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1、二、适用范围本流程适用南京营销中心客户接待工作。三、职责(一)、客户工程部1、负责确认、明确客户行程的具体安排和要求;2、制定、沟通、评审、客户接待计划及其可行性,并负责将接待计划反馈销售部门;3、负责确认客户到访前各项接待事宜准备工作,全程陪同客户访问,协调处理突发事件,并负责相关影像记录工作。(二)、销售部门:1、负责明确客户拜访信息、行程计划及其他要求,并提交客户工程部;2、发送welcome letter,递交南京地区用车申请,搜集、反馈客户改进意见、投诉。(三)、南京行政部:负责客户在南京地区的车辆安排工作。(四)、集团办公室:负责制作接机牌、欢迎条幅、客人铭牌,预订外部酒店,准备会

2、议室、公司资料、笔记本、笔等工具。(五)、接待中心:负责客户餐饮及住宿(客户需住宿在接待中心的情况)。(六)、车队:负责客户拜访期间车辆的安排,保证车辆供应。(七)、德通工艺部:负责陪同解答客户参观德通工厂过程中的技术问题。(八)、泰通行政部:根据客户不同需求协调安排工艺、质量等部门人员陪同解答泰通工厂技术问题。四、客户接待工作操作流程(电子档及邮件方式)(一)、在得到确认并批准后客户访问的需求后,由销售部门发送welcome letter(以附件形式发送),并明确并汇总客户拜访的计划行程、人员、要求等信息,填写客户接待单提交部门经理审核,营销总监批准后。反馈至南京客户工程部。(二)、南京客户



5、需抄送CEO。(十)、接待人员对来访客人要做到热情周到、有礼有节。既要不卑不亢、热情大方,又要尊重外方的礼节习俗。(十一)、按公司保密管理标准规定不可外传的重要文件和资料不得让来客带走。介绍情况或回答问题,既要实事求是、简明扼要,又要做好保密工作。如遇异常情况,应及时向公司领导汇报。五、客户接待流程图六、相关表单(一)客户接待单。(二)海外客户接待计划单。(三)客户意见反馈单。(四)Welcome letter。七、其他本制度中所涉及人力、物力等资源如有其它安排与客户接待工作冲突,以客户接待工作为最高优先级。自本流程生效日开始,编号为M/ET-MTHR18的访客管理制度停止使用。附件一:编 号

6、M/ET-FMSPS11客户接待单公司名称/国别客户类型 已成交客户 在开发客户年采购量销售部门接待时间到达日期/时间:离开日期/时间:销售主要负责人员销售负责人员手机 到访目的参观 订货 签合同 合作 顺访 厂检 验货 游玩 其它 访客基本信息姓名性别部门职务希望我司陪同级别 技术人员; 销售总监级; 总经理级; 总裁级详细行程安排预计时间地点项目车辆申请出差时间目的地需准备项目 1-接机牌 2-南京车辆安排 3-泰州车辆安排 4-欢迎条幅 5-客人铭牌 6-企业资料 7-投影仪 8-会议室 9-合影纪念 10-笔记本、笔 11-技术人员 12-晚餐准备 13-午餐准备 14-酒店预订 15

7、-接待中心住宿备 注部门经理签字: 营销总监签字:附件二、M/ET-FMSPS12海外客户接待计划单接待调度接待工程师接待工程师手机一、主要信息客户国别客户姓名客户性别客户部门客户职务销售主要陪同人员联系电话二、主要行程:序 号行程内容时间地 点要求123456三、技术人员安排:序号内容责任部门责任人责任人手机执行情况四、会议室安排:五、车辆安排:司机姓名司机手机六、用餐安排:时 间用餐类别及人数用餐标准特殊要求七、住宿安排:人数/性别住宿标准八、其他要求:事项工作内容欢迎条幅电子条幅合影接机牌客人铭牌附件三、客户意见反馈单 Customers Feedback QuestionnaireDe

8、ar Customer, Thank you very much for your visit. Please kindly fill in the form below and we promise to do our best to act up to your satisfaction.Your suggestions and comments would be highly appreciated.5 - Excellent, 4 - Good, 3 - Average, 2 - Fair, 1 - Poor.ProcessEffectiveness of the process543

