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1、乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 学校:学校所指定的每项制度都应该从学生的实际出发,可以考虑制度A是否是学生学到真正有用的知识,所学知识是否使用,是否所设置课程,政策能激发学生潜力,是否有助于帮助学生形成健康有利的性格,以及能否在未来为学生的就业,工作提供有效的帮助。一些辅助学科能否帮助学生减少课业压力,普遍提高学生学习成绩。 Schools have always been interested in three kinds of outcomes: what the students are able to do in terms of those skills t

2、he students acquire; to what extent do those students know after attaining knowledge at school; and what kind of people they will become. “The most important part of education,” once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the distinguished Harvard philosopher, “is this instruction of a man in what he has ins

3、ide him.”2007.7.7基础科学课程 The purpose of those classes that universities or colleges offer lies in the notion that those class may help students in respects of both career and daily life. From learning science, students can apply basic in actual life in which they can handle some emergencies such as p

4、ipe leaking and short circuit instead of asking maintenance staff for help. Besides those life skills, some students may be inspired so as to choose science as their career since no one can tell whether s/he likes an object before coming into contact with it for sure. Science class can also increase

5、 creativity of students, enhancing their capacity for knowledge and understanding. Some interesting experiments release students stress from heavy study.2007.7.28/2009.6.13历史课程:Michael Crichton once wrote, “If you didnt know your history, you didnt know anything. You are a leaf that didnt know that

6、it was a part of a tree.” When we learn about history, we are really learning about ourselveswhere we came from, why we do things the way we do, and how it got to be that way. An individual without any memory has a difficult time functioning; a people without collective memoryan understanding of the

7、ir historyhave an equally difficult time understanding who they are. It is commonly acknowledged that an understanding of the past is fundamental to an understanding of the present. The analysis and interpretation of history explain the cores of some present events. To some extent, history provides

8、guidance for further development, helping us avoid repeating mistakes. For example, what we can learn from the failure of Prohibition during the 1930s is that it can be a mistake to legislate morality. 2009.5.30艺术音乐:Arts education aids students in skill needed in the workplace: flexibility, the abil

9、ity to solve problems and communicate; the ability to learn new skills, to be creative and innovative and to strive for excellence. Explore potentiality of students( 同科学课程)2007.8.25:General subject& specific knowledge: General subjects have plenty of advantages, 结合科学,历史,艺术音乐以上points. Specific Knowle

10、dge: all students apply for jobs eventually after graduations. Due to fierce competition, students need to enrich themselves continuously so that they will stand out among a great number of competitors. At the same time, schools play an important role assisting students preparing for their future an

11、d provide help as much as possible. Some employers will not hire graduating students in terms of their lack of knowledge in specific fields, considering the amount of costs in training them. Society needs doctors, lawyers, engineers, teachers to perform specific tasks necessary to its operation, jus

12、t as it needs of society so that the work of the world may continue. Therefore, the burden of training students falls on the shoulders of schools. 2007.10.17/2009.5.16:他国文化:importantance: during the process of globalization, the world becomes smaller and smaller thanks to the exponential leaps of th

13、e information technology. We may encounter plenty people in our everyday life, so that it is not rare to make acquaintance with foreign people. Different cultural backgrounds may bring about various opinions over the same issue, calling for mutual understanding. Therefore, it is necessary to get fam

14、iliar with other cultures in case future boss is a foreign. Learning another culture can be very interesting, releasing students stress from heavy study on other mandatory courses. If there is an opportunity to go abroad, a thorough understanding about the culture of destination avoids some embarras

15、sing mistakes. Unimportance: waste of time, for students, they seldom contact with foreigners, let alone apply the knowledge learnt in foreign culture classes. It there is a course, there will be an exam for sure. Students need to prepare for the exam for a better grade; their focus on other useful

16、subjects will be distracted by such kind of action, which in turn is not worth the candle. For the sake of culture, there is no better method of learning it than feeling it by oneself. However a brilliant explanation cannot draw the whole picture. 2008.1.19 统一评分To give the same grade to all the memb

