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PEP 六年级上册 Unit 4 Part B 说课稿文档格式.docx

1、激发学生参与学习的兴趣,是新课导入的关键。Wellbegun,halfdone.精彩的课堂开头,往往给学生带来新意、亲切的感觉,不仅能使学生迅速地兴奋起来,而且还会使学生把学习当成一种自我需要,自然地进入学习新知的情景。(1)自由会话T:Good morning!,Boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, teacher!How are you today?I am fine, thank you!T:These days are getting colder and colder,I hope you can take care of yourselves,ok?OK

2、!Good! Sit down,please.设计意图在课堂开始前,先与学生进行自由的会话,可以让学生在一个轻松的状态下进入英语课堂的状态。(2)复习知识 激活大脑在这个复习过程中,我没有简单的把单词呈现出来,而是利用ppt在页面上做出了追光灯的效果,让学生通过一闪而过的“灯光”猜测出单词。Before we start the class, lets look at the screen. We can see there is a light. And this light will show you the phrases we have learned in the last clas

3、s.If you see the light, do pair-work with your partner and use the conversation on the screen.PairworkWhat is your hobby?My hobby is. /I like .Look at the first one. What can you see? And cooperate with your partner. Xxx you try.S1:What is your hobby?S2:My hobby is .Wonderful!设计意图通过旧知识复习,打开学生的思路,为接下

4、来补充新知识做准备。有助于培养学生的语言思维能力的开放性。通过追光灯的效果,激发学生的兴趣,让学生猜一猜单词,然后再和同桌进行合作。这个过程,检验了学生对上节课词组认、说、读。并且让学生学会与同桌进行合作学习。2.导入环节(lead in)在复习完我们学过得词组以后,我进入了今天相关课程的课堂导入环节。(向学生展示人人网的画面)Do you know what is this?S:I dont know.Where can you see this ? In the computer.Yes, in the computer we can see this.And we call it web

5、site. And what can you see in the website. Some Chinese names. And we can see there are some names on the website. So maybe we can search the name on the website and make friends with someone so we can call it “pen pal website”.(向学生展示Miss White和Wu Yifan 谈话的画面)Look at the picture, we can see Miss Whi

6、te and Wu Yifan are talking. What are they talking about? Who can guess?Maybe they are talking about a pen pal.A good thinking!So listen carefully to the next dialogue and try to answer this two questions.The first one is “What are they talking about?” And who can read the next question for us ?How

7、old is the student from Australia?Good,now lets listen to the recording.设计意图在这个环节我希望找到话题与所授新知的契合点,让学生很自然地从一个话题向另一个话题过渡,从而开始了本节课pen pal的话题。3.呈现、操练(Presentation,Practice)提问学生听到的对话内容的最后一句话是什么。Now we have listened the conversation between Miss White and Wu Yifan. I have a question for you ,maybe is a li

8、ttle bit difficult ,what did Wu Yifan say at the end of conversation?Ill write an email to him today.Well-done!So Wu Yifan and his pen pal writes emails to each other everyday. And Wu Yifan is getting know more about his pen pal and now he is gonging to introduce his pen pal to us.设计意图这个过程,我问学生关于对话的

9、内容问题。在只听一遍的情况下,这个问题要求学生真正的听懂对话的内容,而不是只听懂关键词。这个略有的难度的问题,可以锻炼班上的尖子生。接着开始向学生展示lets learn中的单词。So Wu Yifan is introducing his pen pal to us.Look at the picture and tell me what does his pen pal usually do. Look at the first picture, what does his pen pal usually do ?He usually cook Chinese food.COOK or C

10、OOKS? Think about it.Oh!Cooks!So speak the sentence again.He usually cooks Chinese food. Read after me, cooks Chinese food.Cooks Chinese food.在学生变化了动词第三人称单数以后,在ppt中也将原本呈现的原型的词组变成第三人称单数的形式。然后也利用这个模式分别学习了studies Chinese,does word puzzles,goes hiking。设计意图先不告诉学生第三人称单数的变化,让学生在实践的过程中,自己发现第三人称单数的变化,从而强化了第三

11、人称单数变化。在向学生展示的过程中,我也运用ppt让变化后新加的单词s变成红色,以加强学生的印象。当讲到does word puzzles 的时候,加入了一个简单的只有横向的word puzzle。设计意图因为这个环节相对保守,只是单纯的把课堂上的单词呈现出来,所以加入一个拼字谜的游戏,可以让学生激起兴趣,不会让课堂对学生失去吸引力在幻灯片中打出不同类型的动词,然后让学生进行第三人称单数的变化。设计意图在这个过程中,学生可以通过实践自己慢慢发现不同类型的动词的第三人称变化的不同。从而强化和巩固动词的第三人称变化。接着,在ppt中呈现Wu Yifan和John的对话的情景One day,Wu Y

12、ifan is going to write an email to his pen pal. And John comes to see him So they have a conversation. Lets listen what are they talking about. And answer this tow question .对话这一部分,我打算听三遍。第一遍回答两个简单的问题,让学生熟悉课文。第二遍让学生找两个John的共同点,然后引出Amazing这个词。接着,让学生跟读读课文录音,再分段朗读,进而吃透对话。课后作业5Bunit6AP.Elesson(说课稿) Back



15、nishsurvey.(5)LetassessmentLetscheckunit.2.Ssspeaking.trainSs abilityworkinggroups.fosterSs abilitiescommunicationinnovation.3.emotionSs consciousnesscooperationpropercompetition.leadshowlovelinesspoor.III.Key-points(1)To(2)Tostudygroupsco-operateskillfully.(3)ToSs interestEnglish.IV.Difficultpoints

16、left,right,time down,leftV.methodsAsweallknow:learningSoIllmainlyTask-basedmethod.VI.procedurespurposesmydesigning. Illfivesteps.StepWarm-uppreviewSingchanttogether:Head,head,touchhead.Eyes,eyes,toucheyes.Nose,nose,touchnose.Purpose:formbettersurroundingbysingingdoingtotalphysicalresponseatsameprovi

17、dessituationsreviewlearnednextstep.PresentationNowBasedabove.Letstudentschange:Head,head,touchheadwithfingers.Eyes,eyes,toucheyesnosefingerssection,IdolotactionsbecausecontentPelesson.Thefollowme. Purpose:HelpmeaningThenreadsentence.theysaycorrectly.Studentslikechantingmuch.designpracticephrasesTurn

18、yourhead,left,updown.arms,leftright,updown.Step3Consolidation1 Itriedcompetitionsection.Competionwaystimulatestudentsinterest.Aftercompetition,tired,teachliebackAtlastmakesectionemotionaltellbenefitimportanceexercisehavehealthybody. Afteractivities,divideintoencouragethemlesson.Homework Tofootballteamafterclass.Onebecoach,othersmemberspractiseorders

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