9、21Reliability of the processEquipmentCompletenessMaintenanceOperationQCIQCOQCIPQCFactory Environment5SPackingOperabilitySafetyStorageReliabilityCustomer ReceptionIs the receptionist qualified?Attitude of the receptionistTotal scorePlease leave your valued suggestion.Suggestion/CommentsComplaintThank

10、s!Signature: Date:附件四、 Welcome letterDear Visitors,Welcome to Nanjing & Taizhou!ET Solar Global Sales Center is located in Nanjing City, China. ET Solar Manufacture basis is established at Taizhou City, China. It will take two hours to drive car from Nanjing to Taizhou. The climate between two citie

11、s is alike. The summer here could be like 25-35C, the winter could be 5C-5C. The best season to visit here could be March to October through the year.Nanjing is the Capital of Jiangsu Province and enjoys convenient transportation including train and flights. Therere a lot of flights from internation

12、al cities to Nanjing Lukou Airport, such as Frankfurt, Inchon, Singapore, Tokyo, Osaka, Nagoya, Hongkong, Macau, Taiwan. It is also convenient to take flights from major cities in China to Nanjing Lukou Airport, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and XiAn. It usually takes about 60mins to travel E

13、T Solar Global Sales Center from Nanjing Lukou Airport or 3Hours to manufacture basis Taizhou city from Nanjing Lukou Airport. Please provide the information below so we can prepare our reception service accordingly, thanks a lot!Information of VisitorsNameGenderDepartmentTitle Visit Travel Schedule

14、DateFlightFrom ToArrival TimeCar RequestOthersCity introduction: NanjingNanjing is the capital of Jiangsu Province of China, is a city with a history of 2,500 year tracing back to the Warring States Period in the Chinese history. Situated in the downstream of Yangtze River Drainage Basin and Yangtze

15、 River Delta economic zone, Nanjing has always been a national center of commerce, education, research, transportation and tourist in the East China region, preceded only by Shanghai.Population: 7589 thousandClimate: subtropical monsoon climateTemperature: 25-35in summer, 5-5 in winterAttractions:1.

16、Memorial to Nanjing Massacre Victims2. Presidential palace of Nanjing3. Sun Yatsen Mausoleum (Zhongshan Ling)4. Confucian Temple (Fuzi Miao)5. Xuanwu lake6. Nanjing Museum (Nanjing Bowuguan)7.Yuhuatai Martyr Memorial ParkFeatures food: Duck in Salted Spicy SauceGoogle map of Nanjing:Mark “B” is the

17、approximate location of ET Solar Global Sales Center.Distance from Nanjing Lukou Airport (NKG): 47 kilometersGoogle Map of ET Solar Global Sales Center:Mark “A” is Precise location of ET Solar Global Sales Center located in Nanjing City, China.Address: 7 Shanxi Road, Nanjing, china.Nearby Building:

18、Qingchun Theater; Sofitel Galaxy; Gulou BuildingNearby Road: Hunan Road; Zhongshan North Road TaizhouTaizhou is one of Jiangsu thirteen prefecture-level cities which administers two old municipal districts and 4 county-level cities, Jingjiang, Jiangyan, Taixing, and Xinghua. DubbedChinas medical cit

19、y, Taizhou has becoming a national hub for hosting dozens of major international and domestic corporations in pharmaceutical, biomedical, biochemical and bio-tech enterprises. 5050 thousand subtropical monsoon climate with humid changeable wind and the raining season is usually from the middle of Ju

20、ne to July.1. Mei Lanfang Memorial Park 2. Zheng Banqiao Memorial Hall 3. Qinhu Lake Scenic Region 4. Guangxiaolu TempleGoogle Map of the ET solar factories:Mark “A” is the Module &Tracker factory located in Jiulongzhen, Taizhou, China. It is near to the 328Hwy.Mark “B” is the Ingot & Wafer factory located in Taizhou,China.Nearby building: Taizhou Government; Taizhou Puji Hospital; TV Tower“A” from “B”: About 30 minutes

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