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1、4) Come to .to have fun doing5) Learning centers throughout the park well as do.6) Futuroscope is not only.,but is also.7) Futuroscope has.most of which do.能力目标(1) Talk about different types of theme parks(2) Learn how to ask the way and give the instructions(3) Learn to write a passage to

2、 introduce a theme park.情感目标(1) Encourage students to think about the differences between the traditional parks and the new concept of theme parks.(2) Encourage students to try to master the knowledge of word formation to expand their word memorizingKey language pointsLearn to use the vocabulary to

3、talk about theme parks and write an introduction to a theme park.Difficultlanguage pointsSome difficult new words like various, rides, whichever, roller coaster, futuroscope, T-rex, souvenir, sneaker, and the culture and ancient history in the western countries and how to use word-formation to remem

4、ber the words quickly.Lesson typeNew lessonperiodsPeriod 1: Warming UpPeriod 2: ReadingPeriod 3: Grammar and using languagePeriod 4: WritingaidsPictures, video, flash, computer, etc.Teaching Procedures (教学过程)Unit 5 Meeting your ancestorsPeriod 1 Warming up课堂教学设计Period 1互动多媒体设计思路说明:Step 1: Review(温故)

5、互动设计:(1)教师让学生观看几组搞笑图片,逗同学们开心一笑。(2)通过搞笑图片来引出本课话题:英国人的幽默。设计缘由: (1)同学们对于身边搞笑的图片是有所涉猎的,在课堂上展示几张搞笑图片,可以引起同学们的兴趣。本单元的中心话题是“品味英语幽默”,其中涉及到了幽默的种类及其代表人物,并就中外幽默进行了粗略的比较,以此让学生感受英语幽默的内涵。(2)让学生观看幽默图片,目的是引出本课的学习话题:幽默。注:这个环节的内容是课本里所没有的,添加得非常科学合理,营造轻松有趣的学习氛围,激发学生的学习兴趣,了解东西方的幽默。恰当的引入,能够为学生营造良好的学习环境,是成功教学的开端。Step 2: L

6、earning the New(知新)共设计了3个互动活动(activities)(1)Activity 1: Watch the video (观看一段与幽默的憨豆相关的视频,谈论视频内容,开始讲解英国人的幽默)(2)Activity 2: Talk and Discuss(3)Activity 3: Learn some new words and phrases(1)活动一是欣赏一段与憨豆有关的视频,幽默风趣,目的是为学习课文做好准备,让学生初步本课学习内容是与幽默相关的。(2)活动二是通过展示图片,向学生讲述不同种类的幽默之间的区别,并且还解释并介绍了中外幽默的区别。(3)活动三是将课

7、文的主要生词集中学习,通过图片以及跟读形式学习生词和短语,目的是以直观形式将生词呈现给学生以便更好理解和掌握。同时为下一单元的READING部分的学习奠定基础。添加活动一是为了让学习变得有意思,看看幽默视频,放松心情;添加活动二是为了向学生介绍中外之间幽默的区别。添加活动三是为了表明:“课堂教学不可无视基础知识”,扫除生词障碍,避免了公开课上不教生词那种“华而不实”的做法。Step 3: Summary(总结)(1)教师引导,学生总结;(2)教师最终再次呈现总结内容。学生往往在听完一节课时,对前面的东西可能遗忘较多,通过作总结,目的是引导学生去思考,同时也是学生对课堂教学的一个反馈,符合学生的

8、学习心理,有助于提高课堂教学质量。这个环节在传统课堂上容易被忽略,特别是当时间紧的情况下。尽管只是两三分钟的小结,但就对整个课堂的内容作了一次回顾,引发学生思考,防止遗忘,其作用不可忽视。Step 4: Assignment(作业)(1)教师布置,学生记录;(2)布置课后复习任务和预习任务。课外需要巩固课堂所学的东西,就要布置课本上的练习,除此以外,根据需要,再布置课本以外的任务(project);预习是为下一节课做准备,学生有必要先预习新课内容。无论是做复习练习还是预习,目的都是为了提高课堂教学效果。这个环节要注意课本练习的选择性,并非课本上的练习都必须做,教师有很大的自主取舍权,不切实际的

9、或与现实生活脱节的题目,可以不做;预习内容要有趣味性,要利用高科技手段,如视频、动漫或电影片段等。Steps+What to teach+How to teach+How to organize (教学步骤+教什么+怎样教+教师串讲词) Revision(温故)(5 mins)Activity: A quizT:Good morning, everyone!Ss: Good morning, teacher!T: Before we learn the new unit, lets first review what we learned in the last unit. So far we

10、 have just finished Unit 4. It tells us the importance of body language in communication. Next, we will have a quiz about body language and see how much you know about body language.互动与多媒体使用说明:1. 呈现PPT,点击第1页;2. 学生各自独立完成,教师抽查和评讲,答案因人而异。以下内容制作PPT,为第1页。Tick the statements according to what you do or th

11、ink.1. I think body language is an important way of expressing oneself._2. Learning body language will help me to communicate better with others._3. I pay attention to others body movements, gestures, and facial expressions in daily communication._4. I noticed that Westerners have a quite different

12、body language from Chinese people._5. I will learn to use body language properly in order to communicate more effectively with others._ Learning the new (知新)(35 mins)Activity 1: Lead in (5)Today we will learn Unit 3, a new unit. OK, lets first watch a short video. Watch it carefully and then Ill ask

13、 you some questions. Can you follow me?1.下面网址的视频做成幻灯片为第2页2.这个视频的内容是恐龙主题公园,里面介绍了各种各样的恐龙,不但能够听到他们的声音,也能触摸他们,大约2分多钟。3.看完后,老师做如下引导:What animals have you seen? Then can you hear its voice? Can you touch them? Please tell me what you can see and imagine what you can do.以下内容制作PPT,为第2页。播放视频1. 呈现PPT,点击第3页;2.

