以上网搜一搜相关的语言学书籍。他看起来像苏格兰人, 但他的口音可能出卖了他。A 项 give off 意思是发出、放出(气味、热量、光)。B 项 give out 意思是分布、公布、发表、用尽、精疲力竭,比如 Do not give out your email address 不要公布你自己的电子邮件。C 项 give in 意思是屈服、让步、投降, 比如 I will never give in./I refuse to give in to the race。D 项 give away 意思是暴露, 泄露。【选 D】语

26、法-词法-介词【解析】5.考查介词。这本书卖得很好/很受欢迎,以至于销量以百万计,正确答案是 C 项 by+the+单位,这个知识点在冠词位置讲过,还讲过 by+ 交通工具,不加冠词,比如 by car/air/bus;by+冠词+单位,按小时计算,比如 Ihire the car by the hour 我以小时为单位雇用这个车。D 项 to 指到达,不能说到达百万,如果是到达百万,应该要有具体的数字。【答案汇总】1-5:CBADC【解析】5.A 项 by 表面积,可以理解为乘的概念。这个小岛 30 公里长、20 公里宽。By 用法大总结1.表示场所,意为“在旁边”,“在近旁”,“在手边”,He lives by the sea.他住在海滨。He lives near the sea.他住在离海不远处。2.表示手段或方式等(1)表示“乘”,“坐”时,其后接交通工具They came here by bus.(2)某些表示方式的有用表达,其中不用冠词或其他限定词by letter;by radio;by hand(3)后接动名词表示行为的方式或手段He makes a living by teaching.3.表示抓住或握住某人或某物的某一部位She hel

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