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1、 B. Washington IrvingC. Ralph Waldo Emerson D. Nathaniel Hawthorne_ is outstanding as a tradesman, citizen, scientist, statesman and political revolutionary. He aided Jefferson in the writing of the Declaration of the Independence.6. Benjamin Franklins best writing is found in his masterpiece .A. Au

2、tobiography B. Poor Richards AlmanacC. Common Sense D. The Way to Wealth7. Benjamin Franklin also edited the first colonial magazine, which he called CA. Time B. PeopleC. the General MagazineD. Redbook8. If we say Jonathan Edwards represents the upper levels of the American mind, represents the lowe

3、r levels. BA. Thomas PaineB. Benjamin FranklinC. Philip FreneauD. Washington IrvingPhilip Freneau: “The Poet of American Revolution”.9. The ideals of the American Enlightenment were exemplified in the life and career of .A. Thomas HoodC. Thomas Jefferson D. George Washington10. Benjamin Franklin was

4、 the epitome(representative) of theA. American Enlightenment B. Sugar ActC. Chartist MovementD. Romanticist11. Benjamin Franklin shaped his writing after the Aof the English essayists Joseph Addison and Richard Steele.A. Spectator PapersB. WaldenC. NatureD. The Sacred Wood12. Benjamin Franklin was a

5、 prose stylist whose writing reflected the neoclassic ideal ofA. clarity B. restraintC. simplicity D. all the above13. Franklins claim to a place in literature rests chiefly on his and A. Poor Richards Almanac, AutobiographyB. Common Sense, American CrisisC. The Wild Honeysuckle, The Indian Burying

6、GroundD. Rights of Man, The Age of ReasonPhilip Freneau(1752-1832)美国殖民时期著名诗人,美国革命战争后期最杰出的作家。生于纽约一酒商家庭。1768年进入普林斯顿大学,次年发起建立北美第一个革命学生组织。他写于内战时期的诗集内战时期及其他(1864),歌颂内战时期反蓄奴制斗争中的英雄主义精神,欢庆黑奴解放,以鼓励士气。1781年发表英国囚船一诗,揭露英军虐待战俘的暴行。1786年出版弗瑞诺诗集,被誉为“美国独立革命的诗人”。战后,他支持杰弗逊,为美国政府做出巨大贡献但50岁后,他在贫穷中度过余生。主要作品The Rising Gl

7、ory of America蒸蒸日上的美洲;The British Prison Ship英国囚船; To the Memory of the Brave Americans纪念美国勇士-The Wild Honeysuckle野生的金银花; The Indian Burying Ground印第安人殡葬地14. Which statement is not true about Autobiography DA. It is recognized as a classic of its kind.B. It epitomizes the spirit of Franklin.C. It is

8、 pervaded with a pragmatic philosophy and the teaching of ethical principles.D. It describes the whole life of Franklin.Quiz on Ralph Waldo Emerson1. In the early 19th century The Sketch Book had established _Washington Irving_s reputation at home and abroad, and designated the beginning of American

9、 Romanticism. 2. Ralph Waldo Emersons first book in 1836 _Nature_ brought American Romanticism into a new phase, the phase of New England Transcendentalism. 3. The American Transcendeatalists formed a club called _The Transcendental Club_.4. _Ralph Waldo Emerson_ was responsible for bringing Transce

10、ndentalism to New England.5. Emersons truest disciple门徒, the man who put into practice many of Emersons theories, was _Henry David Thoreau_6. THe American Scholar_was called the Intellectual Declaration of Independence.7. Nature_ is regarded as the Bible of New England Transcendentalism. 1. Transcen

11、dentalists took their ideas from _E_.A. the romantic literature in Europe B. neo-PlatonismC. German idealistic philosophy D. The revelation of oriental mysticismE. All of the above2. Transcendentalist doctrines found their greatest literary advocates in _B_ and Thoreau.A. Jefferson B. EmersonC. Fren

12、eau D. Oversoul3. Philip Freneau_ was considered as the Poet of American Revolution4. _B_ was the most leading spirit of the Transcendental Club.A. Thoreau B. EmersonC. Hawthorne D. Whitman5. Transcendentalists recognized _A_ as the highest power of the soulA. intuition C. data of the sneses D. thin

13、king6. A new _C_ had appeared in England in the last years of the 18th century. It spread to continental Europe and then came to America early in the 19th century. A. Realism B. Critical realismC. Romanticism D. Naturalism7. Which one is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson DA. Nature B. Self-Reliance

14、C. The Oversoul D. Walden8. Which essay is not written by Ralph Waldo Emerson AA. Of Studies B. Slef-RelianceC. The American Scholar D. The Divinity School Address9. There is a good reason to state that New England Transcendentalism was actually _A_ on the Puritan soil.A. Romanticism B. PuritanismC.