14、 让学生说一下所看到的图片。老师可以补充。最后引出这一节课所学习的内容。以下内容制作PPT,为第3页。师生互动参考OK. We have just watched a short video. Now questions.S1: 恐龙In English.S2: Dinosaurs. (学生回答完写到黑板上。) Well done. Then can you hear its voice?(齐声回答。)Yes, we can. you, please tell me what you can see and imagine what you can do.S: I can see differ

15、ent kinds of dinosaurs. They are very big. I can hear its voice. They can move. And I can touch them. It is very interesting. Thats a wonderful experience, isnt it? Yes. Class, have you seen the T-Rex? (学生摇头,或者沉默不语。老师呈现霸王龙的图片。如果有学生知道,可以让学生用中文简单解说一下。 You can see this is the T-Rex. It is called 霸王龙 in

16、 Chinese, which is very cruel (残忍的). All right, you can see them in the theme parks of dinosaurs. Today, we are going to study Unit 5 Theme parks.Activity 2 Learn some new words and phrases(15) T: Now lets learn some new words and expressions. First listen to the audio of the words and expressions.对

17、以下为音频进行截取:截取到no wonder OK. Read the new words and expressions after me and then translate the sentences into Chinese.1.呈现PPT,点击第9-23页;2.教师带读,学生跟读后翻译。以下内容制作PPT,为第4-19页。1. theme n. 主题Who can sing the theme song of “宫” ?谁会唱宫的主题曲?2. Camelot ParkCamelot Park is in the United Kingdom, where you can see kn

18、ights.Camelot公园在英国,在那里你可以看到骑士。3. central adj. 中央的Do you have a central air conditioner in your house?你家有中央空调吗?4. Dollywood Dollywood park is in the USA, where you can see country music group perform all year.Dollywood公园在美国,在那里你可以常年看到乡村音乐乐团演奏音乐。5. various adj. 各种各样的I can see various foods on the tabl

19、e.我看到各种各样的食物在桌子上。6. cartoon n. 动画There are four cartoon characters in the picture.图画里有4个动画人物。7. be famous for因而出名Steve is famous for iPhones.乔布斯因苹果手机而出名。8. roller coaster 过山车Do you want to ride on a roller coaster?你想要坐过山车吗?9. whichever Whichever girl you choose, there is one for you.无论你选择了哪一个女孩,总有一个

20、适合你。10. pirate n. 海盗This is a pirate ship.这是一艘海盗船。11. fairy tale童话When I was a little child, I liked to listen to this fairy tale.当我是个小孩的时候,我喜欢听这个童话故事。12. fantasy n. 幻想She sings the song of Fantasy. Fantasy is a good English song worth listening to time and time again.她唱了fantasy这首歌。幻想是一首非常好听的英文歌曲,值得

21、反复多次听。13. amusement n. 娱乐Playing cards is an amusement activity.打牌是一项娱乐活动。14. swing n. 秋千The child is playing on a swing.小孩正在荡秋千。15. attraction n. 吸引Your smile is a special attraction for me.你的微笑对我特别有吸引力。16. no wonder 难怪No wonder adolescent comic readers love him. 毫无疑问喜欢看漫画的少男少女们会喜爱他。汉译英1. T: 我昨天在动物

22、园里看到了各种各样的动物。 S1:I saw various animals in the zoo yesterday.2. T: 无论你选择哪本书,总有一本适合你。 S2: Whichever book you choose, there is one for you.3. T: 中国因茶叶而闻名。 S3: China is famous for tea.4. T: 他昨天熬夜了。难怪他今天那么困。 S4:He stayed up late yesterday. No wonder he is so sleepy today.1.呈现PPT,点击第20页;2.教师解释: Now put th

23、e following into Chinese.3.先呈现汉语,学生说完后,呈现英语,核对答案以下内容制作PPT,为第20页。Activity 3: Practice speaking: Talk and discuss (15)Task 1: Discuss traditional parks.Pairwork1.呈现PPT,点击第21页;2.教师解释:Look at the pictures. Then discuss with your partner the following questions.以下内容制作PPT,为第21页。1. Have you ever been to a

24、park?2. What have you seen in the park?3. What can you do in the park?参考的讨论 Now which group would like to come to the bb to report to the class?G1: Have you ever been to a park? Yes, of course. What have you seen in the park ? I have seen some trees, grasses, flowers, rocks, benches(凳子), a river or

25、a lake, or kind of a pool, paths, pavilions, a square, a rockery and so on. What can you do in the park? I can take a walk, walk a dog, do some sports, sit on the bench doing nothing, sing songs, play Chinese chess, have a date have a picnic,do fishing, , breathe the fresh air, enjoy beautiful scena

26、ries ,etc. Very good. Lets look at another group of pictures.Task 2: Discuss theme parks Just now we saw some traditional parks. Now lets look at the pictures above.They are the newly developed parks, which are also called theme parks. Pair workLook at the pictures. Then tell your partner what you c

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