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1、country adj.tedious=boring adj.乏味的,枯燥的(eg:a meeting)due adj.到期的 eg:Your rent is due,and renew the payment,please.tackle v.处理,应付(=deal with)simple-minded(pure) adj.头脑单纯的,傻乎乎的face sth=face up to sth 面对着face the world 面对世界(闯闯世界)be faced with 面临be faced with the urgent situationproduce v.呈现,出示;生产,制造(=tu

2、rn out编写,制造)eg1:produce your IDeg2:This title produced an extraordinary sequence of mental e flooding back into/to sthAll awful feeling of regret came flooding back into my mind as I recalled the hurting quarrel with my beloved mon.view 看,阅review 复述relive 重回到,重温I wish I could relive my childhood.Hap

3、piness,never wears out/fades away,if you take a positive attitude toward life.You can relive it whenever you want.wear out 消失,残损 eg:a worn shirt 一件破损的衬衫respectable adj.体面的,可拿出手的 eg:a respectable house/cardoable adj.可行的,可做的gone adj.消失的,逝世的Gone are the days when we fought together,sharing laughter and

4、 tears.(adj.位于句首,全部倒装)Gone is our relationship.Out,mand v./n.控制;要求have a good command of sth 善于;对有很好的掌握attentive adj.专心的,专注的attention n.contempt n.轻视 ridicule n.嘲讽Drop the tone of contempt and ridicule when addressing me.scorn=despise=look down upon v.轻视hold back 阻碍Your laziness and hot temper hold

5、you back.Having held back my tears,I continued to narrate(narrate =tell诉说) my bitter stories.eg3:Held back,tears were revolving(打转) around the rims(眶) of my eyes.Drop your airs(姿态). 放下你的架子用短语表示“当的时候”I felt a pain in my heart at the sight of(当看到) her haggard(憔悴的) face.My heart sank deeply at the know

6、ledge that(当得知) he had betrayed me.当表达混合的复杂情感时 feel a mixture of A and B2011.9.26Your requirements are beyond my reach. 你们的要求我接受不了exceed v.过于excessive adj.过分的supply exceeds demand 供过于求distress n.疼痛,伤痛(心理的)feel distressedas much as “”应该是名词或者名词短语The essence(本质,精髓) of education is to give as much posit

7、ive influence as possible.ever-adj 永久的-adjever-lasting/permanent friendship 永恒的友谊ever-green tree 长青的树wind v.蜿蜒的,曲折的 /waind/ eg:a winding patha strong wind whistle(吹口哨) through 一阵狂风呼啸而来drag through home 疲惫地回到家form a sharp contrast 形成一个鲜明的对比摆除习惯(彻底铲除)的三种表达roat out habits=get rid of habits=wipe out hab

8、itsAnticipating that the demand for electricity is high/heavy next month, so they decide to expend/increase production.skim through=scan 浏览fragile mind 脆弱的心灵,幼小的心灵2011.9.29【the scholarship jacket】 grow 培养,种植(植物)区分几种表示“喂、养”的词 feed 喂、养(人或动物) raise 抚养(人)lie falt on ones back 平躺false adj.错误的falsify v.篡改

9、;伪造keep my word rooted in your mind 牢记我的话draw=tie n.平手 eg: a close tieThe pounding(震耳欲聋的击打) in my ears drowned out(淹没,压过) the rest of the words,only a word here and there filtered through(过滤,渗透).maintain=keep up 保持,维持make it 成功了,达到了uncomfortable(feel bitter) adj.不舒服的,不顺眼的 (形容人时) eg: He was uncomfort

10、able with my boy friends if their fathers were not as successful as he was.about= regarding=concerning 关于My miserable salary here cant even cover my regular/daily expense. 我可怜的薪水甚至不能支付我日常的开支a small sound of dismay(丧气) escaped my thoatYour name escaped me. 我记不得你名字了Word failed me. 我无话可说muster my coura

11、ge 鼓足勇气muster 聚集muster my dignity 保持尊严动词当做名词使用 eg1:on the walk homea pleasant stay in Hefeiclasp(hold/catch firmly) v.紧抓The last words came out in an eager rush(匆忙地).I speak in a trembling rush(颤抖的).desperately hoping 极其地希望a desperate person 一个走投无路的人a desperate plan 一个孤注一掷的计划spring up 迅速地生长,疯长high b

12、uildings spring upObjections should be fought wherever they spring springs upwithdraw v.退缩withdrawn adj.胆怯的,沉默寡言的wink at=twinkle 眨眨眼;闪烁know better 比谁都清楚His face looked as happy and innocent as babys, but I knew better.You should have known better than to mix up with this bastard(恶棍).2011.10.8

13、【all the cabbie had was a letter】know sth by heart 真正了解learn sth by heart 熟记,真正学会on the road 在途中,在奔波中You should at least say it as you mean it. 你撒谎至少要像一点We go way back. 我们是老相识(俚)Its no fun to lose any friendand losing a real old one is even tougher.remind 使想起(可做补语) It always keeps myself

14、an v.意味着;希望,指望;打算 It means a lot to me. 这对我很有意义(这对我意味很多) I mean you to be an actress. 我希望你当名演员Ive been meaning to write for some time. 我已经打算了很久来写岁月不饶人的三种表达:Time goes by.Time flies.Were none of us getting any younger.more than I can say 无法言表choke up 梗塞be choked upI was choked up with angry hearing th

15、e news.The dead atmosphere chokes me up.2011.10.13【never let a friend down】attach v. 系上,别上,挂上;附带attachment n.附件 Attached is my comment in my story.(倒装)We are attached. 我们如胶似漆(关系很好)all the way through my life 我这辈子far-away friends(friends who are far away from us)远方的朋友You have a far-away look in your

16、eyes. 恍惚的眼神Its true in my case.= Its no exception in my case. 对我来说情况就是这样/对我来说也不例外打算做某事的三种表达:be intending to do sthintend to do sthbe meaning to do sthset aside(把放在一边) time to do sth 腾出时间做A true friend is a person who can share weal and woe(福与祸).He looks far more than 30 years. 他看起来远不止30岁。scrape a li

17、ving=keep body and soul together 勉强糊口pitch(颠簸) violently(猛烈地) forward and plow into/dash(冲进,一头栽进) a hidden bank of sand(沙子).spin v.旋转;纺线the wheels only spin(打转) deeperspin the coin 掷硬币knock out 淘汰His breath was knocked out.=He was breathless.臭(香) 丑(美) (东)(西) (合)(分)rg2:knock-out event 淘汰赛空满 干湿 今古 闲忙

18、天地我们(爱)北京。 我们(爱)五星红旗。head for 朝着;朝着奔去一轮月牙 一弯月牙 一块面包 一颗星星 一个影子eg:Im heading for nowhere. 我好迷茫Im in the middle of nowhere. 我四处荒芜人烟5、字母表:out of shape 不成形公(公共)元(一元)亮(明亮)很(很好)队(中队)间(时间)名(名字)汽(汽水)out of place 格格不入4、乐于运用阅读和生活中学到的词语,把话写完整、写通顺。禾字旁:秀、香、和、秋the despair clouds his face 绝望覆盖在他的脸上grin 轻轻地一笑心字底:总、忘、想、念、意、思、急、息the bad odd 逆境,挫折6、量词填空。Ill make it against all the bad odds. 2011.10.20

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