17、ers who do the same project together is not fair to group members. Sometimes, some students who are accustomed to relying on others will leave their duty to others out of laziness or their busy schedule considering someone else will finish the task for them as. We all come into such situations in ou

18、r actual life. those student who do a lot of extra work will not get their rewarding whereas those people who do not endeavor to the team work can get a free lunch. Even if everyone of the same group does exert himself to this task, their performance is not the same, either, for sometimes some stude

19、nts play the role of leader guiding the whole group to achieve the goal. This policy is not favorable for students to explore their potential in that others unsatisfactory performance make the whole project lag behind. 2008.2.16 评分制度&学生求知欲 有利:For those students who perform well on their study, a hig

20、h grade is an affirmation of their efforts. This policy encourage them to continue and strive for a better grade in which process, they will certainly acquire more knowledge to keep their top places in class. A specific grade indicates what the strength is and what weakness of a student is so that s

21、/he can make up after class since according to grades s/he gets to know in what field s/he need to obtain more knowledge. Grade will encourage healthy competition among students, which is one major source of motivation in school. The current education system takes grades as orientation to select tal

22、ent people. To stand out among a large number of competitors, students will make every endeavor to get good marks. 不利:Low mark can influence students in the opposite way, quite negatively sometimes, since low marks harm students confidence. Some students may be desperate after staying up all nights

23、preparing for a test but still gets a D. those who are not mentally or emotionally resilient may be so sad and frustrated that they lose interest in the subject and give up. In contrast with low marks, a high mark may make a student more arrogant or too big for his shoes/boots. For those students wh

24、o still want a good grade on their subjects, they may try to promote their marks by all means. Sometimes the condition may become extreme, blind competition may lead to cheat or plagiary. 2008.3.30:延长学期DA:Schools should focus on what students have learnt in class and how efficient their education sy

25、stem is, whereas a long semester does not equal to a larger amount of knowledge received by students. Even if we are exposed to a wealth of knowledge, we will be overloaded and not be able to digest it. Soon, the information will just go to waste. If the quantity of knowledge increases, the quality

26、of education cannot be assured since teachers need plenty of time to prepare lectures. An 11-month term/year makes teachers a tight schedule so that they do not have enough time for preparation or something they deliver can be useless. Whats more, students cannot bear such a heavy study, either. Stu

27、dents need vacation to get a rest and prepare for future study. It is hardly to concentrate on study for such a long time, in which someone may be distracted from study leading a low achievement on study. 2009.1.10教育对社会的作用“The most important part of education,” once wrote William Ernest Hocking, the

28、 distinguished Harvard philosopher, “is this instruction of a man in what he has inside him.” A society is consisted with citizens, therefore, education affect society indirectly. To some extent, a society can reveal something about its education. Education provides people a platform to obtain knowl

29、edge and a chance to receive training. In America, a super power, among the countrys adult population, over 85 percent have completed high school and 27 percent have received a bachelors degree or higher. The average salary for college or university graduates is greater than $51,000, exceeding the n

30、ational average of those without a high school diploma by more than $23,000, according to a 2005 study by the U.S. Census Bureau. The United States school system includes over 5,000 Montessori schools. The country has a reading literacy rate at 98% of the population over age 15. By a better educatio

31、n, one may stand out among a number of competitors, thus providing more chances. A higher education is a key to success both within and outside of the corporate world. 2007.1.13/2008.4.27作业好处:Students can review the content they learn in class right away, in this way, prepare for the new content. Th

32、at will give them a deep understanding of what they have learned. Homework distributed everyday can help teachers to get an idea of whether their students understand the lessons, and enables teachers to modify the education process to more effectively teach all the students. Homework also trains students to be responsible and self-disciplined, since they have to finish and turn in their assignments on time.坏处: If the assignment is so easy that students can accomplish it without efforts, it is useless and time-consuming. But if the

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