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1、 Rooms 3A, 3F, 3G, 3H,3J and 3K are equipped with presentation area to help prepare group presentations.Rooms 3B, 3C, 3D and 3E are intended for group discussion and seminar work. These rooms are equipped with whiteboards. Whiteboard pens can be borrowed from the service desk on Level 2. Please do n

2、ot use any other writing tools on the whiteboards. Maximum booking period of 2 hours at one time. Presentation areas provide:LED screen to practice presentation with group colleaguesNetwork access on PC with wide range of software USB port to plug in(插入)your own device or laptopAssistive(为残疾人设计的)Tec

3、hnology Rooms Assistive technology rooms are available for students by using ID cards to get access permission and can be booked for a maximum of 4 hours per person per day. Rooms are equipped with the following software: Dragon, JAWS, Zoom Text, Kurzweil, Supernova, TextHelp and Inspiration. A scan

4、ner is provided for use with the assistive software packages. For further information click Guide to Library Services for Additional Needs.1.If you and your five team members need to book a room to present a project, which room should you go to? A. Room 3B. B. Room 3C. C. Room 3E. D. Room 3G.2. Whic

5、h of the following is specially provided for students with disability? A. 2 hours per person per day. B. Whiteboard pens. C. LED screen. D. A scanner with assistive software packages. 3. We may read this article on a .A. website B. magazine C. booklet D. story book BAs each semester begins, my colle

6、ague greets his students wearing a jacket and tie.“You make only one first impression,” he says. So while the rest of the semester he teaches class in his usual, more casual clothes, the first week he presents a different image.His thought is that students will remember their first meet positively a

7、nd more readily think highly of him as the semester goes on because that favorable first impression has an influence on them.The sequence (顺序) that we meet matters in how we judge subsequent (后来的) information. The big influence of first impressions is related to the halo effect, where the perception

8、 (看法) of positive qualities in one thing or part gives rise to the perception of similar qualities in related things or in the whole.Here is an example: You meet a friendly person at a party and later are asked to collect money for a worthy cause. You call that person because you think she will make

9、 a contribution. In reality, there is no connection between being pleasant and being generous. Yet the halo effect leads you to think that the two are related. The halo effect is powerful, but it is questionable whether it matters much in long-term relationships, such as that between teacher and stu

10、dent. While dressing up may make students think the teacher must know his subject matter because he creates a professional first impression, the effect wears thin if the person turns out to be a poor teacher after all.First impressions matter but they dont have the final word. Facts speak louder. If

11、 you had never seen or heard of Einstein, the first time you saw him your impression would most likely be negative. Now his face is connected with genius (天才), not madness because he is the person who has e to define what genius is.The problem is that few of us are Einsteins and we often dont get th

12、e chance to change a negative first impression.4. The author explains the halo effect mainly by _.A. giving an example B. making a parisonC. setting down general rules D. following the order of importance 5. In the authors eyes, the halo effect _.A. is surprisingly powerful B. matters more in the lo

13、ng run C. may affect our judgment of others D. makes some teachers irresponsible 6. The author uses the example of Einstein to show the importance of _.A. appearance B. truth C. impressions D. fairness 7. The author seems to advise readers _.A. to mind their first impressions B. not to judge a book

14、by its cover C. not to follow others judgments D. to pay no attention to the halo effectCOne day in the gym, I asked a coach, “Whats the difference between the best athletes and everyone else?” He briefly mentioned the things that you might expect:genetics,luck,talent.But then he added something I w

15、asnt expecting. “At some point,” he said, “it es down to who can handle the boredom of training every day and doing the same practice over and over again.”Most of the time people talk about getting motivated(有动机的,有积极性的) to work on their goals. As a result, I think many people get depressed when they

16、 lose focus or motivation because they think that successful people never lack motivation that they seem to be missing. But thats exactly the opposite of what this coach was saying.When I was an athlete, I loved going to practice the week after a big win. Who wouldnt? Your coach is happy,your teamma

17、tes are excited, and you feel like you can beat anyone. As an entrepreneur(企业家), I love working when customers are rolling in and things are going well. Getting results has a way of pushing you forward.But what about when youre bored? What about when the work isnt easy? What about when it feels like

18、 nobody is paying attention or youre not getting the results you want? Its the ability to work when work isnt easy that makes the difference.If you look at the people who are consistently achieving their goals, you start to realize that its not the events or the results that make them different. Its

19、 their mitment to the process. They fall in love with the daily practice.So, fall in love with boredom. Fall in love with repetition(重复) and practice. Fall in love with the process of what you do and let the results take care of themselves.8.What was the authors attitude towards the coachs added ans

20、wer?A. He doubted it. B. He argued against it.C. He was surprised at it. D. He was uninterested in it.9.The coach supposes successful people _.A. can avoid negative emotions. B. can keep themselves inspiredC. have a real enthusiasm for their work D. will find ways to work through boredom.10.The auth

21、or mentions his own experience to show _.A. the way of being successful. B. the importance of getting results.C. the willingness to work hard when you feel motivatedD. the difficulty in keeping working when you are bored.11.The text inspires people to _.A. value motivation. B. live with repetition.C

22、. set themselves goals. D. develop a good habit. DCould your cellphone give you cancer? Whether it could or not, some people are worrying about the possibility that phones, power lines and wi-fi could be responsible for a range of illnesses, from rashes to brain tumors.Some say there is evidence to

23、support the growing anxieties. David Carpenter, a professor of environmental health sciences at the university at Albany, in New York, thinks theres a greater than 95 percent chance that power lines can cause childhood leukemia (白血病). Also theres a greater than 90 percent chance that cellphones can

24、cause brain tumors. “Its apparent now that theres a real risk,” said Carpenter.But others believe these concerns are unjustified(没有正当理由的). Dr Martha Linet, the head of radiation epidemiology(流行病学) at the US National Cancer Institute, has looked at the same research as Carpenter but has reached a dif

25、ferent conclusion. “I dont support warning labels for cellphones, ” said Linet. “We dont have the evidence that theres much danger. ”Studies so far suggest a weak connection between EMFs (电磁场) and illness so weak that it might not exist at all. A multinational investigation of cellphones and brain c

26、ancer, in 13 countries outside the US, has been underway for several years. Its funded in part by the European Union, in part by a cellphone industry group. The final report should e out later this year, but data so far dont suggest a strong link between cellphone use and cancer risk.12From the pass

27、age we can learn that some people are worried because _.A. they have evidence that the use of cellphones can lead to cancerB. they make a fuss over(对.大惊小怪) cellphone useC. some experts have given a warningD. cellphones are responsible for brain tumors13By saying “I dont support warning labels for ce

28、llphones,”Dr Martha Linet has the idea that _.A. the worrying is unnecessary B. cancer-warning labels should be on cellphonesC. there is a link between cellphones and cancer D. cellphones have nothing to do with cancer14Which of the following best describes the attitude of the author towards the deb

29、ate?A. Optimistic. B. Objective. C. Uninterested. D. Negative.15Whats the best title of the passage?A. Cellphones: is there a cancer link? B. There is a link between cellphone and cancer.C. A research on the cellphone. D. The cellphone and radiation epidemiology第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)Life is like

30、a road. There are long and short roads; smooth and rocky roads; crooked and straight paths. _16_ There are roads to happiness as there are roads to sadness, roads towards victory and jubilation (快乐), and roads leading to defeat and disappointment._17_ There are no guarantees(保证). This is one of the most important things you need to realize about life.Nobody said that choosing to do the right thing all the time would always lead you to happiness. Loving someone with all your heart does not guarantee that it would be returned. Gaining fame and fortune does not guaran

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