15、 Mysticism D. Unitarianism10. Following the rise of Romanticism, Transcendetalism appeared after 1830 in the works of such man of letters as _ E_, _ and Margaret Fuller.A. Ralph Waldo Emerson B. Henry ThoreauC. Mark Twain D. Nathaniel HawthorneE. Both A and B F. Both C and DQuiz on Nathaniel Hawthor

16、ne statement expresses a central theme of the story, The Ministers Black Veil C a.) People are attracted by unsolved mysteries. b.) People with faith can overcome any hardship. c.) People are often unwilling to face the truth about themselves. d .) People who sin should not be forgiven.2. What messa

17、ge about human nature is most strongly conveyed by Elizabeths nursing of Mr. Hopper on his deathbed A a.) Love for someone endures despite what the person does. b.) Curiosity leads people to do odd things c.) Loyalty always leads to learning the truth. d.) Hard work is seldom rewarded in this life.3

18、. What can you infer about the authors attitude toward his Puritain ancestors A a.) He considered them hypocritical. b.) He admired their fortitude. disaprproved of their immorality. c.) He dissaprproved of their immorality. d.) He envied their piety.4. Over what group does the veiled minister seem

19、to have the most power B a.) his congregation b.) souls in agony for sinning c.) other clergymen in the area. d) his fiancee Elizabeth5. Hawthorne subtitled his story A Parable to suggest that readers will find in it AA. a moral lesson B. a Gothic mystery C. witty sayings D. vivid imagery6. Hawthorn

20、e portrays the veil as C A. a punishment B. a joke C. a symbol D. a whim异想天开7. Hawthorne based The Ministers Black Veil on the life of D A. Jonathan Edwards Pierce Salem witch New England clergyman8. The climax of the story occurs when C A. Elizabeth decides not to marry Hooper Clark tries to remove

21、 the veil utters his dying words D. Hooper is buried9. Hawthorne presents Hoopers character as C A. happy and contented B. evil and dangerous C. lonely and tormented D. witty and charming 10. The best meaning for perturbation is DA. wise B. imitation C. strong dislike D. a troubled or agitated condi

22、tion 11. The best meaning for vagary is A A. an extravagant notion or act B. showiness or pretentiousness to attract attention C. strong dislike D. imitation T or F questions 1. Mr. Hoopers parishoners are amazed when he appears with a veil over his face. 2. At first, some people assume that the par

23、son is crazy.3. There is a movement to have Hooper dismissed from his post.4. The church sends a delegation to the parson to inquire about the reason for the veil. 5. Hooper confides his guilty secret to Elizabeth.6. The parson is relieved to break his engagement with Elizabeth. 7. Children flee fro

24、m Hooper in fright.8. The veil enables Hooper to become a more effective minister. 9. As Hooper lies dying, he agrees to remove the veil. 10. Only at the ministers burial is the veil finally removed.1-5 T T F T F6-10 F T T F F 1. Hester Prynne is the heroine in Hawthornes novel _The Scarlet Letter_.

25、2. The House of Seven Gables is a famous mystery-haunted novel written by AA. Nathaniel Hawthorne B. Allan PoeC. Mark Twain D. Ernest Hemingway3. Which is not Nathaniel Hawthornes long novel DA. The Scarlet Letter B. The Marble FaunC. The Blithedale RomanceD. Young Goodman BrownQuiz on Henry Wadswor

26、th Longfellow Wadsworth Longfellows first collection of poems entitled _Voices of the Night_ appeared in 1838.2. The most scholarly of Henry Wadsworth Longfellows writings is his translation of Dantes _Divine Comedy_3. After his death, _Henry Wadsworth Longfellow_ became the only American to be hono

27、red with a bust in the Poets Corner of Westminster Abbey.4. With the appearance of _C_ in 1855, which is about American Indians, Longfellows poetical reputation was established. A. Evangeline B. The Courtship of Miles StandishC. Song of HiawathaD. Michael Angelo5. What are the artistic achievements of Henry Wadsworth Longfellows poetry1) Longfellow was the best known of the Fireside poets, it was with him that American poetry began its emergence from the shadow of the British parentage.2) His poetic narrative helped create National historical myth, trans

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