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1、how should you prepare for a job interview?the impact of economic development on the to get along with people from different cultures?the effect of tv advertising.the role of the internet for college students.the effect of tv advertisingtoday we cannot avoid see advertising everywher

2、e. marketing studies show an average person sees between 400 and 600 ads per day. these ads are targeted towards different groups and promote everything from baby food to luxury cars.for customers, advertising play an important role in making them aware of the worth of the product or service. it als

3、o helps consumers know how effective and valuable a product or service is to them. besides, advertising is the most exciting, colourful and clever method of communication. the way information is presented can not only be memorable but also be thought-provoking and raise the standard of consumers aes

4、thetic tastes. in that way, consumers wont mind seeing a well produced ad many times.apart from commercial ads, public service advertisement plays an important role in our society. it addresses or promotes a matter of social concern, like public health, animal rights and environmental protection. th

5、ese ads contribute a lot to the overall progress of our society.however, ads can have a negative effect on consumers. it often happens that while you are watching a wonderful film on tv, endless ads interrupt you from time to time and make you rather annoyed. besides, ads try to make people remember

6、 their brands and build brand loyalty. most people who are loyal to one brand generally do not switch to other brands very easily. also, children are most affected by ads because they lack consumer knowledge and judgement. as a result, they will try to persuade their parents to buy things like junk

7、food even though they have no nutritional values. there is no doubt that ads can carry very powerful messages and images. therefore every advertiser must take a greater social responsibility and not just push for more profits. also, governments will have to look seriously into this matter. consumers

8、 need to concentrate more on the products than on the ads.1. 2. 3. 4. it can be so hard to balance school and a part-time job! these days, with everyones finances stretched, many students need to have a job. but its essential to find a balance that lets you do your best at school and at work.first,

9、decide if you really need to work during the school year or on school nights. if the money you earn is essential to help your family or save for college, let your supervisor know your situation and the work schedule youre currently keeping. talk to your employer, too.talking to teachers. when its ti

10、me to talk, be direct and honest about your situation. take responsibility. explain whats holding you back, such as, “i know i need to put more time into schoolwork, but i have a part-time job and on the nights i work, i dont get off until 11 p.m. that leaves me no time for homework or studying. i n

11、eed the job, but i also want to do well in school.” your teachers might be able to give you extra time on project deadlines, provide study help, talk over strategies for prioritizing and managing schoolwork, or offer other suggestions to help you keep up.talking to your boss. talk to your manager ab

12、out ways you can shift your schedule or cut back on hours so that you can get your schoolwork done. explain your situation directly, calmly, and honestly. for example, “i need to talk to you about my hours and schedule. i like my job and i need the money, but im having trouble getting my schoolwork

13、done on nights that i work until 11 p.m.” then ask for what youd like. for instance, “can you change my schedule so i can get off earlier on school nights? or give me fewer shifts on school nights?” if an unpredictable schedule is part of the problem, ask, “can you give me the same schedule each wee

14、k so i can plan my schoolwork better?” when you talk to teachers and employers, be sure to say thanks for their time and ideas. hopefully, they will understand your situation better, realize how hard youre working, and find a way to help.even though youre busy, be sure to leave a little time in your

15、 week to relax, do things you enjoy, and be with friends. these leisure activities help you refresh yourself so you can be at your best for both school and work to prepare for a job interviewmy topic is that how to prepare for a job interview? there is no doubt that every applic

16、ant will hope to be successful in the job interview. we must demonstrate certain personal qualities; we must create a good image in the limited time; we must let the interviewer remember us. therefore, in order to defeat other applicants in a job interview, we must prepare sufficiently.1. we should,

17、 firstly, make research about the company and the job ahead of time. collect information about the company. for example, its motto, spirit and management, the position the company offers and its requirements. these information will help us get familiar with the company, and we really want to work fo

18、r them!2. secondly, practice interviewing by having a friend or family member run through typical questions with you. and also come up with questions of your own, becauseyou will be asked if you have any at the end of the interview. question can give the interviewer a signal that you are truly inter

19、ested in the job.3. thirdly, its important to always have one good suit to wear. take care to be dressed modestly and professionally. try everything on ahead of time so you dont have any last minute fashion disasters. in addition, wed better pay attention to the details - your hair, nails, shoes, sh

20、ould all look polished and professional.4. appear fresh and well rested, interested and alert. do remember to arrive on time for our appointment. bring with us the original certificates and etc.5. stay calm and know that youre ready to do your best. youve spent time practicing and preparing, so youl

21、l be ready to interview to build friendships with people from different cultureswe come across people of different cultures in our workplace, neighborhoods, at school, church, at special events or even at our friends. here are some suggestions in making friends with people from diffe

22、rent countries and different friendly and active. express a genuine concern and care for the individuals and express a willingness to learn various things about their culture, such as any special greetings, their language, their traditions, religion, role of men and women in the family, e

23、ducation and foods, even tell them that you would love to try some of their foods. you will provide an atmosphere to make them feel welcome and open. however, do not ask too many questions all at the same patient. if you have difficulties understanding someone from a different culture or if

24、they have problems understanding you, be patient with them. say what you need to say slowly, repeat your message if you have to, until they fully understand what you are trying to communicate.respect every culture. understand and expect there will be differences with certain issues and the way they

25、do things, they will carry different opinions and perspective based on their culture. respect their differences and be at peace with them. being proud of your culture is a great thing to live. but unnecessary pride can make you not interested in other people and not bring smile for each person.there

26、fore, getting along with people from different cultures are not so difficult if you accept other cultures, respect other cultures and swallow your pride a little bit.1. 2. 3.our natural environment includes all living and non-living things like land, forests, minerals, water bodies, the atmosphere,

27、etc. while some of these resources may be renewable others get ultimately exhausted with their continuous use. even the renewable resources may get polluted.1. economic development would involve greater consumption of resources such as land, forest, fuels etc, whose supply is essentially limited. th

28、us reckless and thoughtless use of these resources would cause their exhaustion and degradation, thereby reduce productivity and hinder economic growth. also due to such consumption anddegradation our future generations will not get enough resources for their use. so environmental degradation not on

29、ly affects us but will also have harmful effects on our future generations.2. some argue that these environmental problems will be addressed more or less automatically in the process of economic growth. however the national income or the gnp which is the commonly accepted measure of economic develop

30、ment of a nation fails to reflect the true cost of development. in another word, it excludes the cost of consumption of natural resources and other environmental costs. for example when we cut down trees for commercial use, its value is added to the gnp but the loss in the form of natural resources

31、is not accounted for anywhere. so the fact is that the more output we produce today by using greater amount of natural resources, the greater is the loss of our natural resources and consequently lower will be the output that the future generations will be able to produce.3. all economic activities

32、either affect or are affected by the natural environment. sustainable development therefore attempts to strike a balance between the demands of economic development and the need for protection of our natural environment. it is basically concerned with economic development in an environmentally responsible manner, keeping in mind the needs of the future gen

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